Don't bring children to Avengers: Endgame

I'm so sick of parents that bring children to where they don't belong. This is a movie for adults, ok?
I wish Marvel would instate a ban on children from movie theaters, it's long overdue.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>don't bring a child to a childrens movie

In that soi boi's defense, he did say babies. and I agree, why the fuck would you bring an infant to any movie, they don't even understand being alive.

I would bring my baby to fuck with them, but I'm a virgin.

People with children don't watch superhero movies in the theater. They use it to entertain their kids at home while they make dinner.
MCU is exclusively watched by childless 30 year olds and chinks

>they don't even understand being alive
do you?

>replying to the phoneposting redditor

Bringing babies to any movies is not a good idea indeed. I mean what the hell, do you expect a toddler not to get spooked by the loud noises and crowd.

Fuck, I can't believe I replied to a reddit screenshot thread. Fuck you OP.

yeah there's gonna be enough screaming manbabies as is

Just like Marvel fans.

>reposting something literally from reddit

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>tfw when in UK and screaming manchildren, clapping, etc. is non existent in our threatres
Thank Christ too. I cringe hard enough from seeing those theatre reactions in the US. Only time a guy tried to get applause going for me was in 2012 during Skyfall. He awkwardly began clapping before it petered out really quickly cause that shit doesn't fly here in the most emotionally repressed island this side of the Atlantic.

There was some fucking degenerate who brought his child to the Spider-verse movie that was far worse than the kid. He narrated everything like a retard and whenever his kid chimed in we'd hear the idiot loudly telling them to be quiet.

Weirder still was when we were leaving, I realised the asshole had taken off his shirt and was sitting there half naked the whole time.

>baby starts crying
>"hey someone give that kid some orange slices"
>entire theater erupts into thunderous applauds
>president of Movies gives me key to unlimited popcorn refills

Fellow Bongoloid here, people legit clapped during Skyfall for me. It was very bizaree but I guess since its James Bond it has an upper class flare to it?

How come there is still people, who ate in denial about reddit state of Yea Forums? We took over your /secretclub/ a long time ago. Most posters came here from reddit.

Just get a vasectomy bro.

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>want to see endgame
>oh shit i have kids
>dump them at nearest babysitter
>turns out lots of parents want to see end game
>house packed with babies
>ask sitter out of curiosity if she has activities planned
>says she's going to take babies to see end game

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R*****ers took over the janny team but the users are still based hence the Sneed threads

Nigga you shouldn’t even bring babies to movies meant for 5 year olds. What’s your point?

>Go to a cinema in London
>Solid hour of adverts telling me that if I'm rude to people the police will find me

The irony is that the retarded manchildren who go see it will make it unwatchable with their constant laughing and clapping

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GoT generals were the beginning of the end

Now you get poosts on Yea Forums openly referring to this board as a "sub", people using reddit terms like "brigading" and "gatekeeping", and even posts just linking directly to reddit with nobody calling it out

Yea Forums died sometime after the LOST era

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Realistically how is there not an option for 18+ only movie slots.

This shit is released during school holidays here, so even if i wanted to see it I wouldnt, when i did see the last Avengers but there was indeed a kid crying, was an annoyance, but I'm so used to people here crying it wasn't a big deal, still rude of that faggot and his/her kid

they should have babies-only screenings of endgame
oh wait that's the opening night

Don't forget all the namefags.

you try finding a sitter than isn't a pedo m8

>having kids in the first place

There's a reason only women are hired as babysitters

please dont bring children anywhere!

Someones going to put their dick in them eventually, better sooner than later.

Tripfags/namefags were ironically more of a thing during the golden age than they are in the reddit shitfest Yea Forums is nowadays. Likely has something to do with the fact redditors don't consider this their home site and just want to shitpost and force memes rather than contribute anything meaningful

>taking your baby on purpose to dab on soimenschen

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I find it funny most people feel safer with a gay baby sitter over a straight one, when there are more gay pedos than straight.

Funny how the majority of child abusers are women

based sneed desu

No, they're not, incel retard. They are male homosexuals

I saw IW on opening night. I was surrounded by stereotypical ugly cringe worthy nerds. When the dusting happened that fat cunt behind my kept go 'oh no no no WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING! Nooooo!' kind of bullshit and let out a 'YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!?!?!' when Fury also got dusted in the post credits, and this was in the UK. Don't go to opening night if you aren't a cringe worthy ugly fat nerd that likes excessive laughing and noise.

Imagine treating capeshit flick like it's a new fucking space odyssey.

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Soi scum are kind of filtered out after the initial opening night stuff and early showings and so on. After that the theatre tends to be stacked with normies and college students.

what if they identify as women

>be retarded
>pay $50 for driving, parking, tickets and food
>experience is ruined because you're in a room with 100 other lardasses who are also chewing their food and letting their babies shit everywhere
>Bergstein Productions buys another yacht

Who the fuck beings a baby to a movie? What the fuck would they get out of it?

Yes they are, male feminist incel retard. Men are shamed into silence by our culture

Not everyone can get a sitter, you child molesting pedophile.

>... touché

why did the punk faggot scream "yeet" at a random guy?

>sit at home and watch comfortably for free
>corporate jew doesn't siphon more of your cash
Truly the future if it's ever possible

Imagine being brought up in a country were family aren't begging to look after your kids, and instead needing to rely on a complete stranger.

What's the best way to sabotage Endgame?

I was planning on getting popcorn then pouring coke over it, then throwing wet popcorn from the back seat

I tried it once and nobody did anything about it

You forgot your fedora tip in respect

Then stay home. You chose this life when you decided to have a kid, don't make other people suffer for your mistakes.

Spoil em the movie you dumb retarded fuck

better take him to the maxvision 3000 sensory assault cinema and cook his head with soundwaves instead

>film for literal toddlers
>"dont bring children"
What do these people smoke?

I don't wanna get caught though
If I throw popcorn from the back nobody can catch me, no staff, no light, and no one will cause a scene

Imagine being brought up in a country where 7-8 kids is normal but no jobs to keep you from your kids.

If you want to piss cunts off under 25, get a high pitched noise generator.
only people under 25 can hear it and most people over 30 don't know that only young people can hear them.

Children I saw at Infinity War were quiet,it was the adults who started screaming of excitement.

What went wrong?

Imagine going to so much effort just to see a shitty capeshit flick.

the biggest demographic for these movies is 18-49
Ive watched 16 mcu movies in theaters and Ive almost never seen a kid under 15-16


if you're white, don't have any children at all

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I say OH SHIT when anything, and I mean anything, happens on screen until I'm kicked out

What if I'm,white and married to a black woman?

>the biggest demographic for these movies is 18-49
Youre misunderstanding kid. Im talking about the film itself. The thematic content and the story/characters are on the level of what a 12 year old would see in the comics targetted specifically at him.

>This is the case with all movie showings, not just Endgame. But especially Avengers: Endgame.
Holy shit, the Marveldrones really are delusional.

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>Do NOT bring a whiny crying baby to MY theater.

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What is it with manchildren getting mad children are going to kids movies?

This is fair. Parents brought babies and very young children to the showing of shazam I saw and anytime the sins appeared there was just hysterical screaming and crying to such an extent that they would have to leave the theater anytime they showed up

Mankids are mad kids do anything that overlap with their hobbies and interests

Babies get SIDS sometimes.


It's like holding up a mirror to an ugly person who thinks they're handsome.

This. Its like showing /pol/tards images of themselves and they suddenly realize that they dont look like the Hitler youth propaganda posters.

I wouldn't be surprised if the gay ones weren't even pedos, but desperate bottoms in denial that only go after smaller and weaker targets to be sure that it's not their mouth or ass getting fucked.

>Implying I don't

Post pic then mein Kind.

commit suicide

Wow that's pretty ageist, this guy needs to be banned from Reddit for his bigotry

You first :^)

Im not the one claiming to look like a HJ poster.

baby =/= child

Because you don't you ugly mong

Buy up a bunch of tickets then donate them to special needs kids
You piss off manchildren while doing a genuinely good thing

You probably look like that guy who killed the fat American woman after driving her over in that white power rally.

Penis inspection won't be as fun.

>using memes from black twitter

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Is this you?

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Nice assumptions with zero evidence, do you assume this of everyone who's better than you, you whiny incel?

Are you posting men you find attractive from your wank bank now?

Have sex

>no u
Not entirely suprising, but hilarious nontheless. It really is funny how a simple post about /pol/ always manages to trigger one of you "white" American Übermenschen.
You claim to look like the personification of Wotan, yet you dont have the balls to substantiate your claims? Yikes

You are really defensive about this, I can't imagine how hideous you must be

The sins were freaking scary breaux
Didn’t know they would be in the film


>having children
Pic related is the intellectuals solution

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I wish I had a baby just so I could ruin the movie for everyone in the theater.

It's actually sad how you've build this imaginary antagonist in your mind so you can obssess over when you realise your life hasn't got the way you wanted it to. You attack others for being ugly looking as a way to cope with your own hideous looks, and not only that but you being your cringy obssession with politics into in to, which is also born from a national inferiority complex. One day maybe you'll have sex and learn to let go of these meaningless gripes but it's unlikely that will ever happen.
I am truly sorry.
I'm not the one who threw a shitfit because I was asked to post a picture of my face.

what the fuck is this reddit shit doing as an actual thread?

whiteoids are unironically doomed

Wish I was abused by a woman

>all that salty text noone will read
Is this you Odin?

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>babies != children
So this is clickbait.
Also, you're unironically a shitty person for taking babies to the movies.

This but unironically.

I don't know why you have so many pictures saved and I'm afraid to ask.

Look at this fine specimen. Dr. Göbbels will be pleased.

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I won't be taking my husband then.

I hope this will be the end of capeshit. You fuckwads are insufferable. More so than a crying baby.

Oh, is this the picture of you I asked for? It's about what I expected.

Look at this shitfit

>This is a movie for adults, ok?

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Skyfall is an exception to the rule

I'm not particularly proud of being a Bong but it's so full of outrageously patriotic imagery and stiff upper lippedness that it's hard not to get swept up in it all

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We must secure a future...

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Keep spamming your pictures of fat men you want to fuck loser.

>going to see spider verse

Youre the loser in this stoey bucko

You're so defensive, I'm not even that guy

Fuck off newkike

What's sad is you think I care about you wasting your time spamming these pics and you actually think this will change something.

Why do you think so sexual about those pictures? Do you wanna fuck em too?

You're from the same place I'm sure, also your definition of defensive is very out of whack.

You keep replying retard

>Aryan superhuman user while getting triggered. Colorized 2019

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When I went to see the first Avengers, there was a woman with a stroller sitting at the end of my row

>not wanting to introduce your kids to sex as early as possible

You’re raising betas any other way

>no u
Not entirely suprising, but hilarious nontheless. It really is funny how a simple post about your stupid spam always manages to trigger one of you whiny incels.
If you haven't notice so are you
Do you have like a database of these? Why?

that's what family is for

Which one are you?

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>oh man I can't call people niggers it's 1984!!

Is this from you "in case of butthurt" folder?

people clapped when i went to the midnight opening of starwars 7 and then when i went to the midnight opening of starwars 8 a few people booed, only times ive ever see something like that

Are capeshit movies finally over after this?

It really is only an american thing in my experience. Canadians don't do shit like clapping in the movie theatre either

53% of...

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lmfao this is so true


Sounds like you need some butt cream m8

It doesn't surprise me that someone like you is in a reddit thread about capeshit.
Can you stop literally copy what I say and come up with something new? God, you're pathetic.

I gotta take my wifes son but hes in middle school and is already 6 ft tall.

Lol u mad

Yeah, you're the epic troll, the one who is in a group of three others spamming me with (You)s because I made a joke about something that you took seriously.

Sounds like you're one of the babies the manchildren don't want

You really are bad at this.

>they've given up already
C'mon, I thought you wanted to kick all le ebul /pol/tards from reddit 2.

oh no, you were distracted by a baby while consuming propaganda, poor you.

>he cute

Have your baby daddy watch the creature while you see it., then trade off

Just go back.

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A baby isn't a person yet.

I didn’t think I’d see the governor of Virginia on here.

I didn't think you'd recognize me behind the blackface.

>nobody wants to head a screaming, obnoxious child in the theater during any movie
seems a bit contradictory considering only screaming, obnoxious children watch these movies huh

>2045: bitch nigga brain scans to be allowed into the holotheater to ensure you don't start frying and ooking like a basedboy

Usually I make down syndrome grunting noises. I like to sit a row up or down from a real retard so people will think they're the one doing it



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r*ddit is right, infants don't belong in movie theatres

Why are millenials such little bitches?
New study proves millennials are the richest generation in human history. No one has ever lived better than you are

>Redditman specificly writes "baby", who will no doubt scream and cry
>low iq 4channel incel baits "child" who would probably gets antsy but sill sit and watch
>low iq thread is born

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>Takes you a fucking hour to come up with a shitty mspaint drawing

Don't bring children to a Marvel movie. The soibois will likely molest them.

>has never seen a brainlet meme before

go back
to reddit

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it's a fucking children movie

have to agree. You dont get to go to the movies if you have a baby

>still thinks wojak edits are funny
You don't belong here.

I wish I had a baby just so I could bring it to this movie and have it raise hell. One of the few times I wish I was a nigger because no white soiboi would have the balls to ask me to take care of the kid.

>Be rude to people online
>Get fine 1200$ by county
>Can't pay
>They send bailifs to my house to collect the money
>They break in through the front door
>They take all my stuff worth 1800$ because of moving fees to the auctions and my car
>Can't pay rent anymore because bailifs took all my work equipment and car
>2 months later bailifs come again
>Barge in my front door with police
>Pushed around they call the police
>I am forced on the street to be homeless in winter
>Kosovan immigrant neighbors who haven't payed rent in 2 years and live off council housing benefits smiling as I leave the neighborhood one last time with just a bag of my clothes

So your mspaint drawing are premade? So you actually spent the whole hour seething?

nice cope, manbaby

This. Real movies are one thing.

>user can look after the kids when we go out
>*two days later*
>its ok user we made other arrangements for the kids, you can come with us!
wouldnt be too bad but it has happened to me twice now

Babies are different than kids. Babies can just randomly outburst and cry relentlessly until they’ve been serviced (diaper, bottle, held up and walked around the room). That’s fine and I love babies and it’s cute that they require this level of care... however don’t be an insensitive fuck parent who:1. Brings his infant to a cinema where they will be subject to extremely loud sound systems that will startle them. 2. Subscribe to the “let them cry it out” method of parenting. 3. Are parents that still immature enough to watch capeshit.

Soi Jim Crow when

I wasnt even going to see it but im bringing my 2 month old to the premier now

>This is a movie for adults
I'm not sure if serious or trolling. It's a movie for kids and to enjoy it with your family, OP. I will go with my kids for sure.

Holy shit, they actually had the non-whites insult people.

Already have "flyers" printed up with all the spoilers on it. Going to tape them up in the restroom before the movie

But... user... the main target IS manchildren.

How about you don't go to the movies at all if you have a kid? Have some responsibility.
>leaving your kid to a stranger or anyone else who can diddle him and no one would find out

It's funny that the target audience for this movie would have been born after the first Iron /man movie was released.

>go see avengers endgame
>instense fight scene between antag and protag
>slouch down my baby seat, throw down my pacifier and yell
>everyone laughs
>basedbearded nerd sucks the remaining estrogen out of his system and says “You aight infant boi?”
>I hear “he cute” from one of the tumblrinas

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>Woman offended at facts.
More news at 12pm.

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why shouldn't somebody go to movies if they have a child? they're repopulating the next generation.

To add here a more proper reason to not bring a baby to a movie theater is the auditory stress it can cause them

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How can nwo4life07 ever recover? Absolutely BTFO!

>using Twitter memes

Holy shit that triggered them good.

If you include digital rape (by fingers or implements), then women are the top rapers.


Damn that's some hot Milf back that there


Damn right. We have been waiting for this moment for 10 years. TEN YEARS. You're babies have been alive for ten minutes. Don't fuck with us.

based and redpilled