>I dont use being a celebrity as a PLATFORM to be responsible accountable
>death stare
Lmao does anyone like her? Even normies are trashing her in the comments
>I dont use being a celebrity as a PLATFORM to be responsible accountable
>death stare
Lmao does anyone like her? Even normies are trashing her in the comments
Other urls found in this thread:
Jeremy is so fucking tired of these stupid interviews and it's obvious.
I don't blame him
wtf is his problem?
he's being handsomely paid to be an entertainer, you'd expect him to act professionalyl, despite his contract ending next week
At least when he does the interviews with other actors there's some chance of banter or humorous chats. Seems like nobody is enjoying doing these publicity interviews with Brie because she's a fun vacuum
Fuck off nigger.
Hollywood is a joke. He knows it.
I wonder how many of these actors ask for their characters to get killed off.
>does anyone like her?
The average person does not post or even look at Youtube comments. People shitting on her in the comments make up like 10% of people IRL. Most people don't know anything about her, and probably like her because she's the new Marvel character. Not defending her, I fucking hate her. But you need to broaden your perspective and get off the internet.
>Meanwhile Renner and Rudd have been carrying press tour on their back as the only pairing with any sort of chemistry
>he fucking hates her
hes one of us
10 seconds in and i'm already laughing
What's his problem?
They should pair up Paul and brie to see how that goes
>that body language
Jesus christ is Downey the only member of the cast that can relax around her?
Bet RDJ hate her too but is a very good actor he hides it.
He knows no matter what he does, people are still going to see endgame in droves. He could call people "nigger faggots", and people would still kiss his ass and watch endgame multiple times. People love to pretend they care about the social climate, until it gets between them and their shitty cashgrab of a movie.
>Jeremy stand closer to captn marvel
>does this pose
He's just /ourguy/ to the end.
He still has a Hawkeye tv series coming.
Renner's a celebrity? Who knew?
He would absolutely destroy her.
Throw in Hemsworth for based Aussie bantz and it would be comedy gold.
That was more entertaining than some marvel movies
He cracked into A list desu
Literally the only good pairing.
>Hemsworth and cheadle
Rather bland tho they say something funny here and there
>Evans, Ruffalo and Gillian
Evans and ruff can make jokes but Karren tends to be so shy it kills it
>Scarlett and the Dani
Literally boring as fuck to watch
>rudd and renner
Dont take take it serious so they just mess around and banter the whole time
Literally drains whatever energy is there right out of the room whoever she is with
The Ant-Guy and Arrow-Guy Show when Mahvel?
This except I don't hate Brie Larson.
jfc these 2 are gold.
but are they better than the chris duo
>I miss Paul
The movie gave him cancer? omg :(
tfw manlet with a fucking bow and arrow is much more likeable, charismatic and interesting character than a supersayan space cunt
paul is a lot nicer than renner, so it would be paul rudd just making everything entertaining while she shoots down any fun.
This guy gets it. For most normies, the simple fact that you're a famous celebrity is enough to warrant that you'll either be liked or just ignored.
I think is more like brie larson is a unlikable cunt
I mean we already know how she acts on camera and twitter, she may be even worse with them when nobody is watching.
Most based pairing is Mackie and Stan.
I don't know why people ITT suddenly say they are the only one with charisma or humor when we also have the Chris...es?
Jeremy and Paul really do have great chemistry though.
>IS thAT a QuEsTioN oR A staEmEnT?
>Does everything seem centered around me JEREMY!??
*looks up*
>I dunno i havent seen the movie
Fucking kek
True to the source material as intended
Jeremy 'slut destroyer' Renner strikes again
women will never understand this
It's so weird how in every interview she has with other people they always seem like they want to die, almost like she's a completely abhorrent unlikable person ha ha
Omelette du fromage
>I don't know why people ITT suddenly say they are the only one with charisma or humor when we also have the Chris...es?
Ppl arent saying that so much as saying they have been the most enjoyable/entertaining. The chrises havent been paired up together. And who they have been with this whole tour hasnt had enough chemistry for good material. Hemsworth looks tired and distant most of the time he is with cheadle and larson. And evans can only do so much with ruffalo. Karen gillian is a non factor for them
>Brie starts method acting as Carol Danvers
>Turns out no one fucking like Carol Danvers
Everyone doing interviews with her looks miserable.
By contrast look how he had fun with Paul Rudd:
Whats with all the Poo interviews?
>Why did I draw the short straw to be interviewed with Brie. Fuck
Drumming up dat overseas interest. Lots of poos out there
Based Jeremy not playing along with that self centered cunt
overseas cha ching nigga
Rudd and Hemsworth were joking together on Graham Norton.
Someone post the red carpet photo of Jeremy going full retard with crouch
that one?
Renner is so alpha. His body language is so closed off and dismissive, while larson keeps looking over at him for approval. She was definitely wet the whole time
Got to win back all the pajeets who've somehow got it into their silly little heads that it's OK to like the films of Zack Snyder
yeah but the chris...es have been given pretty bad pairings. id imagine if Rudd and Renner continue working in the mcu they won't be allowed to interview together anymore lol
You have to be insane to not like Paul Rudd
EVER SINGLE CAST MEMBER HATES HER FUCKING GUTS!!! You can see how visibly uncomfortable they are when she's near them because they know she'll start running her dumb fucking mouth and make everything awkward!!!FACT!!!
she doesn't seem that bad, I don't get the hubbub
>id imagine if Rudd and Renner continue working in the mcu they won't be allowed to interview together anymore lol
Why? They seem to do some good advertising.
this is how people act when i'm around :)
>What were the options??
>I dont remember
Renner and larson are actually comedy gold of a pairing. Just for the opposite reasons
I honestly can't disagree, some of them just seem better at hiding their disdain.
>I mean we already know how she acts on camera and twitter, she may be even worse with them when nobody is watching.
Oh you can bet she's a horrible fucking bitch in private!!!FACT!!!
Mackie, Stan and Duke are absolutely based
Literally all of them except Brie Larson seem like cool people.
Sounds like three members of a five member jazz quartet! Yow!
Now this is kino
They never put Renner and Mackie together because it'd be too much banter for any interviewer to deal with.
Is he another /ourguy/?
She may literally have some form of autism. I dont know how she doesnt when to stop running her mouth about feminism and/or how amazing she is.
She has to have autism. It's much more rare in women.
>the tone was like what a B flat?
Lost it
You are an idiot if you laughed at that shit. Are you American by any chance?
Those 2 are gonna make another film outside the mcu. I bet you.
It doesn't help that the interviewer's English isn't great. All the actors are probably fatigued from constant press touring.
Give us a Antman Hawkeye movie!!!! Instead of a shitty TV show retiring Renner.
Mackie - Renner is the reunion we deserve but not the one we need right now
>oi Barnabas, i posted the picture again!
the fucking contrast jesus christ
>wojak IRL
a cunt
you fags better watch dahmer its kino
never cared about hawkeye but until
ich mien gott...
>all white
brie has to fake a smile
JJBA pose
>That Dahmer reference
You've never dealt with modern journalists.
Great way to find some privacy. He is the loneliest man in the world.
this makes me want to watch it then i remember brie is on it and my will is gone
well done disney
Ill be honest I never wanted to hate fuck someone so bad.
would rather get in bed with Paul Rudd than Brie Larson
>if you could have one power what would it be
i swear "journalists" should be hanged when they ask this
dealing with a bitch cos he drew the short straw
I mean, you know Renner and Rudd are good friends so comparing it to those interviews is cheating, but jesus christ, he looks like hed rather be anywhere else
fucking kek
Not to be that guy but it's almost pavlovian how people think this is funny. Just shows people respond to energy and cues more than talent or sincerity.
what's funny to you professor?
Shouldve got Chloe if they wanted a likeable Captain Marvel
>imagine being this deluded
Are we just seeing what we want to see or is most of the cast truly that uncomfortable around Brie?
Mackie/Stan and Hemsworth/Evans remain the best press tour pairings.
Get a grip faggot, chloe is a much higher tier Queen than brie fungus
>sitting on his hands, shifting uncomfortable, looking off in the distance, rarely looking at her directly, even when she is talking to him
No we arent just seeing things. Its obvious they just arent chill with her
Elvis Mitchell is the only good film interviewer I have ever seen.
Nah. Mackie carries it. Stan is often bland and one note and just laughs at Mackies jokes. Remove Mackie and stan becomes another cheadle
You have so many choices. Katheryn Winnick, Olivia Dudley, McNamara, etc, and you go with that bloated turd?
Gimme a break kiddo.
Hemmie and evans are entertaining but rarely funny. You just like them so it makes it highly watchable.
Why are you taking the b8 retard? The up close photo of her hairy nostrils and mustache should have gave it away. Lurk more
There's articles published about how that girl who'se sisters killed heath ledger hating her, among others. Multiple video instances of other cast members seeming extremely uncomftorable around her.
There's gotta be a reason for it all
I couldn't understand any of the questions the Hindu guy asked?
Chloe is a perfect fit for the role though, you don't see this level of physical dedication anymore since Christian Bale passed away.
HD was a mistake
Imagine her getting in your face and pointing her finger in your face and saying: Don't fuck this up for me. I am doing some very important charity work for young girls and they really look up to me. I don't hate fun. But don't fuck this up. Okay?
he was asking about plumbing, he didnt get why you would waste all the metal laying pipes to the street when you can just walk out the front door
Gotta love the Australians.
>They haven't seen your film yet
literally about to WHIRRRRR larson
I think the feminist "messiah" narrative has gone to her head.
I will do whatever ice queen brie tells me to.
except vote for hillary that is
She was literally homeschooled by homeopathic chiropractor parents then daddy left.
She never had a chance, that’s like the perfect storm of turning a girl into an insufferable cunt.
hope you realize this was deliberate and edited to hell but sure, got em.
The best press pair is Sebastian Stan and literally anyone you put next to him.
She's one of the most beautiful women in the world but the thought of having to kiss Emilia Clarke is apparently enough to make Kit Harrington gag.
the fabled aussie shitposter
>I don't hate fun
Brie, I would at least respect you as Queen Bitch if you wouldn't lie to me so blatantly.
How the fuck is this legal? Seriously I would have sued their asses. They came here to ask questions and they didn't ask shit.
I will quarter you and mail every body part to a different member of your family.
I will be keeping the heart though. It is the source of my power.
What a congregation of manlets.
what did he mean by this?
>tfw no brie gf
>that nosehair
>that moustache
>tfw you look like Army Hammers and can make everyone swoon
Should've been me desu.
Based beyond belief.
It's over for the cheesefags
what a faggot. brie is acting x1000 more professional that this entitled asshole
Based CeleryMan
tranny or shill?
So cringe.
>Shouldve got Chloe if they wanted
>those wraith arms of warmth absorption
Its like she's sucking the life out of the photo
just watch the video without your nazi, misogynistic glasses. for real
>that girl who'se sisters killed heath ledger
Brie, is this you? Get the fuck outta this board
I mildly like you
kek at Don Cheadle literally saying "Don't touch me" as he moves his hand away
Bet his wife divorced him now
Does she smell or something?
He's smart. Fungal infections can be a bitch to get rid of.
did you even watch the video? he never said that
I've see renner in a few interviews and he seems pretty based
>tfw no Mackie banter lately
Renner really seems upset that he has to listen to an Indian accent. Not that I blame him.
renner is so fucking based
They should just save their money flying these guys around. If there was ever a movie that promotes itself, it's this one.
what would happen if renner pulled another bant like "she's a slut" next to brie?
Seriously. Every major actor involved can afford to go really easy on the press junket. Renner must either be exhausted or just mentally checked out and I can imagine it's a goddamn bummer having to be around Brie for longer than you have to. The movie doesn't need to be sold at this point. Everyone and their dog are going to see it.
he’s back!
but why though
why ruin the payoff of a 10 year plan
literally only 1 single movie left
and then
Captain Marvel comes to ruin the day
Probably get a "thank you vEeeEeery much" lecture multiplied by ten.
She'll secretly get moist though
What does Rudd say at 0:13, right after Renner says 'I can't wait to be little'?
>Don't touch it. I told you not to touch it.
Based Cheadle.
Speak for yourself. Gib tsundere cheerleader gf.
well yes If an Avenger is gonna say the n-word my money would be on Hawkeye
>Make them do a bunch of interviews for the movie
>Can't answer a single question about the movie
Why bother?
So do you think some of the actors actually dislike Brie or just a case of in the interview above being tired. Everyone can have a bad day.
He's been an a Lister for 10 years
How BASED can one man be???
no she already signed with DC to play Doomsday
>Dat lack of eye contact tho
>So do you think some of the actors actually dislike Brie
Unironically? No, I don't think they have any personal issues with her. I do however feel like some of the more PR conscious cast members are uncomfortable with the surrounding controversy she brings.
It's probably the equivalent of having your kid throw a temper tantrum in a super market.
Karen is shy as hell but it just adds to her perks
plox lads I need to get the joke
Celery man is always great and he doesnt takes himself too seriously because he knows what he is, just an entertainer
I don't hate her either. I think she is cute and kind, she just doesn't kiss (((Hollywood))) ass. I respect that a lot. She also can skate well, and has nice legs.
Marvel needs more buddy cop dynamics. Falcon, Widow and Cap had it in Winter Soldier. War Machine and Iron Man had it in Iron Man 3. Why the fuck not capitalize on this? It writes itself.
I could thatch a hut roof with all that fiber in her fucking nose.
>I vote for jeremy renner
this is your brain on forever alone
it's like self-indulgent serious people are insufferable
she was homeschooled and obviously can't into bantz. I was homeschooled as well and I got super butthurt whenever someone tried to bant with me. Hanging out with my cousin for a long time helped me develop my understanding of the bantz and how to banter back. She just never developed that because she's a weird aspie fuck
>she is cute and kind
On a good day, yes, but she does have a slight victim complex which can result in odd interactions. Her sense of humor also isn't always up to par because of her low self esteem in relation to comedic ability.
She's pretty normal all around though. Most people really wouldn't have any problems with her if it weren't for the SJW comments she made.
If you're perceptive and unbiased, you already know this to be true.
how do i bantz? i'm homeschooled.
It's pretty obvious she's abrasive to the people she works with, and all the stunt double stuff shows a very bad side of her
There are better cute girls to fawn over
Lmao tranny or shill?
She did like 2 years ago.
You were saying?
The entire video is 9 mins dude...
not watching a 10 minute video for a 0:01 seconds line.
The rest of these guys have done this how many times together? 3 previous movies, plus most have had crossover movies like Civil War. They all have rapport, they all get each other.
Larson is an outcast. On top of that, she's the type you have to tiptoe around because she can't take a joke if she is even aware jokes exist. She is legit autistic.
learn to take it, and dish it back with wit and power
At least the actresses must like her?
Alternatively you can agree and amplify if you're struggling to find anything clever to say at the moment.
>she just doesn't kiss (((Hollywood))) ass
She just sucks cocks of (((casting directors))).
>RDJ in those giant shoes again so he can hide his lifts
Couldn't make it to 0:31 seconds eh?
Scarlet, Mark, Chris and Tom like her for sure. The rest probably don't give a shit about her.
Please user, no more.
I think he means Elizabeth Olson, there's a whole joke about it stemming from the person who discovered his body calling mary kate and ashley before they called the authorities
Mark? Who's Mark?
oh my fuckign god this is absolutely fucking gross holy shit dude
She gave a reasonable answer. Renner seemed like a jerk here desu.
Ruffalo. Nice quints.
I forgot he was in this. Learn to count, though.
Don cheddar lookin like Egyptian mummies, goddamn
How old is he?
He's a massive coke fiend
Sorry, nice hamstrings.
Tom who?
She lies.
And when did tom holland do press for endgame where it came off he likes her?
I guess Hiddleston is okay with her too, based on their past interviews.
Again though, I don't think any of these people, save for the original 6 members, really give much of a shit about each other. At the end of the day, it's work.
kek but I thought she was the best friend of all minorities?
Posted on instagram that he's stoked to see Captain Marvel and called Brie "mate".
wow he must really sincerely love Brie Larson then!
If someone talks shit give it right back to them and understand it's not personal. It's for laughs and us actually a sign that someone likes you. My brother and I bant eachother so hard there have been a few times bouncers have came over thinking we were gunna fight.
Mackie comes off as highly intelligent and his dynamic with shitting on Holland and buddying up with Sebastian or any other adult in the room is great.
This is probably his 10th interview that day. He's cranky and hungry but Yea Forums incels project that he's pissed of at Brie Larson
Theyre both closeted and refuse to come out. Theyr both cowards, but at least Renner isnt ruining already bad movies
There's a difference between love and like. I would never imply the former.
It also doesn't mean he hates her though. Even Cheadle who was rolling his eyes said some pretty canned but nice stuff about her in another interview.
Like I said, these people don't give as much of a shit about each other as you think. Hollywood is actually a relatively lonely place.
Those are called Side Kicks and Robin kind of soured hollywood execs on the idea.
jesus he is barely holding it together lol
The joke is that Cheadle evidently warned her about touching his arm/jacket before the interview and she does it anyway and he's so bothered by it that he mutters under his breath and looks irritated for a brief moment before he goes back to being professional. I'm assuming he injured it or something and she was doing that obnoxious double elbow thing to try and be charismatic and playful and it completely backfired because of that. Also
>Haw haaaaaaah. Bacon dispenser.
She's so fucking phony.
Its at the 30 second mark
I guess that was his... endgame.
>bait this lame
That's it? Why did that interviewer girl start convulsing in laughter? It's not a joke at all.
What species of bird is this?
I can't understand a word of what the interviewer is saying.
Why did they allow those subhumans to interview White actors? How could pooinloo even afford those two? LOL
Because it's her job to make celebrities look better than they are, welcome to fucking decades ago.
So she really is autistic, isn't she...
Now I kinda just feel bad for her.
Holy shit Don looks fucking pissed.
>I told you about the touching
Outside of the fappening with her big ol fake tits this shot of her makes her look oddly fuckable.
Jesus that was decades ago. Not that it invalidates your point. I'm confident the formula will revamp eventually. Everything in Hollywood does.
They made me feel st00pid though
As well you should if you have to ask.
Still seems less bitchy than Sylvia Hoeks desu.
Especially if you don't give a shit about politics.
Renner is a joke. Where the fuck is his oscar? Oh that's right. He sucks and hes ugly manlet so no oscar for him.
He doesnt even have a super power in a fucking marvel movie. The loser.
Kys spic.
I was never part of the cool crowd, I have no idea why they all talk like that and laugh incessantly like it's some fantastic witty joke. It's all so fake and shitty
Don't think I'm not noticing you trying to go for the whole "reverse psychology" trick, incel.
That shit don't work here. Have sex.
Brie Larson is the Donals Trump of actresses. She does what she thinks is right and does not give a fuck what anyone thinks or who she pisses off. I admire her so much for that and you should too.
What cool crowd? The one who has a basal knowledge of celebrity interviews before posting in a thread about celebrity interviews? Stop replying.
He has so many good movies but you're right tranny he doesn't have a golden statue from the circle jerk awards which means he is a bad actor, just like Glenn Close, Edward Norton, Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Harris and Gary Oldman
The most charitable I can be is that she is too new to the rest of them to have gelled with the banter and is trying too hard.
We're now at 4 or 5 press events where she has said things that have caused other cast members to squabble with her or appear uncomfortable with the direction she takes conversations.
We're obviously shitposting but there is something wrong with the cast dynamic when she is involved.
I could tell you're stupid when you fell for that obvious bait but you're really outing yourself now.
>Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Harris and Gary Oldman are bad actors
he's mad edward norton didn't stay the hulk so they could have violent sex in between takes.
You named several losers. I thought you liked running with winners, incel.
This was painful to watch. I didn't before, but now I believe the rumors were right and they all hate her.
RDJ always comes across as being untouchable by these things. I think this is why people like him and he gets casted for characters like Sherlock Holmes.
What the fuck is that dress. Is Brie autistic?
that’s dumb. but i will say i enjoy when she lights a stinker under another celebrity’s nose and they have to have an out of body experience just to escape her company.
she looks cute here. coke bloat is doing wonders
Fingers on the top of her butt, my man the hammer
that poor interviewer
I just want to give him a hug
It's not dumb its absolutely true. Your reaction to her is the same as the liberal/neo-conservative reaction to Trump and for similar reasons. She refuses to play the game the way it's always been played, just like Drumpf.
it's weird how big these movies got compared to how it was back in the day where people mocked you for being into comics
She looks amazing user.
The Holohoax is the key to understanding the fall of the West
You guys should look up the group conference they did when they started talking about playing boggle.
Brie says she's really good at it, then Evans mentions a bit later that Cheadle is the best and Brie interjects that she is and a bunch of them say no, it's Cheadle and she won't let it go until the moderator moves them on.
I think it was the one with Favreau, not the Goldbum one 2bh I can't be bothered finding it for you.
why is she so ugly?
Genes? Bone structure? Who fucking cares why? You're not going to fix it.
Oh boy, here we go again. Why are there so many insane sperglords on Yea Forums? Its far worse here than on other boards.
>bringing up Trump in a thread about actors and actresses liking and not liking each other
Trump Delusion Syndrome is a real disease
This feels like bait, but feminists and trannies are so retarded, that im not sure anymore.
This could be an user having fun by being sarcastic
Or it could be an actually mentally ill feminist trying to "raid us"
Fuck this shit... i cant tell
she looks so out of place
>everyone in black
>Brie cosplaying as a fairy
Are you dumb, vice signaling or trying to get a reaction from a feminist? Cause those don't frequent this board.
Renner is so unexpectedly based. How and more importantly, why does he do it?
just watched that one, jesus christ this bitch is aggressively unlikeable
She was hurt, it was kinda mean to say.
At this point I'm conviced she's on the psychopath spectrum. This isn't about politics, this is just her way to assert dominance over her environment.
/ourguy/ undoubtedly
All rise for Renner's finest moment.
Brie apologists are another level of retarded.
Thats the problem.
I unfortunately just delved down this rabbit hole and I'm beginning to think you're probably right.
Normies handed Brie Larson and her employers their money, so it's their fault that they have to deal with her. Movie goers have themselves to blame.
Look at Renner and Rudd, the interviewer girl just tries to be a part of the cool kids, the fast talking charismatic type dudes.
Chademy Cheddar
Should he have lied or
Yeah, that's exactly what I described happening shortly before being deservedly derisive for needing to describe at all.
billy bob thornton is actually much more based in that same clip
I sneaked into it after watching Hellboy 3. I did not give Disney a dime.
>expecting Renner to BTFO of Larson
>watch video
>it doesn't happen at all
Go to bed Donald. Fucking liar.
nah, she's an awkward loser and has no friends so she latches onto having the "correct" political opinions to protect her ego
>if i talk about politics then i'm useful and also better than other people
One good boy point has been deposited into your Nintendo account
Kill yourself namefag.
>incels still crying about BASED BILLION DOLLAR BRIE
why do you just have sex?
No one cares.
Already posted retard. Lurk more
>alitafags are namefag tourists
Just ban the topic already desu, it's so clear they do not belong here
I was just put off because there wasn't an actual joke.
The joke is that you're still trying to explain yourself. Nobody misunderstood, you were just several decades late.
But that's where you're wrong, user. The joke is _______________________(You).____________________________
it's beyond clear the numbers for Captain Marvel have been inflated
I find it really awkward that somebody's not maintaining eye contact in all of her conversations.
>dcuck delusion
I wasn't aware you guys still exist
What the fuck does that even mean
'several decades late'
>Black Panther ticket sales weren't subsidized with taxpayer money
>press for endgame
no idea, not even the user you're asking, but i see that Holland and Ridley are in Mads' next movie. perhaps Holland threw in kind words during press for that film as a result
>What the fuck does that even mean
It means that the question you asked was answered to the knowledge of everyone else "several decades" ago. What you just learned is old news. JUST underage
I'm 28. I am still mad they just talk junk and everyone acts like it's a Dylan Moran tier comedy.
You're 28 and are still this far behind the times? You're 28 and you came to a thread about celebrity interviews with no knowledge of how celebrity interviews work? You're 28 and are so easily being called underage? That is so much fucking worse.