If Spock is so logical

How come he doesn't know that taxation is theft
and compulsory government is wrong.

Attached: 6i4t6fep8r12ucqfbpxrmdes3.jpg (652x408, 45K)

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Morality is illogical.
Plus taxes pay for your internet infrastructure, faggot.

Spock renders to Caesar what is Caesar's, and doesn't waste time on trivial concerns.

Vulcans have a monarchy, logic is just a mistranslation of "my queen's will."

Logical in the Stat Trek universe = being brainwashed by socialist/leftist dogma

Possession is an egoist concept, so are personal rights, and Spock stands above emotions such as these

How would our society go if taxation and compulsory gouvernment system was banned?


No, property is just a logical way to determine who is the prioritary user.

If I wanted to use your car at the same time you are driving it too, we couldn't both use the same car at the same time. So thus as you being the owner, you can always have your property readily available whenever you want to use it.

based Spock

Happy Good Friday to all my Christian friends!

Attached: Jesus-on-the-cross-1.jpg (952x1151, 196K)

Do Vulcans believe in eugenics? Do they have arranged marriages? Do they ban homosexuality on the grounds it is illogical?

I will simply use a different car, no car is possession, I can just use any one standing around. The amount of cars in this world line up more than accurately for everyone to have a car of their own in any given situation, even ones like this
That of course would only happen in a logical world

In Star Trek replicators made money irrelevant except for latinum.

such a scenario wouldnt happen on volcan because decisions are logically made to make the most sense in the greater picture, we would simply discuss which one of us driving would lead to the more significantly positive outcome for volcan society
A volcan always makes a sacrifice if the outcome is logical, even if he personally suffers.
Humans would call that hive or soulless but that is exactly why theyll never have peace

logiclets btfo

He lives in a post scarcity society

Uh, no.

If you buy some product or some service voluntary. It means you value more the service or product than the money you have in your pocket.

If one service has to be forced through violence, then it means people don't really want it. Because if they wanted it, they would buy it voluntary.

How logical can be that it will be better if some part of population don't really work, but instead they will just use violence to steal resources from others? Seems more logical to have everybody really work and trade voluntary their services.

If they don't have scarcity. Then explain why their ships aren't 1km wide with 10 hyperspace engines.

There would be no reason to be economical.

first problem. In a society where everything is regulated logically there wont be any need for buying or money. Only crucial jobs would be done and for the sole reason to keep society going, everyone does their part so they dont have to live in a world full of shit, every position is just as valuable as the next and if any one failed it would be the doom for the system. So the car scenario would not even happen.
In a perfect working society youd need no such thing as voluntary pursuing any service because theres only crucial service and a logical brain would only do what is absolutely crucial for the system, and since the system cannot do without the individuals they'll all be rewarded equally with the most crucial food and resources to live, that way you won't have a reason to steal and fight, since without emotions there won't be a motivation to fight over equal resources.
If the resources somehow become less, the system and its partakers would discuss a reformation and who would not be crucial for said reform

>with 10 hyperspace engines.

>compulsory government
In the ST universe, can't you just go and find some rock and rule yourself? Like some of the colonists shown in TNG (before the feds and Cardassians did a deal and screwed them over).

Oh, christ, the retards and autists on this fucking site.

Asshole, Spock is a character from a fictional universe THAT DOESN'T HAVE FUCKING MONEY.

If you're gonna bait, use bait THAT FUCKING MAKES SENSE.

You fucking autist.

t. actual bee, this guy gets it

we will never achieve this however.
it goes against our instincts

There's no taxes in Star Trek though so it's a non-issue for him.

That only helps if it makes you go faster.

The writers were leftists

OP, because he likes having clean water and roads to drive on. Ayn Rand also collected social security. So eat shit Libertarian freeloading asswipe scumbag fuckface!!!FACT!!!


Attached: corporatism kek.jpg (740x493, 49K)

The absolute state of right-libertarianism


If you actually manage to show that the proper definition of a tax means that it's theft, then all you've managed to show is that stealing is okay under certain conditions (e.g. someone is starving and could be saved by being given some of your spare change).

If you actually manage to show that human embryos and fetuses are babies, then all you've managed to show is that killing babies is okay under certain conditions (e.g. you're a woman and it's using your body as a house).

You spend so much time doing semantics and it amounts to almost nothing.


Basically, "I want the benefits of living in our society but don't' want to pay for it".

Fuck off to Somalia and see how you like it, fucking morons!!!FACT!!!

He does know that, his logic dictates to him that humans are so far below him they deserve such injustices to be called upon them as they are ultimately the cause of their own suffering

>Fuck off to Somalia and see how you like it

Yes, because Somalia has a good track record for caring about liberty and individual property rights. Idiot.

>Yes, because Somalia has a good track record for caring about liberty and individual property rights. Idiot.

Somalia is a libertarian paradise. No taxes. No government interference. Oh and who protects your "individual property rights"? That's right, the government you hate soo much and they use taxes to protect those rights you take for granted. Fucking simpleton. Just admit you're a fucking stupid greedy child who wants everything your own way and don't want to pay for any of it. Furthermore, who protects your liberty? The government and law enforcement who you don't want to contribute to yet still want their protection. Freeloading cockroach!!!FACT!!!