I hate women because they won't fuck me

>I hate women because they won't fuck me

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jokes on you i hate women because i have deep seated mommy issues

So, whats wrong with that logic? Should I love women because they won't fuck me?

>I hate salad because it won't fat me

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go dilate

nah, I hate them because they are driven by emotional impulses and they will turn on you fucking easily

You should treat them like you do men incel.

Let me guess

You voted trump
Don't own an iPhone
Dropped out of or didn't go to college because your too "redpilled"
Blame your problems on minorities

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That's all women are good for so any man in that situation to think like that would have sound logic desu.

I'm desperate for (you)s

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>I may be a 30 year old virgin, but at least I respect women!

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no I'm just scared of them

Because they are evil and manipulative

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The funny thing is that most men that hate women only hate them because they've been fucked by women.

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Why would I treat them like men?
Fuck off tranny

ummmm that's gonna be a big yikes from me honey

I voted independent
I own an iphone
I go to college
I'm black

I dont hate women I hate NIGGERS

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>the more women I fuck, the more I become aware of their shallowness and knack for deception, and I began to hate them

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have sex

I hate women that go out of their way to be cunts even though I don't know them and dont care about them

I hate both.

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I hate women because they're insufferable and dirty

What else are they good for? Their emotions are utterly irrational and low IQ as fuck.

You're either a toastie roastie or a söyboy