Gandalf was gone 11 years

Gandalf was gone 11 years.

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Time is reckoned differently for hobbits.
They arent considered adults until they are about 50. Still considered children until they are 30. How old was gandalf? At least several hundred years old. He was probably gone the equivalent of a season cycle in middle earth time.

Fantasy/Sci-fi are for kids btw

>how old was gandalf
ageless, he was put on middle earth along with 3 other wizards by eru illuvatar to watch over it

The movie was already long enough.

>At least several hundred years old.
He and the other four wizards are Maiar. Basically archangels which were born before the first age. They took the forms of old men so they wouldn't scare people and still be able to share their wisdom.

him and 4 others retard

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you right, my fault, it's been a while since ive read the books

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Why does Sauronman look like in the movies but not Gaydalf or the hippy weed wizard?

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kids couldn't understand blade runner tho

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It's not even mentioned in the actual story. You have to dive into the supplemental bullshit to even know half this stuff.

I know, I count The Silmarillion as part of the books when talking about LOTR

What happens to the others? I recall radagast, sauramon, gandslf, and a mention of maybe two blue cloaked wizards

There are two versions. In one, the Blue Wizards are corrupted and found various magical orders in the East, in the other they succeed and keep large parts of the East from from the Shadow.

what happens in the areas not covered in the books?

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Wait. So all that time he took finding and reading shit about the ring took him 11 years?

Frodo was like 30 something when the book started and over 50 when he left the shire, if I recall

nothing just like in real life

That almost makes me want to read the books

>movie radagast was a crazy weirdo
disappointing, desu

In the books (and maybe for the movies too, as nothing opposes it), they are also chilling at Rivendell for 3 months and Lorien for a whole month.

i feel like him and bombadil were combined for the hobbit film

He was 33 at Bilbo’s party, and Bilbo was 111. The party was for both of them, which is why they invited 144 guests; it was both the sum of their ages and a nice round gross.

Gandalf was gone 17 years, and Frodo leaves the Shire at 50 years old.

Nice, wasn't too far off, it's been a few years since I've read em all, I should do that

He does a lot of wizardly dicking around

Smokin that weed

Is The Lord Of The Rings the greatest film of all time?

12+ hours, 3 parts, its absolutely amazing

hurr hurr should we take the Moria? better ask Frodo who doesn't know dick about it

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if you have not done so, absolutely do this

also searching for Gollum with Aragorn and the Rangers

it's mostly accepted that they played a part in preventing the vast hordes of the easterlings having much affect during the war of the ring.

why was Gimli so adamant about it? he had come from the Lonely Mountain so he had crossed the Misty Mountains at some point to get to Rivendell
if he thought the colony had survived why didn't he go and see it himself when he had the chance to?