Are you ready for the best performance in a /cavekino/ since Rae Dawn Chong's star turn in Quest for Fire?

Are you ready for the best performance in a /cavekino/ since Rae Dawn Chong's star turn in Quest for Fire?

Attached: Good Will Hunting and Gathering.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

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the only cave man kino ever made, prove me wrong.

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why were neanderthals so sexy?

>when a literal Geico commercial is more kino

Can we get a movie title please ?!

Yeah, it's been awhile since we've seen Channing Tatum

>tfw big brow ridge and nose

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What the FUCK is this shit

Why was he talking normally as a kid but as an adult he started having broken speech patterns? Do Neanderthals get more retarded as they get older?

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I thought scientists already proved that early cavemen were all black? What is this white wash of history?

I think the title is in OP pic

Redpills everyone on race after scoring higher than blacks on the ACT. KINO

This feels like if atheists made one of those super cringy "god is not dead" type movies

He could have used a vocal coach.

this looks like a really stupid take on a potentially interesting premise

....Is this meant to be an analogy for race-mixing?

>scientist carries the child
nope, some mexican or african would be paid well and installed in comfort, then sent away to appear in a human interest story many years later.
>he loves nature
tired cliche of modern people don't 'get' nature while noble savage is totes connected to it and profoundly profound in a profound way. Just like rats and roaches are, holy shit.

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Checkmate nerd

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>if you liked X you'll love Y
fuck, that's the fly topping off the dogturd that movie was.

>fairly cool idea for an episode of a sci-fi series
>bent all out of shape by US racial obsessions and sensitivities
>burnt beyond all recognition by insipid approach to both

>even the neanderthal looks like a chad


Their bones, and the marks on them showing where muscles attached, demonstrate they were way more physically powerful than any of us. Their super wide noses would make them look awful to us though, even the young cute ones. What's attractive to us isn't merely human, it's what about us approaches the neotenous human of the future. The theory that we are an unstable hybrid of neanderthal, homosapien and whatever else was around rests on the way populations kill each others men but fuck each others women, always have.

sorry to cut in with actual kino bro

looks nothing like a REAL Neanderthal

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Hello science man from the 1920s

this looks like Wonder but with a legit retard.

Wonder was kino.

He looks like a white black guy.

Nah. It’s better to compare a movie with a similar movie than just say “it’s good.” Encino Man and Wayne’s World are somewhat similar.

Modern science says Neanderthals probably looked more like what is seen on the left.
Stockier and hairier for the climates of Ice Age Europe.

Attached: neanderthal-human-body-comparison.jpg (590x568, 62K)

>the look on his face
my sides, I cant

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this looks like a parody movie

>micro phallus
no wonder why the brutes are so violent

Attached: BruteH3HReach.jpg (1476x2020, 1.43M)

Big brow ridge Masterace

>Stockier and hairier for the climates of Ice Age Europe.

So Scottish?

Attached: Scotsman Insult.gif (500x333, 2.42M)

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Need a good horror movie featuring Neanderthal Predation pseudoscience.

what are you talking about? there's tons of jews in movies.

No it doesn't. Also your Neanderthal is completely bald and doesn't have a nose for no reason.

>neanderthals were dumb and super strong

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But they were pretty strong.

Metaphor for being white male in this age

>dude, neaderthals were retards that liked nature more than humans

>noble savage
hit the nail on the head

Some species of humans were but the European neanderthals were probably lighter skinned.

White people have only been around for like ten or fifteen thousand years though right? They're the most recent race.

why didn't they just cast brock lesnar?

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This is blatantly incorrect. Our understanding of neanderthals is that they were taller and less stocky, and actually more intelligent. We won out because we were more competitive, not more civilized.

Neanderthals were taller, less stocky and more intelligent than homo sapiens? I am gonna need a source on that.

>that stock music
>that ultra soft lighting
>"he is not a good thinker but so intuitive and connected to nature and stuff" - in reality he would be as good an abstract thinker or better than the average human
>ignoring the fact that he neanderthals only bonded with family and their close tribe, he would never make new friends in adulthood

>neanderthals only bonded with family and their close tribe, he would never make new friends in adulthood
am i neanderthal

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they wouldn't have inbred into being white by that point

also why call him caveman when our ancestors lived in caves as well, there is no difference to a neanderthal born today. It's like calling the neighbour kid "caveman" just randomly.

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What in my picture gives you the impression that he's not intelligent?

>am i neanderthal

yeah a few percent, probably

Do these faggots just lurk the internet all day looking for Neanderthal topics?

can you imagine writing this shit? if it was a will ferrell comedy i could kinda see it, but trying to do an i am sam retard thing with it is so fucking stupid, this is on another level of bad.

user is clearly a bigot

To this day i still dont understand why we evolved to be furless. Did the evolution just wanted to fuck with us ?
>Move somewhere colder
>Ha nigger time to get bald

>implying no genetic engineering was involved