Tfw no gf

tfw no gf

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no gf but a nigga got dubs

>tfw no gf
>tfw wouldn't know what to do with gf

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There are worse feels than simply no gf, of that I can assure you. I suffer them daily.

agreed, a gf won't take the pain, it may soft it, or make it worst, and you will realize you were better alone

you don't know what true pain you spoiled will never know the feeling when you go homeless and all your dreams shatter.

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gf's are overrated.
imagine owning just one porn movie that you have to jack off to day after day. its fine for a while then you'll get bored.
gfs are like that.

>a gf won't take the pain
>There are worse feels than simply no gf

tfw gf

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thats all i really want ._.

>tfw masturbated to degenerate porn again

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my farts smell like death, i guess i'm rotting from the inside out.

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Yes we get it you're white.


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>You get a gf
>You feel happy for a while
>You slowly realize that wasn't the only problem in your life
>You get paranoid about her leaving you
>You still feel shit

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>tfw no gf
More kinoplex money for myself

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no, all my problems disappeared when I had a gf

tfw no tall gf with big feet

stay pure user
dont even bother

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ASMR is so cringe yet that's how I cope with pain

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get a waifu

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I'm thinking about going gay bros no joke I just need sex and company

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I want to die.

just take the Cute and funny pill already. Porn is down, ASMR is middle ground and this is the only way up

>just saw the one girl who was even close to a gf to me last year is now in a happy relationship
wat do bros

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wait is that guy? Too cute to be a girl at that age

>have gf
>want to be single
>be single
>want gf

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enjoy your aids

I get all the pussy I want but can't find a stable job for the life of me. 32 now will be dead in 8 years. Fuck I wish I was born smarter...

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bonbibonkers is female

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embrace the secret lover, now that you're an adult you can birth her - you just need enough energy

>tfw get matches on tinder
>tfw don’t know what to do next
>tfw awkward silence
>tfw unmatch

>tfw no gf but get laid regularly

it's the correct way to live

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Get her back by fucking her boyfriend

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maybe there's hope if true

Thats why i dont actually want a gf, I want the good old fuckbuddy so i can get sex and affection then leave when it gets boring and not have to worry about being up to some sort of bf standard

>posts the blandest and lamest girl of them all
Maybe you shouldn't cope, maybe you should kill yourself instead

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the love of my life and ex gf of 5 years is now happily married

i've been with a few girls since she left me, but i never really felt what i felt for her since then. i still miss her.
now i'm lonely and miserable.making good progress in my carreer and shit but feel empty inside. life feels kind of pointless and i wonder if i can love someone like i loved her. am i going to have to have kids with some bitch i do not love? fuck


teach me your ways

>tfw had a dream about celebrating Christmas with a (an ex coworker who didn’t like me back) gf in her parents mansion and then spending a night with her in bed, not fucking just lying there and talking.

Her chin is too small and bony

she's still developing

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Ooooh I assumed she was 18+. Turns out she isn't. This all makes sense now. There's no hope

>There's no hope
Don't say that, bro

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Until eternal youth and beauty is a thing, there's no hope. I'm a little bi and its so obvious how boys still look young well into their 20's, while girls turn into woman's by 21-22

degenerate homosexual

>>a gf won't take the pain
No. Whamyn can't soak up your unhappiness. They can't even understand it. And whether it takes a few weeks or a few months or a few years, they will come to resent it and despise you for it.

thats coz we all work and becoming successful

I always though there was something sticking out of his head.

>work and becoming successful
heh... yeah

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Eh I don't like Darling that much anyways

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This. No good options.
>I'm a little bi
Could you be a little dead?

there's nothing homosexual about an appetite for beauty user


enjoy your aids

assuming I fuck guys. Oh boy

Same here.
Don't get why people keep memeing that "you must love yourself first!" bullshit. I had a purpose to go outside every day and I didn't look like a loser to others when I had a gf.

Can anyone tell me what kissing a girl's like?

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wet and disgusting. literally getting another persons saliva all in your mouth


I just want a good Catholic gf

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Depends on a girl and her skill. Also how much you like each other.

Disgusting. And absolutely never do it with a girl that smokes marijuana.

>tfw you know you want to improve to get a gf but don't have the discipline to actually do it

This but also getting tasered in the mouth, in a good way.

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>tfw genuinely afraid of women

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tfw secret gf

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>tfw have gf who sustains my neetdom

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>protagonist doesn't pick up his pace and start to run when he hears young girls laughing
How unrealistic

Clean your room.

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