What does it taste like?
What does it taste like?
Warm bags of sand
salty milk and coins
bread but you feel very full
elf poo
well, these were the two things i was going to say in this thread.
goodnight everyone
feed and seed
I feel like the book said it melted on your tongue and felt cool.
So I'm thinking like a powdered sugar cake, or maybe a mint cake.
Unprocessed food without additives. No point describing it you Americans couldn't comprehend
Sneed you tomorrow
it is based off of hardtack crackers.
I have to say, a big cracker, like Ritz
white chocolate flavored graham cracker pie crust
So obsessed.
try some real civil war hard tack. had to dunk it in coffee just to soften it up enough to be edible
Black dick with pussy juice on it haha
where did you get it?
eternally grateful i live in current year and never had to eat all the horrible shit from the past
>live in current year
>never had to eat horrible shit
bad news for you, simple sally.
when you dont toaast your sandwhich and leave them to dry for 1 hour
More importantly what's the sales tax rate in Rohan? Is it a savvy move to off-shore my accounts on Tol Morwen?
no, it's based off the eucharist
Thinking about it logically, the only adjective used to describe bread in the films is “maggoty” so I’m going to say maggots.
>he doesnt know that “lembas” is the elvish adjective for “fresh”
try reading the books sometime
>someone corrects my dumbass
i always figured they tasted like a mix of crackers and granola bars
Tolkien is a hack and only dicklet virgins think otherwise
take it easy newmellon
A very thick vanilla pound cake.
what is the balrog's tax policy
modern food is plastic garbage
>never studied the theological types in tolkien's work
I understand trying to be contrarian but at least have a bit of understanding before you make an opinion
>Lembas is Sindarin and derived from the older lenn-mbass which means "journey-bread". As a rough translation of this term it was also often called Waybread.[1]
The Quenya word for lembas is coimas which means life-bread.[1]
multi grain bread
americans will never know, enjoy your cake bread
nice try steve!
its hardtack but moist like bread
magic over
its a 1700s ship bread that Tolkien probably took inspiration from, it was hard a shit and like a ration to last longer