In all honesty, how could dc even compete after this, i dont see them making a huge event like this in the future and generating this much hype among normies, they will even think that darkseid is be a thanos ripoff, how did they drop the ball this hard?
In all honesty, how could dc even compete after this...
Uh oh, be careful that you don't post any spoilerinos hehe ;)
>how could dc even compete after this
they don't, they will just waste away in obscurity until they've lost too much money to stay in business.
>how did they drop the ball this hard?
DCucks will blame Snyder because they're fucking retarded and think DC hasn't made a movie before 2013, but the truth is DC has always been shit because they made archetypes instead of actual fucking characters
They can't.
And they don't need to. Just make decent standalone movies like Aquaman and Shazam and they will be okay.
i dont care about dc but what is so special about this movie?
infinity war was interesting because they had balls to do something big, ill shitty characters and change marvels's universe... meanwhile this? it's literally going back to point zero, bringing dead faggots back and making infinity war never happen
what is so special about undoing something big and going back into same shit?
not only dc: nobody can't compete with endgame
literally, the biggest cultural event in the history of humankind. cinema will be separated in before and after this shit
>but what is so special about the biggest event in cinematic history?
Are you fucking retarded?
No one will remember anything from the marvel movies except for Thanos's snap. This will make a lot of money but it's trite and it's cultural footprint will reflect that
sorry, bad word choice should ask 'why?' instead
seriously, why is going back to point zero so special? this movie basically makes infinity war having no effect on marvel's universe
>be me
>try my best to avoid endgame spoilers for the past week
>go to jerk off 10 minutes ago for the 5th time today
>go to Pornhub
>go to look for some scenes to bust to
>look at the search bar
>sees Avengers Endgame as a popular search result and click it
>there’s multiple vids with the leaked endgame footage
>of coarse I watch it instead of clicking off
>mfw I get spoiled from moments of endgame because I’m addicted to masturbating..
How do I stop masturbating, bros?
This, but unironically
After this? Easily. This is the wall for Marvel. No one gives a shit after this. All tension, all build up is gone.
This is where DC stands an actual chance.
did you fap to the spoilers?
Crisis on Infinite Earths with alt universe Joker saving the day.
i have never read something so detached from reality in this site like this
Closest they have is this.
Mostly because they are CGI heavy. CG ages like shit and when huge chunk of your movie is CG it will feel off.
Spiderman 1 and 2 will be most watchable Marvel movies. They are already almost 20 years old and still hold up.
Their only chance at staying even remotely as big as right now is to retain Chris Hemsworth.
Can you imagine if they'd had the balls to keep everyone who got snapped stay snapped? That would have been the ballsiest move in cinematic history
They have many ways to do it better since Marvel basically did
>Oh my god! Half the superhéroes are dead!
>Oh wait,they're not kek
The end result of the story is not why these movies make billions
Are you that guy that cried watching the star wars trailer or the one that opens his mouth really wide?
Still DC could make something with balls and actually kill characters other than the speedster
Of course. It's crappy CGI. Transformers were making billions too and they were not about story. MCU is like asslicked Transformers anyway.
DC basically fucked it all up by putting the carriage before the horse. You don't make a cinematic cross-over blockbuster before at least introducing audiences to the individuals.
Archetypes are more powerful than just characters. Nobody is going to be talking about what Iron Man represents 100 years from now, let alone a decade.
The shame if it is, they *could* have made him represent something, but he’s in Disney’s hands, and they’re allergic to depth and theme.
>but what is so special about the biggest event in cinematic history?
Avatar was eleven years ago.
Have sex
But Shazam flopped user
You absolutely can with DC characters. Marvel had to do one shots bc they used c listers, buteveryone knows superman batman and WW. The problem is zack "christ imagery is deep" snyder made ed everyone an unlikable murdering psychpath
They won't. This star will burn out in the Larson led Phase 4. That's when DC will attack. You're supposed to retreat and regroup when your opponent is at his strongest.