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i'm still disappointed we never got a follow-up movie with shredder making a return. iirc we even get confirmation he's still alive. wasted potential

well shredder dies pretty early in the comic. he's only a mainstay villain because of the cartoon

but they were even going to tease the tcri aliens but david warner's reveal scene was cut. he was going to have an ayy in his belly

a good decision, shredder is a cool villain. and oh yeah, the utroms. ch'rell, was it? but that was from the '03 series, way after the live action films came out. were the utroms a thing the comics? I never read them

The utroms were a thing in the original Mirage comics. The 2003 series is heavily inspired and follows story lines from the original comic. The utroms were also the inspiration for Krang in the first cartoon. That why when the movies scrapped the utrom reveal since they did not want to be associated with the cartoon. Hence the reason we got Tokka and Razar instead of Bebop and Rocksteady.

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I... have always liked...


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Image of the original utroms

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Master Splinter NO!

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It´s too late now. This generation would not apreciate a version with chinks disguised as the turtles and a puppet krang.

He was so upset about losing that sai

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Someone post the female turtles.

He was gonna get it back

could a movie from shredders pov work?


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There was a TMNT pinball machine. But I've never played it. It seems like it was a bit of a transitional game, before Data East had mastered the new technologies and design philosophies of the era.

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>What are you, night security?
>Actually I'm uhh pizza delivery



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>I get it now! You're claustrophobic!
>Hey, I never so much as looked at another guy!
Naturally I didn't get this joke as a kid but as an adult it's fucking hilarious.

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He asks Donatello if he wants a fist in the mouth.

Would you a Venus?

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Holy shit. They're saying ninja instead of nigga. I got that just now.
Ew why did they nigger up the turtles in the movies?

Not with those shitty animatronics.

today I will remind them

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You bet.

>darker and edgier
>Batman Begins style
Holy crap we really dodged a bullet there.

Ok guys, I know one of you guys on /tv has to know the answer to this..

What Russian novel---

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read it again user I think you may have missed something important

sad we never got this. or the cancelled live action TMNT IV - although the whole "second mutation" thing probably would have been silly
war and peace

What exactly is a half shell?

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They only have a shell on their back, not their front.
