Why does Hollywood hate Asians?

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because they do not like shit-covered ni... i mean they do not look like black people hollywood loves to felliate all the fucking time

Jews fear the samurai

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Cause white men have a chance with Asian women while they don't with black women, pushing for lusting for black women instead of white women is a way to weaken the white patriarchy and keep it down since it will leave them single.

Because it doesn't bring them money. Nobody wants to see a race of ugly, nerdy betas up on the silver screen, especially as the leads.

jews are the samurai

>Look at this ancient Japanese painting about the legend of the people that brought Japanese writing to Japan
>Clearly caucasian dude
>Big nose and his followers are beaked nosed birds (jewish noses)
>They all wear small black hats

The truth is that the people we now know as Japanese were originally one of the Jewish tribes. We know this is true because Chinese Kaifeng Jews have been trading with Korea China and the original Japanese (Yomon, they were aboriginals and not asian) WAY before Japanese script was developed yet.


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Gemma Chan is British, and she would be hired because she's was a Brit rather than Asian.


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>Nobody wants to see a race of ugly
Explain nogs then? they literally look like people covered in mud or something.

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A bit like Naomi Watts.

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Because they defy the "minority is less privileged and wealthy" concept that America and in particular Hollywood wants to sell as the party line. On grounds of most of them getting down and getting to work rather than moaning and complaining and tweeting/tumblring.



Someone find her sex scene from Humans, that shit was hot.

Yeah Hollywood really hates Asians...

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Keanue Reeves has an English mother, and Hollywood loves the English.

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>Made of mud
>Jewish pets

He's Chinese. He looks as English as Jackie Chan.

But Israel is an Asian country

He's a true English-American.

A Chinese great grandmother doesn't make someone Chinese.

>Keanue Reeves has an English mother

always makes me kek seeing as his english accent was terrible in dracula.

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They're ugly.

And they outnumber westerners by a huge margin, they aren't a minority, they have their own industries.

Holy shit, but if Japanese don't hold any restrictions, does that mean they're the only good jews of the world?