Comfy movies

Friday night and im staying at home, name some comfy movies

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Heaven's Gate
Pat Garret & Billy the Kid

Implying you don't stay in every Friday you freak

Retarded word for retarded manchildren.

I dont sometimes i visit my mom

stop projecting

based and mommypilled
also, the first half of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

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I hate the comfy term, but this is the only movie it can be accurately attributed to

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Attached: Last_boy_scout.jpg (258x386, 22K)

Happy People: A Year in the Taiga

Attached: 913DShsadYL._SY445_.jpg (315x445, 47K)

The 'Burbs
Any 80s-90s Joe Dante movie has a supreme comfiness to it.

Probably my favorite ensemble comedy.

Can you recommend me some comfy kinos where most of the scenes are nocturnal? Something with those low light/dark aesthetic.

It doesn't matter what genre are. I just find out those are the comfiest to watch while laying on bed.

Paris, Texas

harry potter and the half blood prince is one of the comfiest movies ever. terrific cinematography too.

Captain Ron

Raising Arizona
O Brother Where Art Thou?
The Big Lebowski

Odd Man Out
My Winnipeg
On a Midnight Clear (the WWII movie)
Midsummer Night's Dream (Kevin Kline version)


captain phillips
cast away
old school clint eastwood

Man I haven't seen that in 30 years. How does it hold up?

Comfy bump

Pretty well. Sometimes it can get plain goofy but it doesn't do that often. The special effects feel as organic as they should and the scale of things like blood cells is still awesome.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

>maga blanket

dat aint it chief

Grumpy Old Men