Please don't be mean to RLM

RLM mocking celebrities and regular people is fine, but don't you dare do the same thing to them.

Laughing about dead children, celebrities with substance abuse issues and old people exercising to help their health issues is fine, but leave my friend simulator members alone!

And MODs please don't delete this thread, it's as relevant as the billion other eceleb threads on this board

Attached: leddit lol.png (1042x860, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>but the other boys are jumping off the bridge, mommy!!!
Fucking toddler.

Red Letter Media literally ruined Star Wars.

If you give attention to these rapists of creativity and Disney Shills then you are just as bad as them.

I kind of feel that way. A lot of the things that Mike whines about in the prequels he excuses when other films do it. He gave the first JJ Abrams Star Trek film a good review when it was far worse than any of the prequels

Reddit rlm is cancer. Endless memes and they haven't figured out rlm is kind of losing rlevancy and the jokes are sour..

1. Who is Red Letter Media?
2. Why should I care about them?
3. Why aren't plebbitors even pretending to hide it anymore?

I think 2 hour essays are a different medium than off the cuff reviews.

Stop with this NPC Tier posts It dont make you sound smart.
Just calls then shit period

>meming buzzwords
>Unable to form coherent sentences

What social media marketing company is astroturfing this shit? It's some of the worst, least convincing crap I've ever seen. Even worse than the tranny trap threads in /fit/ and the pro-Israel threads in /pol/.
Christ this is just bad.

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Do you guys think its close to an end?

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No, why would it be? It's the easiest shit to make in the world, the only "effort" they put into each episode is putting on their Lightening Fast uniforms.

The only way it'll end is if they have a falling-out in real life and stop working together (which is unlikely given that they've been friends for like half their lives)

If I wanted to read reddit I'd go there. Delete this faggot

If they can't take it, then they shouldn't dish it out

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Stop with the reddit-tier moron posts. It makes you sound retarded. Just write coherently you waste of space.

It that post has nothing to do with being mean to RLM. About invading their privacy, which is a completely separate issue.

Why are you browsing Reddit anyway, OP?

>ooh big movie is out
>maybe there'll be an entertaining RLM review
>oh another hitb on some shit netflix horror movie they'll hype up but is a piece of shit?
>ok then

Attached: let go.jpg (960x960, 37K)

And if they reviewed the big movie, you would be here complaining that they only review blockbusters. You faggots have gotten so predictible and desperate.

Sorry you feel that way RLM paypig

It's actually funny when RLM does it.

if you can't take the heat of the internet then don't use it for profit or social gain. that goes double if you are putting your real face and name out there and all your buddies. it's a double edged sword.

What in God’s name is RLM?

How could you read that entire post and somehow come away thinking it’s about people mocking RLM? Are you fucking retarded?

IDK. A public photo isn't privacy if you're e famous.

Doxing somebody is a privacy concern. Maybe recording them peeing without their knowledge.

If you're fat and got you just gotta live with it.

Is being a gigantic over-sensitive pussy a requirement for opening a Reddit account?

I think Jay really wants to quit, he'd be happy doing just horror movie reviews and it feels like its in his contract with Mike that they do one every other month.

it is complicated and what you said is problematic and a microaggression against Polynesian people of color (here's why)

Are they mocking the private life of a celebrity that's been leaked? Are they laughing about leaks of dead children?
I don't even agree with this redditor, but you need to make logical sense. Your statement literally falls apart.

Is this regarding Adam Driver ?

Yea Forums trying to mock another site for obsessing over RLM is fucking hilarious.

What happened now? Did someone finally dox Mike and Jessi's baby or something?

I want to see that picture of Rich Evans and his girlfriend so I can make fun of it

do they really mock actors that much? maybe the Plinkett persona

It's not you're just a basedboy.

Being an overly sensitive pussy is why I'm I'm in Yea Forums m8
It's how I cope
When they talk bad about my waifu it makes me mad, thank god IRL they dunno about it

>hey look at me, Jack. I'm a good boy. I'm not like the "creepy" rlm fans. Here's more patreon money. I love you guys

Reddit fags are insufferable


Youtubers and their "cultists" are a stain on human culture.

End them soon

Why would they be trying to get Jacks attention by donating to the RLM Patreon when Jack has nothing to do with their Patreon and doesn’t get any of the money from it? Your autistic fanfic has logic flaws.

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The JJ Abrams Star Trek was by far the most interesting / fresh Star Trek ever made by quite some margin.

Everything else is honestly really lame.

Did she show him her Wendy's commercial?

legitimately this.

youtube cults are a thing whether or not people realize it.

>Bitch about grammar despise understanding Very well
I hit a nerve and that is what matters.

>criticize RLM content
>the autistic fanfiction Yea Forums fabricates about their lives
Are you faggots retarded?

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Says the guy that no doubt posts repeatedly in every RLM thread

Jack from RLM regularly posts on that subreddit so he'll see the post

The Holohoax is the key to understanding the fall of the West

What happened?

Even Rich can do better

You act like this site doesn't have its own share of eceleb cock suckers.

IV was kino though

Doxing is different than making jokes.

someone post the pastas

I actually read through the comments, and it sounds like there was something posted on a fan-run RLM Facebook group that was perceived to be an invasion into their privacy.

Anyone care to post it here for everyone to enjoy?

I hope everyone involved with RLM get anally gangraped and die in a fucking fire.

Found the prequel zoomer.
stop watching friend simulator

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