10 years later, how does it hold up?

10 years later, how does it hold up?

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Antigravity or some shit


It was racist antiblack propaganda

No idea.
Saw the movie once when it came out and not seen it since.
I recall enjoying the South African dude saying "prawns"... because his accent was funny.

one of my favorite movies
mostly because i enjoy unlikely friendships

Excelent and its the best blomkamp film to date, dude should be given more low budget projects because he voes full retard when properly financed

Still fookin prawn/10 for me. Watched again a few months ago and the shift from a documentary to an action movie is still positively bizarre, Dickus's accent still gets me, and it didn't age visually since it looked messy to begin with. The alien tech design is still great as well.

It really sticks out to me for some reason. The imagery of sci fi mixed into society in a "realistic" way is really fucking cool. Elysium tried to capture the same aesthetic but fucked it up with a shitty plot and dumb characters.
It's definitely not perfect, but it was super memorable.
In my local theatres they had those "no human/alien" designation signs around instead of typical promo posters and it was really fucking cool.

Great movie still.

one of the last cool, novel and interesting films that also managed to be extremely entertaining

It's boring as fuck, plot, visuals and action.
People like to think it's deep, but it's basically muh aparteihd and muh white guilt.

Should have won Best Picture

I wish I was as easily impressed as you.

It annoys me that normies think it's about apartheid.

It's about post-Apartheid SA's treatment of Zimbabwean refugees in the 90s. Neil said so himself

I wish you didn't exist.

the cgi did not age well

Sci-fi fangays will gobble up the most mediocre dreck and praise it for years.

Still mad they never came back 2bh
They promised

Why can't the CG always be as good as in this movie

I think the CGI is fine. Beats some modern shit we are seeing, Black Panther being the gorilla in the room.

Subversion done right, took all holywood cliches before it and thew them in the garbage can, not even its maker realizes what he has done and to this day he failed to repeat its success.
>mothership lands on africa instead of usa
>mothership does not attack earth much by the contrary, it sits there until humans start to investigate.
>aliens aren't supersmart and evil instead dumb, friendly, and vulnerable.
>aliens aren't bellgerant, they need help.
>not a war story (although there is military conflict on it)
>main character is not a soldier but learns to fight he is forced to
>main character journey is entirely downwards to ruin, starts as an underdog and devolves into sewer racoon
>humans thirst for power is the actual villain of the movie instead of a single bad guy (although there is a small one because why not)
>things at the end are worse than what they were at the start
>no happy ending
>looks like a documentary

The best part is how the CGI looks like it peaked back then, to this day no movie featuring cgi has reached this quality standard.

It saddens me to know bloonkamp haven't done anything good ever since, sure that short movie he made with the alien grandma was ok, but it wasn't a real movie.
D9 was remarkable in every aspect, i specifically also enjoy the fact that all actors in it are litteral whos, it only made easier for immersion.

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Which still means it's muh white guilt, retard.

>Is that tear gas?
>No, it's cat food

The film flipped between tense, depressing, and silly every few minutes. MC is a clueless dork, the people around him are manipulative and in the end almost nobody really cares about his safety. Call me edgy if you like, but it felt very true to life for me.

>muh poor alien nigger stand-ins.

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mate who do you think was in control of SA post-apartheid and who was fleeing Zambia/Malawi/Zimbabwe im that time?

This, amazing movie, from the effects to the music, also Wikus's arc gets me everytime, Sharlto is one of the good ones, Neill is a hit and miss tho.

would you have sex with one of those fookin' creatures, Yea Forums?

idiot and waste of trips

I'm glad I don't have as shit taste as you.

They were too busy making sure they slammed the apartheid allegory into your face and forgot to make the rest of the movie any good.

neil isn't jewish. Now have sex.

Like this one that has implication on interracial conflict, definitely has its affect on the followers. What do you think of “Alien Nation”, then ?

Honestly it gets a lot of shit here but I personally thought it was Blomkamp's best to date and very understated in the way it was done.

He has a wife, you know...

the guy burned their kids alive.
he doesn't deserve to be rescued

Still one of the greatest movies made to date. I re watch it once every few years and it still holds up and has the same magic as the first time I saw it.
Its a shame blomkamp made shitty movies after that and then fell for the independent studio meme. I didn't mind chappie but it was still not good. Here's to the hope he does good with robocop and starts working on a district 10 or whatever the fuck it'll be called.

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I really liked it when the Blonkamp man made the movie, and then he made the same movie but it had the Damon man in it, and then he made the same movie but it had WALL-E in it. I like movie.

wish I had an alien buddy to eat cat food with

Even back then, as an impressionable 14 year old I thought it was shit

You're a brainlet

It doesn't nearly have the same impact now, not to me anyways. The mockumentary format still felt relatively fresh at the time, I suppose. Now it really plays like a straight comedy at times, and with the aging CGI it's not as easy to take the plot seriously. It'd make a hell of a video game though.


>only intelligent patricians can enjoy pseud generic action scifi with afrikaans accents

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he's right though, if by age 14 you aren't able to formulate a mature opinion about a flick you probably are a brainlet

fuck niggers

still makes me wanna eat cat food

>I have no argument so here's a funny picture

Explain why you thought it was shit, and then if it isn't too much trouble, why you cared enough to post in this thread - because with that low energy answer you sure as fuck aren't here for a conversation.

Use your words. Explain your position.

How are they nigger stand-ins if the niggers were right there?
They were mutilating live prawns with machetes and selling their meat as witch doctor medicine. It's got to be one of the most honest depictions in recent film history.


because it was boring, predictable and vulgar in its approach

How so?

Now explain why any of those adjectives apply to the movie in question.

I need a mash up of Tom Cruise sci-fi and Noel Blomkamp. I'm talking Elysium/DayAfterTommorow I really like exoskeletons. We all do don't we here on the internets?

It was straight to dvd day one garbage then, and it is now.


suck my fucking ass

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it's pretty funny the Africans were not given a sympathetic portrayal.

Wow saw that one coming

Why do I have the feeling that this was posted by (((someone)))?

>replaced the Halo movie

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Is it on Netflix?

>The best part is how the CGI looks like it peaked back then
Yeah, I recall really being impressed with the CGI back in the day

it is

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I agree with this, it’s one of the best movies of the last 15 years. Why can’t Blomkamp reproduce his results, though? It’s so weird he’s never, ever managed to get to this level again.

>3 years

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So you’re still 14, got it.

Agree. This and Drive probably the only movies I've thoroughly enjoyed and stand out from the last 10 years. There are probably 1 or 2 more but these two standout

Niggers were in charge during that period.

>tfw never will be another comfy ODST game with rookie
fuck 343

The Birthday Party scene is next level kino.

is this you ?

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tfw district 10 never.

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i wish i had a cute beetle son

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it holds up even better honestly. The CGI aged so well that it will out does everything Disney/Marvel and a majority of the studios are doing. I don't know how Neill blomkamp does it but he makes his CGI look so realistic and seamless

>this came out 10 (ten) years ago
kill me

I liked it. The technology had that dirty lived in feeling that I enjoyed from the original star wars movies.

I really hope blomkamp gets a chance to make something on a truly huge scale like a halo movie or I could easily see a titanfall adaptation working like gangbusters