To all the people that saw matrix in theatres what was it like?

To all the people that saw matrix in theatres what was it like?

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Mindblowing. Amazing effects and cybergoth feeling.

It was very loud.

like a finger in 10 different buttholes

>tfw seeing it over and over at the toonie theatre

To this day I don't understand how a theatre that charges 2$ for kinos ran out of business - because of a lack of clients not because they were charging too little. But they did. And it sucked.

I saw the mummy and the matrix over and over again.

to best describe it, honestly, it was a god experience. it woke me up to the world around me as a 10 year old

Was the late 90s really all that in fashion I know today we are seeing a resurgence of it by people under 30!

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First one amazing, second meh, watched the 3rd on tv pretty late after release.

I remember me and my mother renting it, never hearing of it before and being amazed at it.

In fact, it is a childhood memory that I am very fond of and remember vividly.

I went out and bought the soundtrack the next week or so and always skipped 'clubbed by seals' because it scared me. Now I realise it was the best track on the album

Is ur mom hot

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Blew my mind. All i remember now sadly is getting to the rage song in the credits and wanting to seek out people to talk to about what id just seen.

Been a long long time since a movie made me wanna do that

I hear you fren.

Thanks fren

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Mindblowing stuff. I went in having no idea what to expect. I hadn't even seen trailers. Just went with my mother because we would go see a movie every week and that was the one we chose. Wholly original at the time with effects and scenes that really stuck with you and a great spin of the whole dream vs reality concept. It was seriously awesome.
Sequels really did suck.

First one was mindblowing. Everyone in the theater loved it. Saw the second one at an early midnight screening and everyone was confused as fuck. No one knew what the hell had happened.

Did latex fashion become a thing after it was released with people?

OP pic is not latex. There was however a bit in the second movie with Monica Bellucci wearing latex.


Was neo actually the one

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Ahhh mama Monica

No, that had already been a thing but it was more underground. It definitely made cyber goth more popular and brought back the trenchcoat which had been popular after Tombstone but fell out of fashion after Columbine.

There were many Neo, and he was the most recent at the time period the movie is set in. Even the city in the main world was on a loop of being repeatedly destroyed and reestablished with no memory of the past. We are left to assume this Neo had succeeded where the others had failed, but it's open ended enough that the cycle may just continue again anyhow.

I red that the matrix movies were on the sixth cycle and neo was the sixth chosen and that it would go to twelve or something

The hype for the sequels was Star Wars tier

There were a lot more that that count of display monitors with recordings of past Neo in the control room.

And each of those monitors was a reality where none wasn’t the one?

Wow this is like asking boomers what star wars was like.

They were all Neo. Presumably he has to be the one just to reach the control room and have his face recorded.

Pleural Neo... Neos... Neese.... Neopopoli?

Fuck give me the bluepill and steak it’s too much

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Nobody really knew what it was about before the release. The storyline blew my mind more than the effects.

>posting Jean Bardot

I love you, user.

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I never saw the first in cinemas but watched the second in 2004 in cinemas.

Matrix 2: opens with slowmo
Me: oh no ... this is going to be a pile of shit cashgrab.

one of the best cinema experiences I've had
no spoilers, just went at random because keanu reeves action movie
was NOT expecting what happened after the red pill

She is the ultimate latex model IMO I have spilt pools of cum for her

I hope you have your version of either young zoomwalker though i fear its all gay from here on out.

All of them were Neo.
All of them met the Oracle and was lead to believe that they were the one.
They all broke the cheat codes.
Somehow in the end the others failed to save Zion from destruction.

Largest Popcorn was 2 usd.

thats the same kind of experience i got watching the first lotr movie, no idea what it was, had not heard of it before that day, its a nice experience when that kind of thing pays off isnt it?

Patrician taste.

didn't like no one go to see it in the movies?

I watched the second 2 in the theater if that counts.

I still have a shiny fetish to this day and I was 8

It made like $450+ million in theaters. It was a huge hit.

It was fucking amazing and the reveal on the nature of the Matrix remains one of the most mindblowing things I've ever encountered in a movie. I was legitimately in awe, and seeing bullet time was just the icing on the cake. It's rare that you get *any* movie whose premise makes you question the nature of reality, let alone a blockbuster. It remains one of my top ten theater experiences, and I'm old enough to remember Star Wars at the theaters.

Lol, no it wasn't. Especially after the 2nd one.

>I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid… afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell how it’s going to begin. I’m going to hang up this phone, and then show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you.

I have never in my life felt a crowd react like they did to that. I say "felt" because it wasn't just a sound, it was a feeling. Like the air was charged with electricity.

Somebody post the chink staring at Trinity's brappers


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Yes and no. Anyone could have been Neo. It was more than the Architect told him. He wasn't *born* the One. Anyone *could* have become the One, but he was the man who did.

Goosebumps honestly fellow boomer.

>She is the ultimate latex model

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Boo jean Bardot>>bb


I actually did and haven't seen all that many relevant movies there. It was cool, but honestly I didn't totally understand because I was like 12 years old. I bought a VCD off eBay a year or two later and watched it again and it clicked.

I was actually really underwhelmed. I thought the dialogue was really cheesy and pseudo-profound, the concept cliched, the aesthetic bland in that early CGI kind of way (and the color grading was dull too), and wasn't even wowed by the effects.

I kind of rate it a little more now just in being kind of a certain distillation of a particular aesthetic idea of a certain period, but like that idea it's cheesy and juvenile.

I remember she did a shoot as a latex pony and I printed it out at my school library and went into the bathroom during Roberts geography course and spilt ribbons of it ahh that was about 9 years ago

>tfw saw The Matrix, LOTR, Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven at the movies
I still remember the lines for each LOTR movie on the day after Xmas.

I remember seeing lotrrotk with my dad and it had an intermission and we ate the steak dinner he packed in the car

We had a dollarkino within spitting distance when I was a wee lad. Now it’s a black church. I’ll always miss the Westhampton.

No. Will Smith was The One but he turned down the role.

did they show all the new movies?


I think seeing the theatrical cut of KOH in cinemas would have ruined it for me. I’m glad I saw the extended cut first