
From the Israeli director of that POWERFUL short film of the same name that won the Oscar for best short film this year!


Attached: rayciss.png (442x438, 269K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Eh, I dunno. I guess. Go ask twitter, faggot.

Based, maybe someday retarded /pol/rats can do the same


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>Face tattoos
Degeneracy is degeneracy

Being around black people made me hate them even more. The few of them that are sane do not make up for the baboons.

why are white bois so mean?

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>I'm here for the job interview.

Why are blacks and latinos so fragile?

Yeah I'm thinking he's based

>that's the best they could do for skinhead tattoos

I know lol

are any of them even explicitly white supremacist? i dont recognize any of them

lets find out, by watching this movie

Israel is an illegal nazi state and Bill Clinton drinks the blood of children.

I saw a photo where he had those skeleton face tats on one scene. What.

>nordic fest
>ugly mutts

Attached: 20.17.10.png (101x112, 8K)

Man, I've always wondered what I'll look like when I have to shave my head because of balding.
I have similar ears, fuck me

No surprise. Only way this doesn't become the end result is if you lower yourself to their gaboon ways.

>these are the violent neo-nazis the move is trying to portray

Attached: Identity europa.jpg (960x613, 57K)

>implying you have any idea about tats
lmao, kys

I'd rather watch a movie about a Iranian woman who turns away from Islam after falling in love with her white boyfriend and together they move away and have a family together. In the end she finds God again, and becomes baptized.

no thanks, schlomo


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Body of lies

Go ask one.

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They don't know what that word means

>Tatted to hell
Honestly I just wish people would take the hint and realize that tattoos make you look fucking gross.

EPIC HAHA wait what?


you have to be good looking to pull them off, you cant be a fat man child on Yea Forums

even the most handsome man on the planet would degrade himself by getting a tattoo

You place too much faith in bigots

have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex


Where's the pol skinheads?
Seems to be a thing of the 90s, I never see them IRL.

they pretend to have cancer. You can still punch them though

But I have seen that movie.

you first
you first
you first
you first
you first

If he gives me a job and a place with cheap rent then why not. TV shows only care about the extreme like crack addicts but a dull good citizen like me eating dirty everyday that follows the rules never get the spotlight. Perhaps I should get extreme

>A try hard Jew SPLC shill all done failing at infiltrating WN groups and playing bad guy... Let's get some more mileage out of him with a repentance documentary.

They do this every few years.

I would be more interested if his one true love wasn't a fat cow. Should have been a cute twink.


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Question for this thread

>How many skinhead movies have you watched?
>How many skinheads have you ever seen in real life?

Anyone who lives around blacks and isn't a wigger at least has a disdain for them.

Give it 5 years and they'll all be skinheads regardless.
unironically what the fuck is up with the increasing number of bald young men/teens? I'm only 18 and am showing signs of recession. Is it in the water?

this guy gets it

Are you a woman?
Then we don't care, faggot. Tattoos are alpha as fuck and get you laid
>Oh what does that tattoo mean, handsome?
>It's for my brother who died in Iraq (didnt actually happen lol)
This gets you laid 100% of the time.

I saw a bunch of skinheads who must've had broken razors or something (top of their heads were slick bald but sides still had some hair). I punched the fuck out of those nazis and got laid by a latina girl who was watching. PUNCH NAZIS

Based, all I was thinking was "Why did they have to cast a fat bitch? Is this what skinheads have waiting for them if they become a good goy?"

I'll take 'things that never happened' for 500

That's the arrow from DDR.

Those are glow in the darks, in 5 years they'll have a new assignment infiltrating antifa.

I've seen guys with the spiderweb elbow tattoos, though that may also just be generic "doing time" symbolism

Poor man's Tim Roth in Made in Britain.

Attached: tom roth made in britain.jpg (1200x675, 89K)

What causes him to want to change his ways?


based tim roth

Attached: the war zone ray winstone.webm (1280x720, 1.33M)

Who /pakis/ here?

Attached: only fools and horses del laughng.webm (720x576, 181K)

absolute kino


Yeah user, I'm sure some BLM nigger will convince me to change my views.

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Are skinheads even still a thing?

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beating up poofs don't give them a pass

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Are those still a thing?
I remember losing my virginity with one.

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Originally skinheads weren't racists they were a cultural movement in working class Britain who enjoyed varies types of music.

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wtf is wrong with their heads? They look bizarre. Genetically...off...

spoilers he gets murdered by niggers at the end

Why are incels so easily triggered? You literally cry about everything these days.

Attached: pol whiny.png (674x563, 114K)

I love how much the media and /pol/ try to play up white supremacists.

IRL they're the biggest jokes in the world. Just look at these spergs.

Attached: aryan crusaders2.jpg (960x720, 220K)

that one?

seems likely

Attached: racewar4.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

/pol/rat detected

>another nazi tranny

Attached: gay nazis.jpg (750x1077, 203K)

Nope, this is some random girl that some user posted here, although she looked a lot like her.

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They're genetic abominations

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looks like a tranny/dyke

Nah, trannies don't have these proportions since they are dudes.

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le sniff man stream is over, back to your containment board

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There is nothing funny about white genocide.

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lmao did a tranny cuck you or something, why are you so angry.

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>he says as he posts anti-nazi picture #341

there's lots of convincing trannies and most nazi's are trannies


It's not him who looks triggered easily.

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I grew up when the skinhead scene was at it's height, and today I'm pretty active in the White Nationalist movement where I live and so actually know quite a few people that the general population and those in power would wrongly describe as being 'racist'. And you know what? Not one of them is stupid enough to have any visible WN tattoos, let alone tattoo their face.

>can't get laid
>call it genocide
what did the MASTER RACE mean by this?

Attached: literally pol.png (729x288, 150K)

>there's lots of convincing trannies
Yeah, look at this cute girl.

Attached: 1545343370291.jpg (539x960, 131K)

Why does the white nationalist community have a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy? I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.

Some food for thought:

rationalwiki.org/wiki/Jean-François_Gariépy (Has sex with the disabled)
archive.is/3GH45 (Mike Cernovich discusses having sex with a man)

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Why do people make films when a superior film was already made

Attached: neo-ned.jpg (244x320, 28K)

is that another tranny nazi?

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Attached: london.jpg (600x898, 560K)

Why are you so angry?

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I like how you tried typing random numbers in the filename.
That won't work either, bud.

Attached: 1536450099151.png (795x858, 221K)

Fun fact: the massive homosexuality in the nazi community is why they hated christianity so much

Here's what Chief Nazi Ideologue and mentor to Hitler Alfred Rosenberg wanted to do with Christianity:

>the National Reich Church of Germany would claim exclusive control over all churches
>publication of the Bible would cease
>crucifixes, Bibles and saints were to be removed from altars
>Mein Kampf would be placed on altars as "to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book"
>the Christian Cross would be removed from all churches and replaced with the swastika

And here's a list of just some of the christian clergy martyred by the germans


Robert Carlyle was the best.



(him, not you)

I like how desperate you are that you don't even post a pic anymore, thinking I can't find those posts without pics.

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>/pol/ is always right
i fucking hate this timeline

Man, discord trannies are finally losing it.
Don't they see that it's way too late to act now?

Now this is obsessive schizophrenic shitposting
Also read the sources you post
>The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party is a book first published in 1995 by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams,[1] and currently in its 5th edition.[2] The book, in which the authors argue that homosexuality in the Nazi Party contributed to the extreme militarism of Nazi Germany, has been widely debunked[3] and drawn extensive criticism from historians.

nothing you're claiming has to do with homosexuality, but rather rosenberg's philosophy that religion is a reflection of the racial ethic, of which christianity was significantly different (because it originated among a different race).

do you mean nazi?

>gays trying to cover their tracks
Hitler was literally a fairy. why does that trigger you so bad?

Poor guy, he has given up because he knows if he posts anything else it'll be exposed as spam.
Why do they make you so angry?

Why aren't neo-nazi's as intimidating IRL as they are in media?

Attached: pol fights.webm (480x270, 1.31M)

>can't get laid
>call it genocide
Strawman. Also, you can't outbreed mass immigration. Get a fucking clue, white hater.
>That pic
Diffreences between blacks and whites in terms of proportional representation makes sense given the differences in population size and intelligence. The vast overrepresentation of Jews in nearly all areas of soft power can only be explained by ethnic nepotism. You really think Jews are this much smarter than Asians?

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wut I just got in this thread wtf are you talking about? Are you talking to yourself?

>waaaah jews are too smart!
do you want affirmative action or something you dumb nigger?

Attached: you.png (1273x954, 229K)

Your post wasn't from a new IP, don't even bother kid, we have dealt with spammers for a long time.

>literally 2 entire boards (pol and r9k) devoted 24/7 to about how you can't get laid
>if you point this out, /pol/ gets really mad
I don't get it

>Sitting there sperging out over his "new IPs"
oh so you're autistic. Lmao nobody cares about your boogeyman.

>408 results
What made you give up on life and dedicate it to posting in Yea Forums?

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>muh soft power
>muh privilege
you sound like an SJW

why are you so mad over a webm that you think it's all 1 guy?

You actually thought you could fool this place?

You really want to get into a webm off, you stupid fucking nigger?

Attached: 1527660733971.webm (1280x720, 597K)

I see the Shill from before learned how to archive lmao. Now he thinks it's his ace in the hole as he got btfo so bad with it.

Hint: you still suck at shilling

what place? Your precious incel safespace? I don't even know what you're talking about. You are chimping out over people making fun of you.

Who is the one spamming?

Because when you save an image it changes the post number user. It IS just you, you stupid newfaggot

>getting this mad over a webm
that's not even a neo-nazi in your vid tho, you missed the point.

No arguments. I win.

you, based on the number of threads you've been spamming =D

>Your precious incel safespace?
In the end you end up losing your cool and showing that you aren't from here.
Just obese americans deep into their autistic culture "war".

argument = you're a dumb nigger demanding gibs from smarter people

now go eat some fried chicken and grits

Attached: 1555552553220.webm (1080x608, 1.45M)

Nobody else except for you is obsessing over post save image numbers or wtf? Fuck off and get an argument.

I'm not the one spamming, the archives show that.
Look at this
110 results.
How embarassing.

Is this what's considered political activism nowadays?

Attached: 1535590914518.png (450x444, 193K)

Yeah user, except those posts aren't mine.

Rhodesia was a zionist puppet

not neo-nazi

try again

Attached: rhodesian war.png (362x942, 79K)


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>Thinks Jews have a monopoly in journalism, Hollywood, and academia because they earned it through merit.
Jesus, you're a fucking brainlet.

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the posts you're chimping out about aren't mine either so fuck off.


>or wtf?

>incel safespace

Why are they always so obvious?

You learned how to archive after getting btfo hard in a few other threads tonight. Good for you. It doesn't change what you are and doesn't change that it was fucking hilarious how badly you got exposed.

Not even the JIDF shill btw, keep fuming.

Attached: destroyed.webm (720x405, 2.28M)

Incel genocide when? I legit can't wait

Attached: youu.jpg (634x662, 95K)

Exposed of what?
It's just everytime you activist millennials show up, you can see in the archives that you have been shitting up Yea Forums for a long time.

Why, though?

Because politics?
You millennial creatures think you are saving the world with internet posts, is that it?

get a real job you dumb nigger and stop demanding the system change for you because you're too low-IQ to compete

Attached: dumb.jpg (590x963, 87K)

Why do you hate Yea Forums so much?
Why are you here so angry?

>White genocide isn't re-

Attached: 1554319321176.png (2276x2081, 1.75M)

You're schizophrenic. I shitpost here and was laughing at you in your last 10 threads tonight.

Go cry about your millennial boogeyman somewhere else.

If you had sex, this wouldn't be happening.

>millennial activist gets called out on his autism
>y-you are schizo
Why are you millennials such a generation of failures?

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I like bullying incels. Here's what you creatures are like IRL. You don't think this shit is hilarious?

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