What was his problem?
What was his problem?
He had trauma from nam
It's not complicated OP
Probably sad about shootin' gooks.
Who did PTSD better?
descended into a more savage state. Couldn’t deal with civilization anymore. Why he had to go back to Nam, why he couldn’t deal with Saigon
He stared into the abyss.
>Alpa Chino
>Al Pacino starred in Coppola's Godfather trilogy
>Coppola made Apocalypse Now
>the Playboy deleted scene...black men trying to fuck gorgeous white women
Poetry....did Lucas write this?
>entire crew that has gotten you to your objective gets killed along the way fighting and dying to save your ass and mission
>of all his crew he decides to save the high as fuck surfer dude who did nothing the entire time from being a part of the montagnards after killing their living god
He was a pretty shit officer desu
Lucas almost made the film but his vision involved filming in Vietnam while the war was still going on so naturally production never began because of the logistic nature of bringing a film production crew into the pit of death.
"Got any burgers?"
>If it were me in that war, it wouldn't have went down like it did, that's for sure.
that's just coppola going full insanity
He was glownigger
Humanity went to shit and he lost his faith in a higher power
Not like he could have saved them and chose to let them die or something. One got shot, one got a spear unexpectedly chucked at him, and chef got done by Kurtz while Willard was being held captive. Also, the whole thing was kind of a suicide mission considering where they were going, the fact that he not only pulled it off but managed to get fuccboi Lance out of there alive is impressive.
just drunken mindlessness, you've never been blackout drunk punching holes in the wall and crying in your underwear?
he was actually drunk for real and almost died during filming
cummies dont want to come out!
already nutted but she still suckin
wasn't this scene just 100% improv from sheen? Like I remember hearing somewhere that he got blackout drunk for this scene and when he punches the mirror and starts bleeding all over the place, that wasn't planned and it was real.
being drunk fucking sucks
Reminder Sheen wasn't acting in this scene.
He is a rumoured pedo, the one who molested Corey Feldman and god knows how many others, so he was just working out his demons.
This is rumoured to be the reason he has never been given an oscar or major nomination, and at least one of his kids is a degenerate pedo too.
please take your meds
He seemed more sad when he wasn't killing gooks.
can't he be sad that he has killed gooks and sad that he currently isn't killing gooks? The duality of man?
A famous actor molested Corey Haim on the set of a film between takes, people have suggested it was sheen. His son has been accused of being a pedo by several sources. Why do I need meds for posting the rumours about him?
better version
Woah deep
>Marine, what is that button on your body armor?
>A peace symbol, sir.
>Where'd you get it?
>I don't remember, sir.
>What is that you've got written on your helmet?
>"Born to kill", sir.
>You write "born to kill" on your helmet, and you wear a peace button. What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?
this movie was fucking terrible
freezing ice cold take
the fucks that supposed to mean faggot? everyone and their mother thinks this is the most deepest and epicest war flick ever made and it's really bad
>most epicest
sure thing buddy. im sure ur opinion is better than all movie critics, and hardcore movie fans, and people in the industry as well.
how the fuck Coppola does The Godfather and Apocalypse Now and all that trash in the 90s and post
like, how do you turn from a great filmmaker to uwe boll ffs
Oh sweetie, were you expecting a film about vietnam to be like a marvel movie?
you'd be right
no but i wasnt expecting it to be midbrow pseud bait either
But you don't even see any vietcong in the entire fucking movie?
Be grateful for how he suffered to bring you this "middlebrow pseud bait" considering what the movie industry shits out today with ease.
>say your lines marlon
I don't know what's with my lately.
for the past 2 months I'm horny as fuck all the time
I discovered Kik, never used it before and I'm obsessed - I jerk all the time, getting tributes from my wife pics, giving tributes
It's becoming very tiresome but I can't stop
watch the AN documentary, basically he went a little insane during filming
It's public knowledge that kikewood is a rape factory. Take your hormones and off yourself.
Because the movie takes mostly place in Cambodia, not Vietnam.
Loved wine a little too much
Cambodia is definitely 3rd act.
Because the real vietcong were the friends we made along the way.
Kinda sucks that all the best movies are made by such scum bags, it's pretty hard to appreciate it.
Good thread OP
Tfw when you realise the intro with the doors and him dancing is actually chronologically after killing Kurtz
perfect body:3
He got PTSD from mean tweets
I read the book of the behind the scenes. Totally insane. That book was actually more entertaining than the movie itself (and I love the movie).
which one are you talking about?
did you see hearts of darkness? i thought it was shit and could've provided a ton more of information about how awful filming was. i'm also surprised they never talked about the workprint, which includes an entire doors soundtrack and martin sheen stabbing a baby
>Tfw they find the pic of you sucking cock
He had a pretty serious heart attack
Cringe and Muslimpilled
It's true. He supposedly also tried to attack Coppola.
I don't remember the title, but it was quite long (300 pages or so). It provided a ridiculous amount of detail on everything, really good. I haven't seen that documentary.
No, that was Charlie Sheen, you plum. Denise Richards took his kids from him because she found cp on his computer. Corey approached him multiple times after the bumming and Charlie physically attacked him at least once when he tried to talk to him about in public.
Sorry, I meant for
The real Vietcong were inside us, all along...
>narrator is impersonating werner herzog
top lel
Radical tale bro
I know but, even post Apocalypse he made good movies like The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, even Dracula
than pure garbage
it's depressing really
Which really fucked up Charlie Sheen who was also around during filming.
Mind blown
i think it's his apocalypse now
is it really? I don't remember since I watched it a long time ago but I know that scene perfectly
>What was his problem?
He got that fucking Doors song stuck in his head.
Shit, didn’t know that.
his first movie after Apocalypse Now was an incredible flop (frogot the name) which made him go pretty much broke so he was forced to make any movies he coudl get his hands on to pay off his debts
Godfather 3 happened because of debts
Dracula too
Jack... google it if you don't know waht movie I mean... just as well
now, he's just enjoying it, making whatever he wants if he wants to
Bruh the entire trip up the river is in Viet-fucking-nam.
When they get to the bridge at night that's the fartherst western army outpost.
They get shot with the arrows in Cambodia.
That one basically ruined the entire decade for him.
>chronologically after killing Kurtz
Can't be. He cuts his hand punching the mirror, and when he's getting briefed the REMF asks him about his hand, and he says he hurt it fishing.
My headcannon was that he had actually descended into hell and the movie begins where it ends in a perpetual loop. Like a snail, crawling across the edge of a shitpost... the horruh.
Charlie also spoke about it during his 2011 meltdown, apparently Apocalypse Now is his favorite movie.
I said the wrong corey. Got my coreyography wrong, Meant to say Haim. There was another rumour that Martin Sheen or Charlie Sheen molested Corey Haim on the set of the film he did with Charlie.
you see it in 2 air raid scenes
The puppy was VC.
reminder coppola is releasing the 3rd cut at tribeca and it will come out on home media.
also reminder he finally got bankrolled to make megalopolis. he sees how clint amd marty still make kino and wants to go out with a bang.
Yeah, Haim was the one I was talking about too. Bummed by Charlie, then started his downward spiral.
Didn’t know Martin was linked to Feld-dog tho. That’s news to me...
He hasn't made a good movie in almost 30 years.
Based “The Boys” spin-off.
>Didn’t know Martin was linked to Feld-dog tho. That’s news to me...
Because that's false news, it was always Charlie sheen who was suspected of.. fondling Corey Haim, never Martin. that guy is just mixing up names again like he just did with the Coreys.
Saigon. Still in goddam Saigon.
it's funny because it's true
>apparently Apocalypse Now is his favorite movie
>now, he's just enjoying it, making whatever he wants if he wants to
He's a professional winemaker now, movies are just a hobby
What was HIS problem?
I'm not mixing anything up. The rumour was Martin, and there are also rumours it was Charlie.
Then there are even more rumors that Charlie molested Feldman, which Feldman hasn't explicitly denied.
It is not at all unlikely that Martin could visit Charlie on the set of Lucas and molest Haim.
>mfw you are ordered to clear an entire division of NVA that had dug a network of tunnels into your CO
War is hell.
it wasnt him
Clear case of ptsd.
>actually stayed in character for the dvd commentary
absolute madman
The character had cabin fever. He wanted to be back in the field fighting Charley.
The actor, Martin Sheen, was actually drunk/drugged. You can see the outtakes from this scene in the documentary "Hearts of Darkness".
The novel "Heart of Darkness", while poorly written and uninteresting, is worth reading to understand the film's source material.
>Shooting motherfuckers like it was cool!
>does his retarded chinese moves
>i need a mission so bad no matter what
>gets mission
>too tired you'll need to drag me there
I really fucking hated this movie. Right from the start I knew it was retarded.
idiot stupid fucking idiot
I wouldn't mind having my boipusy breached by prime Martin Sheen t.b.h.