Why cant Yea Forums users be the writers behind comedies?
Why cant Yea Forums users be the writers behind comedies?
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ah bloo bloo
Because you need to be either Jewish or suck a Jews dick to get anywhere
Cuck porn isnt in high demand like people here think
Anons here everyday want to kill themselves because this is no vestige of good taste or comedy. This place is a detriment to positivity, with every other trying to bring others down to their level.
This is no place for comedy.
Kind of weirded out that you are constantly infatuated about my dick. Are you unable to think about Jewish cock? Serious question being on this board so long? Try a better hobby than obsessing about Jews and their cocks.
Because it takes an actual attention span to write anything cohesive enough to fill out a screenplay.
These zoomer faggots can't do anything without looking at their phone every 30 seconds.
"Comedy" is social engineering presented in a way to lower peoples guard.
Why can't Yea Forums be da inderbnet?
>cell phones bad
They could be if they had talent or tried harder
It would all be ironic cuckporn, [s4s] tier maymays, and unironic /pol/sperging. I'd still watch it and probably laugh a bunch.
it would be shitty edgy bait """humour""" but spergs on here will call it based anyways.
You faggots might get your chance of you want to be scabs. Writer strike probably happening in a month.
Why are all these fine European countries displayed as little disfigured green men?
because most people here aren't creative or funny
Edgy bait humor is what sells, though. South Park did very well for decades and still makes money even though it's basically a parody of itself now.
because jews cant handle the banter
bekauss ids cowld
>because most people aren't creative or funny
Fix'd. Chantards are still funnier than most other faggots even when it's unintentional, though. The ability to troll anons that aren't self aware has to be factored in.
just upload your fanfic to wattpad and one day it will become a film. Mr grey actor is now a millionaire
This is what unsuccessful people unironically believe
because nordics are autistic like apu
>fox jumps to get at grapes
>fox fails to jump high enough to get those grapes
>”Those grapes taste like Jewish dick anyway”
a lot of stuff gets stolen off Yea Forums by shitty "comedians", they browse this site and just copy people.
Basically this but Yea Forums as a whole isn't as funny as it used to be. I blame unironic /pol/tards for this (it's the face of Yea Forums now) but that board is the most fertile trolling ground so it's a double-edged sword.
why iceland is on the bowl?
because if Yea Forums started writing comedies it would look exactly like this >DUDE I JUST SAID THE N WORD ISN'T THIS FUNNY
Sam Hyde was always Reddit, though.
"I've never posted on any chan, and I'll take a lie detector test."
dat duddin make sense.
who's your favorite comedian? for me? it's nick mullen
That sounds like South Park. Edginess and shock value has always been funnier than watered down garbage. That's why early Tom Green was so successful and why he's a literal who now (along with the Jackass boys that ripped him off).
I’ve been writing the scripts for some animated and comic comedies for a few months. it’s comig along quite nicely. I think I’m going to pitch one of my animated comedies to adult swim.
Here's my comedy idea: Black Hitler
The police are the jews. Except for the gangsta police (gangsta-po) the Newrer sets up to catch the regular police
Black Hitler could be funny if it was set in the same timeline as German Hitler. They could form a white cop/black cop routine like Lethal Weapon.
Because women aren't funny
Jewish Hitler would be funnier. Where everyone would be too afraid to say he's Jewish but he'd do stereotypical Jewish things, like be cheap, love bagels, have a comically large nose, design new SS caps that looked like yamakas subconsciously, etc.
>south park is funneh becuz edgy.
I learned a valuable lesson today. Yea Forums is filled with easily influenced 12 year olds.
zoomer "humor"
t. boomer
we should make a comic of this
So what do you find funny, then? South Park used to be very funny until the ideas and passion wore out.
Every wildly successful comedian was edgy and non-pc from Chappelle, to Chris Rock, to Richard Pryor, to Carlin and the list goes on and on. Playing it safe is never funny. It's lame as fuck.
Stop pretending. You're the only zoomer ITT.
Because that would be actually funny which might offend people and that is not okay
its not edgy if its coming from mainstream media ((genius)).
>n-no u
zoomer "banter"
You don't have any argument and probably don't know a fucking thing about standup or sketch comedy. Keep blaming the Jews because you stubbed your toe in the morning, though. That and your outdated infographs are truly hilarious but you aren't self-aware enough to understand why.
I bet you still watch sp. Is cartman funny?
I haven't watched it since the mid 2000s. But it used to be funny because it set out to trigger humorless normalfaggots that cannot into irony. The first South Park RPG was also possibly the most hilarious thing that Matt and Trey ever wrote. Post more about white genocide, cuckoldry, and BBC, though. That's lol worthy.
That's pretty sad considering those "normal faggots" would have to be watching with you in the first place to get triggered.
what are your thoughts on cumtown
Your post doesn't make any sense. Plenty of soccer moms back then bitched about South Park "poising the youth." The Chef character was so triggered that he quit the show when it made fun of Scientology. So many clueless Zoomers ITT.
I've heard of it but I haven't watched the podcast yet.
I'm drunk off of the fermented Jew. Fuck off.
So it's funny because people who never watched it got angry at it. Epic.
Plenty of people claimed that South Park was the next big thing that would corrupt the youth back in the day. The same shit was said about Beavis and Butthead by lamers back in the 90s.
Really? Wow you must be old.
Yeah--and? This isn't a Zoomer website, fgt. You have to be 18+ to post here.
I'm gonna close the thread. You're posts are about to become slightly funnier.
Every show would be unfunny propaganda, even worse than the unfunny propaganda we have now.
>You're posts
9th grade is hard.
I've got a comedy idea about two Jewish guys that go back in time, first to attempt to kill Hitler, but after failing that then try to convince Hitler that Jews aren't so bad after all
They already tried that, too bad Million Dollar Extreme wasn't funny and got bad ratings.
>Yea Forums is one person