Where is the livestream bucko?
Faggot vs some fat sweaty commie
Other urls found in this thread:
>refuses to debate white Identitarians because sharing a platform with them gives power to their message
>is literally saying he would lose and his power would be taken from him
JP is a cunt and the enemy.
He’s charging $15 just to be able to watch the stream.
Paid livestreams always get mirrored
this link's been going around
thanks m8
Chad Hunman is Peterson's corner tonight. Zizek has nobody that faggot slug.
>when the autism kicks in
> sniff captions for the hearing impared
How would he lose?
imagine paying 1500 to see this lmao
this one has sound
imagine being so poor and low IQ you can't conceive of expense being relative to wealth
lol no
who was he debating here
>How would he lose?
it's not working.
please don't make me go to /pol/
Fucking based.
communism about to win
Predictions? I'm guessing they will probably just talk past each other and each sides fans will think their side won.
Haha video is prohibited.
So just like every other "debate"
>(...) Try to find in all of the work you mentioned some principles from which you can deduce conclusions, empirically testable propositions where it all goes beyond the level of something you can explain in five minutes to a twelve-year-old. See if you can find that when the fancy words are decoded. I can't. So I'm not interested in that kind of posturing. Žižek is an extreme example of it. I don't see anything to what he's saying. (...)
wtf I hate Zizek now.
easy, its just hegel. chomsky is a brainlet
look up hegel, starting with nothing ->being
i already hate this host
Depends entirely on how many lines Zizek has gone through prior to this.
zizek is tweaked out of his mind
thought the same thing
trying to supress my inner cynic every time this host says the word "truth"
>All these whoops and applause
This is a fucking pony show. This is not how intellectual debates should happen.
>carl jung
>Women cheering
whoever says "please hold your applause until i've finished my statement" gets 1 point
but this is who's line is it anyways, where points don't matter and the audience is a part of the show.
The Industrial Revolution and it's Consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>Trying to understand Marxism
>Best read the communist manifesto. Again.
It was written for a very particular time, for a very particular audience and was never the core theoretical work.
go to bed Memerson
>Communist manifesto SUCKS
*Crowd gasps*
>I've read student papers more coherent!
*Crowd goes wild*
The absolute state of discourse.
He's already stumbling.
Not paying that Canadian scammer shit
>Be Slavoj
>group pressured into talking to dumb canadian
>just wants to facefuck his 25yo wife then go to his single bed and read a book
communist manifesto was before even capital lmao. its good peterson goes first though, zizek is gonna eat him on stage
Jesus Christ JP. You suck dude.
>debate about communism
>you need to pay to see it
Zizek lost out of the gate.
Also both capitalism and communism focus too much on materialism. Boring debate.
>zizek is gonna eat him on stage
fava beans and a nice chianti
>I tried reading the Communist Manifesto before this debate
Hasn't he been critiquing it the entire time hes been a media figure? He frequently talks on the subject like hes a Marx scholar of some authority. He sounds nervous as fuck right now like he has zero confidence in his authority over the audience like hes usually given.
Lol already getting laughed at.
Considering he's been using the phrase "cultural marxism" unironically for years i dont doubt he has not read Marx
zizek is a hegelian, reads marx as partially idealist.
> implying any of us are paying for this shit show
>Marx didn't put human reality/biology into his work
Unironically what does he think Marx' scientific historicism is? I'm not saying it's true but he obviously talks about and puts his work into a scientific framework.
Post slavoj's while this old fuck keeps spewing
It astounds me that people just ignore the fact that Peterson is a university professor and a practicing psychologist for 20+ years. They pretend like he's some overnight self-help guru.
This rich ivory tower Canadian saying our leaders are mostly good... yawn....
>all of those fat retards voting for zizek
This is like watching a guy beg for his life.
According to what he just said on stage, he has read it two times in his life. Once as a teen, and once again this year.
LOL. No wonder he has been saying shit like "neo post-modern nu marxists"
>i hate the idea of proletariat and Bourgeoisie because identity politics and class struggles are bad because they pit people against eachother
Who's winning, depressed gay old man or fat autist retard?
Peterson is doing okay so far
peterson, obviously. he's got a few billion brain cells on zizek.
We need a 3rd positionist like Ted K. to spank these 2 beta materialists.
>That feedback
Did they forget to tip the sound guy?
they are both utter retards.
It's le buy my book man vs fat old boomer eurocomie
peterson is still on his opening statement#
Nobody is winning as of yet
god this is great. the one time i dont feel like killing myself in 10 years. drinking coronas and getting ready for communism in my lifetime
i disagree because i've familiarized myself with peterson's work and ideas
Imagine being a peterson bootlicker.
He's making Tim Allen-tier points about capitalism.
This. Fat fuck doesn't live by his own "philosophy"
the original poll is from Yea Forums
he is doing awfully
>some utility
yes precisely communism is the focusing of the utility part of profit(production) over the completely virtual part of society(exchange value)
google cockshott
Am I too much of a brainlet to understand Peterson here or is he not saying anything?
>not shilling for some fat retard who doesn't even bother living by his own philosophy constitutes you as a bootlicker
fuck off zizek you should be debating
>We need a 3rd positionist like Ted K. to spank these 2 beta materialists.
Ted has been rotting in prison for decades. He would probably have a nervous breakdown from social anxiety if he was put in front of a crowd this large.
Imagine the good he could've done if he went the opposite direction. Namely, away from the program that drugged him and mind-fucked him.
i can't track his points at all
Because it works
Does zizek clean his own room?
Imagine still caring about "philosophers" in 2019
Psychology >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Philosophy
>trying to defend communism in any aspect
live commentary for brainlets here twitch.tv
What an embarassing post.
>implying marx cared about good or evil
All the top tranny youtube commies are getting millions from Patreon from thousand of whining college "believers".
It's the best kind of ironic comedy. Communism is perverted into a capitalistic brand for cringy nerdy kids to pay for.
Nobody's going to watch your shitty Twitch stream nigger
do i have to be a philosopher ?
>Rich people are rich because a hierarchy is necessary and natural.
>Capitalists deserve what they earn because they provide some utility.
>The working class aren't all good and capitalists aren't all evil.
Just the typical capitalist brainwashing propaganda. Zizek is going to absolutely destroy him.
fuck outta here rem, cant even justify his bias against anime
>commies getting BTFO this hard by a retard
>or is he not saying anything?
it's a common problem, just try to write out a statement spoken by him. he speaks without periods.
he also goes on tangents and keeps refering to other authors of thicc books that reference other books. combine this with certain verbal ticks that he keeps repeating and it's amazing anyone can comprehend ANY thing he says.
i'm honestly just waiting for zizek to step up with his sniff-memes and watch the show really start.
Most psychologists are brainlets that don't understand philosophy.
>woman "science"
fucking yikes
He's criticizing points of basic Marxism pretty much at random. Might help if you knew about Marxist theory.
This. Sean Hannity could have made all these points.
>hell is what happened
reminder that the majority of people who lived under the USSR wish they could go back to it, and see the regression to capitalism as a mistake
it's not that difficult
typical boomers
how fucking cucked is armenia
Rev up those nostrils boys
terrible to see this number of people living with stockholm syndrome. many such cases
ah yes, the lobster anti-depressant theory of human civilisation
lmao desteeny
Oh God Peterson is flubbing so hard
China isn't communist, they just call themselves communist.
zizek has a disgusting voice, sounds like a fucking pig
worthless post
At least the Soviets had cool slavic aesthetic.
Now communism is just "rebellious" capitalistic brand for boring bots.
If you want to be true edgy, just hate jews, It's not hard. The system can't turn this into a brand.
Yeah. That's what zizek said.
I know I can read (unlike Yea Forums right wing bootlickers)
coincidentally the discussion on Yea Forums is a thousand times more compelling and they are /teamzizek/ All the Yea Forums zoomies voting for their peterson demagogue
fuck off, retard. no one wants to watch you.
>using china as an example of successful communism
somebody post the china rekd gifs
O fuck someone advocating for communism and against LGBT?
Never knew actual communists still exist.
>Actually confusing vanguardism and marxist theory; not even mentioning marxist historicism once and spitballing retarded shit like marxist theory has never once dealt with human nature
Peterson is retarded
>they don't realize that commies hat fags and trannies
It's so glorious. All authoritarians hate degenerates.
He literally attributes their success to a combination of capitalist and communist approaches you brainlet
> directly hits the 3 points in the title of the event
> reading from a paper...
>trump is literally the clown pepe
Mao did nothing wrong
im a vox day sort of fag, hate peterson, love zizek, but completely right wing.
communism sucks fror the most part, but its useful as short term keynsian stimulus
He literally did not mention that once in the opening statement.
>he fell for the Trump is bad meme
Imagine not being a Pagan European knight in current year.
i think edgelord is the word you are looking for
wtf why is this guy so based?
what's the topic of the debate, again?
these faggots are rambling past each other
zizek is a mad man
to be honest, taking into consideration how few die to dumb things like chinese rekt stuff in china while considering how many chinese there are there's probably a higher chance per capita of getting robbed and assraped to death by a pack of niggers in the us than there is of falling through an escalator and getting turned into meatloaf in china
>one dude criticizing marxism
>this dude criticizing religion
Uh... maybe they should have agreed on topics before they started...
Russians are retards.
in the end, what they really attack is similiar. the idea of absolute truth.
What the fuck is going on. Can you imagine having paid for this
The topic was about happiness. Peterson just didn't talk about it because
"We are in this mess because of the Jews" -Zizek.
I genuinely love being white, is this bad of me?
How does this greasy slug have a following?
>Mention jews
>Mic cuts out
he doesn't give a fuck about the audience
he's not there to entertain, he's there to do a job.
yes cause you're at the end of whiteness. latinos are coming back.
Zizek is literally being BTFO in front of my eyes, i'm literally shaking.
Holy shit Slavoj isn't holding back
Every man should love his own race.
Nothing wrong about it man.
hes funny and interesting
>communism good
>Jews good
Every time.
I used to watch them both but right now they're just rehashing old talking points and talking over each other.
this is a shit debate
>dude just live in a cyberpunk dystopia on 30 cents per day to get your hand chopped off by the giant iphone making machine
They're exploiting the prole more than any capitalist country. Explain yourself communist scum
>capitalism is literally hitler
Commie larpers know nothing about us. No one wants this shit to make any sort of comeback.
The debate has not started.
"Happiness is subjective" you sure WILL know what happiness is when you are in a gulag or a life prison you fucking stupid couch potato
"The main burden is freedom itself" this guy is completelly cuckoo
his wife has nice tits
I want to make clear that I don't hate any other race or culture either. I just don't think Europe needs to be majority African.
Aren't cultural marxists just SJW's though?
Like c'mon, there is obviously a group of people that have very similar beliefs.
Just like you can guess someone's aborition stand on if they are religious or not, you can see their LGBT stance on affirmative action, etc.
Might just be MOST people are NPC's that don't think for themselves.
Niggers usually kill just niggers though, in China anyone can be killed by shitty infrastructure
what the fuck am I watching then?
Literally imagine paying money to see this. Jesus christ
how long will this shit last?
cultural marxism = critical theory, the application of marxism to cultural deconstruction, they just dont like it when you call it that
True equality then
wtf is a cultural marxist?
Their opening statements.
i get the feeling that peterson fans do not understand a word of zizek's psychoanalysis of capitalist manufactured consumption. does zizek know how stupid they are?
>its just like nazi germany
All ideas eventually reach their end and end up and embody their opposite. There is no "jew" who comes from the outside and undermines your perfect society. rather your perfect society was always imperfect, broken from the outset.
>Blaming Trump on capitalism
WTF I hate drumpf now.
oh yeah d00d anarcho-primitivism is totally non-materialist. pfft fucking brainlet
Nothing Zizek says is that complicated.
I prefer being able to secure myself from a state where I can be randomly killed by animals or dangerous environmental hazards, that's so medieval
nice word salad
zizek hasn't analysed anything so far, which debate are you watching?
Sargon I'm pretty sure
I imagine if it was Sargon that Sargon said some inane shit
The responses should be more interesting. They're going in pretty different directions with this.
Why don't these guys just read Hobbes?
>is on Yea Forums
>doesn't also have a /pol/ tab open
Have you ever even been to /pol/? It's practically indistinguishable from Yea Forums
why are they just throwing shades about each other's ideology than actually saying something of substance?
I just don't think the perfect society is a low IQ mulatto society owned by elites who have merged with machines.
Zizek started sniffing white again, he's jumping more than a rabbit with a firecraker up its ass.
God damn I love this man
>zizek pretending that healthcare just appears out of the air and not paid for via taxes by the working man
>i want free healthcare so I CAN FOCUS ON FUN THINGS TEE HEE fuck all of the people that have to prop it up teehee
Most of the axioms hes relying on are easily disproved.
>"Only religion can make a good man do evil"
Instantly disproven with history's favorite villains. Unless he's expanding religion to any cult of thought.
Zizek is donating his money
When will we unite against the plague of the Annunaki?
peterson fans don;t understand anything their surrogate e-dad tells them
wow clean your room so profound, no wonder losers who can't keep a clean room would worship this faggy albertan.
I can't understand the Russian, please help.
Ha no.
not the point. People are still paying to see it. Capitalism wins.
jeff bezos can pay for it
fuck i dozed off and thought i was hearing the video of bjork talking about a tv
oh god peterson is going to get fucking killed
Imagine arguing and supporting either capitalism or communism
I actually watched one of his lectures for the first time. It's amazing how he advocates for nearly the opposite of what 99% of his fans think yet they are still his fans. Also, he talks out of his ass quite a bit and people just think it's scientific because he's a professor. Just an overall weird demonstration of the times we live in.
zizek is retard confirmed.
Hahhahahah oh yeah? To what?
like a leetle ceetey
based retard. care to provide any examples of this?
define good and evil
>you dont understand this bullshit word salad i gave meaning to
>haha i win!!°
To me
good, what makes you and others around you happy.
evil, what makes you and others around you sad.
guys what if they start kissing?
No idea, I think he only said to charity.
He'll probably disclose after which charity.
Good is when people follow the words of God.
Evil is when people ignore them.
Zizek would win because Peterson would drown in his saliva
After you link me to a lecture you enjoy and give a brief 2 to 3 sentence summary as to why you think it's great. That way I know you aren't a fucking idiot memelord wasting my time.
Probably the local commie club
Is he winning?
Zizek casts such a wide net of ideas during his arguments that it's difficult to realize just how ensnared he has what he's countering.
Good and evil does not need to be defined when he's using this statement as a counterpoint to the argument that "Only religion can make an evil man do good." He's accepting the definition in the general religious/moral sense.
you made the initial stupid post, why would i prove myself to you?
>wide net of ideas
Literally me when I debate people, I throw in all sorts of ideas to off balance my opponent until they get mental fatigue. Its a sure strategy if you're not focus.
They look exactly how I expect Albertans to look
fuck no lmao. This isn't even his field of expertise.
It's not really a 'Gish Gallop', he's backing up what he's saying, but it makes me feel like a brainlet
Implying he isn't firing wildly and hoping he'll hit something
> Zizek blowing the shit out of the geo-engineering idea, suggesting it could result in disaster
Thank fuck, someone else with a brain.
Sounds like what Rian Dawson does.