ITT: Please spoil Endgame for me...

ITT: Please spoil Endgame for me, and help me write a "sudden topic change" copypasta so I can spoil unsuspecting people on Twitch and other platforms with a Live Chat feature.

Also remember the use of spoiler tags like the sticky says so you don't get banned I guess.

Attached: https___cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_190403144228-avengers-endgame-thumb-imax-poster.jpg (1200x675, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>bad guys win
>everybody dies
>actually a decent movie despite being marvel

>bad guys win
>everybody dies
You fucking liar. Didney shit can't end like this, as much as I'd like it to.

You are such a fucking faggot. People want to enjoy their movie and you want to ruin it because your life is shit and you want everyone else’s to be shit.

Fuck off cunt.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Not OP, he's a faggot who sucks cock

>People want to enjoy their movie and you want to ruin it because your life is shit and you want everyone else’s to be shit
>Fuck off cunt

>projecting this hard

The fuck are you talking about, he said to use spoiler tags. Go back to tumblr you raging fanboy faggot.

You need to set it up as one of those "read the first word of each sentence" copy pastas that spells out the spoiler

I think it's possible for Twitch but YouTube Gaming doesn't allow long messages, I think the limit is 200 characters.

What a fag

>Captain America is my favorite character.
>Fights well, and is charming as fuck.
>His beard in infinity war looked really cool.
>Past a certain point you really see him start to reevaluate his ideas and beliefs.
>Self confidence, perseverance, and loyalty are some of my favorite traits in a superhero

Who cares and why did you post this twice

Fucked up the formatting

That's still not a spoiler you dense motherfucker.

Attached: 02b6cf09a827390b9646482bcec46418.jpg (425x319, 23K)

One of the casts claim the last 8 minutes of the movie are the best because “it ties everyone together” or someshit like that

>they go back in time to initial invasion of NYC
>stark creates infinity gauntlet
>hulk tries to wear it
>they somehow open up a portal and bring everyone back that Thanos killed
>tfw cap says “avengers, assemble”
>Thanos gets jumped by 50+ marvel characters at the end

Saw this in a leaked video that somehow surfaced on this board, screen cap this lads

>Saw this in a leaked video that somehow surfaced on this board
Fuck. I've been looking for that for hours now, every single fucking website that talks about it is like "Yeah well Marvel fans are in panic mode right now blah blah blah leaked video spoilers yadda yadda, we're not gonna talk about it or link it here though, just give us those sweet clicks and ad revenue"
Fucking goddamn jews.

>they go back in time to initial invasion of NYC
>stark creates infinity gauntlet
>hulk tries to wear it
>they somehow open up a portal and bring everyone back that Thanos killed
>tfw cap says “avengers, assemble”
>Thanos gets jumped by 50+ marvel characters at the end
This is too long to cram into a copypasta though, was there anything more specific in that video? Like someone losing dying or losing an arm or how the purple faggot dies?

>looking for the video for hours
>hasn't checked the archives for the comics and cartoons board on the same imageboard he is currently lying on
kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot i hope you die of aids from the hooker you lose your virginity to

>i hope you die of aids from the hooker you lose your virginity to
Never gonna happen user but thanks for the tip

hours?? its trending on pornhub dude

DCucks begone

>its trending on pornhub dude
Oh look, it was fucking nothing besides Hulk with the glove.
I wanted to know who dies and how, goddammit.

Attached: 2d9.png (540x474, 292K)

>I wanted to know who dies and how, goddammit.

Black Panther gets sickle cell

>Black Panther gets sickle cell
What the hell is that? I'm not a marvelfag at all

You're white

I'm not, amigo
What I am is very confused.

The Avengers have poorly edited fights, spout cheesy one liners and defeat the bad guy.

Thanks user very helpful

Attached: avengers endgame captain marvel carol danvers infinity gauntlet peter parker.webm (514x330, 661K)

Oh fuck, this fucking retarded feminist cunt is gonna save the day? Fuck this franchise.

Tony dies after killing thanos with the gauntlet
Black Widows dies but not really after sacrificing herself to get one of the stones
Captain America stays in the past
Thanos dies like 3 times

I don't give a fuck about spoiler tags

Where did you get all this info? Can you be more specific on everything? Specifically Tony dying

I downloaded the video lol

50+ characters in the last fight and just one dude really dies? Cringe.

Apparently she is barely in the movie, and doesn't deliver the finishing blow.

Why does Peter give her that infinity gauntlet then?

Show it maybe?

Bro it's everywhere, just look it up on torrent sites.

Thanks bro, found it. Sorry for being a lazy cunt.

The portal is Strange opening a portal to Wakanda.

>saving someone the time of seeing capeshit is a bad thing

lmao, just wait for someone to upload the fight scenes to youtube and that's the movie summed up.
Spam it as you like.

good lord, does she have to look like she's trying too hard to be smug 100% of the fucking time? fucking A

I wouldnt bother with spoiling it on twitch, thats already inevitable.

Attached: 7669FCBF-7B5E-43DD-BE6D-5678F5B5E692.png (1116x449, 67K)

Nice 2008 meme, boomer

I got banned for saying spoilers the other day so im not saying anymore. Just trust me when I say she doesn't use the gauntlet and she doesn't kill Thanos.

Cap staying in the past is the dumbest thing ever

All text spoilers are fanfic
There is a video that's real, but it doesr show much

Isn't it fucked up that there's a 24/7 Avengers ad on this board via the sticky? How much if gookmoot getting paid for this?

Spoilers: Thanos is defeated and every popular hero is brought back to life because they are economic commodities first and characters second. Nothing matters.

Attached: 1484311423628.jpg (480x360, 14K)

sickle cell anemia is a real genetic disorder that usually affects black people. It makes blood the shape of a sickle, like a crescent moon, and some other things. David Goggins had it.

Oh, so that user was just memeing? Fuck.

This. Can’t keep up those sale numbers on spiderman figurines when he’s dead