What are your favorite Star Wars scenes?

What are your favorite Star Wars scenes?

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i like da sceen in da mobie when her shoot da laer in da paceshimp

None of them are in the new ones

Most of my favorites are in Revenge of the Sith

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Probably the "luminous beings are we" scene where Yoda lifts the X-Wing

Han bantering in the Death Star is the best scene in any of them
>how are you?

>Episode I: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul
>Episode II: Battle of Geonosis
>Episode III: Anakin vs. Obi-Wan (specifically the dialogue before and after the fight).
>Episode IV: Vader choking that imperial guy; Obi-Wan scaring off the Jawas; Mos Eisley
>Episode V: Luke and the Wampa
>Episode VI: Luke rescuing Han and Leia, especially his message to Jabba and arriving at the palace
>Episode VII: Kylo Ren on Jakku, killing that artifact hunter guy and stopping the blaster bolt. Actually all of his scenes are great imo
>Episode VIII: Rey and Kylo fighting the guards, Luke vs. Kylo
>RO: Vader hallway scene
>Solo: Maul's cameo

>The Clone Wars: boring zoomer shit

>Holiday Special: Bea Arthur closing the cantina
>Ewoks 1: absolute garbage
>Ewoks 2: When Wilford Brimley is finally nice to Cindel

Basically plebian opinions, but I genuinely love the movies.

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Everything in this is so wrong. The composition, the lightning, the colour grading.

Forgot to mention one of my favorite scenes in the saga is actually a deleted scene that I can't understand why it didn't make the final cut. When Luke tricks Rey into storming the natives' party. It was genuinely funny and actually a great lesson. But I guess freeing the not-horses in Canto Bight was more important...

When rey jumps over the bad ship with her lightsaber in the desert

I'm so glad people are coming around on this kino


I hated a lot about it when I first saw it. After giving it some time and rewatching it, it's actually pretty good.

Luke vs Vader.

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When Yoda blew up the tree and dabbed on Star Wars fans.

This. The part when their lightsabers light up in the dark. It is completely silent and eerie. Best scene

When Luke turned to the dark side right in front of our eyes...

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Honestly it's Obi Wan's fight again Darth Maul after Qui Gon died. The way he pumps himself up beforehand then sprints into the super aggressive duel is great, especially with the knowledge that Obi Wan is supposed to be a master of the defensive technique. Like he briefly lets himself go to pure rage.

>Rey and Kylo fighting the guards
one of the worst choreographed fights in all of the films

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The scene in The Rise of Skywalker where Rey beheads Kylo Ren with both Anakin's blue Lightsaber and Darth Vader's red Lightsaber like Anakin once did to Count Dooku in the wreckage of the Death Star throne room ;^)

Better than Darth Vader and Obi wan in anh

looks like Sid from toy story

The opera house scene with Sheev and Anakin in Episode 3.

Isn't there a uncut version of TLJ? I remember Yea Forums bitching about stuff that wasn't shown in theaters a while back.