Yea Forums core

What should I add and what should I remove?

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a bullet and your life

Apocalypse Now (reddit boomer shit)
2001: a space odyssey (replace with Barry Lyndon, the true contrarian Kubrick film)
Fight Club(too reddit edgy)
A Clockwork Orange(same thing, too much reddit libertarianism)
The Big Lebowski (reddit)
Reservoir Dogs(Put in Jackie Brown if you absolutely must have a QT film)
Pretty much all the bottom two rows except Alita, Problem Child 2, Avatar, Only God Forgives.

Nah groundhog days good.

>blade runner
>star wars
>fight club
>only god forgives
oh the good old meme of mixing good movies with trash

not bad
remove Apocalypse Now, big lebowski. no one posts that shit. few others are just weird that no one cares about here
Alita higher
def needs BvS

definitely BvS, maybe Suicide Squad too HOL UP

have to add Master & Commander, Spider-Man, and Paul Blart: Mall Cop
maybe The Pest, Casino Royale, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Pain & Gain, and The Hunt

what is the criteria for Yea Forums core?

if it's about memes and number of threads/post devoted to discussing the films then you should remove the assassination of jesse james, goodfellas, two towers, fight club, the master, joker, reservoir dogs, inception, mulholland dr, social network, snatch, matrix, manchester by sea, alie, trainspotting, th salls?, burn after reading, ran, ?? and wolf of wallstreet

Keep Avatar, ignore the Redditors.

replace those with frequently discussed movies such as:
predator (memes)
true lies (imagine meme)
the dark knight (joker vs batman meme + bank heist meme)
die hard (dadcore/ christmas-meme)
mean girls (freq discussion)
there will be blood (bigger impact than the master)
eyes wide shut (may I have the password meme, + freq discussion

you need to also add stalker, last year at marienbad, yiyi or a brighter summer day, chungking express, possession, le samourai, tree of life, hausu and a few other art house/ pretentious movies

adding a few more:
that movie with jen con, is it called risky businuess?
the dreamers with eva green
pretty baby cunnycore
that movie with natalie portman and her butthole

I am sure I am missing a few

how does Joker not qualify for Yea Forumscore? there's a shitton of threads on it already and I guarantee you it will get spammed when it gets released

joker is too new for me, although I love the running meme
its like alita. have to give it a year and see, but yeah it does look like both of em will become staples

Keep the ones that also show up on this list. Then decide what you want to do with the rest.

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Add On the Silver Globe
It's been the official kino film on Yea Forums for far too long

you have 10 Adam Sandler movies
you are allowed to keep 1

Hey Chris, fuck you.

I have never seen some one discuss Love Exposure on Yea Forums

jesus christ, the plebs on this board not recognising Adam Sandler's unabashed, pure genius

Haven't seen:
Taxi Driver
Apocalypse Now
The Assassination
The Master
Clockwerk Orange
The Thing
The Big Lebowski
Reservoir Dogs
Social Network
The Shining
Problem Child 2
Manchester Sea
Only God Forgives
Groundhog Day
Burn After
Buster Seryggs
and the one next to wolf of wall street

Apocalypse Now gets posted a lot nowadays in quite a few thread and in chart threads
It's been gaining traction again and a lot of people on this board agree that it's kino
All the film you mentioned get mentioned in threads a lot, chart threads are filled with charts that include these films and most of those movies are loved by anons on this board but just don't have a lot of memes surrounding them
I'll add There will be blood, eyes wide shut and die hard the rest get mentioned once a year except for TDK which is associated with reddit so that's not happening
I'll add
Master and Commander
Paul Blart
The Hunt
Casino royale
Pain and Gain
You're an absolute brainlet but I'll add Barry Lyndon

You should most definitely add
>The Hunt
>The Vanishing (Spoorloos)
>No Country for Old Men
>12 Angry Men
>Wake in Fright
>Master and Commander
>Memories of Murder
>Lawrence of Arabia
>American Psycho
>The Thing
>Das Boot

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Take the first 25 from here.

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Which one of those are the good ones and which are the bad ones?

I updated it

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now watch Wake in Fright if you ever entered any aussie thread at all and put it there aswell

Wake in fright barely ever gets posted

add irreversible

If we're going by number of mentions then Black Panther should be #1

There is a demographic on this board that could be represented with a movie like Hard Candy, Lolita etc.

No we're going by
-Number of positive mentions
-chart threads
-if it's well liked

Then what the actual fuck are you doing on Yea Forums?