>there are actually people who think Burning had anything more than the most mild element of mystery in its story, let alone the ending
There are actually people who think Burning had anything more than the most mild element of mystery in its story...
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You realize there is no reason to believe Ben did anything and the only person who knows for sure is Steven Yeun, right?
You can take that position, and it is entirely possible that he did nothing, but the movie fits together much more nicely with Ben as a serial killer or similar.
It's also entirely dishonest of you to suggest "there is no reason to believe he did anything"
Steven Yeun said that in an interview, the director asked him to play it sort of ambiguously so that no one but Yeun knows what the truth is.
Garbage film from beginning to end.
Already one of the best films of all time. End death might have been the main character writing his fantasy. And even if it did happen Ben might not have killed her.
Only legit post ITT.
>OP is an unironic plot point mental midget
As though the film had anything else going for it
>It's ambiguous so it's the best of all time!
Yeah there's nothing else at all, no visual narrative no characters no editing no nothing, it's just a collection of wikipedia plot points am i rite my dear crossposting tourist tripfag
>capeshitters first arthouse
Nothing interesting enough worth mentioning
>The film had characters, give me an 8/10!
But please, tell me specifically what you found interesting about the movie.
It's a character study through and through, a suspensful one at that.
Decent film.
>Let's leave as many open ends as possible
>wow so deeb :O#
it's a high 6
>character study
Hack shit
Should be titled BORING instead
I thought it was great. IT really left me with same feeling of emptiness I got from actually living in South Korea.
A strange ambivalence permeates that country.
yeah Taxi Driver is such hack shit am i rite fellow discordtrannies
Taxi driver had something going for it beyond 'it was a character study', but by 'discordtrannies' your brain's probably too rotten to think straight
And how doesn't Burning have anything else going for it?
If I were a brainlet pleb I could literally make the same (non) argument about Taxi Driver aswell.
The themes or the ways in which they're presented aren't anything new or interesting (rich nihilistic youth, lower class being screwed over by upper class, etc.)
The ambiguity added little
Nothing special about the acting or characters.
Visually, there were a couple of nice frames (pic related)
Movie easily went on for 30 minutes too long
Taxi driver had great acting, an innovative ending, interesting characters and other elements. These created a much more interesting study of alienation and desire.
These are such empty criticisms
ironic post
I was quite disappointed by the ending to be perfectly honest.
MC didn’t seem like he had much to live for anyway but I struggle to interpret as many deep inferences and meaning as others who have watched it.
The Wailing is vastly superior at building tension. This felt like masturbation without the payoff.
especially given the copious number of masturbation scenes
i really liked the scene in the middle where they chill out at the guy's place and the lady does her dance as evening falls
peak comfy
Lmao the incel is the serial killer, he's the bad guy of the film, that's the point of the movie
The movie doesn't suggest this at all, unless you can show otherwise
The short story really implies Ben is a killer. But the movie double downs on the mystery and paradoxically makes it much more uncertain. I think movie Ben did nothing wrong, unlike his book counterpart
He forgot the worst of all
The movie practically drowns you in suggestions that Ben has caused a sudden disappearance, with the 'burning' suggesting a
>I enjoy burning down abandoned greenhouses
>girls he meets are abandoned and aren't growing
>I burned one just a couple of days ago
>very, very very near to you
>sometimes we don't notice that which is right in front of us
>haha it's like she disappeared """"in a puff of smoke"""
>that he's clearly a sociopath
I can even forgive the cat and the hidden mementos. There's no guarantee, but the movie points heavily in this direction.