BrBa Universe Thread

I got bored.

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Add Kim to meh tier, don’t know why she goes along with Jimmy’s hijinks other than getting a personal thrill out of it

>Female companion tier
>Villains who willingly go along with their villainous partner for dubious reasons and then throw them under the bus both publicly and privately as soon as things start to get a little hairy

Walt was so fucking based and anyone who says otherwise is a little Redditor cuck.

I wonder what the reaction to the show would be if season 1 started in 2019. It feels like culture has shifted so much even since Breaking Bad started

Basedboys would probably hail Skyler as a queen, or be full-on team Jessie. I don't think Walt would gather the mainstream support he did.

I thought everyone hated Jessie almost as much as Skyler. He's such a massive idiot.

Is Hank a villain?

Nope, he’s the one clear-cut good guy

Absolutely a turbotard but still a really compelling character

What about the retarded kid

I mean, I hated Marie to bits. Fuck that bitch to death, but I think he was kind of a cunt when she was actually being somewhat supportive during his post-operation period.

He had every right to be a cunt, bitch mistakes minerals for rocks dumb bitch

He's even more of a good guy than Hank is. From what I can remember his worst moments are him wanting to buy liquor outside a store underage and maybe smoking weed or something. He's definitely the "innocent" one who gets caught in the circumstances of other people.

Did he ever get any stank pusy to fuck tho?

>good guy
>sent Jesse to his possible death just to incriminate Walt
>cared more about his ego than his family

Hank dies a hero in the end

Look at it from Hank's perspective, Jesse was an absolute shitstain. The world probably would be better off without him.

Dude spoiler that shit

Yeah that definitely sounds like something a "totally not evil" person would say.

Can we all agree that the Hank/Walter conflict was the best part of the series?


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Add Skylar to elder-god tier and you have yourself guaranteed (you)s. It would also be correct.

>Ascended Tier: Villians who are only interested in breakfast
Are there any more in this category?

Absolutely based

Most vampires

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Hank essentially goes through the same transformation as Walt did in the last season. Everything would have been fine if he had just taken the option to shut his mouth. Walt wasn't cooking anymore, and would have died of cancer eventually. Their families could have stayed intact. The only thing preventing this was the blow to Hank's ego. Instead he breaks apart their family, gets himself and Gomez killed, and wants to sacrfice Jesse as bait. All to catch a criminal who no longer breaks the law.

Agree or disagree, he's no longer a pure hero.


>Jesse - great character
fucking lol
>Mike reluctant villain
fucking lol

So the two best villians of all time are Walter Jr, and Count Chocula. Got it.

Frankly, I'm surprised it isn't more widely known.

>Hard to find fault in his motivations
Walt’s entire arc is driven by jealousy and greed. Walt hates that skinny nerd guy who cucked him in college for a mistake he made for himself (leaving grey matter for a cheap buy-off). Grow a frontal lobe, rewatch the show, and come back with a decent tier list.

women like drama

Gotta love how every beta simp who hates Walt has to drastically oversimplify his character to justify their hatred

>Walt’s entire arc is driven by jealousy and greed.
Really? How did Walt end up losing all his money again?

Walt is a pure beta power fantasy who gets by on pure luck and his epic science man genius.

>These blatantly false statements will definitely become true if I repeat them

>these patently true statements will definitely become false if I say so

You should hate Walt for not being content with a few million, he got carried away

Walt is basically a stereotypical kike. He's physically weak, he's smart, he's paranoid with a persecution and god complex, and he's fucking sneaky.

Oh, and I forgot greedy of all things.

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