Incel kino?

Need some films about lonely/jaded men or movies about men who try and fail to get romance.

Post them. Don't post that french film i've already watched it but looking for something similar.

Attached: VN5Uwg6.png (633x833, 628K)

Other urls found in this thread:

where are my gymcels at?

Attached: 1535069810834.webm (640x640, 2.6M)

One Hour Photo

Attached: banner.jpg (1240x500, 63K)

Now post his more recent photo.

Lars and the Real Girl

Attached: 920x920 (1).jpg (920x539, 67K)

Attached: 7kVw7wLh.jpg (768x1024, 95K)

What kind of shithole is this? Im a gymcel that spent most of my time on /fit/, recently taken an interest in movies. I seriously couldnt figure out if i was on /fit/ or Yea Forums for a second.

Zero Charisma
Trust me and watch it please.
>is a huge weirdo that literally buys a sex doll to keep as a girlfriend
>cutest girl in town has a crush on him

Taxi Driver but you've already seen it, obviously.

That film is so cringy I couldn't even watch 10 minutes, but great recommendation.
There aren't many, don't think anyone in Hollywood can even imagine what inceldom can be like, or would want to make a movie about it.
Crazy stupid love is a favorite of mine, and could somewhat fit in that category.

Densha otoko

Attached: 55D01D5B-9AE4-4502-B6A6-6F3005C35BC9.jpg (353x397, 16K)

Blade Runner 2049

Attached: 1555268957897.jpg (1203x620, 83K)

>just make your hair thicker bro
>just improve the lighting bro
>just smile bro

>>just improve the lighting bro
2700K vs 5000K makes a yuge difference

Doesn't work if you have shit hair genetics.

Attached: 7CC2D84C-D45F-47F5-AAED-67E4DB458754.jpg (750x937, 79K)


>His receding hairline is fixed

Really fires up the ole frontal cortex lobe

Attached: SmartSelect_20190329-012059_Chrome.jpg (692x945, 265K)

The guy on the right is Elliot Roger tier and would still not get laid unless he has normalfag personality. Also the faceapp smile is not realistic, it's a picture of a perfect smile pasted on your face.

The photos on the right arent real, user.

why does his head grow in each frame lmao

Why are his eyes so close together? Is he Jewish?

beauty AND brains

Is this the power of mewing?

latest pic

Attached: 307DB69E-C913-4143-9CBF-1CE14B89C98E.jpg (600x600, 40K)

Looks won't get you far, especially if you're not drop dead gorgeous, you know what's better than looks?, a golden tongue, charisma, confidence and character are what makes a man, and if you're funny, you're socially set for life and can command a harem of bitches.

You can't do any of that with anxiety, or low self worth so you're fucked.

Lighting and lenses, you may think you look like shit, but to make sure just read about those things and try to take a decent picture, then you can kys in peace.

Why did he become oriental?

he just beed confidence

City of god

To be fair men look better as they get older usually. The opposite is true for women.

what do u call this eye type. like the opposite of slayer

There's a perfect short film for this feel.

I can't count that movie. It'd have a decent message if he didn't have a cute girl pining for him the entire time.

Attached: 1546797101399.jpg (1234x1545, 90K)

Predator vs prey eyes.
Also the angle of the camera and the expression affects that shit a lot, look down at the camera, squint and lower your eyebrows like all the twink models do.

Attached: 1544618651431.jpg (880x442, 85K)

do people really look like this

Also forgot, he has Buscemi eves.

Attached: buscemi.jpg (600x318, 22K)

This. It really doesn't matter how you look and how you dress if you're a creepy antisocial fuckwit with no hobbies or interests.
Spend time building a personality, then work on the aesthetics from there

lmao wats the original pic of saint blackopsiicel from anyway

>just smile bro
>get a haircut bro
>change your clothes bro


Attached: 83A1C16D-6F25-4ED1-81AD-7F2CD275ED9A.jpg (1024x1024, 68K)


...well fuck dude it kinda seems like it did...

If you're "building" a personality you're most likely faking it user, and in the long run, the facade fades away, like forcing someone to read or learn a language, you don't get a hobby, you have a hobby, big difference.

A personality develops along with you, your interest in tech, films, cars and mechanics, the hobbits and interests aren't the actual problem, this is
>creepy antisocial fuckwit
Most incels won't approach, because of low self worth, confidence, fear, or simply because they were social outcasts or didn't develop socially from a young age, Elliot for example he had the potential and could've slayed if his the inside of his head wasn't fucked, like all of us.

it did cunt, but fucker can't take a picture worth shit, and if you can't take a good picture it's best to not take one at all until you learn how to.

Attached: 1550391180036.jpg (292x443, 91K)

>tfw my interest is true crime
I seriously cannot think of a single way that trying to meet people through my interests could turn out well

>If you're "building" a personality you're most likely faking it user, and in the long run, the facade fades away, like forcing someone to read or learn a language, you don't get a hobby, you have a hobby, big difference.

Not even marginally true. Start with baseline interests, ideas of things you like, dreams you had, whatever. Make yourself dive deeper into those things, find the ones you actually love, spend more time with them, interact with other people that like the same things, you naturally change as you interact and as you learn. It's really not complicated.
These things only face if you get lazy and stop doing the things that interest you. People get hobbies all the time. Shit doesn't just spring out of the infinite hobby well, you have to pursue them

You meet people through social places and situations, you share interests, the more you have in common, the better.

The only way you can meet people through common interests is Facebook and online dating, and I don't think that would turn out great.

Also shit interest.

Fade, not face, fuck my stupid life

he looks half normal here

You ser never really here
The Master
I'm Still Here
Sisters Brothers
Irrational Man
Two Lovers

Damn almost anything with JoaquĆ­n Phoenix

>When he's clearly balding

This is st blackops2cel's brother. It's crazy how he has the same features and facial structure but looks good and normie-tier. Really just a few millimeters of different bone here and there makes a huge difference.

Attached: brother.jpg (750x750, 32K)

>You ser never really here
how is this incelcore

You were never really here was not about an incel

>all this shit about divorced men
when will hollywood have the guts to portray an actual hand-holdless incel?

Hollywood wouldn't dare make something like Taxi Driver today. Incels aren't gonna draw audiences

Taxi Driver

Swiss Army Man.


something from this

Attached: White working class cis man who decides to kill people motivated by his anger against inequality of. (756x755, 608K)