
Mace the Based Ace Edition


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Will fat man ever release another book?

And good luck to 'im.

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>bran's actor won't have a career when the show is finis-

predictions on the next to die? Clue-style

King's Landing.

Give me back my children.

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game of shit

Best end.

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Did anyone here have that one castle toy as a kid? It had a trebuchet that you could shoot a plastic boulder and shit? I did, it was great.

nth for Stone Snake

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When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east

No, he'll just keep making bullshit prequel side stories that literally nobody gives any shits about.


>is the only undeniably and unarguably heroic character left
He is going to get ARYA'D isn't he bros

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>despite being shit at fighting

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Whats the power ranking of GOT strategists in the show and books? How good was Ned and Arryn?

cast her

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see if he dies in the next episode i wont even be angry anymore i fucking hate d&d

Pretty sure it was a cannon? Red drawbridge etc

Why did they have to turn Tyrion into such a joke of a character?

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Why doesn't the world of GoT have the equivalent of Japanese (or any asians)? you telling me the formidable samurai wouldn't have been great assets in the Great War?

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>Viserys and Daenerys lived under Ser Willem Darry's protection in a house with a red door in Braavos.[9] While they lived in Braavos, Willem signed a secret marriage pact with Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne, with the Sealord of Braavos as a witness, agreeing that Viserys would take Princess Arianne Martell, daughter to Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne, as his bride in exchange for Dorne supporting his claim for the throne. However, Viserys was never made aware of this pact,[28][18] as he was an immature child when it was decided, and he was not ready for the information.[29] Willem fell ill five years after fleeing from Dragonstone, however, and eventually died.[9][30]

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Imagine the fucking dialogue we'll be getting this Sunday lads.

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fuck why is jamie so good

sansa will probably call jaime an incel

Ned is unironically a fucking retard

Ned is a total fucking tard.

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>Implying his wives son is not rubbing his hands because of all the future deals he will get when the fatman dies of fat.

sauce, now

It feels like 90% of the posts here aren't discussion and it's just people saying random things just because they want to say random things. How about you losers actually talk about the show...or, ya know, fuck off?

>Doran waits so long to do anything that everyone he wants revenge on is already dead

The nostalgia castle itself

Yi Ti and Asshai are far enough away that they're practically legends in Westeros. It's not like they can just hop over there and recruit a legion of warriors.

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your mother sucks dwarf cock


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The Fatman already signed like 5 spinoff deals with HBO

and you have no cock

It hurts bros. She would have been a cute woman one day.

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that would be the most anime ending, I hope it doesn't happen.

Reminder that maesters are the true enemy

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Jaime was never on her list

I have balls...and you don't.

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>you will never see Bessie's tits

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he's also writing 4 of the pilots, fat kike. I'm only watching this season to spite him

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who is this manhood nectar recipient?

>ywn stroke her greyscale reminding her that you love her for everything that she is and that nothing about her is unattractive to you

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so he was finally fucking in it then?

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Qyburn actually lost his chain for claiming differences in development between places like the Reach and the Westerlands versus the Norf and the Summer Islands were a result of hereditary average intelligence.

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1. Robb Stark
2. Randyll Tarly
3. Tywin Lannister
4. Stannis Baratheon
5. Ned Stark
6. Paxter Redwyne
7. Robert Baratheon
8. Hoster Tully
9. Jaime Lannister
10. Jon Arryn

I put Robb at the top because he has the best feats and the best promise for more. He also listens to his advisors to a degree equal to Tywin and it shows in his sucesses.

Stannis is only fourth because while he does show greatness, his record is still worse than the three ahead of him. He hasn't done much.

it's out


Wait a second: Mace wasn't portrayed as a bumbling idiot in the books like he was in the show, right? I mean, he was portrayed as a dummy, but nowhere near what he was like in the show I think. Or am I just mis-remembering things?

He'll go on trial.
Tyrion will plead for mercy.
Jon will insist they need every sword they can get.
Sansa will be bitchy and adamant about executing him and will berate Jon for not taking her side.
Arya will be neutral and simply tell Sansa to give her the word if they want to skip the trial.
Bran will say weird autistic shit to Jamie.
Ultimately Dany is probably the wildcard who will decide Jamie's fate.

>Dany gives Jamie the option to kneel and serve the daughter of the man he killed
>He refuses, tense moment where it seems like she'll have her dragon burn him alive
>Dany shrugs and says whatever
>Sam REEE's internally

You think the dialogue has been silly already?
The Dabids get the main writing credit from episode 3 onwards and they direct the final one. We haven't even scratched the surface yet

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chinese warriors werent in england

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Wait so......................................... was viserys not a real targ? Why COULDNT he handle the golden crown?

>The gang joins Euron Greyjoy's crew

>Long time no see.
>Long time no see to you as well my old friend.
>Remember when I pushed you out of the window?
>Yes. You were so beautiful that night when you had sex with your sister.
>*close up of Jaime's face*

and then everyone laughed and clapped

Ah, I see you like the drawings, user.

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>and it shows in his sucesses.
>his sucesses.

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based and dragonglass pilled

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Kill yourself shill

actually based

"Littlefinger, I thought you were dead!"

>You can call me Middle Finger, Sansha

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In the books hes a fatass, but still dumb.

Quite this. One of the reasons why Stannis is the best king, is because he has the best daughter. I mean, seriously, is there any female character other then her in the show, that isn't a complete cunt by now? Might also be, because I liked pic related, but thats on me I guess.

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>"Archmaester, have you ever noticed that one ethnic group commits a disproportionately high amount of murder?"

At this point, I'd be happy if the series ends with the last character standing ripping his face off and revealing himself to be Jaqen, while blinking into the camera. This is how bad it's gotten.

He's coming back bros
he's coming back, I can feel it
he managed to get away I just know it

jon's sister, his real sister not arya, frog girl.

more realistic desu, Spartans were high test

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Whoa, I didn't know Gurrm was secretly Raiden.

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proof euron is the least reddit character

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Alright guys seriously, when do you think winds of winter is coming out? I've given up on A Dream of Spring, but I want atleast Winds of Winter..

Arthur vs Barristan vs Jaime

He is part Dornish so he didn't get the plot convenient fire immunity

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wow i think he isn't a shit character now

If Arthur has Dawn, he wins. If not, it's a toss-up between him and Barristan.

He is dumb but far more self centered.

reddit is so fucking gay

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>armour looks like it came out of a cheap cosplay shop
>wide open face, crown, and concave design ensures that literally any blow to the head will kill the wearer almost more efficiently than if he were not wearing any helmet at all
>shoulderpads designed with no defensive purpose other than to snap the wearer's neck should he ever fall on his side
>cheap "flower" designs look like they were hacked out of scrap metal and glued on
What were they thinking?
His soldiers that accompany him look just as retarded. Didn't we see Tyrell soldiers in S3 wearing completely different outfits?

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Jesus christ reddit really is the most homosexual website on the entire internet

Aren't meme swords just for show and magic damage against magic creatures?

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As if anyone thought Chadron was leddit in the first place

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>Arya, i can't let ye fight in The Battle For Winterfellâ„¢, by the gods yer me li'l sisteh, you'll die!
>There's only one King who rules over life and death, Jon. And he's number one on my list. *pulls the valyrian steel dagger halfway out the sheath*
>Seven hells...
~Arya disappears into the mass of disorganized soldiers as Jon calls her name~
>*Jon mutters to himself* Stick 'im with the pointeh end, li'l Arya...

anyone else hyped for the epic war?

>that tiny hand

Decent tier
>Ned Stark
>Jon Arryn

Above Average
>Randyl Tarly
>Tywin Lannister
>Tyrion Lannister
>Brynden Tully

Great tier

Shit tier
>Grey worm
>Jon Con

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His armor actually looks really fucking good and fits perfectly with the extravagant aura eminating from the Tyrells.

Let me preface by saying I have a preference for Barry.
With that aside: Arthur Dayne is probably the best swordsman in history, especially given Dawn. Barry in his prime is a very close second. Jaime is very talented and probably the best swordsman alive during AGOT before he loses his hand.

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you forgot the part where you can hear white walkers say "a woman on the battl-AGGGHHHHH"

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> He'll go on trial

Not sure why, he showed up to honor the truce. At most, the characters will act untrusting and cold towards him but that'll be it. Jaime's end will possibly come as a result of Cersei or Euron for betraying the Lannisters.

that one is actually pretty good, in a weird sort of way

Are you clinically retarded?

Barristan is the canon best because of his win-loss record

>you have to go halfway down to get to Jaime
This is who D&D make the show for now, the people for whom the primary takeaway of Game of Thrones is dark fantasy Avengers.

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I got the horses in the back
Horse tack is attached
Hat is matte black
Got the boots that's black to match
Ridin' on a horse, ha
You can whip your Porsche
I been in the valley
You ain't been up off that porch, now

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>Or you can call me Whole Fist if you wish m'Lady, because that's what I'm gonna ram up your cunt all night

>Cat never found out that Ned never broke his vows

>never lost a battle
>constantly undermanned
>had to be backstabbed by northern turncloaks to be stopped

uhm Lannister babs? Hello?

>Not sure why
He pushed Bran out a window, tried to impale Dany with a lance and let's not forget KILLING DANY'S DAD.
Littlefinger got his throat slit for much, MUCH less.

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well at least D&D got excited for shit like the Red Wedding. I'm expecting some shit the normies won't like by the end of the series. but the Jon and Dany fags are definitely getting BTFO

No. Dawn is legit above any other sword. It chips them at every blow.
>Ultimately the Smiling Knight was killed in a clash with the Kingsguard. During the combat, he briefly crossed swords with Jaime Lannister, but the squire held off the Smiling Knight. Ser Arthur Dayne next fought an extended exchange with him until the Smiling Knight's sword broke. Arthur paused the fight and allowed the outlaw to take a fresh sword.

Are there actual leaks or are people just trolling? I don't feel safe browsing until the show is over, but at the same time i want to browse to discuss the show.

>Its another Stannis pleb thinking his loser leader was the greatest thing since the invention of the brothel

Fuck off.

which will it be?

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in that order, yes
if they were all still alive, Jaime as the youngest (cheap shot but still)

Why'd you post the same guy twice?

Feels good being Team Hound.

Stannis got BTFO in Kings Landing so much, he fucked off to the north to fight wildlings top lel.


1. Daario
2. Euron
3. Podrick

>literally the same house

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>Jaime demands a trial by combat
>law says he must fight a man, so no dragons
>all of Dany's forces, except Mormont, are ethnic and can't handle an honest, Westerosi 1v1
>Mormont is no match for Jaime
>Dany forced to either acquit Jaime immediately, let him kill Mormont, or prove herself a lawless tyrant

Tyrion only won because of surprise Lannister+Tyrell reinforcements


we're talking about Robb, Mr. Dyslexic

>above average
>shit tier
retarded order
you’re a retard

the freefolk subreddit that fags for tormund and bobby is based and is literally just /got/ despite your hatred of reddit

>dothraki steppe nigger
>best strategist

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Jorah would definitely win against lefty Jaime

do you have a single fact to back that up?


>thinking he’s actually dead despite the mountain of evidence he isn’t.


>Horselet coward who hides behind stone walls and iron armor
>entitled to an opinion


>Sansa: The champion of house Stark has always been North, Ser. Survive the harsh cold of the north for three days and three nights and all will know of your innocence
>Cut to Jamie's frozen corpse seated in a chair out in the Godwood
>And who...

what proof is there of Arthur? For me it's Barristan > Jaime > Dayne. And I'm a huge Dayne mark.

pretty decent


He lost to Brienne.

The flowers on Mace's armor looks like the shit you'd find on cheap lawn ornaments

better plate armor than plot armor

Why does it feel like funding for GoT got smaller after each season? You would assume it would become more and that they would have more manpowers for set design

Can I please have a damn ending where the dead win and everyone is ultimately, irreparably fucked? Yeah, let them struggle a little but get steamrolled royally.
Pretty please? The only consolation I can get now is all the surviving retards faces being contorted into a grimace of horror. Just finish it as grimly as possible.

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doesn't count he was handcuffed and starving

That wasn't when he was lefty, he had a hand then. Also he was emaciated and weakened after being a PoW but still gave her a hard fight.

ill post it again
>Jamie, Bronn, Sandor, and Arya go south to kings landing to assassinate Cersei
>Jamie goes because Cersei can trust him
>Bronn goes because Jamie's going
>Arya goes because shes ten times more useful as an assassin then a soldier
>Hound goes because hes got a hard on for killing his brother
>Few episodes later
>Jamie and co are killing their way through the red keep
>Clegane bowl happens
>The Hound kills gregor in the map room but has fatal injuries
>Arya finds him there, they have an emotional moment together, she gives him the "gift of mercy" and kills him. A call back to when she left him in the riverlands to die
>Throne room
>Jamie, Cersei, and Qyburn
>Cersei explaining her motives to jamie
>Jamie has a flash back to him killing Aerys
>Shows the full Kingslaying scene
>Jamie realizes what Cersei is
>Grabs sword and kills Qyburn
>Goes up to a pleading Cersei and stabs her through her stomach and his unborn child
>Soft piano version of "The rains of Castamere" plays as the camera pans over a:
>Dead Gregor
>Dead Sandor
>Dead Qyburn
>Dead Cersei
>Camera rises from the ground to show a weeping Jamie Lannister sitting on the iron throne
>Camera cuts to black then the credits
end of episode 5
pure kino

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Like what though

>It was stated in some of the reports that I am working with two of the four writers. That's not quite right. I've actually been working with all four of the writers. Every one of the four has visited me here in Santa Fe, some of them more than once, and we've spent days together discussing their ideas, the history of Westeros and the world beyond, and sundry details found only in The World of Ice & Fire and The Lands of Ice & Fire... when we weren't drinking margaritas and eating chile rellenos and visiting Meow Wolf.

That fat bastard is mocking us to our face.

And I'm not reading your novel again


watching this again, she is such a major cunt. no way she will be the hero at the end if D&D have half a clue

He's got little fingers

That looks like one of those helmets that the good lego knights wear.

Fight on horseback fucker, see what happens.

What's the furthest east they've been on the show? Qarth?

Brienne has not a beat a single person of renown that wasn't crippled in some way.
Lol. Starving, lost, handcuffed. I think she still almost lost.
Same shit. Not to mention he had just taken a shit.
Didn't even fight her and she probably still didn't kill him.

Robert and ned aren't really that great. Despite having a huge advantage, Jon con and Tarly were a able press them and almost win twice.

*wears armour on horseback*

for me? its brandon stark

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>tfw too inteligent for character development

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Armor budget ran out

Name one (1) character D&D hasn’t ruined

>being a pedo when God Jaime exists


you sick fucks need to die already, this shit was before Baneposting you faggo

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Tarly had an advantage during that first battle, and it was indecisive as fuck.

Jon Con is a spineless retard, he should not lead men to battle.

pls stop

>if D&D have half a clue

Sandor Clegane?

Ned Stark

Jorah has fought Iron babbies, Dothraki, multiple sellsword companies, fighting pits champions and the dead. And most of them had two hands.

Also, Jorah actually defeated Jaime in a tournament to ask for his Hightower thot waifu's hand in marriage.

Can i get a quick rundown on these two?

idk she's been portrayed pretty badly. I know everyone here thinks the "they eat whatever they want" line was some yaaas slaaaaay line but she is actually being set up as a villain if you pay attention to the tone of the scenes



the ones who died before they got to real oc hours

The least reddit character wouldn't be on that list, morans



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Well there user, if you asked for my based AND Redpilled opinion, it would be Lord parmount of the Riverlands Edmure of House Tully, son of Hoster.

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She's been a villain ever since she stood by and watched her brother die.

She beat Loras

Azor political intrigue

aint he supposed to look retarded

>beating a fag
I'm not impressed.



Out and about right now or I’d explain it myself.

based but bluepilled

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nice bait

>I've never been in a sword fight in my life but I can out-duel one of the greatest swordsmen in the realm using a sword that would snap the first time I try to block

alright you got me on the second part, totally blanked on that. However, Jorah did have a Valyrian sword did he not?

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jaime two hand jaime > arthus > barristan > one hand jaime

If Petyr was actually alive and the real Azor Ahai, I'll buy 50 copies of GRRM's next book.
Petyr's my favourite character, actually knows how to get things done, isn't some cockless faggot who relies on a child, and even goes toe-to-toe with a northman for his love even when he's outmatched.

The last time they showed the usefullness of Armor

It was a joust. They don't use swords for those.

Jaime charisma mogged everyone in this episode with about 5 seconds of screentime

Good luck trying to outrange my lance lmao

I agree, but Ned and Robert had most of the realm up against the crown lands and Dorne

>not knowing fags are far better fighters
>that one time 300 fags BTFO the mighty Spartans

how tf did he die from this cut?

Winterfell is bretty small anons

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reminder this is the actor they cast for fat old Harry Strickland.....sure could have played Aegon in another life.

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Brienne is B tier at best.
Greatest swordsmen in the realm, lmao.

Arya is shit in the book as well

Are you kidding, if that was real it'd be one of the largest castles in the world

>good luck trying to outrange my bow you kaffir

I will rape you daughters and take them for slaves when I get to your stone house.

Why are you using his first name like that?

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a joust is on horseback, meaning it's irrelevant to who the better swordsman is!

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Do any of the boomer characters drink Monster Energy on the show? They really need to start doing heavy product placement to close out the series on a high note

People don't realise it, but this user is actaully Snoop Doggy Dogg

l-like what?

A single tree takes up a huge amount of space. It's not that big

Constantinople had way thicker and longer walls, better towers and trenches, and more layers of fortifications by a long shot.

If you could change one thing about the show what would you do? I'd make the new episodes good instead of bad myself.

It was Norf, Vale, Stormlands and Riverlands against Crownlands, Reach and Dorne.

The Lannisters only joined when the war was already over.

for me it’s sahara knite

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turn dany into a villain, kill off arya.

both those things are gonna happen

I'd cast my husband.

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tell me more about the thick walls of Constaninople?

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I would nerf Bran a bit. He is literally all-seeing at this point and I think it takes a little bit away from the drama when Bran already knows what has happened and what will happen, so we're basically gonna win because Bran is pretty calm about everything

What if you, like just hear me out haha, what if you lived in the Game of Thrones universe and had some Ironborn or Dothraki burst into your house and rape your wife and daughters? Like wouldn't that be so crazy? Just like man... hah that would be so scary

when did the show start going downhill? for me it was after season 4

I would have killed Arya in season 6.

how the fuck is that small? do you guys realize how big that is? reading the books has raised your expectations to crazy

>Constantinople, one of the largest cities of late antiquity was bigger than a castle from the middle ages

This is like the second time this shit has come up in these threads, do ameridumbs not realise the difference between a city meant to house hundreds of thousands of people and a castle which is essentially a fortified village

I'd change Euron's plot to have him coasting around the remains of Westeros, showing us all the capitals.

The baby being born is vyserys right and what exactly happens who caused fire

This. Manpower was way more with the Targ side, although the North probably has the best average soldier, just because of the hardship and constant danger from the wildling gypsies and wild tribes the men endured up there.

god i wish

I don't have a wife but I'd let Yara rape her.
Any Dothraki come near and I'll rape them. I won't even enjoy it, it would just be to teach them a lesson.

Arya being dead since season 6 is going to be the last twist

Arya can't die, she literally got fucking gutted and thrown into dirty water and was fine


>that super massive castle fortress overlooking the huge town that isn’t shown is small

Are you having duck fantasies about Dothraki?

Do guys think GRRM lurks in these threads?

this, (((Faceless Men))) will be the major twist of the whole series, most likely involving CIA

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i would jerk off in a corner and lick the cum out of their freshly-filled pussies afterwards

Comparing a capital city of an empire to a regional capital town

Retard compare that shit to kings landing if you don’t want to look stupid


How is that path clear? Did they use salt back then? Plows? This makes no sense, DROPPED

Fucking glow in the dark baelish niggers

Doubt it, he's probably fucking a prostitute on the vestiges of his newest book as we speak.

Constantinople is basically King's Landing, GRRM said so.

This would be a comfy spin off series if he makes it. He can get into wacky adventures with laugh tracks and antics, also a catchphrase

Not that irrelevant since nearly everyone involved in powerlevel arguments like Barristan, Arthur, Bobby, Rhaegar, Jaime, Loras, the Hound and the Mountain used to fight in those jousts and win them.

But the point is that Jorah isn't a garbage fighter while lefty Jaime can't fight for shit.

A finger in the BUM!

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well he also has some wacky adventure with 96 ships from Slaver's Bay

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it sucks. There is nothing more to say


the beauty

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well actually you let me off easy, since righty Jaime doesn't have any solid proof of being that great

everyone who is currently 25+ had it you retard. A lot of zoomers had a handmedown one as well. What a cunt you are.

Nah, he's a jewish fatfuck rettitard. He wouldn't be able to do an AMA here and that alone should be a good deterrent.

So the thrones prequel is sure to be ruined by feminism, right?

>Dany and jaimie smurf each other by both naming Jon as their champion simultaneously
>Jon forced to fight himself, as is the law.
>Jon spends a few minutes chopping at himself with his sword.
>Finally collapses and dies, Tyrion declared guilty of all charges.

the beast

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I want the real Euron

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it's going to be shit whether or not its ruined by feminism becauase its going to be led SOLELY by D&D

It's going to be Dorne except that's just the entire series, just the dorne plotline

>Maisie isn't a catc...

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Where's catelyn and Robb corpses well I mean Robb because he wasn't brought back like the other zombie hoe and what happened to bryndens body?

And where the fuck is Edmure.
And what the fuck is going on in dorne??.

And the reach?

Now that the tarly name is gone.

herd the summer islander cattle!

I have a Castle around my Corner that is as big as Winterfell

I just wanted greasy Aeron fucking about and drinking seawater and the chad retard Victarion
Greyjoys got cucked so bad by the dabids

The main cast's contracts ran out after a few seasons, they negotiated new ones with higher pay, and the budget tightened despite explosive ratings. It happens with every popular show. They may have been able to replace Myrcella and The Mountain without anyone caring too much, but you can't just go and replace Jon or Cersei, they have the network by the balls.

why make it bad when you can just tell people it was good afterwards?

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kikes, don't understand GRRM's vision, going to get a free ride in Hollywood for the rest of their life b/c
>Well we put curtains in the house so in a way WE BUILT THE ENTIRE HOUSE AND DESERVE CREDIT FOR FUCKING NOTHING
They got to just cherrypick great moments in a well made book for nearly a decade, good think the well has run dry and their incompetence is in full view.

There's a lot more discussion a day or two after each episode, but mid week /got/ is just pure autism
Probably why these threads are banned between seasons

Anyway the show sucks, there's not much to say now. I only come here because it's cathartic having a load of other people who also hate the show as mcuh as I do

>This would be a comfy spin off series
unironically, I feel like they should do a spin off of some sort with the fallout though I can't see it actually being good. I can definitely see it being extremely profitable though, would make sense business wise.

Is fuck maisie raw. What a beauty.

That shit castle doesnt even has a moat

Won't even bother checking out Yea Forums for that garbage, no matter who makes and who writes it.
But then again I'm unironically a normalfag-tier retard who just wants spoopy ice zombies to permanently fuck everyone over. Basically I'm only watching s8 to see if that happens or not.

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>we get banned between seasons
>Alita general is still up
It's not fucking fair bros

it was one of the largest cities of the dark and middle ages, carrying on the Roman empire while western europe were living in mud huts and dying at 30

>$500k an episode for all major characters

Why does anyone, including the actors, think this is reasonable?

D&D are done with GoT

The first spinoff is made by someone named Jane Goldman and the next one is made by Cogman

that worked for the season 8 premiere most places except Yea Forums so I see your point

D&D are retarded for not planning ahead then.

GRRM is a far-left Anti-Trump psychopath. Benioff's 25th Hour is way more right leaning than George's shit. The Spike Lee movie using his screenplay is pretty damn great.

Who else thinks bran is the night king? After the night king recast it was plain as day, they look so fucking similar.

I don't think season 8 was bad, it was just kinda fillery.
Plus it was funny to see Sam hate Dany.

Because I mean just look at the GoT fanbase and all the retards who watch GoT in bars, it worked. It IS reasonable. All they need is star power and quips to make a highly popular show. They don't care if incels on a malaysian sewing forum care if its a good show or not.


>Who else thinks bran is the night king?
no not really, just seems like it would create plot gaps that wouldn't really make sense and I'd imagine will remain unexplained. Like wtf was all that time with Jojen then?

I don't understand Darkstar meme

>I don't think season 8 was bad
he said just after one episode being shown

I meant the premier :

Night king will win

> :

Anybody else got the feeling that many moments of the first Episode were made just for the Morons at Burlington Bar ?
I already could hear their retarded clapping and laughing at various scenes.

He'd fucking better.

i dont think you understand how hard it is to actually build castles or all stone buildings. how many people and how much time it takes to quarry the stone move it shape it and place it.


Found the Weeb

It would only make sense if it was something like bran warming back to try and stop the creation of the white walkers, and then getting trapped into the mans body who gets turned into the white king after staying too long.

It would explain why the night king let Jon snow go.

That's it, you're getting it. Raw and until you bleed to death.

Gurm unironically put an anime character in AFFC


I agree. It's not nearly enough.


Actors will typically refuse to sign for more than 3 or 4 seasons because they don't want to swear a decade of their lives to something they might not end up wanting to be on anymore, or doesn't give them their fair dues without them having enough bargaining power. I think networks will also sometimes not want to contract actors for any longer than that either in case they end up having to do a buyout if they cancel the or themselves try to replace the actor in breach of ocntract or whatever, but I'm not sure about that.

NO I don't think YOU understand that it wouldn't matter! Several of the locations on this show are memes and would be impossible to build.

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something like that could work yeah

He'll have to do sum finna suicide squad mission as penance.
They won't kill him because his crimes are the ideal example of "look this isn't political, it's a united front".
Also Bran doesn't give a fuck anymore and Dany has an incentive to be seen to pardon Lannisters who work with her, since the Tarly thing didn't really pay off.

Like the Arryn castle. I mean really how the fuck did that ever get built


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The dream ending of the show:
>War is going poorly
>Jamie and Tyrion ride to kings landing to beg Cersei for assistance one more time
>The Hound tags along to get closure with his brother before the continent gets fucked
>They arrive and Cersei refuses again, she would rather die a queen than help them win and be usurped
>She orders Bronn to snipe them but he refuses
>Big fight breaks out
>Cersei picks up the crossbow and kills Tyrion
>Jamie becomes enraged and stabs Cersei
>Pulls out a flaming sword
>Full functionality of his right hand is restored due to magic bullshit
>Starts mogging the rest of the knights
>They escape the keep but are stopped by the golden company
>Bronn convinces them that their contract is now with Jamie since he is the last Lannister left
>They all arrive back at Winterfell
>One last push to defeat the white walkers
>They manage to carve a path to the night king
>Jon wants to be the one to finish it
>Jamie convinces Jon to let him do it as atonement for what he did to Bran and Ned
>Jamie has a long duel with the night king
>he is victorious and the White walkers turn to dust
>The war is over and Dany catches wind of Jon's true claim and everyone turning on her behind the scenes
>She orders all the traitors to be killed(Sam, Varys, most of the northern lords that refuse to accept her)
>Jon convinces her to spare everyone else and only execute him, as the true claim to the throne will revert to her with his death
>She accepts and orders Drogon to burn him
>Drogon hesistates
>She orders him again, clearly furious at this point
>Drogon complies and burns Jon
>He walks away from the flames unscathed
>Drogon flies away from Dany and chooses Jon as his new master
>Dany is fully insane at this point
>She grabs a knife and charges Jon
>Arya gives her the anime treatment
>Jon begrudgingly accepts the throne
>Jamie returns to being lord commander of the kings guard
>Everyone gets assorted happy/bittersweet endings