ITT: shows you've never seen Yea Forums talk about

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so much better than faggot ass AP Bio

TruTV is a treasure trove of kino comedies nobody knows exist. the new fire dept comedy with the broken lizards guys is pretty tite so far too

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strangers with candy redhead seriously never ages

I like that it's essentially Always Sunny in school, which is basically what I expected AP Bio to be, not the shitshow it actually is.

The only attention they get on Yea Forums is Impractical Jokers, or people bitching about that College Humor show. I don't think I've seen Tacoma FD mentioned here either, but I've really liked what I've seen. The Minilla joke in the latest episode got me hard.

most kino show of the last few years and the only good show left on Adult Swim (suck it Rick & Morty fans) and nobodys ever seen it. kinda forgot about it as but just heard its coming back with a new season in a few weeks which surprised me since i assumed it was cancelled long ago

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I like this show a lot, Its the only good live-action show adult swim has ever had.

was still better when it was courttv

watching the endless parade of nogs get sent to the people zoo helped me through many a late night shift

Looks like young Norm on the toilet.

>(((adult))) swim

>only good show left on Adult Swim
someone hasnt seen Tropical Cop Tales!

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It got mogged by Barry/HBO but it’s still pretty entertaining

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Been meaning to watch that since its from the creators of The Greasy Strangler. the most kino movie of all time. pretty sure tropical cops has all the same actors in it too

No one on Yea Forums watches television so unless you can watch this bullshit online who cares

>season 1 is absolute noir/dark comedy kino
>season 2 airing now
>never seen a single thread on Yea Forums

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That's cause the threads are on Yea Forums

what the fuck is going on here? (link because 4chin is acting homosexual again)

Shitty photoshop

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>watching basic cable

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>ha ha that'll show them for cancelling my alt right dog whistle may may show

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sorry but i don't care for series who employ wife murderers

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