I lived under the stairwell of my local cinema for 4 months when my lease lapsed and I was broke

I lived under the stairwell of my local cinema for 4 months when my lease lapsed and I was broke.

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get a job you bludger

Is the homeless life hard?
I think I will know it in a couple month

did you work there also

I was working. I just had horrible debt and couldn't find another rental quick enough. In the end my mother allowed me to store my furniture in her garage and spare room. I told her I was staying a friend until I got another place.

I was working homeless, or at least for part of it, and it sucked though no one would know I was homeless.

Not in the cinema.

I'm thinking about moving to LA soon, how do I get a place to live for Rent Free?

Suck dick or live wherever you can.

>I was working homeless
How did you stay clean, like showering etc?

Cinema was located adjacent to a massive shopping precinct. There was a 24 hour gym and membership was $14.95 a month.


how come the security didnt kick you out from there

Homeless shelter my dude.

That's why I left in the end. Before that they just didn't notice me. It was a dead corner of the cinema and no cameras were pointed on it. The stairwell had a whole bunch of cardboard stands in front of it with a fire exit on the level above. I think anyone watching security cameras would just thinking I was leaving out the fire exit. If I had been more careful they never would have found me.

So what was it like when they found you?

Embarrassing. I came back to my hidey hole and saw my shit had been searched through and so instantly packed my bag and left but they stopped me on the way out.
There was a bunch of talk about pressing charges but as I hadn't really done anything other than trespassing in the end they just let me go. So embarrassing though.

Where do you live now? How are you even posting?

Your mother sounds like a horrible cunt. You couldn't live in that spare room then?

I live on my own in a rented house. I just needed time to get a rental. I was applying for places whilst I was homeless but I just wasn't getting approved for the places I was applying. After I got kicked out I told my mother things hadn't worked out and took up her offer to stay with her. I got approved for a place a few weeks later.

No. She offered. It was me being pathetic. I lied and said I had a place lined up and would be staying with a friend because I didn't want her to worry or pry into my financial situation. I was just ashamed. She doesn't know what a fuck up I am and still thinks I'm great. I had to take up her offer after.

yer a retard 'arry

I know.

Glad you got back on your feet user. Also now youve got a cool story to tell people

know harder

unironically a kino story, you could make a book out of this and sell the film rights to a studio

I would only tell anonymous people online.

I can't. I'm too retarded.

I don't know if anyone wants to watch that.

come live with me ill put you up for free
you can eat my butt and suck on my peepee
you can cook my food and tuck me into bed
tell me bedtime story then give me some good head

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you just have to embellish it a bit and add a few minority characters to the story, it will get lapped up

Can't be any worse than the shit Disney pumps out, I guess.

Cast it.

>morgan freeman as the folksy lovable older black gentleman theater manger that pretends as if he doesnt know op is sleeping under the stairs

Evil white male security guard determined to prove there is someone living in the cinema played by Tim Roth.

how they allowed you to live there?

tell you what, if you take estrogen and shave your body hear clean and suck my dick and let me fuck you in the ass I'll buy you lunch

Read the thread you stupid piece of shit.

isn't this how tarantino started out

Are you American, OP?

No, why?

Danny DeVito as lovable but gruff mouse that OP befriends to help keep sane

Ayo how come no one upvoted this fucking kino reply?

you're an orphan?

>Salma Hayek as the tantalizing MILF Mexican janitor who OP falls in love with and eventually has sex with in a storage closet

>how do I get a place to live for Rent Free?
stop thinking about the president of the united states of america, Donald J Trump.

Because mental issues coming with the irrational desire to pay rent to landlords (not even for purpose of living with someone else or moving to another city) instead of saving money and living with parents sounds very American.

As I understood, you had the same job, before and after your lease lapsed, so you lived in the same city as your mom. And you also don't have a gf/bf. So why the fuck did you move out in the first place?

there was an award-winning doc about a guy who ate only mcdonalds for a while...

My landlord told me they would need me to move out because their son was going to be living in the house they rented to me so they would need to me to vacate when my lease lapsed.
Not that it matters but I found out in the end they just renovated the house then upped the rent.

Are you dense? Why did you move out of your parents' home?

I had been moved out for almost three years before this happened.

I was homeless for a year, living in my car. That's life, user. Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes everything is shit.

so you had 3 years to prepare and prevent something like this to happen
and yet here you are

You say, you were kicked out by your parents?

how old are you

I think you're lying and your mom is a cunt and kicked you out and didn't offer you a place to stay

Basically I'd been living independently for three years. I had a job but just lived beyond my means. Then the rug got pulled out from under me when my landlords told me they wouldn't be renewing my lease so I had to find another place and it took me way longer to find a place than I anticipated. I had told some lies of out pride and in the end crawled under a stairwell after walking behind some cardboard stands to cry without being seen.
When people tell you to have six months savings for emergencies listen to them.




Do you ever go back to the Kinoplex to watch movies?

I'm not supposed to go but I have gone back and no one said anything.
I saw Last Jedi there.

Motherfucker, can you tell explicitly the exact reason why did you decide to move out from your mum if you didn't have a partner and you still lived in the same city?


It's just what you do. I was working and had the means to support myself so decided to move out and live alone.
Met a girl and lived with her a bit under a year then moved to a new place on my own again.

Just make your character a murderer who murders customers in cinemas as they watch movies about murderers.

Or you could save money for buying/mortgaging property instead of paying rent, retards.

Wow, that was rude. Fuck your thread then.

I never had the ambition to own a house. I'm starting to but it had never been something I cared for in the past because it always seemed out of the realms of possibility.

Not me. But he was right.

Do you have any interesting, cool or spooky stories from your time living in the cinema stairwell?

do a little math

I lived inside an actual cinema in a hiding space. Could come and go through the fire exits which don't have alarms, no cameras inside a cinema.

Some people prefer not leeching off their parents until getting married, Jung-Woo.

here come the mutts

Not really. When I was first there I used to panic at every noise and couldn't relax but in the end it was basically home and I was used to everything. When I got the balls to run an extension cord to the outlet near the stairwell I legitimately just shitposted online here with my laptop.
I'd like to say I raided popcorn and had adventures and shit but I knew where the cameras where and once I was done for the night the only stay in my hole or leave knowing I wouldn't be back until the next day. It was really just a place to sleep.

Imagine being this much of a soi slurping cuck.

we know it's still you mutt

Fiesty dipshit metalhead cleaner with headphones who slowly befriends the tard while polishing the floors and tells him touching anecdotes about life that help to put his situation in perspective and teach him about his value as a person played by peter dinklage.

I hope you'll start taking care of your parents when you finally get that job you studied 26 years to get, Tae-Yang.

congrats on your crime op.

Based mummy.

Honestly I don't know what I would have done without her. I suppose I pay for a storage unit and stay in it with my furniture. I've got no idea how much that storage costs though. I really didn't think it would take so long to find another rental. Makes me think about how easy it is for a comfy life to just turn to shit because you haven't planned ahead enough.

>I'm thinking about moving to LA soon

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Ah ha ha

Do yourself a favor and stay wherever the fuck you are. If only you knew how bad things really are

based capitalism

No sir. It is you who should be off-fucking.

>Because mental issues coming with the irrational desire to pay rent to landlords (not even for purpose of living with someone else or moving to another city) instead of saving money and living with parents sounds very American.
It's also a continental European way of life. Living with your parents past the age of 18 is seen as a developmental issue here in Germany. Which is funny, since I've been living on my own for 10 years now and my mental disorders have only gotten worse from the isolation.

How bad are they Mr Cryptic? Does this end with muh white genocide or muh coloured hair etc?

Well, you’ve got to clear up space for your Arabic replacements, after all...

Yeah except then you have to live with your parents like a fucking child
Can you seriously imagine being in your mid-late 20s and living with mommy and daddy


Fucking faggot

lol loser.

I am 34 and live with my parents

How much do you have in savings?

little, I am a NEET and give my welfare to them

What the fuck? Why even mention that? It sounded like you were giving a contrary example to that guy's argument.

Sorry us neets live by our own rules, one might even call us the real chads

lol, stay mad wagecuck

Yeah, but that one would obviously be mistaken or perhaps brain-damaged.

pride is indeed a motherfucker




>When I got the balls to run an extension cord to the outlet near the stairwell I legitimately just shitposted online here with my laptop.
>You may been called a faggot by a homeless guy living under the stairs of his local cinema.

It's stories like these that keep me coming back to Yea Forums.

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Would work better as a sitcom.

>parents literally kick kids out of a perfectly good house with plenty of room so they can live in poverty and homelessness

Such is life in america

>he doesn't sacrifice his dignity, settles for a 2/10 post-wall roastie, then sponges like a neet off of her

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Too proud, I see. Don't be ashamed for it hardens you.

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I lived in New York 2 weeks as a homeless. One of the worst experiences of my life. I just don't know how those bums can withstand the cold

And I didn't have any trouble and lived a happy life using my parents' money for more than two decades.