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Other urls found in this thread:


>waah I don't want to do my job
why are theater wagies so cringe?

>not intentionally creating a mess in the movie theater to necessitate someone cleaning it up, thus creating jobs and stimulating the economy

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>shoveling trans fats down your gullet
>drinking the carbonated jew
>paying to see propaganda



fuck off wagie, I'm going to buy an EXTRA extra large popcorn just to throw around after I'm done watching. Not because I didn't like the movie, not because niggers brought all 14 of their kids, not because of the retard in the back making stupid grunting noises whenever something happens, but just because of this reddit post

Is it only 3rd world shitholes and inner cities that do this?

That's why you do a shoddy job. If you wanna act like filth you can live in filth

He should clean it up alright but what's up with common courtesy. Soon our streets will look like poo in the loo seeing as how people are paid to clean it. We third worlding bois

>Massive stadiums clean up tons of trash after ice hockey and football games
>It's asking too much for theater employees to do the same


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Why are Non-Americans such pussies

I prevent this cleanliness debacle from ever occurring, I simply will never go to see your movie. I hope you are happy with this result.


>getting angry because they miss the trailers

fucking kek, seething little wagie

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>angry because they're missing the trailers

Fucking retards

all they have to do when the lights go on is send one of these guys out with a megaphone yelling at people to put the trash away. god damn mongoloids

I have always used the trash can. I never considered throwing things on the ground to be an option. Of course now that I am being told that it's expected and that people are gainfully employed by the litter, I may reconsider and just drop it where I was.

That's the main problem. The brownification of the mind

Isn't it common sense to throw your trash in the bin? Why even make posts like this

>6 minutes to clean up
Sounds like he needs to complain to the guys running the theater if that's not enough time to clean up.

I would go take a shit in the middle of that particular cinema just to spite this pathetic faggot

Reminder to fish for a discarded large popcorn bag before entering avengers as many theaters have free refill options. This saves a bunch of money, bonus points in you get a large cup too

>paying a metric fucktonne to see some judaic fairytale designed to further subjugate the masses
>pay almost as much for fucking shit food over-inflated unnecessarily
>NOT dumping your rubbish on the floor after subjecting yourself to this Hell on Earth
It really is quite tragic that people leave a cinema clean after viewing capeshit.

>eating cooked, dead carcinogenic food full of toxins
Fire was a mistake

not in america friend. The wagies have gotten wise to our ways and now mark the bag/buckets with a marker to tell what has and hasn't had a refill

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>angry for missing trailers
>literally angry for missing ads

what the f

nobody has free refill outside of America.

All these people defending littering and making a mess, pathetic. Glad I don't live in America.

Put your rubbish in the bin you disgusting poorfag losers.

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t. wagecuck
Clean it up.

>Not bringing empty wrappers and trash from home to leave in the theatre

Shut your fat mouth or I'll have your welfare cut off pathetic leech



I'm glad I don't live there either.

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>not bringing 6 big macs
when the film ends spread the leftovers (tomatos, mayo, ice cubes, some half eaten pickle all over the floor and seat

then go to the bathroom do pic related and proceed to watch another movie for free with only 3 big macs
then go out and fuck a hooker

this is THE KINO WAY
isnt even that expensive

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Go back to Game of Reddit general tourist

Get a load of this wagie cuck.

big macs don't have tomatoes dipshit

The difference is after the game, that's it for the night.

Many theatres will have multiple sold out showings of Endgame getting out with only minutes between to clean them and that's not even including the other movies

t. loser
Clean up your own mess you lazy fat fuck

where do you live? I'll fly to whatever shithole you live in and dump popcorn wherever the fuck I want to

>a fucking screencap from reddit
>this many (You)s

Fuck you Yea Forums, fuck you.

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>two hour shift in popcorn mines
>very busy shift at the kinoplex, will MAYBE get some imitation crab meat and well water for my troubles
>penis inspection runs long
>anvil mixup at the ticket counter, can't even grab my anvil en route to the showing
>arrive mid-kino just in time for the designated shooter
>get shot
I fucking wish I had your viewing experience, user.

I've gotten drunk and pissed off and done that in women's and "family" restrooms.

the big mac BLT

Now this is based


>spending their life-savings

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That isn't a thing

t. wagie

it is, unless you are thirdworlder of course


I live in America, the fucking home of McDonald's and am a fucking expert on what burgers exist and do not. I eat McDonald's at least once a week. You're out of your league.

Big Mac is and always has been two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles on a sesame seed bun.

fuck you now I want to eat a big mac

I like to get a popcorn and drink refill right before the movie ends and just dump it out all over the seat at the end. Such a great feeling giving a smile to the wagie as I leave knowing that he'll find what I did.

No mention of onions? I think you are not quite as you make yourself out to be, you. Burger imposter

It turns out that real life hookers are like GTA, you really can get your money back if you kill them.

Two all beef patties
Special sauce
On a sesame seed bun

Typing it is different from saying it; I never fuck it up when I recite it aloud

>neets have actually started making fun of people who have jobs

lmao american incels are the laughingstock of the modern world

>go to food court
>order large curry from A Taste of India
>beef vindaloo fucking nummies
>brown stringbean behind the counter says "I hope you enjoy"
>fucking immigrants stealing jobs
>walk up to the cinema
>order my tickets, choosing my seat specifically to be at least 1 chair away from anyone else so I can relax
>walts past ticket checker
>"Hey I need to check your ticket"
>laugh and apologize "you win this time kid"
>he looks at my steaming hot vindaloo
>"You can't take that in sir"
>laugh again "haha okay you got me this time kid"
>turn around and put the rectangular box under my shirt
>it feels really hot on my tummy
>walk to the room where they have the movie in at
>lights have already dimmed but I find the right row
>sit down in my specifically chosen seat
>what the fuck
>why am I so hot
>my dick feels so hot and wet oh my god
>realize curry tipped under my shirt and pants
>spicy vindaloo sauce is fucking everywhere, on my dick, my upper arms, the seat, the floor
>movie is starting
>don't want to sit through 3 hours and 7 minutes all sticky and hungry
>start shoveling vindaloos chunks out of my boxers and into my mouth
>it's too hot and I spit it all over the seat infront of me
>fuck it
>keep eating, I try licking vindaloo off my arms but it just makes it worse
>I now have curry on my nose, mouth and shoulders
>finish all the beef chunks I can salvage and enjoy the rest of the movie, keeping myself full with a bag of Maltesers
>lights come on
>everyone stares at me
>I only now know the full extent of my feasting
>there is brown stains over the whole area, it's sloppy and chunky and I have it all over me
>cross my arms to look like I don't care and leave

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Better set your alarm for Monday morning, friend.

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Is that all you've got?

NEET's act all smug on the internet but in real life they're depressed cause can't afford meteralistic items like us chad wagies.

Don't give a shit about the cleaning thing. It's his job so it's stupid to complain. But what kind of fucking pigs make a mess like that in the first place? "Someone will clean it up" is not an excuse or justification. That's just basic manners and common sense. Is it all just niggers with single moms?


Part of me now wants to litter out of spite; but part of me suspects they want me to pay exorbitant concession prices to do so. This is a false flag post.

Does these things only happen in america?

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let me guess
it's an american cinema

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this desu, unless my nigga Robert is on shift

i keep reading that the designated poo cleaners in SF make over 100k

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Based Randian trickle down job creator litterers. If nobody littered the litter collectors would get shitcanned komrade.

My parents are generally civilized, low-middle class folks who relate to lowly workers and yet they taught me to leave my trash on the floor at movie theaters.
They tip well at restaurants, always pick up after themselves at fast food places, never litter, and are generally courteous and generous people. But for some reason they firmly believe it's perfectly okay to leave all their trash on the floor at a cinema. WHY

Why make someone’s life more difficult though, bruh?

not as great as it sounds due to the stupidly high rent

>eating food that's still alive
Do you actually do this?

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Postal 4 looks great

It's not the customer's fault the wagie decided to take a janitorial job. The only thing making life more difficult for these retards is not accepting their role in the greater picture. If you get paid to clean, you clean. Period. Full stop. End of line.

Im gonna buy the biggest popcorn they got and make a mess, then get a refill and dump so more. Fuck that faggot.


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You seem like a genuine faggot who probably has no friends.

How much do you tip your usher? My father always told me 10% but my girlfriend that it was rude that I didn't tip 20% for a new release blockbuster.

You sound like you'll never be successful and you blame that on other people.


>live in a silicon valley shoebox
>wake up to the sound of homeless people screaming
>struggle through an earthquake to put on my business casual attire
>gingerly step over heroin needles and human feces as I exit my cramped apartment
>some economically disadvantaged youth cut my bike lock, have to ride the bus
>almost sit in puddle of blood from latest bus stabbing
>stop at starbucks after getting off, order a beverage that contains so much sugar and caffeine that my teeth will rot out by 26
>barrista charges half my daily wages
>enter workplace, but not before going through metal scanners that were installed after the last shooting
>wade past the hamplanets and sheboons to reach my open air desk
>boot up macbook and start searching for fash to bash on twitter
>triple tie-dye manager waddles over and tells me I've been summoned by the HR tribunal
>finally, I'm noticed for acknowledging my privilege!
>before I can reach the inner sanctum I'm stopped by a 4'8" chinaman who tells me he just bought out all the company stocks and is liquidating, effectively firing me
>try to hold back tears as I'm escorted from the generic social media platform HQ, it's useless because of all the smoke from the nearby wildfires
>receive a notification on my annually-purchased iphone
>same chinaman has bought my apartment complex as well as the surrounding 20 miles of housing in order to list them as exorbitantly priced condominiums
>don't even have time to realize I'm evicted before a north korean missile glasses my city

Why not intentionally smash everything if jobs are so important? This diverting the resources of the world to cinema cleaning when we could be doing much better things.

The garbage is like one shitty trash can towards the exit. So no, clean it up wagie


Honestly I'm tempted to go to the theater (haven't gone in 6 years) just to buy a big nigger bowl of popcorn and sling that shit all over the seats and floor on "accident" as I "trip" walking out.

Now I know a redditor is cleaning up the mess I feel like adding some of my garbage to it.

I work 15 hours a week and can afford anything I want.

Even friendship?

>can afford anything I want.
pretty easy when you lie to yourself that you don't want anything

I just bring bottles of corn syrup and pour them all over the floor.

Damn that was ice cold, why'd you have to do him like that

does anyone else buy a XXXXXXL sized popcorn rob, eat most of it, then XXXXL soda and drink most of it then:
>pour remainder of soda into popcorn
>bring soda/popcorn concoction into restroom each time I need to go during the movie
>pee and poo into popcorn tub
>dump the rest of the pot roast/carrots/potatoes + ham and cheese sandwiches + buffalo wings I snuck in into tub with the rest of the feces, urine, popcorn, Dr Pepper, pot roast, carrots, potatoes, italian roll, ham, cheese, and buffalo wings onto the seats as I exit the theater
I didn't the like ending of capeshit vol 245

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Except the theater is only going to hire X amount of workers, no matter how messy it gets. They force X amount of workers to work harder to clean the mess, not hire more workers. Be realistic.

maybe manager shekleberg should hire more employees to clean up theaters and give wagies even less hours

clean it up wagie

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Yikes. Sorry you feel that way, bro. What goes around comes around

My niggas and I did this a couple times
Best part is when you walk out and the guy is just standing there looking at all the shit he has to clean, you fake a punch and psych him out

its a reasonable request.


>What goes around comes around
You're exactly right. Doing your job without complaints leads to more respect and greater opportunities.

>you ARE going to warm up the seat for me, right user? I need some time to work on these extra large baked beans

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That ass is too big, I don't think my dick could reach

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>The only thing making life more difficult for these retards is not accepting their role in the greater picture
The only thing making life more difficult for these retards is smoothbrained apes like you who think you're "doing something important" by tossing your wrappers on the floor.

You know what happens when I go to white neighborhoods? They're clean. They're orderly. The only time I see this hooting and hollering type of "YEE HAW GOTTA LITTER" is when the site's frequented by filthy nigger. Walmarts are nightmares, the ghetto is full of trash. Third World is defined by their literal plastic rivers.

You're not sticking it to the man by throwing garbage on the movie theater floor, you're acting like a bottom-barrel baboon.

Meet is better than working a shit minimum wage job

Blowjobs buy friends user.
I charge between 30 and 60 euros hourly depending on the client.
For projects I charge a flat amount, my current project is a shitty sokoban clone with a historical theme for a local city's tourism plan. Got 10.000 euros for that which isn't even anywhere near the normal amount for a commercial app game but their budget was small.
The network is very important, local politics are tightknit but not hard to get into.
Once you're on their call list it's easy as fuck to wring money out of them, they have loads of dumb ass ideas to realize with taxpayer money, might as well be you they spend it on.

Actually blacks and mexicans. White theaters always look spotless after films. Black and mexican theaters are literal goddamn jungles. They litter everywhere, not just theaters. They have no concept of giving a shit about the environment and just drop trash on the spot when they're done with it.

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I can kinda understand this. Where you're just too fucking lazy to bother and just want to get the fuck out of dodge as soon as possible so you just throw that shit anywhere. But shitting up toilets is fucking irremediable, borderline psychopathic behavior. It's also fucking embarrassing letting somebody see your literal shitmess.

I dont think I'm doing something important, its just funny
Sue me bitch. I know a fag like you wouldnt say anything if you see me and my friends littering your neighborhood

I’ve snuck into cap marvel twice (not paying for that gay shit) and always turn my popcorn and soda over on the floor at the end

How do you end up doing such a shitty job if you can spell this properly?
I thought it was only for illegal mexican


>I shouldn't have to put any amount of effort into my work you mean minority man
Are you done yet?

haven't laughed this hard all month, fuck this thread

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>Littering is funny
>Actually resorting to chest-thumping aggression


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>getting this mad over some harmless wrappers

what are you gonna do about it?

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Look at that filthy soccer mom and her spawn


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>getting this mad over being told to act like an adult
As a guess I'd say your dad either left or became a faggot halfway through your teens


has anyone tried taking a shit in their seat/sneaking a shit in from the bathroom and tossing it under someone's seat?

What the fuck my McDonalds only did that bacon shit for a limited time.

Lmao nah
You didn't see our auditoriums after Dumbo, Unplanned and Breakthrough, the three whitest movies out currently

There's already plenty of cleaning to be done without Id-Slaves making it a point of pride to admire how much junk they can toss on the floor. There will always be popcorn piles or errant bits of wrapper or other-such detritus that needs to be swept.

I'm going to do what I always do, consign those people to "those retards" and go back to doing whatever I was doing. I know you guys want to have Le Epic Confrontation so you can school some wagies, but it turns out most people don't want to have that conversation either. In the end, you're only hurting yourself and the image other people have of you.

>im an adult cus i put paper in bin :)
Are you in preschool? why are you wasting nap time on Yea Forums?

Keep projecting, wagie.

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Cleaning up after yourself is generally considered "normal."

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>Lmao nah
Something is telling me you're lying

No and you didn't either

But I got you to do it for me
I'm thinking either large or extra large popcorn, which one you wanna clean up?


no need for the violence blackie

>he is not even preschool level of social responsibility

To be fair, Unplanned was meant for geriatrics, gray-skinned Conservatives and smoothbrained high-school dropouts, who are generally the types to litter.

Delightfully devilish.

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>But I got you to do it for me
I'm not the one doing it, though. I don't work at the movie theater.

The tears are delicious.

whenever I get popcorn at the cinema and there's unpopped kernels in it or large pieces of shell I spit them out onto the floor, or I'll put them back in the bag and scatter them over the seats as I leave. I consider it a punishment for the cinema for charging me obscene prices for popcorn that's not even edible.

wheres the one with the shopping cart wranglers on reddit? thats my favorite.

then why do you care? let us litter your little shithole in peace.

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>leave big wads of chewed gum on the floor and seats out of sight but still where someone will step or sit on it
>smush banana/other soft fruit into the carpet
>pour liquid on seats
>spill nacho cheese on the floor
>smear chocolate on the inside of cup holders

That's a separate job in the States?
Are your supermarket workers too dumb to multitask?

>tfw trailers used to be a big deal before the internet exploded in 07
Smartphones were a mistake.

His intellectually disabled single mother is a custodian, don't bully the poor lad.

based and redpilled

Gonna dump my next popcorn on the fuckin floor after reading this shit

So tired of minimum wage goofs acting like they're entitled to a job experiencing that is befitting a Fortune 500 CEO. You're being paid the bare legal minimum for a fuckin reason you entirely replaceable zeroes.

Because I go to that movie theater too, you dingus. I don't want to walk in your goddamn popcorn pile when I want to watch Capeshit #24

>service society
In The Netherlands cinemas would chastise customers if it became this bad and make them pick it up themselves or ban them from the establishment.

Trailers were sometimes the best part of a movie, user. You've been spoiled by instant trailers all the time.

this, that GDP is going to go up on its own, chop chop

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>I apologize for the interruption but I would like to wish my dear friend user in seat C25 a very happy birthday. Happy Birthday buddy, I cherish our friendship and smile each time you walk into the the theater. Oh and ladies, he's single. And now back to the kino.

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You think acting like a wild nigger leaving crap everywhere affects only you?


why should i care? it's the wagies job to clean it up like little good slaves they're.

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>mfw user tries to "stick it to the wagie" only for some Chad to yell at them for being a filthy shitter

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You can see how low class wagies are by their liberal use of racial slurs in their angry outbursts.

Oh no some faggot will cry on reddit if I leave my trash behind

More like yell at you in the theater.

>b-b-but m-muh chad is gonna save me
nice power fantasy

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And then what? Oh yeah, nothing happens.

Learn how to spell, faggot.

I smear poop on the toilet seats in public restrooms so the seat wipe lad will have plenty of practice.

LMAO you will clean my poop off the chair and my Mountain Dew and gummy drop mush off the floor and like it wagie. Complain to Mr. Goldbergenstein for a raise if you don't like it.

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I've never seen huge messes in any cinemas I've ever been, maybe a few pop corn bits left on the floor. Usually people do throw their trash in the bin. How common is this?

>watching Marvel's new best kino, Marvel's Captain Marvel Kills Thanos (End Game)
>Captain Marvel picks up Thor's hammer, Captain America's shield, and shouts "Avengers Assemble for Feminism" before killing thanos's career with #metoo
>I've been waiting 37 years for this scene, and Captain Feminism just ruined it
>I lob my 2 litre coke at the screen with the strength of an Olympic discus thrower
>coke sprays over the audience, many of them scream
>this is only the beginning of my righteous vengeance
>I start grabbing nearby drinks, and throwing them too, their owners gasping in shock
>the screen has taken a heavy beating, it is covered in large coke stains, with many holes in it
>I have not had enough
>people are starting to call the police now, some niggers from the back row are making their way down to beat my ass
>I grab the first of my XXL popcorn buckets, and start spinning
>I accelerate up to an impressive speed, before letting go of my bucket
>popcorn sprays everywhere, it's stuck in people's hair, its' in their drinks
>some of it has struck the niggers, they are angrier, and are gaining on me rapidly
>I proceed to repeat the process with the rest of my buckets, I dump a few of them on the floor for the wagies, before starting to make my way towards the screen
>I climb over the chair in front of me, landing in an interracial couple's lap
>fucking coal burners
>I take their food, and dump it too, before continuing to roll towards the front screen
>I leave a path of destruction in my wake rivalling that of Hiroshima
>when I make it to the screen, I produce the wine glass that I carry with me everywhere
>*ting ting ting*
>I pull down my pants and blast a dripping diarrhoea shit on the screen
>the police finally arrive
>they shoot the niggers
>I make my escape through the fire exit

do you like my story?

I'm gonna have to try this


I kinda want to go to Endgame and just take a hot steaming shit in the theater. Ten bucks to ruin some normie's night doesn't seem too bad.

>seeing movies in non-virgin theatres
You're literally giving a blowjob to everyone she's blown when you kiss her

Yea Forums confirmed for being nothing but dirty niggers and meth addicted scumbags

Solution: move to an area without blacks. Blacks are weak to cold, so go somewhere cold.

thanks dude

>on clean up duty
He's way too high up for that.

This. If they wanna charge bunchacrunch at 200% markup then I will leave my trash for them to pick up

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>throwing garbage on the floor on purpose
>making fun of people who work
Americans truly are subhuman. You degenerates deserve another world war, only then you'll learn what hardship is like and stop being pathetic leeches who live on mommy's money.

Cry more, third worlder.

Why should I throw it? When you're paying those kinds of markups having your trash picked up for you is just part of the service.

This. Do you cucks also take your dishes to the kitchen at a restaurant?

The way people little is profound. I work in place that sells magazines and newpapers, snacks and cigarettes. People just put shit in random places. They leave half eaten sandwiches between books and coffee cups next to self checkouts.

>please do my job for me
As expected of a filthy redditor commie

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I once pissed all over a seat and sink of a public toilet that was gender neutral. The person that went in after me was some poor girl.

god i hate reddit so much.

>I don't want to do my job!


underrated post

that's a redpill if I ever saw one

Absolutely delicious

Cringe and Gaypilled.

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Should've shat on the toilet flusher and tap handles for maximum chaos points.

>behaving like a nigger when someone is providing you a service


Nope. All things aren't equal, Tyrone. Making more minimum wage jobs for your people doesn't mean your ancestral land gets less food aid.

you are one with the poo now

based and trashpilled

clean my poopoo hamock wagie

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You see, Big Macs are so fucking small these days there’s no point. There’s nothing big about them. Buy some other food item

I usually take a shit on the seat once the move is over.

hell thats actually pretty genius, i never thought of that.

You didn’t do that

>Work for 6 mins
>Still get paid for the full hour
Why the fuck is he complaining, if people actually did this, he wouldn't have a job.

"But muh fans will miss the trailers" They won't be missing the trailers, just the shitty ads you see on tv anyway, the "real trailers" always only start like 20 mins before the film.


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Yes, I subsist solely on oysters

I like to sit in the far back, masturbate on my popcorn, get it all nice and soggy from my cum, then throw them everytime the theatre turns dark

I've never gotten caught in my life

Why do white people love littering so much?

What job

Based fat fuck

Previous movie gets out at 2:50pm, next showing is at 3 in the same auditorium
Only 10 minutes between and trailers start at 3
Previous showing was sold out and you're still cleaning one of the other auditoriums from the movies that got out before it
What's your solution to that, Mr. Business

>waah I don't want to do my job
>why are theater wagies so cringe?
It says exactly why the theatre wagie is so cringe.
He has 6 minutes to clean an entire theatre, that was at capacity or close to capacity, because the manager or theatre owner is a greedy fuck, who either foesn’t hire enough staff, or expects the staff to do a job in an amount of time too short to do the job.
If a larger theatre in a Kinoplex has 600 seats, then the wagie has 1 minute per 100 seats for cleaning time, or less than 1second per seat.
Even if the theatre only has 300 seats in the room it’s still less than 2seconds to clean each seat.
While every seat might not need to be cleaned. Spilled popcorn and candy, require a different technique to clean than an empty popcorn container, or a full popcorn container, or a half full soda, or spilled nachos with cheese.
Even cleaning a theatre like this in 20 minutes would be a challenge.

Communication and multimedia designer.
Basically anything with media, graphic design, websites, apps, video games, board games, print, film, editing, interactive installations and so on.
Best thing to do in the field is self employment and then worm your way into organisations that have a lot of taxpayer money to spend.

truly the most cringe way to watch a movie



I like to sit in the far back, masturbate on my popcorn, get it all nice and soggy from my cum, then eat the popcorn to patronize Little Donnie.
t. ron perlman

This. To create we need first to destroy. That's why the white race should be exterminated. White people created a worldwide order that needs to be destroyed if we want to make mankind advance.

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>waah i should'nt have to do my job
Why are wagies so entitled, bros?


you must be a rove machine
oysters contain compounds that stimulate lust
casanova are 60 oysters for brekky every morning

I live in the third world. And no, for the most part the cinemas are very clean and tidy. People, no matter how poor, don't see the need to make a big mess. Thing is we don't have niggers.

Based and redpilled

based and redpilled

Who doesn't do basic shit like this? Didn't people have a father to beat them?

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I haven't laughed this hard in months but at the same time I cannot fathom what goes on inside the head of a person who does something like this.

The man is clearly working on his engineering degree.

You saying you live in Mexico?

zoomers think Emilia Clarke is the prettiest woman on television

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Ass "men" love farts and scat. They're also not white. Weird!


See the similarities? I don't

I think somebody's PMing you on reddit bro. Better answer.

Amerifat eat while watching kinos?

>go see shazam during opening night of EndGame
>print up full Endgame spoiler bulletpoints
>tape them on the inside door of toilet stalls in men's room
What are some other classic theater pranks ?

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I agree. Leaving trash/making a mess is nigger-tier. Anyone defending this behavior is a lazy disgusting entitled fuck.


ive keyed people's cars for less. fucking degenerate scum

>causing property damage over a prank

Not throwing trash in the bin is a nigger tier behavior

Most of you are pathetic liars but I literally do smoke in the theater. It rarely triggers the smoke alarm and on the couple of occasions it did there was no way they could link it back to me.

I always ash on the seat next to me and put out the cigarette on the seats leaving a burn.

Stop being literal pussies and realize that you can get away with a LOT in the darkness of the cinema so stop talking about taking giant shots and actually fucking do it.

Because they're entitled fucking pigs. Just throw their trash at them, Ive NEVER had one fight back, they just get embarassed.


"prank" if thats a prank then so is a few scratches on a car. fix it yourself or pay a wagie who has some life skills to fix it for you.

A lot of people won't get the refill, so user's advice still works.

>t. underage

t actual nigger

Clean my trash

you's smart

I'll do you one better: if you don't clean your table at a restaurant after you're done eating yourself, you are literally subhuman. Also if you don't tip at least 20%.

No, Americans are just filthy fucking pigs.


the absolute state of wagies

>This is your brain on capitalism

>not standing up for your king

Holy shit the comments in this thread. Zoomers really need to be exterminated. Literally a subhuman generation. America is going to look like India in 10 years.

He was just sick of all the trash being thrown around everywhere.

>don't complain about my job because it's a JOB and it's my JOB to do that JOB

Get a different job if you hate it that much, fucking faggot

>People buy snacks in the cinema
Just buy some before hand and bring your own shit in. It's not hard
>People complain about missing the trailers

So they can react to them for instagram likes

why didn't i think of this


looks more like a postgraduate thesis

This desu
The type of people who just leave their trash wherever they are won't even read something like this and change, so why bother

But doesnt capitalism sort itself out? Doesnt this mean that companies will simply hire more workers? Doesnt this mean that they will have to pay higher salaries to their workers, due to the higher workload?

>getting angry because they are missing the trailers
>Americans literally get mad at NOT having to sit through ads

Popcorn is so overpriced I can't believe people just throw it on the floor.

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Clean it, bitch

Because people want to see what movies are coming out you dumb zoomer

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>tfw you're at a ready player one screening
>you see a teen purposefully spill some soda and popcorn on the empty seat next to him
>teen goes to toilet but forgets jacket
>his phone is sticking out one of the pockets
>discreetly pull out phone
>crack it and put it back where it was
>mfw he came back and sat through the whole movie without knowing
>mfw he pulled out his phone at the end
>mfw he was about to cry and I was already on my way out

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Speaking of India,

Hope one of these days you catch fire and burn like the little faggot you are xD
>b-but muh darkness guys

even my fucking yuropoor cinema is always clean and fresh. i guess niggers and spics truly make the difference.

So are American ones, don't let the wagies fool you, they clean it all up nice


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Based. Nobody likes you Amerimutts.

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Do you live in:
>Czech Republic

If not, youre European country is wealthier and has higher quality of life than the USA.

>* Keynesian economics

>t. trickle down works Reaganomics

>fill water balloons with diarrhea shit
>go see avengers end game on opening night
>dress up as iron man
>unleash a barrage of shit balloons at screen
>run out of the theater screaming at the top of your lungs like an retard

Why run out? Are you scared? >:)

>giving everyone everything they need for free will get people to work
>people being rewarded based on how much work they do rather than how valuable their contribution to other people is will result in high quality, low cost products
hope you're baiting


All these idiot replies. If I was a worker i would enjoy extra mess to clean. It would make time go by faster

What are thing that never happened, Alex?


Someone bring in an old CRT tv and leave it in the theater.

>he fell for it
You do realize 99% of these replies are bait, right?
Every once in a while someone does this shit but it's an overall rare occurrence which means it's not as big of an issue as you think.
In any case, no normal person actually does it. If you do, you are guaranteed to have some kind of mental deficiency.

>he thinks I'm baiting
Cope harder John.

This is at least original. If you do this you'll stand out from the crowd.

>do this minimum wage peasant a favour


capitalism is common sense. the problem with that is people don't often have common sense

I showed you my capitalistic nonsense trickle down bullshit, please respond.

Making up retarded stories =/= baiting

i was watching a movie with a few people from school once and there was a girl there who i had a major crush on. naturally i didn't speak to her that much but anyway, about half way through, someone asks for some popcorn and someone else just pelts them in the head with a piece. next thing you know, the floors speckled with bits of it. we found it pretty funny and someone piped up and said "what about the people who have to clean this up.." and then we started laughing so hard and just dumped popcorn everywhere. when the movie ended, we legged it for the exit. good times. they must have have been seething

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Everyone should be required to do 2 years in customer service before they're 25.

>Real capitalism hasnt been tried yet

And then you wonder why your communities are eroding

Thank you sirs

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>what about the people who have to clean this up..
What a moronic thing to say.
>What about the people who are paid a wage to clean up the theaters???? You want them to have to clean??!?!

i live in an ex-yu country. i drive golf 5 from 2007. but my house has 2 barhrooms and my local kinoplex is always neat.

Croatia? Better quality of life than USA, if you live in the tourist areas.

>Hurry up, I'm missing the adverts and trailers!

Said nobody ever

>free refill
Imagine being such a flabulous slothlord goblino of Nurgle that you can actually finish a large popcorn in one sitting

This whole meme is a Jewish ploy at dehumanizing the working class.

Outstanding move.

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