Was it ever funny?
Was it ever funny?
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30 minutes or so, by the end you where just glad it was over
If you never saw the elevator scene in a crowded late night theater you missed out
>I could not concentrate on what this old man was saying
you look like a uh michael jackson uh beat it
whats up vanilla face
>kike hack fraud doing things kike hack frauds do
the banquet afterwards was funnier
Listen, pussycat. Smile a little bit.
Still funny
I watched it with my parents. They were pissed off afterwards, but watched it all. I thought it was funny. I wouldn't make them watch Bruno, though.
Yes and it still is.
If you find Borat funny past the age of fourteen, you're mentally-stunted moron whom the transparent anti-white propaganda flew right over his retarded head.
it was fucking hilarious when it came out and many of the bits still hold up
>running from the jews
>skeet skeet bang bang nigga
Its still funny
>uses left turn signal
>turns right
>Clemson students expelled for talking about slavery
Its understandable, as the entire joke of Sasha baron coen’s career is seeing f what people will tolerate.
Still makes me laugh even when I know it’s coming
>lol Kazakhstan what a shitho-
ali g was his best character
this one is fucking gold
That’s a government made propaganda city.
Seeing it in a crowded theater was a great experience. Watching it a second time at home made it less funny.
>anti-white propaganda
fyi, it's an anti-communist agenda at it's core, identity politics is a notion purported by the bourgeoisie to halt actual progression in favour of perpetuating the status quo