>Movie portrays the french as the good guys
Movie portrays the french as the good guys
>Movie portrays the Americans as the good guys
>Movie portrays vegetarians as the good guys
>gun guy
>finger on the trigger
comeeee onnnnn
>Movie has a spandau but not a bren.
Both tried to unite Europe with force. Turns out economics is a better way.
>anglo calls an MG-42 the 'spandau'
>Movie portrays Muslims as misunderstood victims
lindybeige vs peterson debate when?
>movie doesnt portray the churchill crocodile as an unstoppable killing machine that singlehandedly won the war
>Movie completely overlooks all the new tech Britain designed and made just for the Normandy landings, that are still in use today.
>Movie completely overlooks British intelligence and deception and instead focuses all on American bravery.
He's a nogunz britbong. Totally not a gun guy
how else are you gonna shoot people dumbass
>someone goes BERSERK
>ww2 movie
>doesnt mention how the war was won solely due to british pluck and courage
Pic related me leaving the theatre.
let me guess it's a british weapons
why didn't they just wait for the germans to come to them?
>Game portrays swadians as the good guys
a daring synthesis
>doesnt mention how the war was won solely due to british pluck and courage
lol If Hitler hadn't been such a pussy with romanticised ideas of A German/English alliance he could have blitzed your forces at Dunkirk and completely wiped out the British military.
that was guderian
Guderian wanted to press forward. German high command denied him.
He didn't want to risk the lives of his soldiers until the panzer divisions arrived, of whom were held up. Nothing to do with your /pol/ revisionist propaganda of Hitler being merciful.
Historylets fuck off. The Luftwaffe threw everything they had at the brits. German armor had advanced too far and too fast and had zero support from other troops or logistic lines. They weren't chomping at the bit to go into Dunkirk, they literally couldn't.
>game doesn't depict or sugarcoats the rhodoks smearing pig shit on themselves before battle
is there movie where russians are good guys? except russian movies
>German armor had advanced three days past logistic lines
I think we found the suspect.
>German/English alliance
what could have been.
>Movie portrays Romans as anglos with british accents
yeah imagine if britain was dumb enough to trust the three time backstabbing nazis to not flood the channel with transports the second britain lets its guard down
>movie doesnt portray Hannibal as a hero
Legitimately preferable to what we got.
>character believes in man-made global warming
‘Enemy at the Gates’, 2001 ?
Name one(1) American flick that does that post Iraq war, I dare you burger scum
Ian Fleming supposedly liked the Rusdians, which is the reason the bad guys where traitors from both sides, in the form of Spectre.
>comedy movie
>not a single joke about Sikhs
>Movie portrays an unemployed dance instructor as an expert on history
>movie portrays celtic/gaulic barbarians as the good guys
checked btw
>three time backstabbing nazis
im a modern historylet. did they backstab anyone they considered germanic or just slavs?
is there a movie where jews are bad guys?
this is only a rule for grunts so they dont kill eachother, the elite dont need it
And Jew director Nicholas Winding Refn got accused on anti-Semitism for it.
Fuck, meant Drive.
passion of the christ
Comme il se doit.
Are there loads of Jews in Denmark? Feels like half of the famous Danish people I know are Jewish. But it doesn’t seem like a country that would be crawling with them.
No idea, mate. There seems to be Jews everywhere. Never all that many but always too many.
Plus there were a lot of French soldiers still in the south. It did actually make sense for the Germans to pause and take a breath, which worked out in the favour of the Allies in the north. Fuck these /pol/ historylets with their merciful Uncle Hitler myth. Also funny how they can never seem to name any of the supposed massacres of Germans by Poles that prompted the invasion on 1st Sep. They just repeat that myth over and over with no example to speak of.
Maybe he's about to shoot?
>Movie completely overlooks all the new tech Britain designed and made just for the Normandy landings, that are still in use today
Like what?
>Movie completely overlooks British intelligence and deception and instead focuses all on American bravery.
Didn't the Polish break the enigma?
6k-8k mostly centered around the capital.
Most Americans don't even really know what Sikhs are
Did he really have to set the entire cathedral on fire?