Previous: Heh, anyone still remembered that really weird GoT spinoff set in space where Jon Snow/Egg-On is an evil Martian Space Admiral?
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those were the days
So if he's really still alive are we going to have to deal with endless "was getting caught part of your plan" shitposting?
Okay this is the thread
You know the answer already.
Azor Ghost
You'll have to just wash that down with all the normie tears
I was watching videos of normies reacting to the first ep, and all of them cheer whenever Jon and Dany kiss or flirt with each other. Is this is a sign that incest is becoming socially acceptable?
Reddit stole Bobby B posting :(
>You are Egg-On Targyryen. Sixth of his Name.
Who? You mean the band?
Save me Davos!
>pure white genes
Only when the ones engaged in the incest are libs
>had a big tiddy Martell betrothal and Dorne's fealty waiting for him
>no one fucking told him
>he died getting mounted like a mare by a savage who stunk of manure and Dany was well on her way to stealing his throne
Holy shit, Call of Duty:Infinite Warfare
Has anyone else noticed that the scripting and pacing has been changed entirely from episode 1? There was more monologuing then. Scenes seem to be scripted now around one-liners with complete silence after the joke for a solid 2 seconds to allow reaction normies to laugh
Why not? It's absolutely normal. In Islam you can marry on your sister.
Littlefinger and Stannis appear in E6 and save everybody from the night king. Stannis is named king, Littlfinger his hand.
incest was practiced by european royalty in real life, it's a cultural nod to the era
Yeah, Varys and Illyrion played Doran Martell like a little baby. They were preparing the field for Aegon by ruining Viserys.
Yes, MKUltra at work.
Content exposed to the person and accepted is in turn accepted in society.
Next LGBT step isn't pedophilia or bestiality, it's incest.
Except Robert never wanted him to get the big tiddy Martell betrothal
what if Bran travels to past
and feels Jamie cumming inside him 4 times?
Viserys had a hard life
what if Bran travels to past
and eats the face of Ramsay Bolton
>>pure white genes
How come the Night King doesn't have any zombie mammoths in his army? Or ice spiders? Or those shadowcats from the book?
Jamie looked beautiful that day
budget. gotta have more of them how to train your dragon scenes
Arya would have stolen his face and found out he's not really petyr unless she's stupid and got high off of killing a defenseless man begging for his life- whose army just saved Jon, because her sister ordered her to. Maybe Petyr was a faceless man all along.
Good. The last thing the Targaryens need is breeding with more Dorniggers
Not between brother and sister
Yeah, that’s why everytime I penetrate my little sister I do it to pay homage to European history
I can't watch this without getting chills. Maybe I'm a basedlad after all.
He had a polar bear last season
run baby run
the midgets gonna catch you
run baby run
and try to get away
Jews stole all money and gave us fucking computer dragons with cheap graphic instead the animatronics
*and actually already murdered Arya and stolen her face.
I'm pretty sure normalfags are too stupid to understand Jon's parentage.
>Who's Rhaegar
>Wait who's Aegon
>Wait what's happening, who's Jon's mom
You have 5 minutes to redeem Arya's character. How do you do it?
jaime is the last chance for this season to be decent honestly
Who is she? Can we get explanation in the final season?
>replay D2
>remember there are Lionheart armor and Kingslayer sword runewords
Honestly liked that when Jon got buttmad about Sam's implication that Ned wasn't "muh honorable mang" and sauntered up to him that he didn't back down like a coward. Looked him in the eyes and told him the truth even though he was obviously mad as fuck. Honestly thought Jon was going to hit him.
Are you joking?
Kill her and reveal the waif's face underneath
I would cut her fat from face and belly
Here's the thing: Normalfags are unironically stupid. They aren't, won't and most importantly CAN'T analyze what they are watching. They aren't paying attention to dialog, they don't care about politics and they most certainly will never think of logistics. All they want is to see tits sword fights and splosions.
They are not thinking "You know, incest isn't that bad" they are thinking "I know those characters! They are the good guys! The two main characters need to kiss! I should clap!"
Seriously user, don't over think it. They aren't watching the show because they like it, they are doing it because it's popular and they might see an explosion and some cgi dragons. Normalfags will also make fun of you for taking it too seriously if you say anything remotely negative about it.
Joanna Lannister.
Nice digits and at least there will almost definitely be zombie giants. A zombie mammoth would be absolute kino
I want him to keep losing weight and bring honor to his family name before the end. That's all I want
Reminds me i found 8 old pulp books about "Eric John Stark" on mars i read one ware he faces undead in a ice city in the north polar area
bran travels to past
Wargs into her
And makes her fuck Gendry
Your post is retarded. Robert didn't know about any betrothal. He just wanted Viserys dead because of muh targs. You're a braindead simpleton.
Incest has always been acceptable. (Inbreeding isn't obviously) People just pretend it's icky because everyone else pretends it's icky. It's completely normal for siblings to be attracted to each other and experiment. It's also very common.
>Robert didn't know about any betrothal
Robert was aware of the Targaryen alliance with Dorne and how the Princes were expected to married Martell women. But Rhaegar fall in love with "muh tomboy snowgirl"
>Robert was aware
give you 2 sojs for it
I wish I was a normie though. Maybe then I’d have a gf :(
I think you got it wrong, son.
Rheagar married Elia Martell. Then he boned Lyanna who was Robert's bethrothed.
Doran made arrangements for his daughter Arianne Martell to marry Viserys. That was done after Robert won the throne. It was a conspiracy to bring the Targaryen back in charge and Robert never knew about it. He would have had Drone burned down otherwise.
Why do you think Robert was so upset after Lyanna's abduction?
It's not coming out is it bros? I'm worried something bad will happen to GRRM. Hopefully Brandon Sanderson can finish the books
Probably Littlefinger
Perfect ending incoming
>have trial for jamie crippling bran and killing dany's dad
>dany wants to feed him to the dragons
>everyone is like "oh shit nigger what are you doing"
>tyrion, varys, davos, and jamie escape at night to go to kings landing
>bronn shows up to kill them but they're already gone
>sam finds crossbow and kills dany
>nk btfo winterfell with warged dragons and nk dragon killing each other
>beric and tormund die heroicly while everyone escapes
>everyone rendevous at kings landing including mel and radmure with riverland troops
>varys meets strickland (actually a blackfyre) and they turn on lannister troops
>jaime is meeting with cersei while this happens
>she tries to have qyburn blow up the city but jaime kills her
>azor jaime, confirmed by mel later
>nk attacks king landing
>big final battle where jon sacrifices himself to get jaime close enough to nk in order to kingslay nk
>blackfyre strickland put on throne
>jaime as kingsguard
>tyrion as hand and king of westerlands
>robin, sansa, edmure, davos king of respective lands
is cleganebowl even important now? we all know the hound is going to win
>kills dany
any ending with Dany dying will be perfect, but I doubt it'll happen, or if it does not until the last scene
Who ruined her?
>Promise me, Ned.
Yeah, but also another sign people are stupid as fuck.
why didn't syrio pick up one the lannister swords?
He'll explain when he returns
We'll probably get it eventually. We'll never see A Dream of Spring though.
i ahte this show it fucking sucks
All acording to keikaku
Because he was hopelessly in love with her and they were to marry. Not only were his feelings unrequited, but he got cucked by a Targaryen
He was using a Valyrian Faceless Sword pretending to be wooden to catch them off guard.
I just hope the Euron storyline actually goes somewhere because The Forsaken is literally one of the best chapters he's ever written.
Just thinking about Euron in THAT armour, standing on a deck is awe inspiring.
desu the sam crossbow ending would be kino. there's the scene where jorah tells dany that going to the north is stupid because any random fuck with a crossbow could kill her, and then there's the whole episode where the wildlings are attacking the nightswatch and same is reloading the crossbow for his friend because he's too much of a pussy to shoot it himself. if they had him grow a pair and kill the fucking dragon lady with a crossbow it would be actual pottery and I would be able to forgive DD for the bullshit of the last 3 seasons
Why was Randyll so upset that Sam was fat? How would that impact his ability to run the house at all?
Brandon sanderson barely understood any of Robert Jordans characters. I strongly doubt he would be able to do anything close to resembling what GRRM wants to do. Seriously, he couldn't understand the aiel so they just stopped showing up. He couldn't understand Matt so he turned him into a quip machine. He couldn't understand Perrin so he made him go through the same arc...again. But this is the guy you want to finish asoiaf? Lol. Maybe you want it to turn into a series about dragonball/naruto style magic fights but I don't.
Just read his shitty books. I hope he doesn't go out of his way to ruin any other already mediocre series.
so any spoilers? i havent been around
It really sucks about Ned Stark not having a son that can ever have sons. House Stark is extinct in a few decades. Same with the Lannisters in the show. All because of GRRM’s Targ wank.
Peter Dinklage and his wife
Any ending with Dany surviving would be retarded. I'm 99.9% sure she's dying.
Being fat was a symptom of his faggy behavior.
Bran and FROGFU confirmed!
THey should get Pierce Brown to do it.
Does Bran's dick not work?
Can't confirm either 2nd or 3rd episode this happens, but there will be lots, lots and lots of dragon porn, like 40 minutes worth of non-stop CGI dragon fucking. I've seen a few short snippents and boy it's gonna be insane, the fags at HBO have gone full furfag.
what happened to the three abominations of a warg guess that was too interesting for the show haha
>Brandon Sanderson
Nah, that guy can't write a la GRRM. Either Scott Baker or someone who's co-written on GRRM works.
It's too late, last chance was the waif shit and to this day I think they aired an alternate episode because of all the leaks
MP was shit but the Campaign was kino.
I'll never stop spoiling spoilers.
>stark and lanniester
>not based baratheon
All we fucking have is bastards with no desire or brains to do anything with their lives
Latest is that Drogon will burn soldiers and WW without a care, gets closer to Jon and Rhaegal attacks his brother to defend his new master. Then they fight.
Dany fucked up giving her dragon. Guess Tyrion failed to teach you always keep your dragons close.
Is Bran still a greenseer? Is that never going to relevant again?
It's been finished user, can't be released until the show is over
well hodor is dead and bran hasnt warged into anyone else since then, plus varamyr isn't a character in the show. not sure where they could have gone into that shit. there just isn't enough time.
so when is stannis comming back?
>there just isn't enough time.
yes there is
the past few seasons have shown they have a shit ton of time they do fucking nothing with
I would take it, but it's not nearly as kino as that Jamie fanfic from the start of the last thread.
Just a random red priest back when they were more important to the script. Like who cares about that now, look dragons and ball jokes.
Maybe Bobby, Stannis and Renly should have actually fucked their wives
Episode 3
If Lyanna was as tiny as Arya do you think he had her wear pigtails and call him mister
Bran warged into some bird to check the Night Kings' location on S7
>a random red priest
>fucking girls
no way fag
>Final episode of GoT airs
>Next day both of the last books are released
What kind of fucking bullshit plan would this be?
Obviously not next day but a little bit after
oh god i do
why did they do this. why him of all people. it's so fucking weird.
what would you like them to do with a plot point like that? oh no, warging a human is bad...better not do it? i doubt even grrm knows what the point of this plot point is.
Was there ever a more inssuferable faggot that rhaegar tarGAYryen in the asoiaf mithos?
all of the roses?
Fuck off, Bobby
Fucking women is for faggots.
Fucking men is for real men.
Rickon is alive and well in the books.
>Promise me, Ned.
Me when ADWD came out 8 years ago vs me now
Gurm is gonna die and all we're getting is bullet points, aren't we lads
From the shows perspective, yes.
How would he still be alive?
They slit his throat on screen.
>thinking they are brother and sister
Men age so well, it's unfair.
Gotdam i laughed
What armor? Itll be forever, if ever, before i read the books but i love euron
>same director is back for Battle of Winterfell
Well ok then. So we'll be seeing her again in the last season right? You know since she is such an important character. Yeah, nah we won't, get fucked.
He has an armor of Valyrian steel
Just read The Forskanen.
Or listen to it, it is very, very good for an amateur recording.
Don't skip, listen closely. It's full of prophecy, confirmations of fan theories and even more fuel for theories.
Truly, one of the best he has ever written.
Pity the scipt will be DABID tier
32:00 for reference.
Are we ever going to get to see the unaired pilot?
>Promise me, Ned.
Yes, they're probably add it as an extra once they bundle all the seasons together In a bluray package or something like that
>Ned cucked Barristan and LF
>Lyanna cucked Elia and Cersei
>Jon cucks Orel, Jorah and Daario
How do we stop them Northern Chads?
>Yes, I subscribe to the theory that Jaime Lannister is the fulfiller of the prophecy of the legendary Azor Ahai. How could you tell?
>Promise me, Ned
I doubt it
I’m pretty sure Gendry will be legitimized in the show so he can save the Baratheons.
I don't think they'd do it out of respect for all the recasted actors whose careers are now dead.
Remember all those jars of Stannis’s sons? He fucked his wife in the show but eventually gave up.
>final episode airs
>all the main characters die, the Night King wins and exterminates all life
>at the very end after the credits people expect one final scene but instead an advertisement plays
>if you want the TRUE ending to GoT, read the books sweaty, TWoW coming out in Q4 of 2019!
Would be absolute kino
Shireen is patchface's daughter
No, the unaired pilot was an god-awful thing, apparently. They had to completely rework it or they were not getting the show on HBO.
They might use the flashback footage of Ned's father and brother dying. It comes up in the trailer for Season 1, they filmed it and it was in the unaired pilot as part of a flashback to Robert's Rebellion.
2 days after?
>Promise me, Ned.
>Martin reveals that the reason he took 8 years to release a book is because he waited until he had finished both
Fat man redeemed
Whops, sorry, instead of photoshoop I'm a retard with paint dot net and not enough fucks to give.
>not actually wanting the Night King to win and exterminate all life
Why? Literally eternal, icy peace. Fuck the living.
>be replaying world of warcraft
>remember my kingslayer title from LRF Lich King kill
I'm not gay but Renly is super cute
>The Night King fakes out everyone with the Winterfell attack and heads to Kings Landing (which is why we saw the vision of a dragon over KL in an earlier vision). He destroys a great deal of it but retreats.
>Bronn sees this on his way to Winterfell, but is too late to do anything and he gets there just as the fighting starts.
>Winterfell literally razed to the ground. 90% of the Unsullied and Dothraki join the Undead. Dothraki screamer wights are kino.
>In the battle we lose Jorah and Berric and Jaime who dies in Briennes arms. Arya takes Jaimes face, and leaves with the Hound for KL to kill Cersei after everyone regroups.
>Jon and Dany + crew head to dragonstone
>At some point Tyrion does something to betray everyone (could be accidental)
This is just a basic outline if what I think will go down idk
Haha, imagine her forcing your face into her armpit and you get a noseful of her sweaty feminine musk, wouldn't that be funny haha?
reminder hbo gave grrm millions to hold off the release of the last two books until the show is over
>at the very end after the credits people expect one final scene
Literally who is expecting this?
MRW Night King wins
>tfw been fucking my sister since before the show
does this make me a coveted old fag?
The kind only a sad delusional mind would come up with to deny that it'll never get the books
Why is Ice so small in that image?
i've heard people say that's the reason the new seasons suck. they just are horrible at casting, like with Euron and Yara and the Sand Snakes. They just cast shitters and fucked it all up.
Learn from Brienne and take the Jaimepill
>Jaime who dies in Briennes arms.
No, Jamie and Cersei are bound to kill each other.
What are the stat and level requirements for that blade?
Only rest priestess that mater is the Oralental one that was in one ep. She should be back when Milly brings the fiery hand, she should due wield Katanas
For the ayy is full of terrors.
Like, 1 int, dude. Fitting for the former wielder.
I'd take it over Jon/Dany winning at this point
Nah, Arya will wear Jaimes face. Screencap this
Yara has been in the series since S2
>Arya takes Jaime's face
I would literally murder someone over this
Would be dope if the show just ended with the NK is razing everything down to the Narrow Sea and the last few living characters simply have to watch him stand on the edge of some Dornish cape as they sail away to Essos.
Last shot of the show, the water starts freezing over even there.
That would be so stupid it might actually happen. The prophecy was established even in the show, would be stupid to just walk away from it now.
But then again prophecies in the show are not what they are in the books.
If we burn D&D at the stake will TWoW and ADoS release?
To based for D&D
IF she used the flame wings spell it would
And of course we all know i forgot to add she should duel wield FLAMING Katannas
Do you guys think GURM will follow whatever Dabid and Daben do or will he just do his own fat fuck thing (if he ever even completes another book)?
No, it wouldn't be funny, you degenerate faggot.
for me? its brandon stark
I think tWoW is too far ahead for him to change anything substantial, if he still sticks by 7 book plan, tWoW has to start wrapping things up pretty quick. Which makes that whatever happens in ADOS pretty much pre-determined to some degree.
Where do you think you are?
show unironically has been shit for 3 seasons.
I'd take anything over Jon/Dany winning
GRRM sucks at writing too.
I'm convinced, he let D&D do whatever they want for the end because he knows he won't want to write the last book anyways. Personally I don't blame him desu.
Worth a shot
She could play a Baratheon or Durrandon
Maybe Ashara Dayne
Reminder that Sandor Clegane is Azor Ahai
A Jon/Dany happy ending seems too bluepilled even for D&D, plus you have the issue of their relationship being actual incest right now. They're setting up Dany for a fall.
yeah but they fucked up the casting in the pilot is my point, they recast not only Cat but fucking Danaerys
Since aSoS, yes but still he's the best at his own thing. He knows when and how to tie knots in your stomach (Red Wedding?!) and when and how to drag out story for seemingly pointless things (Brienne in Riverlands in Feast).
And if he changes one thing, soon he'll have to change antother and so on. Starting to change things because show did them, would delay next book even more.
Spoiler that shit
Didn't Emilia Clarke go into depression once she found out Dany's fate in S8?
maybe its just a cameo and they are white walkers in the battle for winterfell or kings landing
Promise me Ned
alright /got/ do you know how everyone of these characters died? I do
Exactly, it'll be a cascade. I bet he feels tempted to really do a 180 on the show but he can't, R+L=J was a big thing just a few years ago and it has whole lot to do with AA. He can't undo that.
The big, burning question that I have is whether Stannis, Rickon and Greyjoys in the books will turn out to be just something temporary (hence why they were so quickly killed off in the show), a sort of red herring for our attention (same as Robb).
>gregor not partially crossed out
I keep forgetting that asians exist in GOT I want to see the yi ti show up on the shores of westeros ready to conquer shit as soon as s8 ends
If you want genuine confirmed spoilers for season 8, come here:
This is from the same guy who leaked season 6 and 7. It's legit, so click only if you are willing to be genuinely spoiled for a great show.
What are the chances Euron does end up giving up on Dany and going for Cercei in the books? Maybe after sacking Old Town and getting all sorts of magic shit he attacks Kingslanding after Aegon takes over and finds Cercei and Tommen in a dungeon or something and decides to be step dad in order to off him and take the Throne?
wrong, she did
Fuck, I had forgotten about how heartbreaking Thoros' death was.
have you never seen british women?
Shot, stabbed, and poison makes up 90% of deaths at least
yeah, im actually happy that d&d had the balls to kill off a character during that whole mission, still sad to see him go.
>great show
It’s because she sets Little Dink on fire
Lol oh user..... put this up there with Melisandre actually being a 500 year old slag when she removes her necklace as things that the show only placed for shock value but no explanation
I’m honestly saddened by the lack of giant spiders.
What the fuck happened to Edmure Tully? You'd think someone would have mentioned him at this point. Being the lord of the riverlands is kind of fucking important.
>That was the moment I realized that alcohol can also be a depressant
>can be
>not is
>only now
I know people have it hard after having a stroke, but this is somewhere on ~60-70 IQ level
She was so beautiful that afternoon
You're forgetting a fookin legend
>inb4 not main
Did someone say Radmure?
memes aside your right, DnD not confirming if arya sets him free after she murders the freys is just sloppy writing. Tobais is a confirmed actor for season 8 so edmure probably is coming back
I didn't make it but your right, I think there are like 300 something named characters in the show. would be cool to see a full list.
I would love access to Bran's fave folder.
which is more likely
>jaime dies. brienne finishes his entry in the white book
>brienne dies. jaime puts her in the white book
It is extensive
Euron and Cersei makes the perfect couple, dont yall think?
>they both die, the book burns
>everyone dies
>everyone rises up
>as gamers
well done stannis, however
Yeah man. Euron is FUCKING HELLA EPIC. He put a finger in her bum lmfao!
why is this House so cursed,bros?
Read the books
>tfw it was the white walkers that sent the letter posing as the umbers in order to demoralize Jon
I wish people that wrote this would get banned.
potion seller...
>his poorfag ass doesn't just get HBO now for this 6 episode season finale
does bran control one?
Will the Kingsguard return to its former glory when the war ends after the mockery which was the last half decade or so?
>mfw I just own a tv
>can pirate episodes
but yeah sure keep wasting money on subscriptions
>he doesn't want to keep the bloodline pure
the price of centuries of loyalty to dumbfuck "muh honor" Starks who leave their vassals alone to die for them for literally nothing in return
Lord Glover's constant oathbreaking is pretty BASED desu,
how does he keep getting away with it
What if this is all just a never ending cycle? The long night is coming so the Night King takes over the world and the dead rule until the long night is over and the living take the world back.
>all this scrambling just to get that 144p cropped clip instead of being able to spare 15 since this season will only last a month after that free trial
reminds me of people that try to avoid amazon prime
What if the Night King is birthed in the books via Bran somehow breaking the Warging abomination rules?
But don't you wanna support the 5 spin-off series they have planned?
What if night king was your fat momma?
>no buddy cop comedy spinoff featuring Bron and Jaime
Just end my entire existence, senpai.
why would I pay for fanfiction?
Do you think Bran has warged into a wolf that was getting fucked from behind by another wolf
The scalemail looks like shit
He warged into the boar that killed Bobby B
Not just that, but he forces both living dragons to penetrate the undead one at the same time, ruthlessly, thus making them cum with the power of a thousand firehoses, blasting away both armies - living and the dead.
In the end Bran remains all alone and, with the destiny fulfilled, decides to ride his one last ride, varging himself into a living dragon again to penetrate his own little frail body, right up his disabled butthole.
"It was beautiful", he thinks his last thought as everything goes black.
Opening theme plays one last time, this time for the titles.
Do you think Bran warged into a wolf and fucked Arya?
It is known
Zombie Mountain is the best Kingsguard they've had since Ned and his sneaky swamp nigger killed Dayne
>watch some YouTuber shitting on the Dorne plotline
>Yep I definitely agree with th-
>"Im not being SEXIST ok?? This is what TRUE Feminism about. If I was a woman, I would be OFFENDED by the Dorne plotline, but im not a woman but im saying if you're a woman and you like this, then you're not a true feminist"
jesus christ
it's like GoT's version of space Odyssey
The work has begun
someone make one of him watching jaime fuck cersei and push bran out of the tower
can you crop Bran at Sam's pink mast scene?
"my god -- it's full of sodomy!"
What's Up, incels?
Which episode did he fuck Gilly in?
>Targs conquer the Norf just by showing up on the borders with the huge ass dragons
>Targs conquer the Vale by simply /ss/ing some little kid
>Targs can't conquer Dorne no matter how many armies they send or how many times they burn it down
Why did Dorne have such huge plot armor?
I think a little while after Aemon dies in S5E7
Did they want to conquer Dorne? Weren't they allies?
i need the "the rape sansa" webm
She would be way more intimidating and scary as an asassin if she still acted like a little girl, like kind of innocent and nice, but deadly and ready to kill without hesitation. The contrast would be interesting.
Instead we get yet another stronk women doing their best tough guy imitation and it always comes off fake and gay. Women can't into tough guys
She reminds me of Quaithe from the books, they I think she has a red lacquer mask
(If she's not that important) why does she wear the mask?
Yeah should have been Hit-Girl from Kickass.
it wasn't that they had plot armor, they were just resilient, no matter how many times they lost or cities were burned down they just hid in that fucking desert
Can you add a 2nd Bran at his and Jaime's meeting to hone in that he can see the future and yet stayed outside at night.
cast an actual loli and not a hobgoblin-Quasimodo hybrid
arya isn't supposed to be attractive. In the books shes called "horseface"
I'll get on these as time permits
Conquest of Dorne is supposed to be semi-analogous to the Roman Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula; takes 100 years, guerilla tactics rather than a massed army, melting into the desert etc.
I'm so tired of this stupid showfag/wikifag talking point. You never read the books. If you did, you would know that the ONLY 2 people in the series to ever call arya ugly were sansa and jeyne. Literally everyone she meets thinks she's cute. Which is creepy since she's 9, but I digress. Every single person who encounters her compliments her looks. She thinks she's ugly because her cunt sister was bullying her. No one else does. Try actually reading the books before you talk about them.
>Literally everyone she meets thinks she's cute. Which is creepy since she's 9
user, I...
She was supposed to look a lot like Lyanna adn I refuse to believe Rhaegar left Elia for a 'horseface'
So how is the north feeding everyone? Or giving everyone fresh water? Or warm housing?
Cute targ fem boi
*cuts hair*
*everyone thinks shes a boy*
yeah defo a 10/10 loli
Wow you're taking this shit way too seriously. Like, does it matter? Just watch the show. I mean seriously there are zombies marching and dragons flying around lmao what kind of loser is going to stop think "oh, wait, what are they eating?" Maybe if you learn to let go you'll get a girlfriend?
masculine women are top tier taste for straight men.
I think it's creepy AF but you never read the books. It's what GRRM wrote and therefore is law.
how the fuck is it creepy to call a child cute? Are you conflating cute with sexy? You don't want to fuck something that is cute, you just think it looks adorable.
imagine that mouth
almost had them quads user, but check these dubs
Read the books and you'll know why it's creepy. It's always funny how you showonlies get angry and confused when someone points out you're wrong.
fk i was too late
She's a big girl
I'm neither angry or confused. You simply have to explain the context and why it's creepy. People call children cute all the time.
I'm neither angry nor confused. You simply have to explain the context and why it's creepy. People call children cute all the time.
You love euron but you never read the books? How is that possible lol
Bro you do realize how SHITTY euron is in the show right?
The shadowcats were phased out.