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can i still post or was i banned for my service?

for what?

First time I've heard him speak. Much more reasonable than I expected.

BRAP posting or what?


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What the fuck happened to Mark Hamill?

kill all jungians. archetypes is the first step towards castes.

No man is born evil *sniff* it is ze position of Janny that makes zem evil

"Fist fucking"
*Tugs shirt

I’m confused, isn’t this supposed to be a debate? They’ve agreed on more things than they’ve argued about.

hold on

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This is looking like Mark Hamill Vs Ted Kaczynski

I'm pretty sure Peterson only agreed to debate if he could vet the topics, so Peterson probably picked topics that wouldn't be as challenging

Yo but I'm poor as shit

>I'm not a marxist, I'm a Helgenist
t. *sniffs*

Pretty boring. So far only interesting thing to happen is Zizek pressing JP to explain the stupidity of cultural neo marxism.

Bitching about capitalism is pathetic and stupid. There will be no red uprising in uprising in your lifetime, in fact those same institutions have already meaningfully forrclosed that possibility long before you were even born.
Get a fucking job and grow up.

first 40 minutes
>Peterson says "I couldn't read all (any) of your work" and attacks the communist manifesto at face value
>audience literally laughts and Peterson gets nervous
>btfo himself
Next 40 minutes
>Zizeks bashes lefties he doesn't like and
>gets a bit confusing
>says there's no solution to enviromental Chrises but surely market can't solve it
>is nice to Peterson to not make him look completely stuid
Next 10 minutes
>Peterson pulls a Pinker in defense of capitalism
Next 15 minutes
>Zizek pulls jokes, the audience loves him
Next 5 minutes
>Peterson says Zizek is smart and well read
>Zizek subveredly calls Peterson an idiot
>Zizek asks Peterson who are those Marxists in "Postmostern neo-marxists"
>Peterson seems to have not read anything past his 3 authors.
ten minutes later
>Peterson literally admits that Marxism has some good practical ideas


Does marxism mean i don't have to work or what?

It gives us the right to eat the rich

no, it means you earn more for what you work, so theoretically you work less.

It means you work but you don't live in crumbs.

just converted to MARXISM bros what do i get?

German toilets with a poop shelf

This but literally.

I cant believe some retards thought Peterson stood a chance.

pic related it's Peterson

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>lol I have no evidence of this at all

>I can buy a car for just working for a year or two in the US
>you need to work all your life and make a deal with the Nomenklatura to get a car in the soviet union
I bet stalinist are behind this!

the Mayweather v McGregor of debates

The debate should have ended when Peterson said he's only read The Communist Manifesto twice, and one of those times was directly before the debate and the other was when he was a teenager.

Not really. Reading it even once is a waste of time. Adjunct Marx literature is for chin stroking pseuds.

He really did boil mr lobster man

Seriously. TCM is like 50 pages long too. What the fuck.

>implying I ever doubted him

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Who are these people and why are their opinions worthwhile?
Cultural change agents are almost never academics. They're often the first ones killed in times of polticial unrest.

>Zizek quoted Himmler

>the holy ghost is a secular egalitarian commune
does he know no red commies to tell him that's bullshit? he says this for 10 years already

>haha i immediatly say im not really a marxist therefore i win and marxism is right
this is dumb

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It isn't a waste a time when part of what you're famous for is "post-modern neomarxism."
It helps to actually understand what you're criticizing, you see.
Looking for the evidence homie simmer down

what quote?

What an absolute embarrassment. I really don't know who you can call Petersen anything but an eceleb at this point.

>It helps to actually understand what you're criticizing
What or whom is it helping? It isn't me, I really doubt it's you either.

Goo thing I went to see la llorona instead, probably going to marathon this tomorrow

none of them are worth it

Not sure the full quote but it was basically about the power of Oriental wisdom.



Not gonna lie, former Peterson patron here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Peterson got btfo

Literally just went off on tangents into his lecture topics without really addressing what zizek was saying

Tell that to Stalin

If not for the socks i'd save it as 00Pepe

They're both absolutely retarded.

>all this tranny brigade
lol you people are sad

Peterson exposed

I can't, he's dead.

Why do the trannies hate this commie again? Can someone link a good video where he talks about them?

Why did Peterson go up against Zizek? Isn't Peterson just a Canadian nouvelle alt-right self-help guy who has gained popularity by speaking slowly and calmly and appealing to American teenage MAGApedes? I knew Zizek was going to btfo Peterson from the moment this was announced.

Zizek hates trannies tho, that’s why most of the left has abandoned Zizek. He continuously calls out stupid identity politics that plague pro-worker groups.

>>Peterson pulls a Pinker in defense of capitalism
Pinker is right though

Marxism means the state takes what you earn.
Marxist surplus value is complete horseshit because the workers already consume 99% of all consumer goods.

Okay so both stayed on topic for 30mins then just verbally jerked each other off?

Wait, why do trannys hates sniffguy again?

That zizek guys voice is so hard to listen to it makes me nauseous, he may have some good points I don't know because I can't stand to listen to him

It's become pretty clear that Petersen believes his own hype and is in no way a self aware conman.

Why did they get Peterson to debate Zizek.
There are plenty of great anti-marxist intellectuals to debate him.
Peterson is a retard.

Will there be somewhere to watch the recording once the live debate is finished?

every chapofag loves him, this notion that there arent any 'cultural marxists' because its a stupid term is like pretending people who like the daily shoa but hate richard spencer means spencer and daily shoah have no common thing

What if in the proshesh of shetting your housh in order, you realishe that the reashon your housh ish in dishorder ish the schtructure of the shoshiety you live in?

Trannies dislike Zizek because he thinks that they and other identity politics lovers distract from real issues.


I’d like to see Limonov vs Zizek

>btfo Cathy Newman
>start to believe you're the smartest man in the world

So what were him and Peterson debating here, capitalism vs communism? That seems a little outside Peterson's lane since he talks about psychology and culture, not economics.

Discussing happiness under Marxism vs capitalism. Idk from what I’ve heard it was overall pretty boring.

>tfw Petersen is too dumb to know you're making fun of his entire output and and he agrees with you

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>peterson makes several points pointing out the falls of marism
>Zizek : im not a marxist
I guess it takes the ammunition from the other guy if you literally change your position mid-debate

Also Zizek asking peterson to try and come up with cultural marxist figureheads to try and to distance marxism from the former felt a bit like he was just playing with semantics. They still share a lot of the ideas of marxism and also identify as political/economical marxists a lot of the time so how are they not marxists?
>yes but those guys arent real marxists because they arent professors.
Seems a bit contrived to me

also the
>cultural marxists are created by capitalism and therefore are not marxists
claim seemed contrived also. Did Marx not live under capitalism? Does he therefore not be counted as a marxist? Marxism was a reaction to capitalism and turned out bad practically. Cultural marxism is a reaction to late capitalism and is turning out bad practically.

The two are linked. Zizek is trying to pretend they are not. One planted the seeds for the other.

Prove me wrong Yea Forums. Pro-tip. You can't

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who gives a shit about a debate between 2 fags
of course it was boring

>>Zizek : im not a marxist
>I guess it takes the ammunition from the other guy if you literally change your position mid-debate
yeah that was fucked, but at least it alllowed them to have a more loose debate (which sadly ended up in nothing, peterson saying his bullshit and zizek saying his old dumb jokes)

it was so fucking lame lmao

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How can it be contrived when it was Peterson's own line of interrogation? Peterson quite literally hoisted himself with his own rope in this debate.

>get job

If you worked you'd know how much of your profit was stolen and would be a communist.

ok furfag


you're the only guy in this thread defending peterson. Quite surprising. Well, from what I've seen thus far, a bunch of lefties are going to jump down your throat

Nobody needs to debate this. We can look at human development indexes under countries that are communist and capitalist to see which is better for happiness. I’ve done this before and capitalist countries outperform communist one by a lot.

I'm sorry he lost a debate to clean your room man.

Maybe he should have focused more on the merits of fisting like in his book.

I keep hearing JP talk about cultural marxism as bad but have never heard a solid definition for it, anyone mind helping a mong out?

The quipiest, most CGI'd three hours of capeshit is a more worthwhile investment of your time than so much as ten minutes of this dogshit.
In none of our lifetimes will there ever be a cultural revolution or societal upheaval that isn't engineered top down in order to facilitate the acquisition of power.
I wasted so much energy in the pseudo intellectualism of culture and economic criticism just to realize how completely fucking worthless it is.
You fellas have a job? You labor for your wage? Professional academics charge thousands of dollars in tickets for the spectacle of two people talking.
If you're retarded enough to give a shit then you're just a rube that had it coming.

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Protip: there isn't one and is simply a buzzword for "thing I don't like".

The only debate was ironically only during the intro monologues, after that it was just them trying to out due each other on how much they've read of greater people.

It means you should read more because people are telling you what to think and deciding country and global wide policies and justifying it by throwing words around that you dont know the definition of.

Read read read.


It's really cringe inducing. Especially when you realise all the people on the internet who are self professed 'Marxists' work part time at Starbucks and will never amount to anything.

Use it interchangeably with cuck or basedboy and you'll get the idea

Its contrived because zizek is trying to make the point that because there are no cultural marxist acedemic figure heads in academic circles there are no cultural marxists that link back to 'classical' marxism. It was reaching in my eyes. A little disingenuous as well. They both full well know that cultural marxists have infiltrated the academic space for a long time now and Zizek just pretended they hadn't for 10 seconds so he could get a one liner sound byte.

Then Einstein showed up and the audience applauded and he named reddit the best place on the internet.

>left vs """right""" debate
>get a heavy weight philosopher vs a light weight clinical psychologist to fight
top kek

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This guy is a lot more likeable than I expected him to be
I like Peterson but he was destroyed in here

Zizek could cite his examples. Why couldn't Peterstein?


Peterson lets the audience interrupt him with applause and he gives pause for it to die down.

Zizek doesn't give a fuck about the audience and keeps talking over the applause he gets.

Petersen challenged him to debate

Zizek's audience is like retards that go to a comics' show to watch the same bit over and over and even mouth it themselves

>haha, the german toilet
*audiences finishes sentence with him*
>haha the mediator is like Stalin!

Peterson is a faggot but he can at least develop and express his gay little thoughts

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Thats like calling someone a darwinist. Says more about the speaker than the person being addressed.

"Cultural Marxism" has always just been what conservatives call those thinky jewy types and their big ideas that criticize the status quo. Anything that is a threat to tradition is "Cult of Maxism!!".

Peterson's reddit is in disarray, they all agree Peterson and the contents of his book just became obsolete to them

of course it is, it's one of those things where everyone knows it exists but some faggot will pretend to not know or understand

Peterson is a clinical psychologist and uni professor
Zizek is an actual philosopher
I have no idea why this "debate" was a thing, it makes no fucking sense they're not on the same ground at all. This reminds me of the Bill Nye vs that one christian guy debate that was a total shitshow that somehow Nye managed to embarrass himself versus a fucking creationist.

I decided not to watch this because the both of them have annoying ticks/repeating phrases, is a good tl;dr? Because its totally what I expected.

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Peterson was the one to challenge Zizek. He regretted that about 20 mins in.

Nuke the planet, prove me wrong.

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And they're right. Why would they accept your premises that "it isnt properly marxist" when you sissies call everyone a nazi

I'm 22 right now, I've worked odd jobs continously since my junior year of high school. Paid tens of thousands of dollars in taxes and I wouldn't take back a single hour of labor to spend in 'class struggle' with you larpers.
I was flipping burgers six years ago and today I'm a specialist at a consulting firm. I have an office in the city and work whenever I want to. No degree, no debt.
All of this time you're wasting into cringeworthy posting and chin stroking could be spent playing the game, cause right now you're just a fucking loser with a bad attitude.

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>x has no meaning and says more about the person saying it than y
Based on absolutely nothing at all. People literally say this about anything in an attempt to sound smart.

>cuck has no meaning and says more about the person saying it than the guy whos letting the black guy sleep with his wife

this is such a pathetic misunderstanding of surplus value. seriously, read marx

Then why didnt he do it tonight

I don't understand why people have an issue with the term postmodern neo Marxist. It's literally a description of how people are acting:

They push this Post-modernist idea that everything is a social construct to a point where it defends their position. Gender is a social construct, race is a social construct etc

Then if that doesn't work they push the oppressor/oppressed narrative into everything. Ie white people oppress black people, men oppress women, heterosexuals oppress homosexuals.

You must be retarded if you don't understand this.

Not sure if there are a bunch of lefties here, or just 2-4 loud sickos

he literally did, he could express his own shitty liberal views without going "let me try to compare kinda what I'm thinking to this old joke"

>read marx
No thanks, my Hot Topic rewards card expired about eight years ago.

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He did.

Zizek just danced around it with words and humor to detract from any real criticism like he usually does.

those words are too big, nazi

>challenge a philosopher to a debate on his beliefs
>dont read any of his writings and generally have no idea what to talk about
what the fuck was JP thinking

Yea, watching this and MAGA twitter meltdown in real time is incredible

Is the whole thing up somewhere? Don't really care what they think but would like to see the gist of it.

"but it's not 1892 actual marxism, therefore it's a bad term, play by my rules and act according to my terms of engagement"

"ok, post enlightenment liberal fag"

"gggrrr im not a liberal"

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Zizek named a few of his marxist friends.

Peterson explained that 25% of college professors identify as neo-marxist

How did he not site an example?

being a communist was cool when you were like in middle school
Most people who claim to be or just larping for social status cause everyone is so ideologically one dimensional

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Does anybody have a stream? Is it on youtube?

fine, you’re perfectly free to persist in your ignorance. just don’t bother approaching concepts beyond your grasp

>what the fuck was JP thinking

MAGAtards with no father figures will buy my book anyway

The only problem is that people think this debate mattered. The communist should have debated someone like Jason Brennan. I don’t understand why Jordan thinks he understands much about capitalism or economics.

Just watched the debate bros, I'm thinking I'm a fucking neomarxist. What do I get?

>leftist still couldn't win

But that's not REAL communism, OBVIOUSLY.

Honestly, the whole idea of Marxism is rooted in this idea of what people 'ought' to be, not what they really are.

No one is ever going to be happy working only for the community and not being able to work for themselves and advance their own position in life. That's human nature and it's never going to change.

Why does he use so much comedy? Does he know about the whole "I used to think of life as a tradegy" thing?

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He couldn't name them. You didn't even watch the debate. Zizek fucking spoon fed him some answers and he still couldn't connect the dots.

American political discourse in a nutshell

"Cultural Marxism" is as I understand it a term which encompasses critical theory, intersectionality, identity politics, and privilege/grievance (oppressor/oppressed) politics.

I gave your post some more thought and decided to read every piece of Marxist critical theory that's every been published in the history of time.
What do I win?

linkme please, i am american.

a fat autistic virgin being the patron saint of this board is pretty fitting.

Workers rise up!

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because zizek doesnt understand marxist economics either. He's no different from Peterson, both vague liberals who have issues with SJWs but zizek likes to play that he's radical and outside the frames of capitalist thinking

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>Peterson calls Zizek “attractive” while praising his unique personality
>Peterson fails to name one single prominent Marxist academic when pressed by Zizek
>Peterson admits to preparing for the debate by reading a sixty page pamphlet that was intentionally written in a broad and non academic style
>Zizek defers the question on happiness with an “I don’t care”
>Peterson concedes the point that you can’t will yourself to happiness, completely contradicting the thesis of his book lmao

if zizek spoon fed him the answer surely he was confirming the existence of neo-marxist figure heads in the academic space

Who cares what they do, they do not make any sense.

Can't wait for that documentary to come out about those academics who faked all those white privilege and feminist articles which got published.

One of them was literally a rewrite of Mein Kampf into modern feminist ideology and it got published.

i’m beseeching you to read actual texts by marx not marxist critical theory reeeee

that would never happen on 4channel what are you talking about

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>Peterson concedes the point that you can’t will yourself to happiness, completely contradicting the thesis of his book lmao
>Zizek defers the question on happiness with an “I don’t care”
Neither of these things happened, tranni. They agreed on the same nonsense about happiness

Which debate did you watch?

So if bith don’t understand the topic why did everyone care about this? Is everyone so obsessed with famous people that they think anyone has authority ona subject?

>>cultural marxists are created by capitalism and therefore are not marxists
When did he say this? His point was that the people commonly referred to as Cultural Marxists are not specifically calling for the overthrow of the system we live in as a Marxist would, so they cannot be called marxists in that sense.

And Zizek uses a marxist analytical structure. No one legitimately argues over the communist manifesto; it's a book written for a specific audience and for a specific time. These ideas aren't meant to be dogmatic. If Zizek would have brought this up it would have went nowhere because Peterson apparently only "tried" to read the manifesto. Zizek did make a defense of Marx when he went into how Marx talks about his counterpoints in his other writings. But in reality Zizek is not a pure Marxist, but he can use some of techniques of thought derived from Marx.

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>therefore it's a bad term, play by my rules and act according to my terms of engagement
this. this is the central thing nobody ever gets when "debating" these subversives, they play using their rules and wonder why they lose

Why is Peterson so superficial?

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So stop pretending sjw trannies/ pc "liberals" and "real leftists" dont share 99,99999% of their ideology


It's the classist socioeconomic model of Marxism co-opted to serve a post-modern cultural purpose of power differentials based on race, sex, gender etc., with the original economic oeuvre still skulking in the background.

Ok, I took your advice and read the complete works of Marx. What now?

I was there Yea Forums.
This commie murdered the Lobsterman on live stream by dropping him into a boiling pot of ideology.

No point arguing with leftypol, they're full retard.

If they're this mad about the debate, I'm guessing Peterson clearly won.

Whose ideology are you talking about now? Marx or Zizek?


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it's just a buzzword, but he's describing all the wacko sjw types that never shut the fuck up about group identity/oppressor/oppressed nonsense.

they call everyone nazis and fascists and expect people to respect the intricacies in the entire spectrum of their faggotry

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>tfw probably cant have comfy zizek threads on Yea Forums anymore without shitposting
thanks peterson

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For me, it's communism.

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>When did he say this?
in his opening statement. He tried to imply cultural marxists soley are a result of material capitalist society and inderectly that they are not caused by the teachings/works of marx (which they are).

Nothing that any of you think will ever have any withstanding effect on the world at large. You pissed yourself off over nothing.

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>/his/ and Yea Forums

Yeah the two most apolitical boards are the most leftist. Retards.

final straw poll tally across Yea Forums, /int/ and /pol/

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>So stop pretending sjw trannies/ pc "liberals" and "real leftists" dont share 99,99999% of their ideology
But they don't . The best critics of liberal culture that i've seen came from Marxists, not right wingers.

now presumably you correctly understand the concept of surplus value. congrats!

I'm glad (((Peterson))) lost, at least I can admit Zizek is honest with his beliefs and consistent, he doesn't hide who he is like Peterson does. Peterson is a leftist masquerading as a right winger because he saw a market/way to subvert the rising right-wing, a agnostic (at best) masquerading as a religious person. His only goal is to """de-radicalize the right""" like the controlled opposition he is.
Essential video youtube.com/watch?v=WXYuqrO8LLo

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He is both a cunt and insane.

>100 people voted
wat, thats not enough to fill a tranny discord even

what did Dan Harmon do ow?

>The best critics of liberal culture that i've seen came from Marxists
I've noticed this too.

What is that supposed to do for me?

Watching this fraud's followers lose it in real time is amazing.

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okay jordan whatever you say

it’s the core of the marxist critique of capitalism. once you understand surplus value you understand the exploitation and irreconcilable antagonisms inherent to capitalism

Yeah I don't buy it, why would the entirety of breadtube be against JP if he was on their side this entire time?

This is complete bullshit.

I agree. I love Peterson and think he is a fantastic psychologist and classical literature buff, but his domain is more self-help than the political/economic.

yeah i dont buy that the problem with leftists is "they're not leftist enough and TRUE progressives"

the 'marxists' just run interference for the tranny sjw shitshow

but then you realize its still better than anything else we have ever tried

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Nobody won.

It was a masturbatory exercise between two people who really like to hear themselves talk.


>Trannies buttmad at some canadian liberal 'nazi' who didnt want to use pronouns think he's losing now magically boys will be thought of as girls

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Have you taken a look at the views his videos get recently? I get recommended his tame deradicalizing crap every single day and they constantly have over 700k views each. He also gives interviews constantly on (((MSM))) when no other ~~~~right wing personality~~~~ gets invited

Zizek knew what he was doing here. It's a purposefully shitty question.

>Because its totally what I expected.

Not shit, Zizek is an actual philosopher/academic while Peterson is a zionist sophist.

Anyone who wasn't a kikeson fanboy already knew the outcome of the debate. I didn't expect to see Peterson literally shaking tough.

>that the problem with leftists is "they're not leftist enough

I would argue that they aren't even leftists. Identity politics is the realm of right wingers, class struggle is left wing.

yeah they were just being buddies and jerking each other off

>you understand the exploitation and irreconcilable antagonisms inherent to capitalism
What am I supposed to do with that?


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That's the beauty of free market capitalism.

The individual rewards the society and the society in turn rewards the individual in a positive feedback loop. Some individuals are rewarded more than others, but it's better than the zero sum game that communism tries (and fails) to force on people.

so "not leftist enough", got it

people like you will say that forever, "not real socialism" etc

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leftism is authoritarianism, class struggle is window dressing

>when you're such a devoted commie you don't even believe in using bourgeois spellcheck

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Did Jordan agree to this one?

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You can then join us in endless sectarian struggles over semantics and you will have a permanent sense of powerlessness.

But at this point the people who have previously seen his earlier shit now have probably gone to see more right wing content and would at this point reject any deradicalising content?
In essence, why start off making content that shifts people from the centre to the right only to try to push them back to the centre again?

Am I the only person left on Yea Forums who isn't a complete fucking retard? None of you even seemed to have watched. Were you playing video games while listening?

I wonder what percent of the neckbeard anti-communist squad on this board can actually define communism and socialism? Sad to see people so gleeful in their misinformation


Seriously though, Peterson's 30 min introduction was abysmal, but I was impressed by his ability to adapt and keep up with Zizek's intellectual level. The debate went better than expected, Zizek won, of course, but I like Peterson much more now.

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I assure you, if you watched you are the retard

I was lying before, I didn't read anything. No thanks, my Hot Topic rewards card expired about eight years ago.

that’s for you to decide, friend

>this level of damage control

Go back to the /r/TheDonald your alt right idol is a fucking charlatan

>it’s the core of the marxist critique of capitalism
And it was demolished by the subjective theory of value.

nice falseflag retard

I'd love to know how they plan this shit

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In what fucking world are the anti-commuists the neckbeards, i mean look at your own fucking champion in this thread

JP thinks very carefully about what he says and he bows his head to concentrate on what he wants to say or hear.

It’s where the means of production is socially owned rather than privately owned in capitalism.

>tacit incitement of terroristic threats
I've reported this post to the American federal police.

what a meme

>keep up with Zizek's intellectual level
thats not really saying much

top kek, dude looks like a hobo

zizek has always been /our communist/. reminder to watch the 'pervert's guide to' films if you haven't. 5 minutes of those have more than peterson can offer in his entire career (except maybe the bible lectures)

They didn't even truly debate and it became obvious to me Zizek was there to play to the greater audience online and win them over with "charm" and aloofness. Among idiots, like /pol/, it seemingly worked.

And since everyone works less you can spend all that "extra" money on food that doesn't exist in the communist utopia

I was a lenin faggot with some sympathy for maoist third world takes (before than I was a chomsky/ Kropotkin guy as a teen)

your gay nonsense is tiring

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>so "not leftist enough", got it
No, not like that. You seem to be under the impression that Marxists are simply radical liberals, or "leftist extremists". We aren't. We are fundamentally different.

Whoever wins, we lose

>I wonder what percent of the neckbeard anti-Flat Earth squad on this board can actually define the Flying Pancake Earth and the Ice Wall Earth? Sad to see people so gleeful in their misinformation

Shitty ad hoc political "theory" is ad hoc.

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I can't understand half the shit Zizek is saying. Dude sounds like he has a mouthful of gushers at all times what the actual fuck

>They push this Post-modernist idea that everything is a social construct to a point where it defends their position
thats not marxism. marxism is an explicitly material class analysis. it dismisses subjectivity as ideology

Jungian analysis = Broke
Apollonian interpretation = Woke

>zizek has always been /our communist/
discord trannies pushing this hard the last couple weeks

>cultural marxists are created by capitalism and therefore are not marxists
>When did he say this?

He says it right here



go see any "real leftist" space, chapo, /rsocialism whatever

it's just liberal capitalists faggots running interference for the globohomo zog shitshow but with depressed gaylords

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Yea Forums has made me realize we need to kill off roughly 60 percent of all people. The kikes are right.

>you can't criticize capitalism if you are being exploited by capitalists


Marxists are leftists that betrayed the old left, the classical liberals, with economically baseless ideas supporting government force and authoritarianism

good thing they call it neo-marxist then, which does go full-subjectivity

i wish i was transgender so i could participate in the oppression olympics

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perverts guide to cinema i'd say is a must watch for any film student or anyone interested in film in general
perverts guide to ideology is wankery. interesting wankery but still wankery none the less

It's not gushers, it's authoritarian semen

These are indeed words

r/stupidpol is where the real marxists reside

>play by my rules and act according to my terms of engagement
you would respect "I'm actually a Evola guy, not a nazi" so why should they respect your ridiculous small nuances when you're in the flank of the main thing you pretend you're against

>chapo, /rsocialism
>real leftist


Those places are filled with die-hard liberals drunk in identity politics and ideology. You couldn't really have pointed out 2 more liberal places. For some "real leftists", hop on on cripplechan.

>In what fucking world are the anti-commuists the neckbeards
the real world, sadly

if you aren't over 18 your political interpretation is meaningless. sorry.

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Ziizek has been pivoting from Marx for half a decade. It's Peterson's fault for thinking he was going into the ring with a Commie leftist.

>insecure young men

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>Those places are filled with die-hard liberals drunk in identity politics and ideology
so real leftists...


Holy shit, had to close the video at this point. Peterson got fucking demolished.

Out of curiosity, what makes up that 60%, Thanos?

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>Ziizek has been pivoting from Marx for half a decade
why do people even know who this guy is?

easy, just say you're one and you are

any who demand you demonstrate it are engaging in some kind of privilege display and/or oppression of you as marginalized person and so on

That's literally what he said.
You need to stop responding to the straw men in your head.

Communism/Marxism existed as a major force in the world for over half of that period though

That was literally Zizek's worst and most manipulative point. It was actually really sad that Zizek attempted it. A toddler could point out the glaring flaw.

yes and I bet a "communist" 14 year old larper understand as much about marxism as you do lol

stupidpol is this guy basically"I'm not a liberal, but oh boy europe needs to become non white, dont ever talk about jews"

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Whats does some alt-right kid have to do with anti-communism? The alt right is just explicitly racist leftists. All about class struggle bullshit, anti-trade bullshit pro arbitrary authoritarianism

yeah and im not a nazi, i believe in gassing the jews sure, as well as all of the national socialist stuff, but i hitlers view on animal rights was a bit outdated, im something different, im a bartzi.

Do you see how retarded you sound?

everything is wankery user except fucking pussy

to be fair...they are the mainstream for 'leftism' tankies are a fucking joke and are hated/demonized...ancoms are fucking retarded mentally ill larpers...whats left is the berniebro chap dsa fan base...who hate zizek lmao

>there are no antifa
At what point does lying become so transparent it's no longer deception?

>name 5 X that do this
Such a shitty argument it's become a meme on Yea Forums.

It has nothing to do with Marx, it's mostly used by capitalist liberals nad stupid people who think the problem with capitalism is an ideaological one while Marx always said that it was a materialistic problem, why call it neo marxism?

>explicitly racist leftists
but that's the mainstream left tho

Yeah, a reactionary, negative force, objectively holding back actual real human progress

/leftypol/ is even more cringe lmao
almost boomer tier type stuff with angry anarchist and MLs making empty treats of power while also having a contest on whos more working class

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Because not all of us spend every free moment obsessing over celebrity feet.

Not yet. He still thinks it works.

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First and foremost, anyone who spends a great deal of time on Yea Forums. Secondly, anyone who spends a greater deal of time on any social media. Instagram, reddit, twitter being the big three.

>why call it neo marxism
I dunno, why not take up why they call themselves that with them?

If you are familiar with the beliefs of either of these guys that is exactly what you are doing

When I see people complaining about either rainbow haired feminists and nazis I start to question whether or not these people have actually ever stepped out the house.

>chap dsa fan base...who hate zizek lmao
they love him tho

the cum town chapofag guy was literally in the audience rooting for zizek (they cheered when peterson mentioned violent revolution)

>communism is merely a market thing
>communism hasn't evolved through the ages to be more destructive and subversive
okay....... this is epic.....

Please don't disparage feet lovers. You should have criticized capeshit watchers. I obsess over celebrity feet and I bet I know more about philosophy than you.

>dude do you even go to marxist archives dot org lmao you dont know REAL marxism

peterson is mainstream whether you like him or not, literally on talkshows all over the world, best selling book, tons of mainstream controversy falsely drummed up around him, random normies will bring him and his book up to me

Nice cope.

You jest but I've seen whole forums of marxists trying to retcon identity politics as non-leftist.

it really is fucking ridiculous how they think they get away with this shit

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Who, Zizek? He's literally the only lefty philosopher whos willing to talk about the ideology without going full poorfag cope about the economy and how everything should be free and everyone shouldn't have to work.
And that makes him unique in the sea of angry armchair mommies basement commies. Plus he has interesting talking points, he's worth listening to even if you dont agree with him. He was even pro Trump because of how disruptive to the system it would be.

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I'm not a lefty in any shape or form faggot. I just recognize that the majority of this website is too stupid to live. A good chunk of you cannot even properly read.

Also, whoever answered that other guys question isn't me.

Studying any post enlightenment philosophy is a wanton waste of time. Economics is a science and it says decidedly that communism is` harmful, philosophy is just arbitrary speculation about unprovable and untestable things

Surplus value theory is a load of horseshit.
If the workers took over the means of production, it wouldn't benefit them because they already consume 99% of the end product of economic production.
They already consume what they produce.
Just moving money around will just cause massive price increases and the working class would be in the same position as before.

>The alt right is just explicitly racist leftists
there are no racist leftists (at least in america) the people you are imagining are liberals. That is why no one takes you seriously, you think liberal=leftist.

he's saying there was no antifa at that specific rally you brainlet

I am aware that peterson exists and that generally right wing people like him and left wing people do not, but knowing any more about him, or anything at all about this neckbeard guy is cringey

You just proved you don't by pretending you're representative.

as zizek said, WHOM are you quoting? who tf is the "neomarxist" who is actually a relativist?

Marx grounded his theory in "science", which at that point was the big fad of the day. It still did at its heart however, have hegel's idealism within it, which later is important. But between then and now we have Nietzsche's revolution of what will come to be known as privilege theory. A questioning of morals, science, pretty much everything that ends in a fascist appeal to dismiss every phenomena as subjective except power. There is no truth. Its people like zizek that are using hegel(who already in his day foresaw this as a consequence of kants noumena) to return to the idea of a universal truth, and so to destroy capitalism as marx knew hegel would see it, an idea that would come to turn against itself.

respect, at least he's better than the yas queen mommy AOC crowd

>which does go full-subjectivity
In what way? Neo-marxists believe in an objective reality of minorities, hierarchies, power structures, etc.

>peterson is alt right

hi /r/chaptotraphouse

>I wonder what percent of the neckbeard anti-communist squad on this board can actually define communism and socialism?
>commies calling anyone else neckbeards

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what kind of response is this? You are the one obsessing about some fucking debate between two internet celebrities


>Marx grounded his theory in "science",
as ayn rand was "objective"

Real right-wingers hate Peterson. He's a hypocrite and a liar.

he may be unique, but both being anti-capitalist and even considering yourself a philosopher inherently makes you useless


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imagine being so fucking dumb you actually thought either of these meme e-celebs were intellectuals or relevant thinkers in any way

>i'm too intellectual to know anything about celebrity political philosophers
That's a cope.

meh, philosophy unironically died with the realization of the is-ought problem. all the insane, 100%-subjective post-modern bullshit was the only response a reasonable mind could have to it. only think keeping civilization together at this point is people aren't actually aware of it

>Muh no true leftist arguments

You have take out the nationalistic stuff to make it a good analogy.

>In a similar way, the alt-right obsession with cultural marxism expresses the rejection to confront the fact that the phenomena they criticize as the effect of the cultural marxist plot (moral degradation.. .and so on) are the outcome of the imminent dynamic of capitalist societies.
Is this what he's referring to? He's saying that the things that people blame on cultural marxism are things that are natural outcomes of capitalism, not that the cultural marxists themselves come out of capitalism. It was later on that he said that the so-called cultural marxists themselves weren't marxists because they didn't attack the system directly.
I can see where you're coming from if you assume that the list he made and the people that advocate these things academically are one and the same.
But almost ironically, the point he's making here is somewhat "culturally marxist" if you presume that the frankfurt school is where cultural marxism came from; Theodor Adorno (one of the main guys there) argued that capitalism is something that would cause our "values" to degrade in the way that they are(?), and he would do things like attack Jazz as being something morally reprehensible.
I'm trying to find the timestamp for when Zizek brings up cultural marxists again, since he does explain why he says they're not really marxists.

Peterson can't take his own advice

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>he's worth listening to even if you dont agree with him

Except he's not? You might as well listen to some neckbeard talk about Lord of the Rings. It's all just navelgazing non practical imaginations and thought exercises. Fucking fantasist who hasn't worked a day in his life. Why the fuck is he worth listening to?

>nazis didn't support capitalism
what is this meme

I don't think you understand what a cope is

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maximum kek

What rope? Whose rope?

>mfw coping /pol/ incels

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Jordan's greatest and most salient point was that commies just use Zizek's completely reasonable ideas and intellectual victories as an excuse to enact a more base and "leftist woke" form of communism. We won't get Zizekism as Jordan put it, we will have pure Marxism. It will be interesting how insane people like CTH use Zizek's arguments as a stepping off point for their own brand of commiedom.

But Peterson doesn't whine about kikes at every chance so you all decide he can't make a point.

holy shit that is peak cozy

>nuh uh you!
Do you even have thoughts or is it all coping mechanisms in there?

>t. larper


Nazis were quite literally socialists, leftsts have done a great PR job of spinning all racist and bad people as right wing, while spinning even worse leftists leaders as actually ok, and making their actual opposition, libertarians and classical liberals, entirely ignored

Says the virgin.

no because I could easily link the idea of nazism and more broadly fascism to its need of an "other", outsider enemy figure. show how theoretically your beliefs align with that of fascism. you cannot due the same to marxism and postmodernism because they're fundamentally at odds.

>everyone is /pol/
plus no one cares about your dead marxist faggot

The nazis supported capitalism though.
There were rich capitalists and industrialists in nazi germany


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>cherrypicked a photo from 2017

unironically would take nobility over a plutocracy any day of the week. at least the nobles have an ostensible obligation to protect me as part of the social contract. even if it's just lip service, merchants don't even bother with that. you're a resource to be exploited and discarded and if you don't like it tough luck that's capitalism faggot deal with it

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Why are you just saying the word cope over and over, it has literally nothing to do with anything

but zizek is. He literally told peterson "leftists shouldn't be afraid of political correctness" How fucking stupid are you to say that when the video I watched directly proves you wrong?

Zizek gives me flashbacks to some of the philosophy classes I took in uni. You couldn't find a more masturbatory self-congratulatory bunch of faggots if you tried. The only good class in the subject was about the philosophy of language because it makes you realize most of philosophy is the re-utterance of meaningless buzzwords in between endless Tolkien-style unnecessary prose. If you want a cathartic book to unwind all the bullshit read this


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Can we start talking about how to get rid of the globohomo menace?

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wtf im pro che now?

because philosophy is just baseless speculation and arguing about semantics

>this short-circuits the leftist npc

But capitalists raise your living standard by increasing economic production and allowing you to consume more
it doesn't matter that they give a shit about your or not

why don't leftists understand that economic production is the only thing that matters

the more economic production, the higher living standards are for the working class

we need a free market

You know all about larping don't you

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Oh, so because this internet celebrity doesn't think most leftists are dong it right, that means that he is the authority on what leftism is rather what actual leftists say and do?

His point stands. You people have a problem with right wingers' terms' lack of nuance because it's targetting you as accomplices with that main body of cultural theory and capitalist degeneration, but there is no reason for them to stop using that stupid term 'cultural marxism'

but the reason why you people have a problem with right wingers using that stupid term is because you're more worried in fighting right wingers and running interference for liberal capitalist degeneracy than actually fighting these corporate forces firing christians, right wingers etc

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they're autistic they can't help it

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>t. larper

thanks for the recommendation gonna check it out

>everyone who disagrees with me is a magatard
you couldnt be more reddit if you tried

ITT: Petersonfags trying to cope

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You asked, ya big coper.

>it's a left "meme" episode


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We ALL hate peterson here.
I'm a white nationalist that supports an extreme form of free markets and the abolishment of central banking.
Why would I support this kike?

dont turn me into a Che fan, now

Sam Hyde's take on the whole thing:


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This, btw

clinical psychologist beats actual philosopher
Zyzkek is out of touch in his own autistic bubble

>But capitalists raise your living standard by increasing economic production and allowing you to consume more
>it doesn't matter that they give a shit about your or not
It does when I grow obsolete due to technological advancements.

I unironically think we're a handful of decent AI breakthroughts away from the total obsolescence of 99% of the population. The only reason to even keep them around after a certain point is if you're missing GAI, and if you ever achieve that you can kiss humanity's practical purposes goodbye forever.

I predict that if the previous century was people coming to terms with being exploited, the next will be people coming to term with being obsolete.

>you cannot due the same to marxism and postmodernism because they're fundamentally at odds
>its need of an "other"

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Now this is fucking pathetic.

you imply im using the no true scotsmen fallacy to excuse leftists. Im not. Im saying the people you think are leftists, were never leftists in the first place, and the real leftists are just almost non-existent in American media, where Im sure you form all your opinions from.

Its not a difficult argument if your IQ is above 75

They never did something that would harm private property they just called themselves socialists to atract poor people.

Just because the original frankfurt school/post modernist thinkers did not reflect marxisism does not mean that modern neo-marxists somehow are 1:1 representations of that ideology/philosiphy. Similarly to how capitalism does not match exactly the values of capitalism from 100 years ago.

You're getting bogged down in the semantics of what EXACTLY a marxist is. A post modern neo-marxist draws on ideas from marxism (prole vs bourgeoisie) and applies it to both it's original economic context and to new post modern contexts with actual currency being exchanged with abstract currencies of 'power' and 'privilige'. It still stems from the ideas of communism and shares those ideas. Both literally in an economic context and in a more abstract post modern context. Both you and Zizek are trying to sever that line via semantics "no they're not REAL communists because x y z." You're thinking too much in fine print and not enough in broad strokes.

Why do people purposefully misconstrue Peterson's "clean your room" comments? I mean, I know why, propaganda, but seriously. It came entirely from incel losers with literally nothing going for them asking what they could do to better themselves immediately. He was asked this constantly. JBP then says a good first step is to clean your room, because it can be done immediately, it's so easy that literally anyone can do it and it will give a slight self esteem boost so that you can make the next steps to not be a loser. He never says you must keep your room spotless. He says if you're in a bad place, it's a good first step. He then goes on to say that metaphorically you can extrapolate this to criticize those losers who spend their time trying to uproot society while having a life that is horrible. None of this even means he must keep his room clean. He has his life in order. He has a family and is making money. Cleaning your room is a first step for the lowest of the low, and a simple metaphor. Why do people act like it is the only thing he says?

t.lefty larping as a magatard in order to obtain (you)'s

>actual philosopher
What even is an "actual philosopher"

>being a libertarian fag is somehow better than liking JBP
lol the most reddit opinion Ive seen

clean your room

>you imply im using the no true scotsmen fallacy
>were never leftists in the first place

its literally the exact same argument , everyone else is using this word in a way that I don't agree with. You are the problem, not the word

clean your room and have sex

>I'm a white nationalist
>that supports an extreme form of free markets
Enjoy low-skill brown people flooding your country.

t. lazy neet NPC

>It does when I grow obsolete due to technological advancements.
The automation argument is fucking retarded.
The reason the economy is shit right now is central banking and government intervention.
Not muh automation.
We're barely automating anything right now.
Automation in a free market means prices for capital comes down so it becomes easier and easier for businesses to do business. This means more jobs get created.
This isn't happening right now because the US economy is a debt ridden shithole thanks to central banks.

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>They never did something that would harm private property
tell that to the Jews and all of their private property. Are you seriously going to tell me the Nazis respected private property and enterprise?

Like most leftists, Che believed blacks are equal until he went to Africa and tried to organize them.

>magatard posts a rich suburban white kid who will never work blue collar labor a day in his life as proof he has a smarter alliance than the leftists

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Unironically, most of Yea Forums needs to do this and they will stop being depressed, insane, lazy radicals.

It's a million times better.
Eat shit bootlicker.

>Enjoy low-skill brown people flooding your country.
I just said I'm a white nationalist you fucking moron.
>hurr da capitdulists are importing shitskins

This isn't the reason for mass immigration.
We successfully had free markets with ethnonationalism in this country for over 100 years.

It means you actually have an education, instead of being an uneducated retard who votes for a reality t.v. show star and doesn't want to go to go to university or get your flu shots because you think you'll get "pozzed"

Wow, the left truly can not meme.

>"marxist" "TRUE LEFTIST" defends idpol tree nigger regardless
imagine my shock

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Fighting right wingers is easy and if you follow the chapo or antifa model, capitalists will give you money for it.

Putting up a meaningful resistance to capital and the opposite will happen.

I won't speak for who you're quoting or other self proclaimed communists, but as a communist I have two goals. #1 raise class consciousness independent of other political goals #2 to that end work towards the ends of capitalism by accelerating its ends, in example, voting for any candidate that support a higher minimum wage, as only two things bring closer the end of capitalism, higher wages and less working time. I don't care what else that candidate supports. Now as it happens, by chance, society has organized itself in a sense where the left most candidates in the US are to the "left" on social issues. So by contingency I also support these issues. its a matter of political convenience.

The Weimar Republic fell because they cut off their Wieners

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They had a central planned economy my famalam.

Yeah? And what jobs are those? When a computer can do all your cognitive labour and a robot all your physical? Is the government gonna pay you to shitpost on 4channel? And how long does it take the few people who do have actual jobs in that system to realize that actually everyone who matters would just be better off without you around to begin with?

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>I just said I'm a white nationalist you fucking moron.
yeah, the free market brings mexicans in

>were never leftists in the first place
uhh, in reference to "racist leftists opposed by the alt-right", that was the original description I saw. Not referring to all people across every continent. Don't put words in my mouth just because you can't argue for shit

Educated people study STEM, not fucking "philosophy" or leftists pseudo-intellectual circle jerking. Learning about what random dudes said about random unverifiable stuff is not educating yourself

That's a long way to say "yes socialism will never happen but I'll spend my life helping the corporate degenerates"

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>Mueller was secretly working for Trump the whole time


made peterson look like a brainlet it was fucking hilarious

yeah basically.

banks arent 'deplatforming' these faggots but they are going after right wingers

that book sounds great

wow how pathetic. You truly are advocating in causes you dont believe in just to further your agenda. You are a useful idiot.

>And what jobs are those?
Industry, service sector jobs etc etc.
Working hours will go down so this means more shifts are available for people, meaning more people are employed etc.

A free market means prices come down.
Obviously this isn't happening now.

No it didn't.
We have nothing close to a free market now.
We had a free market before and didn't allow mexicans in and deported all illegals.

explain, without idpol, why trump voters should support the Covington kid.


To use a taxonomic analogy, Classical Marxist Theory and Cultural Neo-Marxism may not be the same species but they are definitely in the same genus.

sex wont relieve "lazy radicals"
it literally just stems from boring mundane life

If you think massive societal or structural change is necessary, you're a retard and you misplacing internal rage towards an external system. What is needed is a purge of of corruption in the government and for vocal minorities including niggers, leftists and parts of the right to be ignored, not propped up. You know this. You know the system would work if we put in the effort to make it work. Massive changes are the intellectual pipedreams of pseudo-intellectuals.

The ethnostate is just as laughable as a workable system of communism.

>in example, voting for any candidate that support a higher minimum wage, as only two things bring closer the end of capitalism, higher wages and less working time.

The minimum wage just destroys jobs and raises prices. It makes it impossible for employers to afford to hire people.
I want the minimum wage to be increased just so people see how terrible it is.

have sex.

>without idpol
lol "please dont use guns when im firing on you"

You cannot have a free market and closed borders

We need to abolish central banking.

name one thing this kid did wrong
you literally can't

>d didn't allow mexicans in and deported all illegals.
so it wasnt a free market. fuck commies, but the market wont help us

Why do retarded leftists think central bank domination is somehow "capitalism" and that all of the negative things that result from it are "capitalism's fault"?

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yes dumbass thats the point. jfc

Yes you can.
America and countless European nations had it for over 100 years.

>so it wasnt a free market
Yes it was.
The nation is our property and we have the right to protect it.
>but the market wont help us
Why do you bootlickers defend central banking so much?

you said you want it because it raises wages and reduces working hours for workers

Now this...this is incel rustling.

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please see >accuses other people of idpol
>Can't defend his own argument without it
just keep digging the hole deeper champ

Where I'm, and I guess Zizek is coming from is from a position of "infighting." Since--whether this is a good thing or not--topics like Marxism or Post-modernism are so confusingly intricate and layered, it's important to know exactly what one is referring to when partaking in a discussion/argument.
Now, as Zizek said, Post-Modernism is actually explicitly anti-marxist, i.e. they don't like each other. So when someone groups them together it's very "triggering" for lack of a better word. But since Zizek didn't go into this, Marxism and Post-moderism are different in another way:
There are many different types of socialist thought--in which Marxism is one of them--but Marxism itself is something that is generally internally agreed upon, there's not much infighting or arguments between self-described Marxists, but there is between socialists (think anarchists vs marxists).
Post-modernists are not really an ideological group in that same sense. Since they have so many authors delving into different veins of thought and argument, they aren't as internally consistent as Marxists can say they are.

But if your broad point is meant to be taken as
>Marxists were wrong from the beginning, and since post-modernists, even though they disagree with marxists, have a similar thought process of "power" and privilege", it's okay to lump them together because they are both wrong for the same reason.
then I can't really argue with that, besides saying there's no reason to include post-modernist in there besides as a scare-tactic.

We had fucking insane levels of immigration in the heyday of our free market, what are you talking about? The demonization of immigration is part of the broader move away from classical liberal free market thought

>Why do you bootlickers defend central banking so much?
good luck with your private forces deporting the democrats' race war army of mexicans and niggers

>The nation is our property
it clearly isnt

ah right, now you hate him because he's rich, not because a tree nigger harassed him after nogs started a fight with the kids

you're a standard faggy liberal who's terrified of annyone with a darker skin than you, thats it

>Industry, service sector jobs etc etc.
All of which can be done better and more cheaply by a computer or a robot.
>Working hours will go down so this means more shifts are available for people, meaning more people are employed etc.
Yes, which results in 99%+ of the population on welfare. What's even the point of them at that point?

shit brings to mind some logan's run-tier future dystopia, where gestation is legally extended to 30 years, so up to that point people act like overgrown sperm cells aiming just to penetrate into actual society, with the absolute top 0.01% of them succeeding while the remaining, obsolete people rendered into onions.
what else would be the point of the masses at that point? just use them to roll the dice for the occasional person worthy of joining the elites. everyone else is trash.

Zizek paper generator


Because publicity is good. Even if got destroyed, his fanboys don't care. As long as he keeps supporting Israel he will have an audience.

to a liberal a medieval priest and a secular nazi are the same, to most conservatives the faggy artist saying something is bourgeois and a marxist are basically the same shit

Why? For being pwned by Peterson?

Would you take issue with someone basing their entire grift on criticising it while not having bothers to have read deeply into the foundation texts of a "neo post-modernist" version of Marxism? Surely to criticise a 'post-modernist' version of something you have to understand the original form?

no, the only two things that accelerate the profitability crisis are increasing wages and/or reducing work hours

see: youtube.com/watch?v=ypJ_tcnfaWA

Brigading isn't funny and we can all see when you do it on /pol/ and here. Go back the /r/CTH and your discord.

no im asking why idpol is bad for one side to use, but you are unable to explain to defend the Covington kid without....idpol? See how that makes you an idiot?

>As long as he keeps supporting Israel he will have an audience.
And a sinecure. And an Amazon author's account. And a payment processor.

They kill some private owners but never harmed the actual private ownership in any way.

>We had fucking insane levels of immigration in the heyday of our free market
We had WHITE immigration which was the point of a white ethnostate.

Our immigration policy was strictly whites only and we deported non-whites who came into the country.

>good luck with your private forces deporting the democrats' race war army of mexicans and niggers
What the fuck are you talking about retard?
I want a free market white ethnostate.
I want left wing political parties banned.

>All of which can be done better and more cheaply by a computer or a robot.
Not all of them.
There will still be jobs for people you idiot.
The more automation, the lower prices are, why do you think prices aren't going down right now.

If the american economy was actually real and not a central bank ponzi scheme there would be real economic production in this country and not china. There would be a fuckton more jobs available than there is right now.
Stop blaming automation when it's NOT the problem.

>which results in 99%+ of the population on welfare.
There would be MORE JOBS available?
Why would they be on welfare?
Also welfare wouldn't exist.

because a creepy fucker harassing a teenager after niggers yell faggot at them trying to start a fight and then media jews go after the kids for being white isnt exactly "ok"

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>profitability crisis
Another marxist fairy tale.
The only reason profits are "falling" is due to central banks propping up the economy.
Marxists don't even factor in central banking and their massive money printing into any of their models.
Where do you think most of the large firms get their money from? Wall street which is just a federal reserve ponzi scheme.

They literally took all of your stuff if they didn't like a group you belonged to, that is 100% harming private ownership, not to mention the enslavement and mass murder of the people themselves.

Nazism is classic leftism, authoritarian government trying to plan the economy to help people it says were being fucked by a smaller powerful group, killing anyone you don't like

why would he even need to "defend" the Covington kid ?

Just because you can prove something with an experiment in which somekind of sensibitlity is used doen't mean something is fake or unprovable, is by pure logic that philosophers defend their ideas kind of what happens with mathematics.

>school shooter buzzwords
so what does "not ok" mean? your definition of acceptable vs. unacceptable social behavior shows you are obsessed with identity politics, and therefore a hypocrite and a useful idiot. Many such cases among rural retards.

The in-fighting of self proclaimed marxists is irrelevant. The end product of marxism in this point in time are self described post modern neo-marxists. You can debate the minute differences between communists but they all lead back to the same vein.

This vein leads to the neo marxists we have today. You and Zizek trying to say they're not "real" marxists because they don't adhere exactly to the communist manifesto and that they arent purely post modern because they dont adhere to the co-ordinated attack on 'degenerate' arts does not change the fact that they share ideas from both.

The orginal ideologies do not mesh but the resulting neo marxist ideology is a result of pulled ideas from both that do mesh. They are still marxist just as 'socialist' countries such as norway are still capitalist.

No one won, it was barely a debate. If you think either of them won, you a fucking retard who sucks one of them off nightly. They spent most of the time agreeing. Zizek was the one who was trying to "gotcha", but not too much. JP kept it respectful, but milquetoast.

They need to nix the audience and let these people actually argue. Seems to me Zizek nor Peterson actually wanted that. I thought Zizek would be much more persuasive but he came off as lazy, looking for audience points.

>We had WHITE immigration which was the point of a white ethnostate.
Yeah, because Germans and Irish immigrants were thought of as white back then..

>falling rate of profit
>labor theory of value
And the proletariat will lose their shackles and start the revolution anyday now, how's the 1800's treating you?

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can't you for a moment consider the opposite? that it is *you*(or whoever you're following) who hasn't factored in central banking, by keeping it at a distance from your economic theory as some outside disruption of your perfect system? Instead of the truth, that its a necessary part of it that will always appear.

"I'd let them do that to my son because marxism"

I love that you were pretending idpol and marxfags arent together and 'cultural marxiism' is totally wrong

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