What is next for her television career?

What is next for her television career?

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hopefully a show where she takes down white roasties. someone post THAT webm

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Me holding her and fucking her standing up. If you haven't done this you are basically still a Virgin btw

facial abuse

being my wife and cleaning my house.

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absolutely based

handjob japan


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imagine man-handling her around the house

I got a weird vibe from that couple, not just from this moment, although that was the single most cringeworthy bit. She seemed very jealous and neurotic. I think he is cheating but because they have young kids she is trying to hold it together but slowly losing her shit.

is she married btw

why dont white women wear cute wholesome clothes like this

yeah we're married

I'd love to pin her down and stamp on her face repeatedly until her teeth are splintered and her eyes are bruised, bloodshot slits. I'd force my erect penis down her throat while she warbles and cries with agony like a drowning puppy

My wife does, maybe you're dating the wrong women user?

>that "less sentiment" sublimal programming to get white men to drop their white wives and get AZN ones

based, I'm happy for you bro

thanks fren
i have no idea if she's married, haven't looked it up

married with 2 children

i don't think white men need any messaging to prefer asian women, just getting the chance to be around them is enough

I feel bad for her kids, they'll be like 3 feet tall

is the middle one his wife?


yes the wh*te one

>3 feet tall
only a problem if they're boys

why do you censor the word white?

wtf is that

that's the most awkward thing i've seen. someone is cheating on someone

just checked, your in luck she has two girls

>tattooed whore
nice *wife* you have there

>tfw my wife is a qt marie kondo lookalike with similar conservative values

its a good life anons.

smol girls are the absolute best

I have an Asian gf from a wealthy family, at the moment she doesn't work, while I do. She cleans, does the laundry and also cooks delicious meals for me every day. I can only imagine the horror of having to endure a white roastie as a gf/wife.

living the dream

for me, it's IBW-495

censored shit lmao @ cuck


welcome newfriend!

>just going out for another girl's night. see ya tomorrow user
>nah i don't wanna watch that
>user, you're holding me back
>why do you spend so much time on that website anyway
>nah, i don't feel like it. i'm gonna order some food, you want anything
>i wanna go to machu picchu
>how come you don't do nice things for me anymore

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For me, it's MIAD-711

>i wanna go to machu picchu

kek, got me there

post wife tits

>Yui Saotome

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she's going to be a talking head of some japanese talk show, discussing how different the american entertainment industry is from japan's

Is the KTDS or MUM series better?

where do you get your loli javs anons


those feet on my face

if you're after loli shit the mum series is made for you, ktds has more variantion in the type of women they cast.
javdoe, javmost, javfull...literally any jav site, it's not a secret hidden genre, nips are blatant pedos and don't even bother to pretend otherwise

Based y footpilled

>their powers combined

for me, it's DVDES-836

That's gonna be a no from me dawg

how did you attain such a nice gf?

I mean, they are the only ones who share your ideology.

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the power of imagination

Asians are the latest bbc addicts.

>at the moment she doesn't work, while I do.

What a cuck.

Imagine having a filthy Vietnamese or Philippino wife like this guy.
All of the good Asians are already ruined like the Western whores they wish they were.

Imaging unironically having to put up with a woman for the rest of your life.

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Is this the thread where lonely neckbeards fight over whether their imaginary girlfriend is white or asian?

that's you should just hook up with a kid instead

Destroying Jordan Peterson in a live debate

Have her own Sneedsons episode.


what are you a fag?

no it's the based jav thread

Shit I didn't notice that. What a lad!

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It's not home not hugging his wife that gets me, it's that fucking dead 1000 mile stare and his hugs that are so lifeless. He really really doesn't want to be there. The only people he likes are probably his co-workers

I love how she makes hoarders seeth. Wouldn't call myself a minimalist but I'm moving into a new room this weekend and the longest part is the 30 minute drive. My current roommate won't even let me throw away a fucking deflated birthday balloon from 4 years ago.

>My current roommate won't even let me

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have sex

The way the two nips move toward him to greet him and welcome him home while t turbo cunt wife just stands there

>I love how she makes hoarders seeth

I don't know much about her or the show but no-one who upsets hoarders can be a dead loss. Filthy swine.

based white females

for me, it's FLAV-112

they are so small and cute, you could fit half of it in your mouth

She's jewish.

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me too bro

he actually said it


Jesus christ you're salted. There are some that are a pleasure to be around, nonstop. A very small fraction, perhaps, but they exist


sucking my cock with no survivors

scat jav

It's a banned word.

Greg Lansky kino.


mmmmmm bet her pantyhosed feet smell real nice

The white roastie fears the samurai

She's actually Chinese.

that'd be everyone then, as foreigners dont count. right?

I noticed that immediately. They have no love. He doesn't respect her and she knows it. The wife drips venom and does that "make a joke but I'm actually condescending" at Maria all episode. I couldn't believe this was the first episode, she's that unlikable. The dig that she assumes Maria's kids are angels and Maria just doesn't "get" real kids are messy was a super bitch comment but it only made her look worse.

This chick was on another reality show (or they were on HGTV or something). I found her Instagram. Their boy has special needs. I'm not sure to what capacity but she milks it under the guise of awareness. My guess is she feels the burden is solely on her. I'm sure he sees it as "what do you do all day?". She reads like a teenager who thought having kids would be this mystical thing that would work itself out. He thought she would get grounded, but the more she grounded the more she complained. Sad shit for the kids. That tattoo is also garbage. I

For me it’s Don’t Break Me, Exxxtrasmall, Tiny4k


Peterson vs. Kondo debate when?

Zizek btfo Peterson on the hierarchy and Marxism shit. I can't wait to see Kondo outdo Peterson on the self help stuff.

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Literally what the fuck is this. What the fuck are you faggots watching. This doesn't look like a cinema or film to me

not for long


>cinema or film
That's not the name of the board

netflix JAV

A BBC gangbang

>for me, it's DANDY-400


Bakky produced Kondo av...

that's pretty rude pal

Tfw no japanese wife lads

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I know a guy with a Japanese wife, she is sweet nd friendly and their daughters are cute. He's a lucky guy

Any good pics of her feeties?

for me it's DANDY-368

That's a biblical relationship, user. God bless.

So was Marie going in for a hug or a handshake?

>people are watching other people clean for entertainment
Why? Who the fuck cares? Host is a gook midget on top of that lmao.

Knowing the difference between gooks, chinks and nips is extremely important.
It could save your life.

SW-399 is cleaning kino

>dress and pantyhose combo
God damn she's too fucking cute

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