Brie Larson appreciation thread

Brie Larson appreciation thread

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Why should we appreciate a self hating feminist cunt?

Janies please shut this fucking thing now

I can appreciate a turd from time to time.

But this? Doubt it.

seething incel lol

prime brie was a total qt :3

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foot fungus

i appreciate that she kept her clothes on in her latest film.

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imagine Brie Larson making you eat her pusy because shes a stronk women and it smells like fish and dead hopes lmao

I appreciate cara.

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I appreciate the healthy contribution she brings to the Avengers

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shes BASED I give her that

why do scandis have minecraft heads
rural minnesota is like a 1980s rpg
do they secretly put babies heads in little shoe boxes?


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t. closeted homosexual

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how can one person be so based

have sex

yea haha imagine.. that would be yuck haha lol right?

I want to bite her fingers. I do not mean this in a sexual way.

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right? haha totally gross gross haha would never do that haha

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Is she related to hank hill?

my love

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>cold LARGE coke, user?

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she's cute in a mtf kinda way

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I'd rather have a cold bangs root beer honestly

How about a large ONE for you.. HUN.

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How many of these did you do already today? You god damn freaks are hysterical

I don't know what mtf means but I think she's on the spectrum and I like it.

Guess you didn' see the other q and a's? None of the can't stand the cunt

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male to female. a tranny. she has a strong jaw

I love when girls do that OHH THE FLOOR IS COLD stride

>Brie Larson appreciation thread

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>clearly a solid 7/10 white woman
>it's male to female trans

kys faggot

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Were these her pre-OP breasts? If so they were fine why would she ruin them with a boob job? Especially as an actress and not porn star.


>Appreciating a self-hating coalburner
Have some respect for yourselves

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Self hating libtard with daddy issues

me too senpai

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Why she throwing up bloods, that bitch ain't from the set

Appreciation? Funny way to say hate...

>be me
>be alt-right
>fall in love with SJW with behavioural issues
>stands for everything I'm actively trying to banish
>would betray my beliefs for a simple spaghetti dinner with her

Peak clown world right here.

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7 out of 10 is a stretch, she's a hard 5 without makeup

even she could have done a better job

I wish she'd keep them off

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its worse in motion


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she kinda looks like a junkie

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You joke around but I think she's unironically flexing her ass at the 9:48 mark.

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>prime brie was a total qt :3

Wonder how many miles of kike cock she had taken by then?!?FACT!!!

>blames her dad for mums death
>dad still cheers her on

Don't you want to protect that smile from all the neurotypical bullies hating on her for not being a social butterfly?

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the wrestlemania shit is getting silly

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>have sex

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If myself and her where alone in a sealed room and I had a colostomy bag and heard a fart, I would question it's origin.

cooties rawr

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I learned something today. Thanks user.
Here, have a rare interview.


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Yes indeedy.

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would wear that sweatsuit

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post feet

>It's impossible to not love Brie Larson she's a goddess

These comments are pretty sad. Maybe if she kept the same demeanor throughout her Marvel stint it would've worked out better for her.

i've seen better asses on /fit/; no homo

That adorable little gasp expression and hair flip she makes at 0:04 is my favorite part of that webm

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seen worse desu

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I don't like Cara but that eyeroll was pretty cute.
Why doesn't Brie do cutesy shit like that?
Be more feminine!!!!!

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golem cara is best cara

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I love her

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I legit hope she gets up and changes and doesn't khs for getting bullied.

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Brie a cute! A CUTE!

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they wisely covered her feet.