
Azor Jaime Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


>final battle of humanity vs the dead
>Bran is warged into the past, being protected by Jaime and Brienne
>white walker stabs Brienne with her own sword, she lays on the ground dying
>cut to young Jaime kneeling, with Aerys Targaryean saying "In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave..."
>Jaime kills the WW, and after a brief moment of grief, draws the sword from Brienne, now aflame
>cut to Aerys: "Do you swear to defend the innocent and the helpless, in the name of the Seven?" "I swear it"
>audio of Jaime and Brienne's parting plays as Jaime looks around
>"They say the best swords have names. Any ideas?"
>Night King appears and stares at Bran, his ultimate target
>Jaime steps in between them, laughing somberly
>"Do you know what they call me?"
>as Azor Ahai walks toward the Night King, all that can be heard is a cacophony of voices from past seasons cursing:
>"Kingslayer.. Kingslayer! KINGSLAYER!"

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I just want this to finally happen...

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>check Carice Van Houten's insta to beat off
>see that she had posted a load of photos of her in costume and on set
Based, she's coming back lads. Stannis LIVES

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She’s going to end up with Tormund...

You have 10 seconds to tell me who's the worst actor in GoT

Better than D&D

Am I the only one who gets kinda annoyed by how Ned got killed? To me he was the main character of the show, the little time that he had.

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this would be the only thing that could save the show for me. What are the chances Jaime is actually Azor Ahai?

I'm gonna fuck you into the dirt.

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Retards rise up!

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Dany isn't a poorly written character. Her entire arc has been shadowed with her insanity (roasting the Tarlys, crucifying the Masters, etc)

Of course there are a lot of stupid people who worhip her irl but they're not worth listening to

holy shit this was Carice at 16 years old, white women hit that wall running

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>"Do you know what they call me?"
>as Azor Ahai walks toward the Night King, all that can be heard is a cacophony of voices from past seasons cursing:
>"Kingslayer.. Kingslayer! KINGSLAYER!"

All hail the king.

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Qyburn actually lost his chain for claiming differences in development between places like the Reach and the Westerlands versus the Norf and the Summer Islands were a result of hereditary average intelligence.

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Probably whoever played Shae.

Damn this would be good

>To me he was the main character of the show,
Are you merely pretending to be retarded?

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If she's the wall, I'm Viserion

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That scene sums up what the first two seasons did right.

No retarded clothes, no retarded weapons or armour, no niggers, no women, no overacting.

that was the point of the first season. To show that not even the main character was safe.

Carice looks great for 42 and everyone knows it

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>Northerners are as dumb as Summer Islanders
Frig off

>Dany isn't a poorly written character.
Is she just poorly acted? I couldn't tell which it was

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Yeah but he needed to die for the potential of agreat story to arise. Too bad it was shambeled after that

>Night King walking up to kill Jaime
>Brienne already dead at his side
>Jaime's lost his sword
>basically on his knees, waiting to die
>Night King stops in front of him
>Jaime, a proud Lord, opens his mouth
>"And who are you..."
>Gets stabbed through the heart
>Cut to black
rate my fanfic on a scale of kino to kino

She Benjamin button walled, she is number 1 succubus now

And then all the POV Stark babbies + Jon and Dany gain eternal plot armor

Are you 12?

Watch them finish the series without closure on any of pic related.

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>implying Brienne will live to the end
She's expendable and everyone knows it. The only reason to keep her alive apart from feminism points is that she's probably the strongest Stark-aligned named character, which might be narratively useful if they go the in-fighting route rather than "avengers assemble".

I personally think this one is better:

Kek, don't forget the Stormlands.

You're right,

Qyburn and the Lannisters are conservatives who support Trump, people striped of their achievements because they dare speak against libthink and accept political incorrectness

The Starks are liberals who try to warn everyone about some great impending doom and how we need to be more accepting of each other (when it always ends up in disaster) and whose active intervention actually LEADS to the downfall of society (giving the white walkers Dragons) when they would have been perfectly fine just doing literally nothing (the wall would not have gone down)

I heard leaked plot that Robin Arryn survives to the end/final episode, and he's seen.

The best it's the titled Kingslayer

I agree. But still, everytime I think about it I get a bit annoyed. I guess that proves how well made the show was, to make us care about characters.

I think she might actually die like Jeanne D'Arc except from Lady Stoneheart instead of the English

Remember when the show still had budget for hair dye?



Lady Stoneheart doesn't exist in the show's plotlines

Why does the dude who played Joffrey not act in TV/movies? Is he allergic to money? I mean I'm sure he's pretty well off anyway but fuck he could've did a few more things and been fucking set. He's probably explained this but I don't care about actors personal lives usually.

Robin and Faceless Men definitely will show up, Meera and Edmund maybe, Daario only in our wildest dreams

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You know what fiction both GoT and Trump have in common?
The wall.

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he thinks acting is a meme and went back to school

He just didn't want to do it anymore, said his passions lie elsewhere in life.

A wise man that probably doesn't care about money much, he's probably already set for life.
On top of being quite intelligent, he can stretch that instead of buying a big house and car and wasting it like most actors.


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ok trial by Southron perhaps, probably what drives Jaime to kill Ser C

Robin and Edmund are casted for season 8. You can google it.

Idk about Meera, probs not.

thanks, seems like a smart lad

She'd make a good Harry Potter character.

How did you get out of the oven?

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Ellie kendrick was the most kino character of the bran plotline.

I thought he went back to stage acting?

Girls who look vaguely boyish are the patrician choice

yeah it lost its magic.


He didn't change, he just became more of the man he really is.

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>boys who look vaguely boyish are the patrician choice
ftfy, no need to thank me mate

More chance to be autistic because of high testosterone exposure in the womb.
Might actually be patrician.

Unironically got chills at the thought.
Have him get badly injuried in the fight, stumble back to her, then Jaime and Brienne die in each others arms and you've got the perfect episode 5 ending.
Have a heroic version of Rains of Castamere playing when Jaime and NK fight and tv is done, it's reached its peak.

so what do you think, is Harry a Blackfyre?

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good. one of the few things the show did better than the books in is getting rid of that shit.

So is it pretty much confirmed that cringestar plot is gonna go nowhere?

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Wait, they have dyed his hair black? Have they explained the change somehow in the story or is it just them being lazy and stupid?

>slow clap

Fucking kino, Jamie is probably the best fucking character on GoT

>Chadron shows up
>orbital strikes the Dorne plotline
Very, very based
>kills my gf

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If this is hero story now, might as well let based Jamie have a moment like this

I was unironically hard when he killed them.

This is great except for Jaime nothing personell laughing which is cringe

Jamie and Tyrion both started blonde and gradually got darker hair as they drifted away from pure Lannister loyalty, while Cersei remains blonde.

Behold, the most technologically advanced thing in the Seven Kingdoms. Is it not glorious?

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the jews want us to associate blonde hair with evil. why do you think villains are often blonde in movies?

of course they couldnt darken daenerys because thats a firm family trait that the author was explicit about

>that time anne frank wrote about aggressively masturbating

Used to be, yeah.

the darkening symbolizes his turning good. thank the jews

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So it is a metaphor. I guess they are not lazy then, but I don't think that it is a good way of showing that they are drifting away from their starting points of their arcs. It just look stupid imo.

his hair has always been a dark blonde but he is getting grayer.
It's that stupid filter the later seasons have been using to simulate dark tones.

why it's he a meme character? I don't even remember him

Is the Night King actually a force of good?

Can the white walkers kill Ser Gregor? He is already dead, sort of.

Jorah Momo

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Bro, the Lannisters having gold hair is a key trait too. It's even a major plot point in the first season (and the first book)

He's Aegon

I mean... that's pretty fucking impressive

Symbolism, look it up

Meets will bring back Howland Reed

who /anybodybutjon/ here

Jaime would be obvious kino.
Theon would be cool too
My personal dark horse is Jorah though. Him killing Dany would be the greatest

I'm not gay, but if Jaime asked me to service him I would in a heartbeat.

I don't even know how to rate most of the books' non-show plots because they don't seem to be going anywhere except (maybe) Stannis'. Most of the ones outside of Westeros also seem to be pointless to the over-arching narrative (if there's really one left anymore), so I can't really say they're bad.
What is bad however is GRRM's tendency to go off on tangents that don't go anywhere. He can't afford it with how slow he is to release books. If he had released three books that were mostly pointless subplots taking place at the same time as the stuff that everyone cares about, it would be fine. But no, it's been eight years since the last book, and still nothing. Worst part is I get the feeling he's just lying awake at night agonising over pointless sideplots instead of the overall direction.

The dream ending of the show:
>War is going poorly
>Jamie and Tyrion ride to kings landing to beg Cersei for assistance one more time
>The Hound tags along to get closure with his brother before the continent gets fucked
>They arrive and Cersei refuses again, she would rather die a queen than help them win and be usurped
>She orders Bronn to snipe them but he refuses
>Big fight breaks out
>Cersei picks up the crossbow and kills Tyrion
>Jamie becomes enraged and stabs Cersei
>Pulls out a flaming sword
>Full functionality of his right hand is restored due to magic bullshit
>Starts mogging the rest of the knights
>They escape the keep but are stopped by the golden company
>Bronn convinces them that their contract is now with Jamie since he is the last Lannister left
>They all arrive back at Winterfell
>One last push to defeat the white walkers
>They manage to carve a path to the night king
>Jon wants to be the one to finish it
>Jamie convinces Jon to let him do it as atonement for what he did to Bran and Ned
>Jamie has a long duel with the night king
>he is victorious and the White walkers turn to dust
>The war is over and Dany catches wind of Jon's true claim and everyone turning on her behind the scenes
>She orders all the traitors to be killed(Sam, Varys, most of the northern lords that refuse to accept her)
>Jon convinces her to spare everyone else and only execute him, as the true claim to the throne will revert to her with his death
>She accepts and orders Drogon to burn him
>Drogon hesistates
>She orders him again, clearly furious at this point
>Drogon complies and burns Jon
>He walks away from the flames unscathed
>Drogon flies away from Dany and chooses Jon as his new master
>Dany is fully insane at this point
>She grabs a knife and charges Jon
>Arya gives her the anime treatment
>Jon begrudgingly accepts the throne
>Jamie returns to being lord commander of the kings guard
>Everyone gets assorted happy/bittersweet endings


It was either that or stairs.

Same, Tormund and Brienne is just a meme

Wow this plot is almost as bad as the actual writers. Could be right.

My number 1 is Jaime but a close runner up is Sandor

unironically my vote for king, he'd be good at it or hand of the king, far better than tyrion.

Imagine if they hadn't killed off Littlefinger. Imagine if he was actually loyal to Sansa and was scheming with her/The North against Dany.

Fucking Dabid

Amem. Been waiting since season 3 for it to happen.
Tormundniggers are genuine redditors that joined the show in later seasons


Wouldn't be the first time they merge two characters together. It's a bit late to introduce Blackfyres and Varys/Illyrio plot but maybe. He'd have to be a Gary Sue to work tho.

Implying we aren't looking at the biggest YAAAS QUEEEN ending of all time with Dany sitting the throne, Jon and Jamie dead, Sansa as queen in the north, and Arya as the most powerful warrior in history.

lmao are they really gonna start and conclude the war with the army of the dead in one episode.

Well Littlefinger's arc really wasn't going anywhere, he doesn't want to be second to anyone, he wants to be a player in the game. He wouldn't just be ok with Sansa over him. So I'd rather they kill him off rather than fuck his character

Better than Maario desu

Reminder that King Jaime and Queen Brienne is endgame

>those are plot lines
>as if their entire lives and reasons need to be explained for your peabrained retardation

lol zoomers

>wanting Jaime and Brienne to have a romantic relationship
Cringe, they are platonic and Jaime will be volcel forever

>dothraki, a Targaryen Queen and unsullied have to carry the wimpy northern and vale army
Don’t ever tell me diversity isn’t our strength

a HWITE savior leading a bunch of savages

They already fucked his character by having him give Sansa to the Boltons when that wouldn't help his interests in the slightest.

His hair was blonde, just look at the pictures. They have changed it for symbolism I guess.

It shouldn't

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This and Dany going mad queen would make me forgive the last few shit seasons.

Stairs would be silly, elevator is cool. I wonder who in the seven kingdoms designed it.

So I'm watching the first season right now. I just finished episode 7. Ned failed at his powerplay.
I like it a lot so far. Can't wait to continue!

>mfw I met her in person

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simple: he marries sansa. closest thing to marrying cat, plus there's the looming bittersweet thing where we question if he's going to fuck everyone over once this is all over.

of course it would trigger the gurl powr trip the showrunners are on. Similar to how their obssession with Balls have tanked the dialogue (and elevated irrelevant book ramsay into Lord Ramsay the Ballslayer commander of twenty good men- killing off stannis and derailing/ruining countless plot threads)


if there's one thing D&D like is making things more obvious. Talisa instead of Jayne Westerling, etc.. Waiting until the last moment to unleash the Varys real actual plotline would be in their style.

Imagine Jon and Dany fucking die in episode 3 at the battle of winterfell and the rest of the season is Jaime and Bran doing a Logan

The (((maesters))) did Summerhall

Jorah is Azor Ahai faggot

It will be over in episode 4 then the rest of the series is about who wins the throne.
All so predictable.
Why even bother with the night king plot lol

Why do they need an entire army to have dragonglass weapons when there’s only like 6 white walkers

I hated Ned and was glad when he died. I was rooting for Joffrey at the time. When it was my first time watching and I heard Joffrey say 'But they have the soft hearts of women' I nearly cried tears of joy.

Don’t forget the (((Iron Bank)))

Lol thats what d&d say, its pretty obvious that they got too lazy to keep the characters blonde

Nobody gives a fuck about that cuck. Bran clearly sees great potential in Jaime.

did they really love each other

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>jamie has to go on a massive adventure wheeling a cripple around to go kill an ice kang and his sister

id watch it

Unbased and bluepilled

I miss the days when I cared enough to stay up until 4am to watch it streamed live with all you bros

What did her eyebrows mean by this?

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Why doesn't Bran use his powers to look into the future and find out how to make guns?

means she wants me to kiss them

Westerosi bitches love the BDC

Why does Dany go around saying she was sold like a brood moore and was raped when clearly she loved Drogo?




How does the north still have an army?
They got btfo twice, at the red wedding and the battle of the bastards

In the show dragon glass is able to be smelted and kills wights

lust for her nephew

The show really underplays the Iron bank. In the book, don't they have a much bigger reputation and are never to be crossed. Also connections to the faceless men or something?


Jon has a good mommy waifu.

Missandei explained intersectional feminism to her

I think she meant the initial selling and the shit with her brother.

"burn them all"

They don’t really. They trained the women and children. It’s probably just wildlings and like 2000 vale guys.

Wouldn’t surprise me

Because she was. She fell in love with him later, most likely due to Stockholm Syndrone.

I don't know what it is but they look so good looking in the show but mongs in real life.

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He doesn’t have the power to force that and there’s no reason she would agree to it.

She understands the superior social value of women, and fully capitalizes on it.
She's manipulative, basically. (Not like there's a woman alive who isn't, unless she's autistic)


Even the regular zombies seem really hard to kill with ordinary weapons.

It would help since secure an alliance with the Norf whether Stannis won or not, but what would even come next? Keep backstabbing everyone until he gets the throne?

she is trying to impress jon, like all women she exaggerates and leaves out the whole
"i fell in love with my rapist"

hmm so how long do I have to imprison a girl to have her fall in love with me

I don't care whether Daenerys or Cersei win. I just want Sansa and Tyrion to become married again.

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For all the money they have they could have made her a more convincing blonde

ramsay already outlined the process to you years ago

in the books, he's only around long enough to be a surly douche and puff up his own importance because of relations, and slices an 11yo girl's ear off

Did he die?

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If you're a leader of men, a great warrior, swole as fuck, and rich as hell, not very long at all.

Depends on your cock size and if you look like aquaman

>kills aerys
>blood of fire
>kills night king
>blood of ice
>his is the song of ice and fire

>cringestar plot
What plot is that?

Not gonna happen, she seems to believe that her time being married to Tyrion was just as bad as Joffrey and Ramsay. I guess this is how the mind of a thot works.

Because she was sold and raped, at least at first. The changing nature of the relationship doesn't negate what happened at the beginning.

They're like two rams getting ready to headbutt each other for dominance.

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In your case it would take years, maybe even decades. It helped that drogo was a hot megachad. For a sputtering autist it’d take a lot longer

he got absolutely fucked up

Makeup and favorable lighting, like the copypasta says. Also don't forget post-production.

If he hadn't he would have popped up back in Braavos during Arya's stay there or with the Bortherhood. There's no point otherwise. He's dead.

Song of Ice (Lyanna) and Fire (Rhaegar) = Jon (Aegon)

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Scandinavians get darker hair the older they get

fucking mutt americans

How long would it have taken Ramsay?

How will /ourguy/ defend himself this sunday?If I was the booker, I would have him cut a promo burying the Targs then he demands a trial by combat and kills Grey Worm

It would be BASED AF

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Just rape her. Women break easy so she’ll love you if you just keep her safe after that.

The patriarchy is another spoke in the wheel.


>preaches diversity
>has a wall

Actually check out, user

Why was Viserys so based?

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I've read the books and have legit forgotten what Darkstar's master plan even was or how exactly he fucked it up.

not very long with a pack of dogs and a razor

>trial by combat
>Dany picks Drogon
I wouldn't put it past her. Like father, like daughter.

He won't give a shit if he gets sentenced to death but Brienne and Bran will bail him out no matter what

She says that Tyrion is trustworthy multiple times and that he was respectable towards her. The one time she's ever dismissive or negative towards him as a person is when he says that he trusts Cersei.

nope. the fat man said he's important and wondered why he didn't get any questions about why he is the most dangerous man in dorne.

Fucking brainlets, fire and ice are R'hillor and the Great Other

Night King = Vince McMahon
Bran = the higher power = also vince mcmahon
Jaime = Austin

Meant for

melisandre being old is a plotline?

Reminder that Gurm will now be too distracted by 4 different shows to finish the books


It's sad that the show cut out Harold Hardchad

Dingdongdiddly Based

Can't really get mad at him. He seems to enjoy worldbuilding more than actual writing. I just hope he publishes his plot points and shit after he dies

Tell me about Dayne. Why do men call him Darkstar?

Yes we do, but only from we are born until we become teenagers, and we don't become that dark. Jamie was an adult already with blonde hair. It doesn't change to dark all the sudden.

>He thinks Cersei doesn't look better with short hair
What's wrong with you.

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No he's Jaqen

Tobias Menzies deserved a bigger role.


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>dying to meryn trant

Jaqen who?

I think the answer is more open than that. It does not really make sense that he would turn up in braavos and meet her there anyway.

Nobody does.

She doesn't

He is no one.

Are there people that are actually rooting for Dany?

He's Azor Ahai

because at this point, god forbid any female acknowledge a man ever treated them with civility

Edmure deserves at least a mention in S8. But no, he is completely forgotten like whole Riverlands in general.

I'm rooting for her to get impregnated by Jon.

You were supposed to say Jaqen Hoff or something

They should've had Jorah being devoured by the bear

Love how D&D ruined the most mysterious character by turning him into jesus of assassins

Yes, those people at Burlington Bar.

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Unironically Reddit.

I want him to tell Dany he raped her fathers corpse after killing him.

The normies who called their children "Khaleesi" and shit
all of my normie friends hate Jaime because muh bran and muh rape

he killed the knight in brans flashback the same way, kinda followed the karmic theme of the show

Why did they cut out the Bran flashback of young Catelyn Stark finding out about Ned's bastard son?

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This is the only acceptable ending. I would also be moderately fine with Bobby B's son smashing his way to the Night King for the kill

I am but only because the dragons are the only way to defeat the zombies and I see no reason to believe Jon can tame them in her absence.

Because the Riverlands are an irrelevant backwater, the fat man had no idea where, if anywhere, the story was even going, and D&D couldnt come up with a good way to tie it up either.

Is Jon going to cut Dany off from her daily nephew cummies because he knows they're related now?

There has to be a collage out there about all of the fucked up shit she's done. I hope Jaime kills her as soon as she screams "burn them all"

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Cut out? You mean they actually filmed that scene?

those lying bitches read the books and they charged to appear, but the bar didn't pay them

>implying that the Targs weren't already a bunch of inbreeders for generations

Yea. It's going to be fucking hilarious when she releases she has no claiming. Forcing those who root for her to accept she has no claim. Even though Sam told Jon the truth they're still retards who don't understand how succession works. I can't fucking wait to hear Jon say 'I am King, which means my say is final' to Dany as he did to Sansa last season.


Jorah has been a nothing character for like the last 5 seasons

How do I achieve that profile bros?

He is apparently listed as a S8 cast member

Jon is a stark though

And yet he's still better than almost the entire remaining cast

There's always a few episodes worth of deleted scenes that don't make it to post-production or the cutting board even. Some end up on YT through the blu rays.

The War of the Five Kings needed a big significant event to happen for people feel the realm was unstable enough to rebel. The death of Robert and Ned left a massive power gap everybody else wanted to fill.

daily reminder that stannis was a mary sue stand in for retarded incels and the show is much better with him gone

>The Spider and Tyrion are held up as the most "good" characters on the show, a man without balls and a midget
>women in real life always brag about tall boyfriends with big dicks

Nah he's Flanderised as Dany's beta errand boy

>Jon asserts that he is the king and stops being walked over by Smartsa and Dany
>Dany goes mad queen and orders the dragons to burn them all
>Lmao no the dragons are loyal to Jon
>Dany is arrested for attempted murder

>h-hey guys, are you also here to speak for the role of Jon Snow?

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Dye your hair blonde. Wear gold clothes. Speak with a Westerosi accent.


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Everyone except Targs are creeped out by that

do incels really think about sex this much? how sad is that, you can't even enjoy a fantasy show cos' everything just reminds you how you can't get laid.

Yes. Despite this boards eternal asshurt she’s the only one who’s both willing to rule and most qualified. Cersei is a worse ruler then she is, none of the Starks want it. The people who say she shouldn’t get it can’t list any non-meme alternatives.

I agree.
I also got annoyed that Rob died. He was my next favorite. I'm left with Arya now.

You know what they say: Around Florents, evil portents

Hello Jonfag

His road trip with Tyrion and being part of the trip to beyond the wall are the only relevant things he has done in the entire series other than explain stuff to Daenerys.

that's not my point, if he was Azor he would have a character arc other than being Dany's personal fluffer for 8 seasons

'This isn't happening, I'm supposed to be in charge here, I'm literally shaking!' - Daenerys Stormborn.


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Do you guys think there will be a full frontal scene with Lyanna Mormont?

why didnt he kill sam at the end of season 2?

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It's sad that fanfic found here is better than the actual show.

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Jaime gets the Throne and has to marry some lady for the good of the realm.
Brienne is Kingsguard and his most trusted advisor.

he wanted him to send a message

>implying he didnt

who the fuck do you think jaquin is?

stannis had every single thing handed to him. not once did he ever have to try. Everything just effortlessly fell into place for him.

he founded a theatre troupe in dublin where he performs and playwrights

What difference does it make that John knows he’s an heir to the Targaryen line? Can’t he just go nah I don’t want it just like Bran did for the Stark throne?

have sex


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The north really doesn't have an army and it is why Jon is so obsessed with getting any more people to fight. There is no way more than half of Jon's force survived BoB, and Ramsay's army was almost entirely annihilated .Counting the wildlings, the north's army can't be much higher than 1000.

This, . The Others seem pretty big into branding and perhaps they don't view the humans as a threat to whatever they're trying to do, on the crontrary.

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sounds like he's a homosexual

Its not just an incel thing

its a man thing

before i became a woman i thought about sex a lot, it was unabarable, i couldnt think or do anything its unreal that men have even managed to position themselves into a sort of global authority at all.


That's likely better than what they'll come up with.

You mean Renly?

>characters can't be grey
>if you do bad things you're evil and crazy Fucking pleb. Go ahead and cling to your white knights and Mary and Gary Sues

>magic lady worships him for no reason
>wife lets him fuck other women for no reason
>pirate loans him two huge fleets for no reason
>iron bank loans him huge amounts of gold for no reason
he even just so happens to be next in line for the throne. Like, at least make him earn it like everyone else.

>admitting men are superior.
Isn't that against some woman code these days?

I'm sorry but the show is not that deep.

It might occur in the books, with Sansa getting him killed to secure her power in the Vale.

he didnt actually see sam, sam was hiding behind a rock.

Just like a man to assume what I said was admitting men are superior. lol


The Starks have every reason to hate Jamie, but I don't understand why Daenerys is so upset about it. Her father was a cunt and she knows the truth about it. There is no way she could justify her father deserving to live.

The Starks administering justice undermines her authority. She's extremely petty.

she is probably displacing her anger at living her youth on the run and being abused by her brother and then sold to horseniggers on Jaime

You said men positioned themselves into a global authority, despite dealing with a pervasive sexuality taking up all their thoughts, doesn't that mean, simply by the state of having global dominance, women are inferior?
Even if they get elected, women are still playing by men's rules and men's society.

Maybe you really are a woman, you certainly share their aptitude for thinking.

how does she know the truth?

Do you think the Dothraki are fucking the Northern women while they’re staying at Winterfell?

Barristan told her in Meereen he was a madman who burned people alive

she doesn't know that he was going to burn all of King's Landing however, since very few people beyond Jaime even know that

I'll be annoyed if that doesn't come up when she talks of him killing her father

Selmy told her

The only difference it can make is to steal away a dragon or two in case Dany turns evil

is /got/ ready for a miracle

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Of course, especially they like Sansa's ass hole

Was getting caught part of his plan?

Can Bran sees the future?

He will be the next Sword of the Morning

>you have foreign blood don't you Baelish

>before i became a woman
please leave you attention seeker

what if Bran travel to past
and beheads ned

They will and rule 7 kingdoms together as they are the best for them

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what if Bran travel to past
and impregnates lyanna

what if Bran travel to past
and impregnates catelyn

what if Bran travel to past
and rapes sansa

Why GOT don't have Asian characters? There are black, gays, lesbi, white, but don't asian. Fucking rasist show.

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what if Bran travel to past
and impregnates ned

what if Bran travel to past
and rapes bran

The Asians of Planetos live in the unexplored country

what if Bran travel to past
and pushes himself out of window

What if bran travels to past
and impregnates frog

The horselords are the asians. They are basically mongols.

what if Bran travel to past
and rapes the night king

What if bran travels to past
and gives bobby b more wine

What if bran travels to past
and spanks arya

There was that one asian bitch some seasons ago

what if Bran travel to past
and impregnates cersei four times

what if Bran travel to past
and fucking dies

What if bran travels to past
and brings robert the threadstrechter

It's not argument. Why black gays don't live in the separate continent?

Oh yes the red priestess

What if Bran travels to past
and rapes Ramsay
wouldn't that be mental?

what if Bran travels to past
and turns Hodor retarded


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what if Bran travels to past
and fetches more wine

what if Bran travels to past
and makes the new thread

b-but bobby someone else surely will before i can..

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Based tranny fighting the whiteknights

what if Bran travels to past
and makes bobby b piss himself

it's actually off putting to me having never read the books it seems like Cersei was *written* to be beautiful but visually it looks like they have ellen fucking degeneres tier post-wall roastie playing the part, they should have made the chick that plays melisandre cersei or something

I bet there are asians in the show, you just didn't notice.

Guys I figured it out... the horselords are basically Mongols but the wildlings are basically Finns and Finns are basically Mongols so the horselords are going to settle in the north and everything evolves into Finland in the end

what if Bran travels in the past and fucks Catelyn Stark, it can explain why Arya is so ghoulish.


new thread:


haha one of yous gotsa deltet ur thread

Absolute state of these 3

Why is everyone convinced hes going to trial?

this one is the first properly formatted one

>Jaime picks Rhaegal, her other dragon

>implying he didn't warg into Ramsay

She was really beatiful...now she is rotten