Movies with kino endings
Movies with kino endings
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>curb credits roll
Did he do it?
Avengers: Endgame
It doesn't matter. None of it did
Did anyone else laugh at this ending? Especially with the smug lesbian at the end like "bitch i told you so" look on her face
I didn't understand that film, was it all imagined or not?
Everything before and up to Paul Allen murder was real. Everything after was schizophrenia, delusion.
Con Air.
So he got away scot-free then?
I actually thought he's trapped in some kind of hell and is already dead.
what movie
Runaway Train.
It tries to be really serious and sad with the ending but honestly it feels like a bad joke. Should have used the original ending from the book.
Goddamn, that scene where they show how the passengers were massacred legit made me queasy in the cinema.
No, he never murdered Paul Allen as Paul went on a business trip. He dreamed up him murdering Paul, and then had a schizo-breakdown about his own delusion, which is why no one believes him at all when he says he murdered Paul.
damn i was so pissed when i saw this for the first time
what is this from?
This ending was not kino, asshole.
>can you do me one last favor?
>if the both of us are gonna go to the afterlife, you've got to hang out around the front enterance so I can find you
>Should have used the original ending from the book.
You mean the non-ending, the one that King considers inferior to the end in the film?
>Chris did get out. He enrolled in the college courses with me, and although it was hard, he gutted it out like he always did. He went on to college and eventually became a lawyer. Last week, he entered a fast food restaurant. Just ahead of him, two men got into an argument; one of them pulled a knife. Chris, who'd always made the best peace, tried to break it up. He was stabbed in the throat. He died almost instantly.
>Although I haven't seen him in more than ten years I know I'll miss him forever.
>I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anybody?
>King considers it inferior
all the more reason to use it then
>I will see you again
>But not yet
>Not yet
Original ending of Room 1408 was 100% unfiltered KINO
>that moment when his wife hears her dead daughter's voice on the recorder
Disgusting that this hasn't been acknowledged as the FPBP.
That’s what I saw in the cinema. Is there another version?
>completely misses the point that it being a "bad joke" is the whole god-damn point "ooh it feels funny so I don't like it", that's the point
I've been wanting to re-watch it recently, only saw it once years ago but I had a decent impression of it. The shitty lady, the people cooped up in the place, the end.
I have that one on DVD. Although the daughter's dialogue on the tape doesn't quite match with the actual scene so is that an implication that he might still be trapped in the room?
>it’s meant to be bad
Fucking moron, it's both and neither. He continued to murder people and "get away with it" throughout the film because his high society were a) too wrapped up in their own lives to notice and b) too afraid to admit people like Patrick existed in their world, but no he was not spoken to by an ATM
yeah there's a shittier one on youtube, it has a jump scare jej
shitty editing, in all likelihood.
False equivalence, and again missing the point: a sick joke or unpleasant narrative can be told in an artful and compelling way. If this weren't true, then horror films wouldn't be made in the first place. Are you five?
Taxi Driver.
The ending is pretty good. Travis did more harm to Jodie Foster's character than what those low life scum did prostituting her out.
You're disgusting.
The Room directed by Tommy Wisseau
Autism Robots 20XX: Sad Purple Man
Dog Soldiers, with the "Werewolves ate my platoon!" tabloid newspaper cover.
The Head Hunter
le paranoid saxman
I remember watching this when I was young and this shit made me so sad
The Myst was so creepy in like 4 diferent ways. To answer your question: Inception.
This is not reddit user
He was killing, but people were too self absorbed to notice, or trying to sell an apartment so didnt bring it up.
Capitalism bad.
I didn’t even have good friends at twelve.
>everyone in Gotham dies of radiation poisoning
>meanwhile Bruce and selina are blowing each other in Italy
Yeah real kino
imagine being this cringepilled
i know you said movies but fuck you
That's how I want to go
The MOST KINO ending I've ever seen.
This, its an America Psychosis
Did they rape the little girl?