Yea Forums BTFO

Yea Forums BTFO

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this dude unironically btfo Yea Forums. he’s gotten more fame and adoration in a week then we’ll most likely get in our entire lives.

and that's a good thing?


lil zoomy and his shitpost here is telling more about himself than on this board; do TV reality or something

wow corporations are using him to encourage others to worship their absurd products what a surprise

I don't think people using an anonymous board see fame as a good thing at all.

>that 40yo who cries over a sw trailer
>that 40yo who puts a emoji at the end of every tweet
What a gigafaggot.

Yeah but at least I don't have herpes on my face

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Do you think James is crying in his bed for not getting this type of fame even though he started first and have more content?

I'd call this excellent bait but the sad thing is you're probably Eric Butts himself

where do you think we are? reddit?

Yea Forums always gets btfo. this board has never done something that hasn't backfired on them

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But he's still a fat manchild crying about commercials for children's films.

White male privilege in action.

Step 1:
40 year old man reacts to a movie trailer like a literal mental patient, sobbing uncontrollably
Step 2:
people bully him because the whole point of bullying is to discourage behavior that society deems wrong and a grown fucking man should not bawl harder for a fucking movie trailer than 99% of people do at the funeral of a loved one
Step 3:
Twitter defends this disgrace of a man because they're a cesspool of people trying to destroy society either intentionally or unintentionally through their insane and illogical ideologies
Step 4:
Step 5:
Yea Forums BTFO
>he'll never drink with the butts boys

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aye but at what cost?

more like manchild does shit to get attention, Yea Forums gives him the attention he wants like the retards we are. Then manchild gets normies and the mainstream media on his side as well as a fanbase to print dosh.

he played you all like a fiddle.

How the fuck is being a manchild for attention "playing us like a fiddle"? If somebody is acting like a retard for attention and you mock them for it, I fail to see how the retard wins in that scenario. It's literally like that stick figure meme that used to get posted all the time.


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>showing the world the state of the star wars fan, and the american low t male.
the only person who thinks this is good is another low t white male

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>If somebody is acting like a retard for attention you give them attention
And yet you still fail to see how this backfired, you truly are the dumbest board Yea Forums

Jesus christ you're autistic. Mocking him amongst ourselves is not giving him attention. Do you think anybody from Yea Forums is writing fucking news articles about him? Sharing his video on Facebook and Twitter?
You're just as retarded as he is.

The mockery is what caused the articles to be written, you gave him exactly what he wanted. Let me remind you that reaction videos are made for the sole purpose of making money, and you gave him enough fame by shilling his videos 24/7 here. You could've just ignored the retard but he lived in your head rent free instead. So who's the biggest dumbass here? Certainly not the one who got what he wanted.

>get 15 minutes of fame
>go right back to being a man-child with an unfaithful wife

You can have your fame and adoration. I'll keep my pride and dignity.

>he thinks the rest of the internet keeps up with what Yea Forums is talking about

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