>By the way, Mr. Zizel announced he will donate his share of the profit to charity.
>Anyway, the debate...
How the fuck is this greedy fraud so unaware? And why does his reddit audience give him a pass?
By the way, Mr. Zizel announced he will donate his share of the profit to charity
Where do I watch this gay shit?
he makes 5 million a year
source: himself
I'll admit that Zizek is pretty based for donating his money, which is the complete opposite of when all the other shill kike Marxists complain about capitalism yet gain thousands of dollars every month from their patreon
Considering what his patreon was before he left, plus sales from books, university salary, speaking fees, etc. that's probably not far off.
oh lawd he comin'
Peterson will never recover from this "debate".
The stream on Peterson's site went down too (the one he charged money to watch lmao)
If you believe rich people don't exist in a Marxist society you are stupid.
Well, he is Slavic after all.
Just read his damn book. Be responsible for your own damn life, and stop obsessing with the man like he’s a savior. Save your own damn self
is any man as based as Zizek
akimbo hotdogs
This retard is really selling clothes?
>Just read his damn book.
Fuck off redit
that's his daughter
That's the point.
I've not watched all of the debate yet but it is becoming clear that Peterson has only ever read the communist manifesto
It’s not worth it
>it's a "autistic millennial subhumans listen to schizo boomers ramble about dead ideologies for 3 hours" episode
Your patreon donations at work, millennials.
What is a "Marxist society"?
If you mean gommunism, then there is no "riches" to speak of.
If you mean actual unironical socialism, as in USSR, then all "rich people" are criminals.
how old are you?
Peterson's daughter is a roastie who is single with a mutt child LMAO dumb bitch takes pics with her ugly mutt abomination in the background
Haha imagine a hypothetical scenario where one would be proud to wear JBP merch, and hope that someone recognizes that fact.
It just means you can't become rich by stealing the surplus value of workers, like capitalists do.
Peterson is based and leaves r*ddit seething.
Might be a communist now. Holy shit Peterson was destroyed.
How much in debt are you, millennial?
Petersons Daughter is better.
Can someone explain to me why millennials follow these literally who's?
Why do millennials just follow random people for no reason at all?
Is it that easy to fool you?
It’s incredible how someone can say things so unsubversive and trigger people from all sides
>literally who
fuck off zoomer
Who the fuck is this slav?
Peterson's daughter has a disturbing lack of thigh gap. I'd rather breed the Euro trash brunette.
has there ever been a group of outsiders happier to be a consumer target market than /pol/cels?
no debt whatsoever
now answer my question
outside of jbp merch, its a cool shirt, especially if u like to eat lobster
>being straight edge means you can’t just engage in conversation with people playing a drinking game
Why bother being there at all
>no debt
So, you just live with your parents and haven't gone to college?
Why do whites make this face?
So that's why millennials follow these drunk, old farts.
Two people good at building cults of personality. They follow them because of the absence of the church or families of there own.
Nah his audience is just reddit
it's the "I hate niggers" face
He's one of the most influential philosopher and intellectual alive but no surprise you never heard of him you brainlet.
no, I'm just not american. college is free.
I'm gonna assume since you refuse to reveal your age, you're a millennial yourself.
Communism is a meme
it destroyed Chinese civilization
Zizek is /ourguy/
It's his ex wife, analia Hounie
>philosopher and intellectual
Is this another tag that millennials apply to random drunk old farts to make it sound good, just like how you call your glorified internet shitposting a "culture war"?
Why do you do this?
90% of millenials have never heard of these guys, you live in a fantasy world
>philospher alive
Oh so he doesn't matter at all then
>you need to read a 12 foot stack of books to realize communism was shit
>boomer philosopher
ayy lmao
again, fuck off zoomer
go back to playground
fuck off zoomers
>literally who vs clean ur room
The fact that people consider Zizek and Peterson to be among the greatest philosophers alive is proof that philosophy in the west is fucking dead.
>They follow them because of the absence of the church or families of there own
How to spot a /pol/ conservative moral faggot. Off yourself.
Let us hear, is he a politician?
Is he in any position of power?
What does he do to improve the world?
And no, speaking to a bunch of millennials doesn't improve the world because millennials never get off their asses to do anything at all.
They don't like Peterson
But China is the most powerful country in the world right now? Defying the crisis cycles of western capitalism for years?
>millenials are one group
you live in a fantasy world that doesn't correspond to reality at all
Pol sees peterson as a depressed degenerate retard.
The other guy is a fat moron communist.
Who gives a literal fuck.
These two remind me of Cara Develeign or however the fuck her name is.
Came out of nowhere, nobody knows exactly when they became big, random people follow them for no reason and are obviously in this exclusively for the easy money.
Thee are the same people who would be In church 50 years ago. Theyre searching for meaning because something is missing. No one way is better.
do you take pride in those public displays of your subhuman idiocy?
Would have preferred to see a Land Zizek debate
What really? Thought she was married.
Like Billie eyelash too
Who but millennials listen to these two retards?
Certainly not boomers, they know their own and can see that they are just trying to scam people.
what is that p1 shit supposed to symbolize? I have no idea about these low-effort commie memes
>anti white shill literally has no rebuttal
>don't know who this guy who is world renown since before I was born
>gonna call everyone a millennial
its sad when anons try to save face in an anonymous website
>But China is the most powerful country in the world right now?
Is this what leftists tell themselves? They can't even reconquer a breakaway province like Taiwan without getting muscled back by a country half a world away with fifty other things on its mind.
Buy my carpet, libtard
Just because you call yourself a philosopher doesn't mean that you are anything more than a drunk retard.
Anyone with an IQ of, at least, double digits, can see that Peterson and Zizek are frauds.
>Be marxist
>Be crypto marxist
>Have debate
90% of millenials have never heard of either of them
>Certainly not boomers, they know their own and can see that they are just trying to scam people.
That's not true, boomers are the most likely people to get scammed. What you are saying does not correspond to reality.
Why is he world renowned? Is he known by anyone but autistic millennial idealists?
What does he do?
What power does he have if he talks so much about politics?
Don't mind the retard
Zizek is an actual intellectual, not like Peterson who's mostly a fraud with a laughingly bad understanding of the basics of the philosophical topics he dares explain to his audience.
You may disagree with Zizek, I'm not a fan myself, but I never physically cringed at his explanation of a concept, can't say the same thing for Peterson.
You're embarrassing to read, you know this is an anonymous website right? Just stop defending your retardation and move on.
Good point, but I still wouldn't consider him to be great. He's just the thin layer of liquid shit on top of the solid bed-rock of shit that is other philosophers in western nations.
I would prefer seeing Nick Land and his neo-revolutionary army squared and shot methodically.
But /pol/ says hes a jew
ISnt Marxism by nature accelerationist
>post XIX century
>actual intelectual
Con artists, and millennials eat this shit up.
>kill thousands of your own men and risk a major war to reacquire a minor asset
>economically eclipse said asset and make life so much better where you are that, by comparison, they want to join you
Can you really not see why China would opt for the second? The funny part is that the US can't do anything about it, either.
Imagine being an idealist in the 2010s.
Why do you do this to yourselves?
You haven't read any intellectuals no matter the century. The stuff you say doesn't correspond to reality at all
Is this some kind of Youtube Poop or political satire?
Nothing either of them says makes any sense at all.
Who's the next great white hope for /pol/ now that Peterson has been exposed as a brainlet?
Left accelerationism is a thing but I don't think Marxism is inherently accelerationist. The debate between Menshiviks and Bolsheviks had elements of accelerationism to it.
Peterson should've stuck to teaching retards poli sci
It’s pseudo intellectual navel gazing for the degrasse Tyson crowd
What I don't understand is why millennial activists look up to a bunch of literally whos.
Why do you do this?
What's the point?
Why are you such brainlets that you need old people to tell you what to think?
Are millennials this much of bunch of sheep?
You have to enforce this somehow, by the power of the totalitarian state or by the power of autism. So, it's either Marxist fantasy (gommunism) or Marxist reality (socialism or "state capitalism"). Both of them doesn't have rich people.
>Still being a capitalist
Why are you saying this? It doesn't correspond with reality. It has no actual meaning outside of your head
If you don't, why care at all about this?
He made $50k a month on Patreon at one point alone. He sold a ton of books too.
But soviet union was all about stealing shit, especially products.
>caring about anything at all except your personal profit
Yeah, keep "saving the world" while I become rich and have a more prosper life than any of you saviours or any of your children will have.
Millenial voting paterns are consistent all acroos the western world - open borders corporate cocksucking gibmonkeys that love authoritarian boot on their necks.
That's not true though, evidence doesn't back that up. What you are saying does not correspond to reality
ITT a polite canadian man leaves reddi/tv/ in a seething fit of rage.
Reminder that parasites like Zizek can only live in capitalist society with subsidized government services, because under his faggotty system the value of his labor would be zero.