>man gets raped repeatedly and becomes a submisse whore
What kind of bullshit was this?
Man gets raped repeatedly and becomes a submisse whore
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Superhero bullshit, I presume.
Pretty sure this is from master and commander haha
God I wish that was me
man, google's reverse search never recovered from that niggers-chimps fiasco
this show is made for american women, and despite some actors and the setting it's god damn awful
Quick run?
Go for one you fat fuck
under those very circumstances, how do you think you'd end up?
what movie is this? asking for a friend
it's not a movie. it's outlander. and tell your friend the only two relevant episodes are 1x15&16. i know this from a friend.
Is this from Outlander? Where Tobias Menzies plays a crazy rapist British officer?
Crazy for the ginger's colon, that's for sure. And yes, it is.
The episodes with the Battle of Culloden Moor are perfect. My God.
Just two men suffering and trying to kill each other.
everyone's friends want to know if there's any more manrape the rest of the series.
You know what’s fucker up? The fact that a man can take it up the ass, and cum with no hands if the fucker’s dick is up there deep enough. That shit will ruin your mind
Is that not better than being raped up and ass and not getting to cum?
No. A straight man getting raped and then cumming? Having a boner and cumming? From a guy fucking him up the ass? Hell no. Best to stay flacid and in pain
written by women for women
>Not making the best of a bad situation
You're not thinking like Tony Robbins.
>What kind of bullshit was this?
Genuine American faggotry.
Why would you even rape a man... Especially that guy? How can you look at the male body and say "I can't wait to stick my wiener up a one way shit hole." Why?
There's an article about some dude who got arrested during a hippy protest and the police put him in with all the niggers just for their own amusement. Several dozen of them then proceeded to rape him from both ends over the course of several hours causing him to have a religious experience where jesus appeared as a huge nigger dick and his life from then on revolved around being a prison bitch. Very strange stuff, though he was probably a fag already anyways.
There it is.
It's this faggot
>man gets raped once
>its referenced in every episode for the rest of the show
What kind of bullshit was this?
Tony's glandular abnormalities seem to be showing.
>cum with no hands if the fucker’s dick is up there deep enough
wouldn't the clenching hurt even goddamn more...? can't imagine clenching with anything up there at all, so I'm having bloody shit thoughts.
it's those extreme alphas or individuals with a severe god complex that do it for me. i can see finding a multitude of joy in tossing them down and fucking them into something easier to handle.
The books are all about Jamie, the hot Scottish (red haired) guy (who, for all his being a hot kilt-wearing romance hero is basically a doormat for the female protagonist) getting beat up, whipped, raped, and more bad shit happening to him over and over. I think I read two of the books before I figured out author is a sick fuck.
Read Peter Sotos.
I had a gf like that
a few months back (i believe) google gave black people results when you reverse image searched chimps/gorillas and vice versa.
that's actually a huge problem with almost all modern face recognition software and no one knows how to fix it
>Donaldson died of AIDS in 1996 at the age of 49.
this is fucking gold
as a black guy our face structures do strongly resemble monkeys more than say, caucasians or asians its a bit of a sore spot only because assholes make fun of that, but its a fact I cant ignore I guees.
That guy was the essence of leftism.
I've never seen it but a friend of mine was consulted as a historical advisor for one episode, I think it had something to do with a witch trial, she said basically the entire plot was impossible. They didn't change anything but they did apparently add an extra line of dialogue which sort of addresses it.
>a huge problem
nah, it's a nonproblem of people getting butthurt that they look like apes
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
What about that spansh movie where some surgeon turns a guy into a women,falls in love and rapes her(him)
This sounds like pure liberal kino
Idris elba
>Donaldson was placed in the city jail, where he was gang-raped nightly until the guards were alerted and he was put in solitary confinement for his protection (to which Donaldson vigorously objected, believing the loss of rights and privileges unfair).
>And so I ended up in somebody else’s cell after the doors were locked. And he wanted to fuck me, and I begged him not to do it. And he said,‘Well, you know, I really gotta do it. But I’ll be real quick about it.’ He was true to his word.
It's good to see there's some decency left in Cell Block 2
>that's actually a huge problem with almost all modern face recognition software and no one knows how to fix it
The future is going to be nuts.
haha who could possibly want that to happen
there, there fren
I asked one of the beaners that do yardwork at my Winter house about this when I was marathoning the show for the first time and he said it's a huge deal and about "machismo" for a brown guy to get raped by a white guy. He said some people where he lived would rape eachother to show dominance and to make them keep secrets like "I raped that guy and he got a hardon and seemed to like it so he must be a fag so don't do business with him etc." So I guess raping a dude is alpha but getting raped is beta and gay. Pretty fucking fucked up logic but there you go.
What the fuck.
You have no idea how messed up things are down here when it comes to gay stuff. Why do you think we have so many trannies? We regularly jerked off in front of each other when I was growing up and would sometimes jerk each other off and I only found out that was weird when I was talking to an exchange student about it. In hindsight it all seems very gay. I would still have sex with a tranny though, that is nohomo.
How can anyone ask a person to tolerate this filth is beyond me and these deviants demand not only acceptance but approval.
Utterly disgusting
The Skin I Live In
Raping another man is the most Alpha thing you can do, right up there with killing him and stealing his wife.
Not the best way to run a civilisation but if you're playing the laws of nature little better than animals then it's your smartest choice.
Me on the right
If you ever land in prison you'll know, Dice