Do you think Sheev is actually going to be in Episode 9 as a major character...

Do you think Sheev is actually going to be in Episode 9 as a major character, or is there just going to be some ghost/hologram of him that shows up for a single scene? In other words, is Abrams going to hoodwink us all and try to trick us into seeing the film?

Attached: emperor-palpatine-release-your-anger.jpg (1200x510, 112K)

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Just a cameo. A hologram or a ghost. He didn't even make it onto the poster.

He's getting btfo in 10 seconds by Rey

People will think Sheev is back. There will be a "reveal" moment and Snoke will return. Showing us just how powerful be truly is.

Rey and friends will go to the death star ruins and palpatines ghost will be there, or something like that. Maybe he will turn Rey to the dark side and Kylo manages to stop them, hence rise of skywalker.

Does it matter?

its desperate pandering to get you hyped to watch their mess. rey continues to never face any challenges because that would be sexist, finn frees a bunch of slaves from the hutts and demands reparations from space europeans, and sheev gets fucked as hard as luke. dont give them money

I think the laugh is just letting you know where they are given it shows the ruins of the second Death Star on Endor.

Where the fuck did anyone get the idea that his name is Sheev? When does it ever say this? They didn't even mention his last name until like RoTJ

He won't have more than 5 minutes of screen time

In Tarkin they say it

What the fuck is that? Some non canon eu shit?


Why would you go to see a kids movie for a character? When are you going to stop watching cartoons?

Force ghost. The connection will be that he taught Snoke to use the force which finally gives him a shitty backstory. Enjoy.

I like how Snoke was a waste of time. He was brought in with no background and died with a meh. Pointless.

>star wars is a kids movie

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Palpatine also had no backstory up until the prequels, but he didn't need one, he was a very old, very evil wizard clad in black, that's it.
Meanwhile, Snoke is characteristically disfigured alien in golden bathrobes, you're not sure what you're looking at. That's why people wanted a backstory for him.

t. manchild

Palpatine didn't have a backstory in the OT but they didn't kill him off abruptly in Empire and with no build up

Considering there hasn't been an officially released poster, I guess you're not wrong.

The author asked wanted Tarkin and Palpatine to be on a first name basis. So he asked Lucas if Palpatine has a first name. Yes. Sheev. Knowing Lucas, it is likely derived from the god Shiva.

Tarkin was written before the EU wipe, but released after it. So it fits into both Legends EU canon and Disney canon.

I don't give a fuck if Palpatine is in the movie, I'm not wasting any time or money on it.

I hope he possess Lukes spiritless body and then you have Shadow Luke fighting Rey / Kylo

Palpatine is mentioned right in the prologue of Alan Dean Foster's novelization of the original. Which came out in 1976, before the movie did. Pic related.

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Why would you be a tripfag on a site where anonymity is the greatest attribute?

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You wasted time bumping this thread.

>Muahhahahahah I am Sheev! Bow
>I bow to no man!

Rey wins again
its gonna be this scene beat by beat except rey and sheev


>rey continues to never face any challenges because that would be sexist,
nice meme

Attached: NotHowMarySueDo.webm (720x304, 2.31M)

>star wars isn't a kids movie

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>posts the fight she won against a lifelong swordsmen the very first time she ever held a saber
you should slit your wrists

>posts the fight she won against a lifelong swordsmen the very first time she ever held a saber
he's trying to recruit her m8 did you not watch the movie?

in what fucking world does that matter? vader tried to recruit luke and he didnt get his ass beat by a newfag.

>destroys the plot donut the first time he ever flies a space ship
>is a toddler
now THIS is podracing

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I'm not a tripfag, so I'm still anonymous.

>in what fucking world does that matter?
if he wanted to murder her he could have at any point. He gave a her a chance to do a "use for the force moment" and she got an upper hand.

If she was a boy protagonist you'd call her a pussy.

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For someone who never fought with a lightsaber she handled herself pretty well against a Jedi-and-sith-trained warrior.

It’s a glorified cameo. Kennedy and JJ fucked up in not anticipating how popular the character is though and now people’s expectations for him in the movie have shot through the roof. They’re sweating bullets right now. Don’t be surprised if there are massive rewrites and reshoots in a few weeks to feature more Sheev.

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>against a Jedi-and-sith-trained warrior.
he's not "sith-trained" dipshit the sith are dead. He was half-trained and then just the only dickhead with a lazer sword.

And every single offensive strike she makes is easily parried. He's fucking with her, gets her cornered, and tries to do a use the force thing, and like everything else he does in the movie, it backfires.

Just admit that you're a faggot that gets triggered by girls. If she was a sexy boy protagonist and all she did in the third act was manage to NOT DIE, you'd call her a pussy.

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Which is only possible if he's a force ghost who's really Snoke, he survived bring thrown down a hole like how Darth Maul did, or *gasp* the rumors of Rey/Shmi time travel end up being true because it's been said for years that Palpatine force-raped Shmi.

Nigger, that's precisely how Mary Sues do.
If he wanted to recruit her he'd have just frozen her again, bitch slapped her with the force again, or hacked off one of her limbs.

Exactly right.

He gave her the classic Mexican "silver or lead" choice, and when she chose lead, he tried to kill her.

like i just said they did the same thing with vader except they didnt reduce the threat he represented to nothing by having vader lose the first real fight he was in. its terrible writing and it makes kylo into an almost comically inept villain
>If she was a boy protagonist you'd call her a pussy.
i can smell reddit all over that strawman, faggot, but no. kylos a pussy. and he was written that way to elevate rey's character.

>Nigger, that's precisely how Mary Sues do.
nope. See Anakin in TPM for how Mary Sues do.
>If he wanted to recruit her he'd have just frozen her again
he was clearly trying to recruit her watch the movie loser

nope he's trying to recruit her the entire time
in both movies
not even an argument my dude

Attached: qt-pa2t uses the force.webm (1920x800, 2.95M)

>he was clearly trying to recruit her watch the movie loser
Then why didn't he use the myriad of options available? If your only response is "because Rey would have resisted or countered it" then you concede she's a Sue

>He was half-trained
Yet he could do shit that not even Anakin could do, like stop plasma blasts and have an out-of-body ephemeral conversation with other people.

He's going to be just a hologram, the trailer is a pure scam trying to trick people who hate Disney Wars to watch the movie.

Based George

in TLJ they literally take the time to mention that was the first time she ever held a saber and their explanation was "oOoOoH da forze". EP.1 at least took a second to lay down backstory and say he practices piloting ships, which means ep1 literally had a more comprehensive script than 7 despite the execution

Because the goal was to recruit her not force her into submission. Honestly are you autistic? Have you not watched the movie?

Why is your inability to comprehend basic things happening in a kid's movie anybody else's problem?

Is Anakin in TPM a Mary Sue?
>the underdog protagonist manages to not get killed by the antagonist
this triggers the virgin lol

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>in TLJ they literally take the time to mention that was the first time she ever held a saber and their explanation was "oOoOoH da forze".
ok so literally the same reason that Anakin and Luke are able to destroy the plot fortresses in their first movies. Luke had a road trip with a space wizard and just magically could make a plasma torpedo change direction with his mind.
>EP.1 at least took

They ain't getting my money unless the movie is at least 10% Sheev

you read my post wrong, illiterate shill. lucas took the time to give anakin back story explaining why hes good. disney took the time to literally say rey has no reason to be good. that was my point
>make a plasma torpedo change direction with his mind
no, it was just supposed to be some impressive bullseye shot, but it was made with shitty 70s effects

> lucas took the time





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It's a Sith holocron that Kylo found, it's what turned him to the dark side.

clearly you have nothing left to say so ill take this win. better luck next thread, faggot