Jackie Chan Star Wars? Really, George Lucas? (Apparently, Yes!)

Would NuWars be fixed if it instead centered around a ronin Jedi played by Jackie Chan? Is this really true?

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>Jedi Jackie Chan.

Yes, it would've been amazing.

Modern Jackie or peak Jackie?

Jedi Jackie Chan stuck in a droid factory

Cameron or Verhoven are the only people that can fix star wars now this late in the game

sharon stone too

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Cast 'Darth Trabble'

>Ronin character
>A kung fu chink that does comedy

Isn't this guy like 88 years old? Way older than Harrison Ford?

No? Does he look older than Harrison Ford? Not to mention he's in great shape.

>ronin Jedi played by Jackie Chan?
Just make it Luke trying to bring Kylo to justice.

Rush Hour 4: Space Triads

It would be cool

>never touch a black man's millennium falcon

Donnie Yen in Rogue One was the best thing of the last 4 films. They should just hire a bunch of Hong Kong kung fu stars and have insane lightsaber action. Sammo Hung as a sith lord, make it happen.

they wasted him tho, why cast Donnie Yen and give him barely one action scene not to mention not give him a lightsaber. nu wars just wants to not do saberfights cause it's too hard to choreograph.

>chink that can't act but can do stupid flips and tricks..(maybe he's like 80 now)
>fat aging idea man who can't write or direct throwing shit at the wall for his vehicle to suck china's big balls.

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True, but even when underused his charisma and the small amount of action he got was better than anything else in the film. Fucking underused Mads too.

Jackie Chan is based af.
But nuwars cannot be saved.

A blind, gay monk with a stick
But yeah, he was unironically the best thing

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what he can save is avatar legends not nuwars. why it isn't even a thing yet

Reminder that Jackie Chan is a Chinese nationalist and he hates America

Only (some) americans don't hate America

ching chong fling flong

>Jackie will die in your lifetime
Hold me, bros.

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Agree. Hollywood can learn a lot about choreography from the Hong Kong people. Hollywood fighting is always pretty dismal.

Toshiro Mifune Kenobi would have been pure kino

>pulls out Light Ladder


I think the issue is Hollywood makes action films starring people who don't know how to fight. I rewatched Blade recently and was surprised how good the choreography was. They could show the action in the wide because Wesley Snipes was a talented martial artist, which is the exact sort of person that they should cast.

>great shape
>that scene where he's shirtless in The Foreigner
I want to have a body like that when i'm very old.

And? Define America

the west

I would honestly have loved that. Yojimbo Kenobi drunk as fuck trying to grab some Twi'lek ass in a Cantina. Sees some farm boy about to get shot.

>We're wanted men on 12 systems
>I'll be careful
>You'll be dead
>Pando you bitch made mother fucker, you got a problem?
>Draws weapon
>Loses his fucking arm
>I hated that ass hole, buy me a drink for my trouble farm boy

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>Jackie Chan Cosmos Kino
It would cost too much since he would like to make staunts in real space.

You'd think with hollywood's obsession with bombastic fights they'd have a troop of actors who could pull off cool looking fighting but Jackie Chan is the only person I've yet to see do it.

that would be so cool... even though Jet Li is a better age for it

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There is literally nothing in the film to support this statement.

Dick Wei.

Trained Michelle Yeoh, worked with Samo Hung at Golden Harvest where he did choreography and stunt work on Eastern Condors and Project A and trained Samo Hungs future wife, starred in the five deadly venoms, guy is a legend.

jesus he's not looking good, what happened?

Id love to see some Hong Kong guys come over to hollwood to direct their action scenes since regular American directors are too stupid

They need to be reigned in because you give them a Hollywood budget and you get all kinds of wacky shit, but they do amazing action.

I though he was "old" for some movie where he plays An old emperor

>The first order is closing in on the last Jedi Master, Ping Ping.
>Master Ping Ping has been trapped in a droid factory.
>He is holding a youngling he has been training
>General Hux's comm crackles
>Herro, this is Master Ping Ping.
>I don't want trabble.
Fund it.

I wan no trabble
>rigs your bathroom to blow the fuck up

>Eastern Condors
>Project A
>The Prodigal Son
>Dragons Forever

What a fucking lad, kino after kino.

Plus, if you make him a jedi, it goes against his type casting as bad ass murderer.