what film is this? serious question
What film is this? serious question
Other urls found in this thread:
That is the historical wartime drama Darude: Sandstorm.
it's tragic to think that this actually happened
looks like schneiders list my man
He does this every night
Why can't these jews just fucking get range banned already?
Pretty hot desu
This is what happens when you fuck a country in the ass, Larry!
Is this what nazis did to 6 quadrapentillion innocent jews? Horrifying to think, but a fact!!!
yeah yeah chaim, neva forget da 6 billion
It's a /pol/ poster doing this doubt he's jewish. He's also the pedo spammer.
UNLESS he's a jew trying to make /pol/ spergs seem as crazy and unlikable as possible. That'd be pretty clever.
Because clearly nobody would just unironically do this...right?
It didn't though but probably should have.
Dan Schindler's list of what? Jew footsluts of the 1940s?
no it's where the nazi's dilated
It's them starting the threads too. I assume it's debate practice for them or something.
Clearly this overly informed poster is not OP.
OP here, I'm being 100% sincere
this might be it, thanks
>Because clearly nobody would just unironically do this...right?
An entire generation of zoomers have been brainwashed by debunked infographics into a meme ideology and flat earth tier understanding of history. Yes user they are this pathetic
not really there's only 1 autist who spams this webm all day. There's like 2-3 others he spams. But w/e I don't care this thread will just become a shitpost fest one way or another.
liberalism isn't too memey, its just self-destructive.
He literally gets blown out every single time does he really think redpilling people on Yea Forums is worth this much dedication?
get laid schizo
No but NEETSoc is the biggest zoomer meme on this site. right up there with Communism as far as cringe beta male ideologies go
Yea debunked. Have you ever tried corroborating these meme infographics or do you just take them at their word?
I do the same with the official "facts".
why did she bounce?
do you think he gets paid for this?
The kiking is real.
I think he thinks that, absolutely
What information from these infographics have you confirmed? Anything specific?
why would a jewish guy try to spam holocaust denial all day? To get people to hate incels more? Maybe. They're the goblins everyone associates with this shit
Yeah, the IDF actually has an online propaganda wing.
>A computer lab staffed by students in an Israeli university is playing a key role in the war of information in the Gaza conflict.
>Inspired by the role of social media during the Arab Spring and boosted by the support of the Israeli government and Israel Defence Force, student volunteers at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, a private university north of Tel Aviv, are waging their own propaganda war countering online anti-Israeli sentiment.
Part of the actual list.
But go head, and deal in nothing but innuendo.
Yeah, plenty.
Schützt Eure Heimat!
what did he mean by this
>control f "holocaust"
>control f "denial"
>no previous posts referring to either before this one
Shh Avi, quit trying to bait people
What do you think is going on? IDF is purposefully spamming Holocaust Denial threads as a psy op to make people sick of /pol/?
such as? anything in regards something like the Einsatzgruppen or is it more broad?
>it's a /pol/cel spams to the point he is accused of being a jew engaging in a psy op episode
these are always fun
No one mentioned the holocaust or denial before you did. You should uh, samefag more before posting this next time.
Maybe instead of IDF trying to make you look bad, you spergs REALLY are that stupid?
Probably. It's all rooted in trying to shame or embarrass. Notice how whenever they post one of these threads there's an instant barrage of screencaps from the archive with all the posters calling the OP pathetic. Then it's all shame shit.
If it gets to debate and they start losing porn threads instantly start getting spammed in the catalog.
Too numerous. Just research everything you come across on your own accord.
Or maybe its now morning in Tel Aviv.
fuck off newfag we've had to deal with this autist every fucking hour of every fucking day. That, or stop being deliberately obtuse to try and deflect from your mental illness
what are your thoughts on the Nazi claims of the Danzig Massacre and the alleged scale of the murders?
I think it's a masochistic /pol/ poster who enjoys a "getting humiliated by jews" scenario myself.
Who the fuck is we? The herb seated next to you?
you autistically post this shit in every schindlers list thread. you're literally worse than him
You can find OPs spam word for word on /pol/ as well just take a look at the archive. if this dude is going for some elaborate psy op he sure is dedicated
How many do you think were killed?
That in no way disproves he isn't an Israeli.
wow a film gets blood gushing right for once.
It would only be speculation.
>you know who is worse than the spammer? the guy exposing him
>Implying they aren't from the same group of people
>Israel's propaganda wing is spamming /pol/ infographs all day
seems likely
can you give me a ballpark estimate?
was already here
now fuck off
For what purpose?
no need to get so angry you shake and misspell shit
So you think there's a group of people dedicated to spamming the same schindler's list thread everyday, screenshotting the archive of their work, and then reposting it into every other thread that is further spammed in an effort to what? make NatSoc look bad? to make /pol/ look bad?
Why do the holocaust denial spergs always refuse to provide any real evidence? Getting the tiniest bit of info from them is like pulling teeth.
It rly makes me think....
There is a theory that it's JIDF posters trying to make /pol/ seem autistic/dumb.
If that is the case it's p genius.
You fucks are a plague on every fucking board outside of where you belong, /pol/.
You spread your obsession everywhere, literally everywhere on Yea Forums. It is impossible to discuss such objectively on any fucking board (whether it belongs there or not, you retards just don't care).
Stop with your own non-sense and every measure at protecting your own simplistic worldview "every board is /pol/" Fuck every single one of you.
I couldn't begin to explain their reasoning but I think it's highly likely that it's the same people.
I was just curious what estimate you came to after your research. The number alleged dead and the event itself is surrounded by much controversy as it was the casus belli Germany used to go to war with Poland. How many do you think died?
What evidence? Like physical bodies as opposed to anecdotal?
>I couldn't begin to explain their reasoning
Because there is no logical rationale to what you're saying. Not everything is an elaborate psy op dude sometimes you just have people that are really this autistic
simply dismissing any piece of evidence that you're confronted is and denying something else isn't a viable debate strategy m8. It's why you always lose these threads
>Because there is no logical rationale to what you're saying.
Like Russians removing a wall and secure door from the gas chamber and erecting a chimney stack connected to nothing?
where are the danzig bodies? show me them.
the only thing that's not realistic about this is how beautiful this people look
both that girl and Göth looks absolutely UGLY if you've seen their pictures. meanwhile spielberg cast an aryan prince like Fiennes. hilarious shit.
How many is plenty in your mind exactly?
>muh bodies
there are 2,000 mass graves in Ukraine ALONE. (See dailymail.co.uk
You're free to go there and see for yourself. Let me know what you find that proves everyone else in the world wrong.
anecdotal evidence and evidence provided by invested sources isn't reliable.
damn dude you just activated my almonds
so what sources did you use to come to the conclusion that the holocaust is a big conspiracy? Why are deniers always terrified of posting evidence?
>MO for 20.04.19
>Focus on Danzig
>Attempt to goad posters into discussing Danzig then discredit whatever they say
proofs they did this. Then we get to debunking from there.
not a rebuttal
It seems something about how flimsy holocaust denial proofs are if you're terrified of having it blown back up in your face for your own talking points.
Almost like it's just motivated reasoning and not anything empirical....
The "proof" is the claims from the official narrative. It's the supposed explanation for the wooden doors on the gas chamber.
>the danzig massacres happened....but I'm so scared of talking about it because they can easily debunk it!
Ah yeah, the Daily Mail. So are these excavated sites or are we trusting these figures on good faith?
cringe and yikespilled
>pic related what the Nazis deemed inferior
She was 14 at the time of the photo. She would be killed by the Nazis later on in the year I believe. Nazis were absolute degenerates
>muh wooden doors
fake. Next claim.
Comically triggered.
Try not glow so bright.
proofs they're wrong.
>Removing a secure door and wall to convert to an air raid shelter
Yeah nah
the """wooden doors""" were installed as an entrance after the steel ones were removed when one of the gas chambers was remade into an air raid shelter.
christ you plebs are dumb.
>Get questioned on alleged historical event you know nothing about
>dodge questions about it repeatdly like a jew
>cry about shills after getting your brainlet knowledge exposed
by all means cry some more
still no rebuttal then? just "haha i trigger u"?
How much do they pay you to post here?
proof that's not what happened? No "trust me brah it doesn't seem right". You're a fat incel on the internet, not an expert in air raid shelter construction. I don't trust what you say blindly.
>it's not real because i say so
what an intellectual powerhouse we have
so you think you should have an air raid shelter with heavy steel doors that can only be opened from the outside? Genius!
be honest. how absolutely seething are your right now?
No one has to pay me to call you stupid, it is self-evident.
if all the "fake" gas chambers had wooden doors...why is the 1 that was supposedly made into an air raid shelter the ONLY one where wooden doors are seen? Why do all the others have steel doors? Wouldn't they all have wooden doors
your theory makes no sense direct proof aside.
No, seriously. How easy is it to get a job shitposting?
This one was 37. Its a terrible world user.
christ you're dumb.
>Why do all the others have steel doors?
Post photos please
Israeli status confirmed.
I can't believe the Germans killed over 666 billion jews. Hitler truly was the Antichrist
Hitting the wall hard. If she died it was a favor.
what did he mean by this
>comparing innocent teenage girl with convicted soviet spy
that's a tad dishonest innit?
Jews always look like that at that age.
seething tranny
shut your antifa mouth der fuhrer was jewish
The difference is the 14 year old kike wasn't allowed to get to that point of being a subversive jew.
Have sex.
do you think he gets paid?
You guys know what the archive is. Pretty quick too. How many on average enter a given thread? Im starting to think you make these schindlers list OPs yourselves just so you have some work.
Did it actually happen though?
>murdering little kids because of your paranoia/inferiority complex
yikes no wonder you can't get laid
Paid for by the Israeli government (US taxpayer)
you first tranny
Hint: you'll never be a woman
>justifying the murder of a teenage girl
This is your brain on NEETSoc
I hope that was the case. Nobody is so autistic and self-abusive that they'd do this day after day unironically right?
Resorting to even calling YOURSELF JIDF is some next level pic related
Wouldn't imagine so, unless they were getting paid for it. Also, is this guy one of yours or just some deranged tranny?
yeah. OP does spam that shit all day. Dozens of times.
refer to >So you think there's a group of people dedicated to spamming the same schindler's list thread everyday, screenshotting the archive of their work, and then reposting it into every other thread that is further spammed in an effort to what? make NatSoc look bad? to make /pol/ look bad?
Are you projecting? Your attempt at a response doesn't seem relevant to the discussion at all.
>giving your enemies any room to procreate and avenge themselves
Quit trying to pretend you have scruples Moishe
not me. Tho why would a tranny mock others by calling them trannys? Seems like a troll triggering /pol/ by using their own tranny insult.
Different user, what have you accomplished in name calling? Nothing.
I can go all night calling you stormfront fags out your self-imposed information-bubbles and selective confirmation bias. If I have to, I'll be here all night.
>haha look at this nazi pretending to be jidf fellow 4channers, I'll just attach anti-nazi image #251 to further cement my point
The morality argument will never work on these creatures. They lack empathy through a lack of real world interactions + bitterness from bullying + autism from too much anime and juvenile activities like video games.
It's a shame because the morality argument should be the first we use. But they're beyond help.
have sex
>your enemies
what makes some random 14 year old Polish girl you've never met your enemy?
Don't be embarrassed by your fellow BASED /POL/BROS. He's one of you!
Only /pol/ hates trannies though. They are false flagging.
It's funny because all Hitler did was kill poor peasant jews and piss the powerful jews off more and caused them to btfo germany forever.
>why can't we just emotionally manipuate people anymore using religion based shame?!