liberals are so fucking evil holy shit
Liberals are so fucking evil holy shit
This entire thread must be purged.
and the left
I don’t want to open it please describe
lmao bro just let minorities have even more children they can't take care of causing them to eat up funds from social programs haha.
you know that doesn't even have a brain yet, right?
it's just a bundle of cells, you incel.
Nice tv and movie thread, you fucking baiting nigger
how many weeks is that? i feel like don't want to know
>killing humans is inherently "bad" or "immoral"
Jesus Christ, how is this even allowed
Have sex
Why do liberal see it as some sort of competition over who can abort the most unborn babies? It's really bizarre and unsettling.
>tfw no homunculus baby to play with
humans are a cancerous stain on this planet that bring nothing but misery and destruction. Good riddance. Too fucking many of us as is, we're like a plague that's destroying and fucking shit up for everything else.
We literally slaughter and torture billions upon billions of animals every single year, we destroy and destruct the environment of endangered species left and right, we overfish until there's nothing left because of our greed and insatiable apatite. We've done more destruction in a few centuries than has been done in millions of years. One less little shit that's just going to eat up the limited resources that we squander is a good thing.
What stops you from killing minorities already born pansy
You ought not done that he's just a boy
that baby was just being touched to find out if it moved, and the baby moves
Kill yourself
>Have sex
more than you for sure
Based as fuck, I don't understand cuckservatives who don't want minorities to kill their babies.
They're not evil, they just think the conversation revolves around "women's reproductive rights" and not whether the fetus is a goddamn human or not
no u
tha'ts fucking disgusting beyond belief. i hope all "progressives" aka commie insects die in eternal hellfire
Are you aware of that's not an abortion or just retarded?
They don’t even realize they worship Satan yet. THE ETERNAL LOSERS.
Imagine that fetus growing up to be pic related.
Be pro-life, don't waste a thot.
ok calm down edgelord
Pretty sure that's not abortion
then why they cried when they're born?
Human =/= person
sounds like God hates you
I suggest kys
How doy you relate all that to a premature birth?
hahahaha what a fucking pathetic image
This concept is literally foundational to a functioning society, and you're a naive edgelord teenager.
Conservacucks: "omg how can liberals be so evil it is a human being"
what's your point?
Cancer cells are alive. Oh God, will someone please think of the living cancer cells before getting a liberal chemotherapy
Conservatards keep using dead fetus extractions and premature birth pics for muh feefees dishonest effects.
Simple solution: stop both abortion and welfare
yeah, if it were an abortion it wouldn't be whole. they dismember the body in the womb because it's easier to take out in pieces.
looks like about 9 weeks
life scares them
Liberals :
>Conservacucks: "omg how can liberals be so evil it is a human being"
Conservatives: “why are leftists so anti human? what makes them hate?”
>This concept is literally foundational to a functioning society
stop going on /pol/ faggot
WTF are conservatives that based?
liberals support keeping babies alive long enough to maximize profit on baby parts before killing them aka planned parenthood etc
How cute the 12 year olds discovered Yea Forums for the first time
Childhood is when you Think humans are bad
Adulthood is when you discover about dolphin rapists and realize evil is part of any living creature
Cancer cells are not human life
Fetuses are
>Thots are women that will never even think of dating me
Stop projecting your incel shit on random people, and please, for the love of Christ. Have sex.
The vast majority of abortions are done on blacks.
lmao what a retarded faggot, you actually believe that? here have a pic of an actual abortion so you can stop being so stupid
I don't care, they must die. You shouldn't have to be burdened with raising a child if you have sex.
they don't. they don't even want other people to. don't get me wrong, it's not because they have any moral qualms about it. it's literally just about sounding smarter than old people. that's it.
You can’t explain what life is to someone who doesn’t have one, user, especially when that someone is literally cancer.
My name is Not Important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins... here!
because their moms shit on them coming out
That's a weird snowglobe
Imagine poking a hole in the amniotic sack and slurping that shit up dude
Was pro-life. Found out my cousin has bipolar disorder and fucks 10 guys a week for months at a time without protection during her episodes. She has had 3 pregnancies, without abortion that would be 3 children genetically predisposed to a severe mentally illness being raised by a violent, promiscuous woman incapable of holding a job or paying her bills.
Thank god for abortion.
I don't get what's so disgusting about this.
I mean yeah it's a dead baby.
But a great sign of respect for the dead is actively being present with the body. It's why an open casket is the best kind of funeral. An honest, visual, even tactile yet respectable goodbye with the dead. It's also good for the living to make final contact before moving on.
To me this video is just an honest way of a mother saying goodbye. You know it's too late for an abortion at this point of fetal growth.
Unless this is entirely fake of course.
>This thread is still up.
intelligent, nihilistic and with a WICKED sense of humor
That could have been pic related
Be pro-life, don't waste a thot.
but you should.
what you "shouldn't have" is sex.
That's not abortion either dumbass
It's miscarriage
Or she could get her tubes tied like the whore she is
Malicious intent is, as a far we can reliably know, a solely human characteristic.
Not that you're wrong. Violence and "cruelty" is not uncommon in the natural world. Its just humans have concepts for it, and know better.
It literally reacts to touch
Abortions should be allowed only for nonwhites. Hell it should he forced on nonwhites. Unfortunately this will never happen until whites wake up so until than I will support abortion as it is the best means of controlling the black population. Daily reminder 300,000 blacks are aborted per year every year since the 70 (and that's a good thing)
I have, and didn't murder the product of it.
If they want to sex and dodge responsibility then what's the problem?
Do you think fetuses feel pain?
It could just as easily be a big fat mexican boy. I don't understand why you seem to believe that only attractive white girls are being aborted.
evil is just something that doesn't fit in your ideology
Everyone should have been aborted except for me and 10/10 supermodels desu
Seriously. WTF
Extremists are evil, no matter if they are libtards or. conservatards. They are authoritarian in nature.
why would your sister have an abortion if she won't even use birth control?
it would be safer for nazi doctors to sterilize her.