Hey Bud, I know you had plans this weekend but we got a deliverable due next friday...

Hey Bud, I know you had plans this weekend but we got a deliverable due next friday, i'm gonna have to ask you to work the weekends. I'll be on the golf course for 18 holes if you need me.

what movies best show this wage slavery?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Office Space
Trading Places

Obvious answer is obvious
if you want to vent about your workweek just say what's on your mind

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the first The Matrix

as someone who works at a corporate office for a moving company, this is basically my everyday feel.
i would say half my day at work is just browsing Yea Forums and watching youtube videos while being anxious im being watched.

i too am looking for movies with that feel

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>i'm gonna have to ask you to work the weekends
I'm gonna have to decline

It's not real bleaching until Mei's got a little white baby bump.

Also Fight Club, American Beauty, and Falling Down all prominently feature bits of wageslaving.

Is office work just about sitting there doing nothing most of the time? Do they basically pay people to *be* there rather than paying people for their actual work?
I got my first (and current) office job almost 2 years ago and nowadays I'm lazy but very anxious most of the time at work. I just browse news sites and look for used cars. Hardly ever do I do anything productive at work. I also spend hours a day in the bathroom browsing Yea Forums on my phone.

Adam Sandler's Click
It's wretched, but it shows this type of wage slavery

>just browse news sites and look for used cars.
oh yeah,i did that too. all week. now it depends on what kind of an environment/boss you have.
i have things i need to do, and i make sure they get done. i keep my mouth shut about wanting more stuff to do when i finish said things, which leads to a lot of time to do nothing. even if i work they dont mind that i put netflix or hulu on the second screen. im just an assistant so really yeah they just pay you to do lackey shit and be there.
i like my job but its depressing most of my life is there.

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you're there to give the middle management something to bitch at desu

>tfw 90% unionization in my country means my union would fuck up my employer to the point of complete bankruptcy or until they yield
>tfw our Employment Protection Act makes it practically impossible to fire me unless I basically rape or assault someone at my workplace


>i keep my mouth shut about wanting more stuff to do when i finish said things
Same here. My coworkers actually ask for more stuff to do when they don't have anything to do but I don't have the drive or the passion to do that tbqh.
>i like my job but its depressing most of my life is there.
I used to honestly like my job until they hired some new jerk idiot that sits next to me. I hate the job now.
I'm in tech support, I mostly just touch some numbers on a database or get some boss to do it for me when I ask them how to do it. I guess watching Netflix on my screen would be too extreme because bosses often hang out behind my desk.
If I weigh the effort it takes to be there and the amount of money I can make I think life is not worth living.

Office Space


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lol @ that reaction pic



Lol at the office workers itt who bitch about how soulless it is. I agree with you, but always remind yourself that you’re not actually doing any back breaking physical labor for 7+hours a day. That should perk you up.

You are right. But also so many people have it better than I do, and these are average people I see everyday.
Indeed it does help to think about people who have it worse though. Thanks.

im actually on Yea Forums most of the day.
im in a cubicle and it's positioned in a way that people walking by can't see one of my screens.
but im trying to leave that job for something harder. im doing a typical office job and looking to do actual engineering or project management

if you complain about your job but aren't willing to leave it then i have no sympathy for you

Interesting, good luck with your career goal!

I'm sure as hell not one of those bitching about it. I went from being a tradie earning $3.7k to office work earning $2k and I don't regret a thing.

>Office work
What the fuck is office work? Do you have a career/industry or is your job literally 'office'

Anyone else here WFH master race?

>stressing out over your job
how do people have shit time management skills? I literally never have to crunch because my shit gets done in a timely manner

Office work is when you work in an office, doing whatever I guess. Regardless of the actual job, aren't most office jobs similar on the surface when it comes to how you use your time, the kind of people you interact with, etc?

Umbrella term for any sort of job you do in an office most often in front of a computer. Can be coding, accounting, call centre and etc.

I got passed up for a promotion at my last job because some fag in IT took it upon themselves to watch my screen remotely and snitch on me for browsing the net even though I literally had finished all my work and was just sitting there with my thumb up my ass.

Be careful bros they could be watching.

No because office jobs vary significantly depending on the industry. 'office work' describes literally nothing about the environment outside the location

Some jobs don't let you use your free time for things you like to do. They require you to be there doing nothing until more work comes. My coworker gets his shit done fast and a boss keeps giving shit because he ends up not doing anything for a while because of that.
If it were up to me I'd use my time for things I like when I finish my actual job assignments. But my bosses won't allow that.

lol at you

should have browsed on your phones mobile data

Idk. I can watch The Office, Office Space, God Bless America, Click, etc. and just feel somewhat related to the characters simply because they are in an office. Even if they have different jobs.

>Be careful bros they could be watching
Jokes on you my company has every website that isn't company approved filtered by the local proxy

Some workloads are too large for the number of people on them

I remember seeing all those movies and things that portray office work in cubicles as some sort of soul crushing terrible thing, all I could think of is it seems nice and I’d love that.

it's really not that bad
you go in, shoot the shit with your co-workers, do a bit of work to look like you aren't slacking off, shoot the shit some more, then go home

Then get a job faggot

Same here, it really looks comfy in all these movies, ironically.

Yea Forums is a-ok at my company apparently

thanks bud

It depends if you're in the 15% who does actual work or the 85% who does nothing but slackoff and shoot the shit with their coworkers.

>is your job literally office
I would wager that at least half of all white collar jobs are literally just "office: the job" and contribute nothing to society. Pic related goes into greater detail on this theory.
Here's a quick rundown if you don't care to read the book. Most office jobs fall into the box ticker/task master category. I've personally done a few jobs like this at a handful of major companies.

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my goal is to one day get a job where they give me a chair

It's bad when some coworkers and bosses are assholes to you. Also I end up extremely exhausted every day even if my job is not so demanding, Idk why.

What is this Pepe variant called and does anyone have more? It speaks to me on a personal level.

>shoot the shit

Your boss could be in this very thread and you’d never even know it.

you can do both, you know



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It's common for people doing desk jobs to fling actual turds at each others.

Nigga, man the fuck and get shit done. You should be aware of what the fuck your future work load looks like.

mental labor is still exhausting

i felt way shittier after a day talking to customers than after a day landscaping

>Also I end up extremely exhausted every day even if my job is not so demanding, Idk why
are you stressed out a lot by it?
because that will wear you out

My boss mentioned Yea Forums the other day. Fucking normie scum LEAVE REEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Fresco. Search the /biz/ archives, he was popular there for a bit

I will never understand people who take it upon themselves to report others for no reason. Maybe they think it will get them brownie points with higher ups. This type of shit is rampant in the military.
>(Ch)Air Force
>Work in the nuclear missile field (is not as cool as it sounds)
>Working cushy job where the entire responsibility is just tool accountability and cleanliness
>Smash work daily, then have hours of nothingness
>One day had a class maybe 1/3rd into the class on a Friday
>All work was done, took all of an hour
>Class gets cancelled
>No one from my squadron was there with me, the alternative was sitting on my ass for 7 hours
>Fuck it, three day weekend time I'm not going back
>Somehow a dirtbag I work with hears about it and calls me
>Say "Come on man, we aren't doing shit what do you gain from me coming back?"
>Wound up getting in trouble but nothing that serious
Way too many people in the military have the mindset of "If my life is going to suck, yours needs to as well". Funny thing is, I went out of my way not to associate with that guy after and he wound up getting discharged for being a dirtbag.

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You're the only austist who can't seem to grasp this simple concept

>Work in professional services, finishing up work means you get rewarded with more hard work, until you get burnt out.

it depends what you want as a job.
if you're ok with making a low to decent salary, not doing much, never being challenged and never doing something more interesting, then a typical office job is fine
but if you're ambitious and want to grow, then it's not the best environment

Based, thanks my dude

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Same. As if getting paid for being bored 5 days a week is such an ordeal. Beats the hell out of being homeless.

people act like kindergartners, with their "youre gonna get in trouble" bullshit

my favorite are people who get caught fucking around and immediately tattle on you for some bullshit you did, like its gonna solve their problem

>Just because i dislike white collar and service industries means it's not part of the economy

Seething npc blue collar brainlet working at walmart detected

Classic crab mentality. You can even see it on full display here many times.

I think I'm just waiting for a magical solution for my life and I'm not ambitious because of that. Also being depressed I just want to have the least amount of work possible, and just leave work and go home. I feel like a terminally ill cat that just wants to go and be alone until he dies.

I've done full time jobs at Amazon, Microsoft and USAA that were absolute horseshit, and not at a junior level either. If you actually think your paperwork is making the world a better place because it's "part of the economy", more power to you.

How do you live like that? What's the purpose? Why are you there if you are going to fuck around all day? Do you take pride in a purpose and excellence?

If I ever get scolded for anything in my job I sure as fuck will start to blame other people I don't like.

Imagine working and paying taxes so those taxes can be used to import niggers and muslims that than rape and kill and destabilize your country.

Just imagine that.

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I do that most of my day and I get awards for it

>prove it
>is it a sackable offence

there easy low wage work forever

Not that user but... what's so great about YOUR life? It's not like everyone can afford to have the job they like. Some people who have actual interests and can't afford to get a job based on those interests, will have to do purposeful things on the weekends, outside the job.
Work isn't everyhing. Its main purpose is to get you money that will help you do what you really like.

I like the things my work affords me
I'd rather be able to buy whatever I want and not have to stretch out a monthly $1200 NEETbux check

i feel like most people in an office are like that. im 24 so i feel too young to become cynical, give up on my life and drop dead this early which is why im trying to escape it. tbqh its better than being unemployed but still
also there's no magical solution that's going to simply appear. you have to take control of your life and do what you actually want to do. otherwise you'll blink and you'll be 63 having absolutely done nothing with your years

I understand the concept of what people mean when they say it you brainlet faggot. I'm saying, asking if all office jobs are like this and whether or not people are basically just paid to show up is a retarded question because office jobs vary in how they operate significantly. You would know this if you'd ever had one.

What's the alternative? How do you fight back? If I don't work the government will let me to rot and die.

>$1200 NEETbux check
Where do I sign up

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>used to do PCB manufacturing
>made 16$ a hour
>most the time the machines were broke or no work
>go sleep in my car for a few hours

It doesn't matter, people sometimes want to discuss office jobs because of the things they have in common, which are many.

tfw I will one day start my own business and I can finally get to be overlord instead of a cuck. I swear to god, the only way to get ahead in the corporate world is to get people to like your personality

yang gang 2020

Right? That is exactly what I was thinking.


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>tfw Machine Learning engineer
Shit's great. I spin up a bunch of GPUs to do training runs that take 24-48 hours to complete, then just dick around on Yea Forums until they finish.

I'm really lucky that I get to work on interesting things and my co-workers are happy to let me take care of the "difficult" work and they take care of the boring work I hate

At least Wal-Mart didn't patent keeping you in a cage.

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What will your business be about? Memes?

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Yanggang bucks is just going fuck everyone in the ass. It's like raising the minimum wage up $20, business just react to suck up every penny possible. It's also gonna de-incentivize people to work and give corpaations even more power over congress as the average individual becomes less powerful. It's like giving a guy with cancer opiods until he is dead as a fish.

comfy plumbing my man

i have no real knowledge about his policies.
i just kinda like spouting Y A N G G A N G
But thats also my gripe with BUI. also questioning where this money will come from

Here, play wagie simulator: pippinbarr.github.io/itisasifyouweredoingwork/

If you can do 1 hour a day, you stay employed.

If you can do 4 hours a day, you get promoted.

If you can handle 8 hours a day, you'll get passed over for promotion because you're too important to waste on management.

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>de-incentivize people to work

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>all those tiers involve working
This shit was written by a wagecuck SHEEP

>crypto trader is god tier

remember, these things pay the bills. If I could move around a few different coins and pay all my bills, I'd put it in god tier. The fact is most people can't pay their bills and are fucking idiots.

I know working in a call center has no downtime.
t. Former GEICO employee

Not sure if engineers have a hard time paying their bills, or those working full time and living within their means

>I'm earning less money in a field that will be gone in 10 years

I work an office job but I have 0 time to fuck around, I spend the entire 8 hours working on shit as it comes in

How the fuck do you guys get away with this shit? or do you just not care if you don't finnish what you're required to do?

I get paid 40/hour to fuck off for 32 hours of my 40 hour work week. Just reorganized the workplace and took me out of the management section (I am not management) so now I basically come in whenever I want and leave whenever. I've always been of the mindset that my dream job isn't exactly feasible right now, so I'll work comfy jobs that pay decently, have fun on the weekends, and work towards the dream job bros. I want to be a florist don't bully

kek, imagine actually working. I prefer my daily activities of anime, shitposting and sleep. keep on working wagies.

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I've worked a call centre job and we had stretches of time where you took maybe one 10 minute call per hour and you spent the rest of the time shooting the shit with your colleagues.

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle

a florist? that's adorable user. good luck

>work tech support
>on call for the weekend
>started 3 hours ago
>for emergencies only (like whole system is down)
>gotten fucking 7 calls already
>no emergencies, just people interrupting my shit to ask to fix problems they've been having for months
>some guy even called for a different fucking company just to rant about how much his day has sucked
At least next month I get flown out to the East coast where my company will entirely cover my hotel rooms and raging alcoholism for a few weeks while I "train" people on how to use Windows XP

>How do you live like that? What's the purpose?
op here. i was a hardcore neet for 2 years, and pulled myself out and got an okay job with a community college degree. i'm getting experience and used to working full time (never have before). the things you say are valid and i think about them myself.

Lel I had no downtime, as soon as you ended a call you had maybe 30 seconds to a minute. Took about 65-70 calls a day.

being a florist must be super neat. just being in a flower shop is nice and serene.

>tfw just got laid off before easter
>company owes me 2 years holiday pay + tip

im watching all the movies mother fuckers im fucking free at last.

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Better than early retirement as a tradie. Seriously fuck hard physical work. I'm never going back to it. I don't care if I sound like a bitch. The money isn't worth busting your ass to hit deadlines just to get cancer from asbestos or end up in a workplace accident or simply fucking up all your limbs from constant strain.

About half my time spent at work is complaining about those things and yelling at the elderly.
It's not that hard to find a job like that.

I know. My great grandma had a great rose garden. I love the smell of flowers, and all I have to do is make arrangements and drop them off on holidays if I had my own business. I'm sure there's a lot of logistics that go into it but like you said, just being on a flower shop seems peaceful

Best way to beat wageslavery without being a NEET is to work a non-office job with 12 hour shifts. I did Operating room nursing. No dealing with patients, no piss, no shit, lots of downtime to shitpost on my phone while doctors operate. Great pay. I work only 3 days a week from 7am-7pm. Never have to work overtime unless I want, never have to stay late, and on days we're not busy I can go.hkme early if I want to.

Never, ever work an office job. Never ever work 5 days a week and 8 hour shifts. It is the ultimate form of wageslavery. 12 hour shifts for non-office jobs gives you the perks of wageslavery without as many of the cons, and overall gives you better life than your typical 40+ an hour wageslave and your typical lonely NEET.

is this you?

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I used to do lawn service, grocery store stocking, and factory work. Now I work in an office. Its a dream come true comparatively.

can't blame you desu

yeah logistics for a flower shop must be difficult. im not a business person but inventory must be difficult because flowers have an extremely short shelf life

It is just a very personal decision I made a long time ago. I will never be a net positive tax payer for a system that is aching to destroy my people, my heritage, my culture, history and language. I would rather live on the streets or die doing what I believe is righteous.

Bullshit jobs. See
At small companies most workers do tend to have some kind of purpose because those organizations don't have the luxury of keeping useless people on payroll. At large companies though? A huge portion of the workforce is just window dressing. If someone is able to slack off or daydream for extended periods of time at work (as many people ITT have reported they do), that's pretty good indication that their job is actually bullshit and only exists to fill an empty chair. Additionally, you also have the partial bullshit jobs (like and ), where a person does have some important work to do but not enough to warrant a full 40/week of employment. Basically it's hard to find a competent employee who will work part time so you have people coming in for 40+ hours a week just so they can do their 5 hours of work that the company actually needs and chill for the other 35 hours. It's the white collar equivalent of a night doorman who sits on his ass most of the time but is there for the 20 minutes or so each night when he's actually needed.

and they say its equipment operating that's going to be automated......

why the fuck would that perk anyone up? you sound like those mothers chastising their kids about african poverty to try to get them to eat. everyone has their own shitty circumstances, shitbird

The more you agree to bullshit like that the more they'll push it. It's difficult for me since I like to do what's expected of me, but I have learned to fuck off and completely drop the ball if people try to pull bullshit on me.

Besides logistics I feel like it's a difficult business to break into. I can't imagine flower companies besides 1-800-Flowers and similar (if there are) do very well. I do wish you the best of luck and hope you can follow your dream.

Actually I don't work on the Sabbath and Friday is Good Friday I'm going out for fish with my family and there's nothing in my job description that says I have to do any of this so fuck off

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I used to manage a restaurant for 3 15 hour days a week
On my days off I would spend the first day in bed, the middle 2 days drinking, and the last day recovering
It was an absolute hellish cycle and I'm so much happier with an 8-5 office job

My roomate spends 70% of his work day sitting around reading or looking at his phone. Meanwhile I spend 10 hour work days (not including my whopping 30 minute long lunch) scrambling to get shit done in time for deadlines. My only consolation is that I make a lot more money than him, and I have an actual career, while he could be fired literally any moment and be replaced.


>tfw spent 6 years in school in stem but cant find job because my field needs security clearance

My job provided me with absolutely no training. I get assignments that I have never done before with the instructions being: "here, do it."

These here Kids In the Hall skits.


crabs in a bucket

What makes a man a snitch?

>15 hour shifts
>Consecutive 3 days in a row
There's your problem. I just have 3 12s a week. Usually don't work consecutive days so I wake up at 6:15am, get home at 7:45pm, stay up until 2am wake up the next day at 9am.and have the whole next 1-3 days off. If I ever have to work 2 days in a row, that first of the 2 days is rough since I'm getting some at 7:45pm and have to be alseep by 11, but the second day is fine and it's nice knowing that the other 5 days that week have only 1 work day. But ya, I'd rather be a 8 hour 5 day a week wagecuck than work 3 15s.

>tfw I work in IT and want to watch other people's screens remotely but know for a fact that MY boss is watching my screen remotely and am too scared to keep anything but the MSN homepage open

This is unironically fun as fuck but I am autistic so...

Hopefully they don't ask if you come to this site or browse /pol/ when you take your polygraph.

>tfw old fashioned office and my desk is in a corner

Feels good having privacy, none of that open space office that millennials love so much

*Pssst*, polygraphs are bullshit. They don't really work.

>af reserves intelligence
Once training is done, usually takes a year, you just come in once a month and you have a full adjudicated security clearance

Why can't you get a security clearance? I myself fucking hate them.


>yfw someone is getting paid to watch you to make sure you do your work
>yfw they think this is saving them money

I spend 9 years and have a PhD and for the past 3 weeks I've been installing and running water heaters.

It's validation for someone who does a useless job.
>I caught two slackers at work today! Oh boy, I matter!
Either that or they're total psychopaths who only care about making themselves look as good as possible to their bosses.

Yeah I know but if you get nervous when they ask your basically fucked.

why would you get a PhD in water heaters?

I didn't. That's the only job I've been able to find. Engineering is shit.

One of my asshole co-workers tried to blackmail me with pictures he took of me looking for an album to listen to on spotify. He thought I was ratting him out to our boss about how much he slacks off when he's not around (I wasn't), so instead of talking to me he decided to fucking spy on me and threaten to tattle on me. Needless to say, he's on my shit list for life.

Is he red because of the niacin he took before going to work?

A man is born a rat. He rats on his peers because a deep sense of insecurity compels him to do so. He subconsciously feels lesser than those around him, and he usually is, so he has to drag everybody down to his shit-eating level. I hate rats with a passion, and I hope they all die a gruesome death.
t. military

just build a new job you fucking nerd

Do Americans have to do over time and weekends for free or something?

Every hour over 40 hours in a week is 1.5x the money. So for me, that's $27.50

>at office
>everyone else in my room is gone
>decide to play some music quietly
>put on Foetus
>hear it start playing out of Boss's room down the hall
>immediately shut it off
>he hasn't spoken of it yet
Am I doomed to be asked to come in on the weekend?

you should just die then, wasting thousands of hours a year so you can soothe the pain with monday night sportsball and porn, just save time and end it.

What's the point of the extra money if you're never off work to use it?

If you're on salary then it doesn't matter what your actual hours are, you just get paid assuming you're working 40hrs/wk no matter what
If you're hourly (ie wage) then your hours are clocked and anything over 40 is big bucks

You're in the army and you still haven't realised everyone in the army is basically a "we must follow the rules because the rule is to follow the rules" anal stage type robot?

There are many people that abuse that word but it really matters in context.
Like if your co-worker isn't picking up his slack, continually fucking up, and smells like fucking vinegar in a hot morning day and is a detriment to your team making the quota after many talks between you and several other team members to ask him what's the problem, then yes.
Terminate that dumbass,

Not that user but, following rules is the unspoken rule for rules.
Nobody needs a reminder for that.

how retarded do I have to be for neetbux?

It's a quote of their mindset not literally what they're saying.

Literally this, Yea Forums has become a Yea Forums-lite when it comes to off-topic discussion, but without the spergy 12 year olds spamming FB and porn all day.

There are a lot of "bullshit jobs" out there where you don't actually do anything worthwhile. Mine actually pays well, and I don't even do anything. I used to hate it because I felt unfulfilled, now I just watch tv, or listen to music while browsing online.

What's the Veterinary industry like bros? Thinking of quitting my retail job to do Kennel work while deciding if I want to pursue a vet tech career.

Do americans really work on weekends?

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My dad's cousin lied about shit when he joined the marines and during his time in he was laughing about it with some of his squad and some guy overheard them and snitched. The next few days were hell for him as he tried to brush it off and they threatened investigation. He said he probably would have been discharged if not for the fact that two people in the platoon were severely injured for mishandling explosives and distracted the administration.
People are suck-up assholes.

Why? It takes more effort to kms than to die of old age. Also everyone is a waste. Why don't YOU kill yourself? You are a waste as well.

>I don't even do anything.
What do you theoretically do? Security? How'd you land this job?

My biggest issue with his policies is he wants to lower the voting age to 16, fucking awful.

It's like groundhog day without the happy ending and that homeless guy isn't a sweet old man but an ASSHOLE who waits for you EVERY SINGLE DAY after work to ask you for a cigarette even though you don't ever have one.

College was already a drag, I can't imagine how soul crushing it is to have to sit in an office all day and have that be what you do for the rest of your life (besides hobbies, if you have the energy to still engage in them).
I'm very glad I became a boomerang child. I've literally never been more happy.

Anyway I think Office Space is the closest you're going to get, OP. It's most likely already mentioned.

do people really look like this?

Not at first they don't.

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>boomerang child.
Same here.
Additional to the financial benefits, I just can't bear to leave my loving parents like that so I take care of them.
Golfing with my dad and helping my mum cook is fucking kino.

I was in that exact same position, then I turned 24 and my parents started asking me to please find a career and become self sufficient
Now I'm living on my own working an office job and zoomer memes confuse me, and above all I'm strangely happier

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Janitorial is a pretty cushy job desu. Most people can't tell the difference between a half assed mop job and a good one. Honestly there isn't really a difference. Just take out the trash and you're good. Sleep in the broom closet and phonepost most of the time. All the office guys in the building I clean are pretty similar to me in that respect. Cool guys.

This has to be the 20th Saturday in a row I've had to work. I'm so fucking tired of only having Sunday off which is just enough time to get some rest and stop being sore but not enough time to do anything I want before the work week starts again.

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This happened to me about 4 months into my mech engi job that I hate.
>Hey user, some emergency work orders came in for some retrofits, I need you to come in over the weekend unfortunately so we can fulfill these orders and make the customers happy
>Yeah fuck off, no way that's not happening
>Did I stutter? I'm not coming in over the weekend. Unless someone is dying, this customer can wait.
>But user, our CEO will be pissed if we don't make enough this quarter
>Not my problem. I can talk to him myself and tell him how it's gonna be if you want.

My boss has never tried a stunt like that again. Legit is scared to even assign me work now because I raised my voice and people noticed.
The irony in all of this is I got a raise about 4 months later for my "good work ethic" lmao.

what a fucking cuck lmao

Bus drivers at my job make $28/hr. They just ferry workers across a construction site 10 hours a day in a nice air-conditioned bus. I just imagine all the people that spent tens or hundreds of thousands and 4 years of their life when they could have just moved to another state and found an occupation that isn't super-saturated with like-minded people who have been scammed and duped.

Demand a raise or promotion while making a point of illustrating all the value you provide compared to your peers or you'll walk. Make sure you remind them of the cost it will take to replace your job at just the basic level of expectations. If they don't at least give you a path to getting this if they deny it quit and start over at the next place.

You guys don't know how good you have it

Be glad you weren't the scapegoat child

I didn't mind college because I enjoyed learning. There was also something you're working towards. At work it's the same shit day in and day out and there's nothing interesting or new to learn. I'd honestly not mind dying if I were to drop dead any instant. Beats going through this dredging through this shit for the next few decades.

I work in fucking deloitte, it ain't happening bro. too many people want my job. Just 3 more years and i'm bouncing.

Engineering managers are passive aggressive faggots. If you stand up to them, or just don't do the work, there's not a thing they'll do to you. They might make some snide comments, but ultimately they won't do dick. I fucking hate engineering.

Yeah it's demeaning as hell losing your weekends and it just sticking like you're not even a human with a life. I'm just about at the point where I'm not even gonna show up on Saturdays, come in on weekdays like nothing happened and push the blame to others "Nobody told me to be in that day huehuehe".

I'm a programmer and i do a significant amount of work throughout the week, but that could be a combination of my own work ethic and also the fact that my company is small (4 employees) so I tend to have quite a big responsibility there. It might be different at those big firms like ibm or microsoft where its a beaurocratic nightmare just to get anything done.

One of the thing that has always boggled my mind is why hard work is rewarded with even more work.
What the shit kind of reward system is that?

>No problem, I charge $250/hour outside of my normal contract hours. I'm sure that won't be a problem will it Mr. Shekelstein?

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that pic

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Someone get this hothead contractor out of here and get me a dozen part timers to fill in his shoes that I can work like slaves, pronto!

Unironically you have to follow this to a t

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>I work in fucking deloitte
you deserve to be slave driven, nigger

To see if you have what it takes to be upper management. It's kind of a gauntlet, if you do all the work they throw at you in an effective manner over time, you get promoted and placed into project management, where you literally don't do anything other than tell your team to use problem solving methods like the five why's or fishbone diagrams like an asshole while making double what you used to

Because your boss gets rewarded when you get more done. My shit job has taught me that deadlines don't mean dick. I can meet them or I can miss them. Has fuck all effect on me. It's my boss that has to worry.

It's no use Mr. Shekelstein, as a cyber security auditor I'm part of a select group of assholes who can walk all over you, and if you don't want my services you can deal with your stocks crashing when I reveal you aren't PCI DSS compliant.

Getting to boss around managers and executives is the best part of the job. Wouldn't trade it for the world.

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Except that's not how you get promoted. The guys that do all the work are kept where they are and worked like dogs. They might be thrown a bone once in a while with a small raise or a pseudo-promotion to keep them from quitting.

t. freshmen
Get a real job with responsibilities and then talk


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software engineer isn't a real job?

You get to upper management by learning how to delegate work to your peers.

Sorry, I didn't include the grilling and tennis that's also required. Have to suck up a little bit for that promotion

All you'll achieve with that is being treated like a nigger slave, if they know you're a pushover who'll work for no rewards why would they promote you to management when they can keep you doing grunt work no one wants.

If you're a poo-in-loo, yes. Otherwise enjoy your career getting outsourced to Pakistan and India.

This shit is true, every work place has those assholes that try to offload their work onto the newer coworkers. Had it happen to me for awhile until I told him to fuck off and do shit himself, he tried to psych me out threatening a discussion with management and I didn't budge and we had the meeting and I brought my point out. Now my work days are 70% less stressful cause I don't have to talk to that nigger anymore and I get to only do my job instead of 30% of someone else' job and THEN my job. I still see him wrapping the newer guys around his finger like a twat.

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I really feel bad for wagies who didn't get into IT or law enforcement.

Your effort worth no more than his in the big picture - you must stop prolonging these daily delusions and off yourself too.

As someone who did get into one of those fields, I can at least say that serving is one hell of a drug
nothing like walking out of a 6 hour shift with $300 cash and a coworkers who are both exhausted and 100% down to get utterly fucked up on any combination of substances

I'm better at what I do than the average outsourced poo-in-loo so I don't think I'll be getting replaced any time soon

Rules are broken all the time in the military. Underage drinking is the norm, and it is so well known and accepted that literally no military branch polices for underage drinking. If they catch someone doing it they will be severely punished, but they do not actively look for it because if they did they'd lose half their manpower.

Everyone in the military learns pretty fast to know who to trust, because either you yourself or someone you know will get burned by it very fast and be made an example of.

>work in an separate office from literally every other person on my team
>boss says I need to be in every day, but there's literally no way for him to tell if I work from home instead
>start off going in every day
>eventually get ground down and settle on not going in once a week and working instead
>after a while of getting away with that, bump it to two days a week
>escalated to a point now where I haven't been in the office I'm assigned to in ten months
>wrote a script to make it look like I'm doing shit even when I'm far away from my keyboard
>only respond to urgent emails and attend the most important conference calls on my phone
>other responsibilities take maybe 5 hours a week and management doesn't understand them so I get glowing performance reviews
>spend the other 35 hours jerking off, sleeping, playing vidya, learning new skills
>Live with constant anxiety that they'll eventually find out that I'm a fraud and my life will be ruined when I get fired and I won't be able to go back to a normal job

Am I living the dream?

Yeah mate, upper managment will totally promote valuable hard-to-replace worker that makes most of the work all by himself instead of just hiring some cunts from outside.

those hard workers also never get the balls to leave, when that happens you leave and go for another job and watch em beg.

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Kek, I have a similar story except I'll own how fucking retarded I was.
>Talking to my best buddy that I went through basic with
>He slept next to me, he was my primary wingman, was my roommate in tech school, I've been around this dude non-stop for about 2 years
>Talking about a crazy party the night before where I passed out drunk and he poured beer on my bare ass (I was attempting to buttchug and passed out before I could)
>Some new girl, who was hideous as fuck, was listening the entire time but was looking at her phone
>About a week later I'm pulled into the office of special investigations, where they claim I am a rape victim and my buddy raped me
>They have a light beating down on me, two dudes with giant badges that almost don't want to take "I wasn't raped" as an answer
>Hold my ground no matter the fact that they kept trying to get me to throw my friend under the bus
>Out of military now, but that "investigation" was never officially closed
>Asked the ugly bitch if she told anyone, she told the fucking commander
>"user that was unprofessional behavior, I was trying to help"
>Word is spread she is a massive cunt
>She winds up getting sent to a different squadron because literally no one liked her and she told on someone else for underage drinking

I enjoy putting engineers in their place when it comes time for performance reviews and increases.
>get smarmy email from engineer bitching he got a NI (needs improvement) on his performance review and complaining that his supervisor is incompetent
>schedule a meeting
>go down his performance review line by line
>already know everything because I approved it
>tell smartass engineer that we are a team and he is not an independent contributor and that he is an exempt employee
>smarmy engineer asks what an exempt employee is
>explain that an exempt employee is an employee that is exempt from federal overtime law
>exempt employees can be worked as many hours as we demand as long as their base hourly rate does not dip below minimum wage
>tell smartass engineer that at his salary of 125,000, we can work him well over 40 hours per week if we so desire
>inform engineer that we can request him work more than 80 hours a week, should we so desire
>the only rule is that the smartass engineer has to make, on average, the federal minimum wage per hour
>inform engineer that a NI performance rating means he is automatically placed on a PIP (performance improvement plan) and the engineer has 90 days to ship up or ship out
I love being a man in human resources. I am a GOD among you peasants. The women curtsy to me and the men bend over and offer their assholes in submission.

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is this gigachad irl?

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>off-brand shirt and loafers with no socks

I would feel lik the FBI/CIA or whoever would actually be interested in people who are able to acutely blend in to places like this. For some reason I feel like it wont disqualify you desu

I once worked at a reputable firm in my industry that refused to promote/give raises from within. We had the main analyst on our biggest account, who'd only been there a short time, leave after headbutting with executives and I was eventually named his successor and absorbed all of his responsibilities with no additional compensation or even change in my title. About a month later, after I'd been flown out to their headquarters, introduced to everyone there, gotten up to speed, and made a promise that big chunk of work that they were demanding would be done before the end of the month, I went into my bosses office and demanded a promotion and a modest raise (~15%) to go with it or I'd walk right then.

My boss desperately wanted to give it to me because she recognized the situation, but corporate refused, so I quit before the work could be finished and the client eventually got upset and left, costing them tens of millions of dollars in business.

Corporations don't care about quality, only money. And if 10 poo-in-loos can slap a keyboard long enough to output functional code at a fraction of your salary, you're getting canned.

>worthless HR drone thinks he's above anyone other than maybe dog shit

he can't, that's why he couldn't find a job as an engineer major

Execs are often short sighted cucks.

How much do you make? 40k compared to their 125k?

Until the poo code ends up costing them more in maintenance in the long run. There's a reason the usage of shitskin code has gone down and not up recently. The maintenance is finally catching up.

>doesnt actually get to give him work
>can just talk shit
Meanwhile you probably make a third that guy does. lmao

The only way to get raises/promotions today is by quitting and finding another employer every 18-24 months. Anyone who stays put in the hopes of "being noticed" or "making a name for themselves" in their business are retarded and deserve to get taken advantage of. Thank boomers for ruining pensions and forcing this shit show.


It'll be at least 30 years before the retards in suits finally get the message. No point in coding unless you enjoy it as a hobby.

>windows xp

What kind of boomer age company is that??

my piece of shit friend recently got hired on as some IT support BS and does literally nothing because I see him on steam playing games all day, yet whenever I ask him to get a good word in for me so we can get paid to game together he says it's too much effort

I hate him so much

165k + bonus. My bonus last financial year was 45k. I'm one step below "executive leadership", though. There are no other engineers at this "career level" because they are organized a little differently.
See above. The only engineers that make more than me are those who are actively developing patents (which the company owns lulz) as heads of their own units/individual contributors and managers and leadership.

don't tell nobody, but a huge amount of restaurants and retail still rely on xp

to anyone looking, this is why no one will remember this mans name.

It's hard to get friends hired where you work sometimes.

kek at wagie

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Where I work it seems like you get promoted just for having worked there for long. But idk if the salaries are better for higher positions. Maybe it's just a bit more money and a lot more responsibility.

Lol just realized Im that guy that makes the new ones do his job. It's not my fault, I have psychological issues and don't know better.

I can't find a job.

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What if your boss gets mad at you? Can't he fuck you up?

Office work seems like it'd be easy. I don't get the complaints regarding it. Stare at a computer screen all day and pretend to do work and then head home at 4. Easy as fuck.

Not if your boss and some of your coworkers are massive cunts and HR doesn't care.
>just get another job
Not so easy. And I might get one that's worse.

>fulltime business owner
>crypto Investor/trader
one of those things is not like the other

>Not if your boss and some of your coworkers are massive cunts and HR doesn't care.
Shitty boss and coworkers aren't exclusive to office jobs.

>what movies best show this wage slavery?

How is this slavery?
How could your living standards have been improved?

It depends on the job. You can be a soulless data clerk punching numbers into a spreadsheet for 8 hours a day, slowly losing your sanity with shit pay, and worrying if you'll just be replaced because your job doesn't require much training or thinking.

Or you can be in a secure operations center monitoring networks and patching applications, safe in the knowledge that you'll never be replaced because you're far too valuable and management lets you know how much they want you to stay with godly pay and constant vacations. I've got a friend who gets a $50k bonus AND $50k salary increase every other year when he says he's quitting, because the shit he brings to the company would be impossible to replace without losing tens of millions.

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So fucking what? Doesn't mean office jobs are easy.

What's not easy about it?

Cant you read? Interacting with jerks in an office (or any workplace, who cares).

Sounds like you just don't like work in general because it forces you to deal with people and their shit.

So? Doesn't mean office work is easy.
And you are wrong because other jobs require different or less interaction.

Most jobs will require you to interact with people. Hell manual labor requires you to communicate even more.

That's a good thing. Jobs are for women and queers.

Just know when one of them snaps you'll be up there in the shoot-on-sight list. It happens a lot more than you think, every month I hear word of another company in the same business having an employee shoot the place up, in the same city/state.

>also questioning where this money will come from
Its moved from other areas that will be made redundent or less expensive with UBI, like funding for food stamps, and other nigger shit.

Spend 3 months studying IT certs and get paid 30 bucks an hour after getting your A+ and Security+. Laugh in the face of college graduates who burned 4 years of their lives and are burdened with student loans making less than you. Security is hot shit right now thanks to Russia/China being dicks on the internet and employers will beg you to work for them with those certs.

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Lol yeah right, im a tradesman, I work by the hour cunt. You sure as fuck ain't paying my time and a half.

Thats more than I fucking make in a month, sign me up

The work you do do at the office is stuff thats very tough to automate

No, because they are spineless retards. If you look bad it makes them look bad, so they just work around your fuck ups.

It's actually better, as stupid as it sounds, to fuck up occasionally than be 100% reliable. Being too reliable gets you a higher work load.

Bro nobody cares you’re bragging to a bunch of anonymous people online. There’s a reason you took the time to write this shit all out, you probably have no friends to talk to.

>in deloitte
user, are you sure you don’t work AT Deloitte? You might want to be a bit more grateful for the Big 4 job and stay put considering your... limited intellectual resources. There are way too many of you little roaches trying wriggle your way into actual finance, leave it to the big boys.

lol, all you financecucks are sick in the head.

I can't lord over the employees as that is not professional. I can gloat and lord over you faggot losers behind the vial of anonymity, though, since that makes me drip precum knowing how angry you are. Guess what, HR hates you and thinks nothing of you. HR isn't there to help you or protect you or keep you "happy". HR is there to protect the company from lawsuits and lost productivity. We're the ones who hold the carrot (money) while waving a stick (termination) at your plump little butt. The HR diversity hire "drones" that you hate are drooling retards, but the ones pulling their strings are white guys like me with MBAs, MS, PhDs (sometimes, pretty rare), and licensed by scam artists that the company paid thousands to so we can get fancy letters after our name (user McFuckYou, MS SPHR GPHR CPLP CCP).

We spend most of our time doing important stuff, but every now and again you mother fuckers get too big for your britches and that "drone" you think all of HR is like breaks down because she got confused due to her weave being tied on too tight and we gotta come down from the ninth floor to your cube farm to tell her what to do. Then we write a position statement and a counter to your lawyer who asked for 250 grand in a settlement. Last year, I countered with 250 bucks. Case got thrown out and, hey, my bonus went up ten grand more than usual.

200 grand in a year ain't bad for a 30-something boomer. So, yeah, I'm bragging. Because there ain't fuck all you can do while I laugh at you.

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I've considered this. Seems a lot easier than learning how to code.

which ones? I have a masters in education and can’t find shit

Petty HR tyrants should be strung up

>Go from an office to manual labour
top kek.

IT is a strange sector. You can make insane money specializing, but you're also guaranteed to make insane money from gaining a new skill and switching specialties every year (i.e. going from DBA to system architect) and incorporating previous expertise into your new role.

The problem is IT is constantly changing, so you need to have a propensity for constantly training and learning new things on your own.

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Good luck, rank and file employee ID cards can't access floors eight and above. It's like Land of the Dead, except actually good. Guess you can pray for a zombie apocalypse or George Romero to rise from the dead to make one more decent flick, if that makes you sleep better at night.

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I change jobs every year or so. I've been a construction worker, highschool teacher, currently a factory foreman. I'm used to switching. I'm just curious if the comptia certifications are worth something on the job market to get entry level IT jobs.

You can always get your A+ and get paid 20 bucks an hour sitting at a help desk resetting passwords for retards all day. But if you're getting into IT, why stop there? Comptia is good for general certs, but you'd want to look for other organizations for certs that give big pay grade boosts (CCNA/MSCE/CISSP/etc.)

>tfw currently on strike
what are some good strikekino

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>We spend most of our time doing important stuff
Like what, organizing corporate softball teams? You worthless retard.

Because I have 0 experience in IT other than building computers and barebones programming in python. I don't know where to start or what a decent path through the certs would be.

>get your A+
>paid 20 bucks an hour
2008 called, they want you stop being retarded

Why did you switch from being a high school teacher? I hate working as an engineer and thought about teaching high school math/science.

If you're in a shitty coastal SJW utopia, then yeah you won't make much. But I'm in Texas and being technically literate here gives so many career opportunities it's stupid.

Not gonna lie. I used to do manual labor, and work in an office now.

I really like working in an office. You get to have a blanket and coffee while you work on the computer all day.

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Based Finns

WTF? What are you striking? And how are you striking?

>he thinks you need experience
that's more than enough. get basic certs like A+/Network+ or Server/DB cert. if you can build a computer and know how to install OSes, set up networks and switches and do basic troubleshooting you're already over-qualified for a level 1-2 support position. my previous jobs were customer service and warehouse logistics and an associates in comp sci. i got lucky with my current job due to connections but i do IT in pretty big org now. get a super basic cert (any one), get a level 1 support position and then add skills and look to move on to bigger better things. i am working on getting CCNA now since i want to move out of support.

Which union?


>tfw i make 110k a year not doing shit but essentially emailing reports out every so often
Most of my time "at work" is spent playing games/watching movies

I met a Venezuelan guy on /int/ that had the same job as I do as a cad designer, complaining about being fired. Ended up skyping with him and I've successfully outsourced my own job to him. I do like an hour of work a day, just relaying stuff to him and going through formalities.

Turns out the 20% of my salary I give him every two weeks in US dollars is enough for him to live like a King over there with their economy is imploding.

I have my personal laptop and small laptop at work, so I just go there and play video games. Been going on for 8 months now.

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make sure you both use a VPN so you don't get caught like that other guy

Wew same here bud, I get the juniors to deal with all my tickets and feign it as mentoring

I hope you crash and burn, you piece of shit.

Thankfully I work in field where I enjoy my job, you and your kind will never be able to touch me, and people will actually remember my name after I’m dead with more fondness than the inexplicable desire to piss on a gravestone.

what exactly is it?

Stop and shop, pay and benefits

Sounds like a plan. I'll look into getting some basic netwerk certs to get past HR. I already get asked by most people I know to fix their shit.

Would you say the value of more certifications go up or down once you get your foot in the door?

Previous job had a lot of free time at the office now I work most of the time and it feels better and I don't even have to leave the home

it depends on if your org actually has need/use for the skills you have but if they don't you will be attractive to other jobs that will utilize your skills. imo they are very helpful but you dont need to go crazy and get every cert out there.

Call center.

Very relaxed. My boss sells me weed he grew in his backyard sometimes.

>he thinks all of HR is that frumpy middle aged lady or gay wetback
Right now I'm working on things in the far east. Have better things to do than fuck with you peons.
No one is untouchable. Not you, not me, not anyone. If you take anything away from the gift of my presence in this thread it is that no one has "job security" anymore. But maybe you work for some podunk worthless business with less than 50 employees. Enjoy it, if so. If it's in my line of business we will come by to buy it before too long if you guys get too big or too successful.

You're AFL-CIO. Translated: you're Steelworkers or IBEW. Or at least those are the guys buttfucking you out of your dues. I'm the braggart HR user, but I do feel bad for some of you union boys. Your dues are going to other unions. You're getting fucked. You probably had to strike because the Steelworkers wouldn't let you have a decent negotiator.

I'm gonna assume hes IBEW because I know they're striking up north because of Time Warner or something

NTA, but I pay like $30/mo to my local. That's a small drop in the bucket in my opinion

No, the Stop and Shop is a grocery store. user works the register or handles produce or somesuch and got talked into joining the union. UFCW is part of AFL-CIO, which is completely controlled by two interests: the Steelworks and IBEW.
>30 bucks a month
Your local probably gets 5 dollars of that. Go hit up your treasurer and ask them about the finances. See how far the rabbit hole goes.

Does Europe just shut down on weekends?

Europe shuts down in the middle of the afternoon, most of the time.

>have family meet up in a month, schedule ahead of time
>week before boss says no
>walk out and never come back
>get a text from co-worker begging me to come back because he has to cover my hours now

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I make $32/hr so I could care less. I'm friends with the former B.A. so I have a pretty good idea about the fuckery that goes on at the hall.

I did this once but I went back and people didn't even know I quit

You know who they sent to negotiate with corporate?

>No one is untouchable. Not you, not me, not anyone. If you take anything away from the gift of my presence in this thread it is that no one has "job security" anymore. But maybe you work for some podunk worthless business with less than 50 employees. Enjoy it, if so. If it's in my line of business we will come by to buy it before too long if you guys get too big or too successful

You literally cannot touch me, or anyone in my profession you bootlicking worm. Because you seem so gleeful to partake in everything being overrun by corrupt oligarchical corpocracies, I’m just going to let you stew trying to work out exactly what field and capacity I’m employed in.

Did the same. Was team leader for one half of our shift. I just went home and didn't show up on that saturday like I said I wouldn't. The entire day was wasted because there was no competent leadership, and I didn't get reprimanded. Funny stuff.

I did that in undergrad more than once.
>you cannot touch me lulz
No shit you dumb porch monkey. I most likely don't work for the same organization you do. You probably put up cell towers or someshit, I don't bother with that.

Fucking this. Used to see shows and cartoons with an in Box and an Out Box and I always thought about how fucking comfortable and stress free that looked. I now do something similar where I'm my own supervisor and it's just as luxurious and boring as I want it to be.

I don’t work for anyone other than myself. The absolute limit of interaction we would ever be likely to have is my lawyer sending you a terse letter questioning why payment for services rendered wasn’t sent within 14 working days as specified in the contract, and what penalty fees you’re expected to pay, also as specified in the contract. Then you’ll process those thousands of dollars of payment for a few hours work (most of which I spent listening to music and working on personal projects) like the good little wagie you are.

Doubtful, I don't fuck with contractors except when I terminate a contract for safety or wardrobe violations. I'm sure you're well aware about wardrobe requirements, unless you just work from home doing stuff for small outfits too stupid to do it themselves. I don't know what you do, so I'm just guessing from your grammar and general pissant-ness that, as you're an independent contractor not attached to a larger organization, that it can't be anything too fancy.

I get up from my desk browsing Yea Forums to go into the bathroom to browse Yea Forums. Office work is a meme. Just suck up the "experience" to pad your resume and search for better employment opportunities.

>t. wagecuck with side business

I used to work in the kitchen most of my life and was a miserable fuck, these days I work as a retail drone while renting out two apartments that I own to students and have never been happier with my job situation.

>work monday to friday from 7 to 11 in the morning, all weekends off
>90% of people that in store are women, work consists of unloading cages and flirting as the "only real man" there ( got /fit/ after dumping cooking )
>female boss consistently offers more hours and/or taking the promotion for a higher position, consistently say "bitch, please"
>finish at 11, go to gym after, be at home around 3 o'clock, plenty of time for tv and vidya

Living the dream lads

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Nothing too fancy, besides working on Hollywood films, AAA game projects, etc. Probably don’t make as much as you do on a bad year but at least I can look at myself in the mirror, and people enjoy being around me. Also I get to travel as and when I see fit. I do most of my work out of hotel rooms.

Price's Law:
10% of employees do 50% of the work. Most people in office jobs don't want to be there (and who could blame them) so they do the bare minimum work required to not get fired.

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>people enjoy being around me

With the attitude you've proven throughout this thread, good chance they're all talking shit behind you're back. You're as sour as lemon scented ass.

>wagethread turns to sociopath power wank thread

Hilarious seeing you all froth over what little authority you possess. Wagecucks are messed in the head.

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This coming from the HR tyrant bragging about his bonus package on Yea Forums Yea Forums. You’ll forgive me if I don’t take that insult to heart, because I can guarantee 99% of your underlings fantasise about hanging you from a lamppost.

>bullshit jobs
>Graeber names soldiers (because if no-one had them they wouldn't be needed)

Wow. I really hope the journalist was being a retard and this is not a real claim by an anthropologist.

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Have some more faith in your friend user.