Why isnt Yea Forums represented here?

Why isnt Yea Forums represented here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because it ain't a hugbox board. Name one tv tripfag.

just dropping by to say fuck you

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Back then no one liked or knew about Yea Forums
look at these site wide things and you'll see that Yea Forums is missing from the majority of them

the !!!FACT!!! guy


Yea Forums had their own meetup.

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dumb newfag scum


why are /i/ and /x/ so hot?

Why didn't I get invited?

Who is /cgl/


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I remember Krager because I hate that kike-loving faggot.

/x/ looks like boxxy
>mfw probably less than half the people on Yea Forums today would even recognize her

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>Yea Forums

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Couldn't get across the border

Does Quentin count?

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Why yes Yea Forums is my main board how did you know?

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i've always wanted to know the backstory to this

Middle age + lifelong incel + desperation

Where is /biz/?

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theres a big difference between buying a sex doll and bringing your sex doll to some sex doll meet up

I don't see a single good board there

>I'm sure you are wondering why I've brought you all here today

I’d heem each and every one of you trannies

because no one likes Yea Forums

Why didn't Yea Forums come out/?

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I am claiming /toy/ right now, I dont care who posted before me or who any of you fags is gonna @ me. I will fuck you up you fucking fags.


pretty sure that's "don't worry he knows," lad

>he doesn't know about /toy/

>/fit/ is a DYEL chink
Checks out.

Is this a man or a woman?

is / toy / a guy. no

Holy shit I want to impregnate /x/ right now

I was hoping you could tell us.


I hope its a man, they are sexy af

Should I worry about /toy/? Or does she know who she looks like

here you go

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Because the users here are based and redpilled (aside from discord trannies) so we scare off the attention whores and basedboys that go to these things.



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Imagine getting prepped by this cuckold

Seriously try imagining it

I wish I had saved the post of a construction or carpentry guy who posted the math based on how far he appears to be standing from the door and the average measurements on a door frame and concluded that there's no way that dude's an inch over 5'7"

This is supposed to be making fun of how everyone on /fit/ looks bad right?

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imagine posting this on a friday night

lmao how sexually frustrated are you lad?

extraordinarily based


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blade runner is the post modern bullshit movie fuck me i forgot his fucking name but his fucking tripcode takes up the entirety of the god damn reply

I'm at work. I work as an RN in the operating room 3 days a week from 7am-7pm but I'm covering for my co-worker who works nights because she's sick and right now there's no surgeries going on so I'm just sitting in the break room watching TV and shit posting on my phone.

How many of the """females""" were born female?

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why are there so big differences in the quality of the dolls, i mean are some of the guys even trying? and why are there so many dolls, 7 dolls and just 4 guys. do some guys have like a harem of dolls that they travel with?

Who wins?

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The picture is like 10 years old at this point. All girls back then were real girls.

>male nurse
>covering a woman's shift on a weekend
these are the kind of "people" that post

Me on the bottom right


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What's wrong with being a male nurse? I'm getting paid 35 an hour right out of school and I've only been working for 8 months, and I only work 3 days a week. And of course I'll cover for my sick co-worker if some nigger gets shot tonight somebody has to be there for the surgery!

everytime I see this picture, I like to imagine that the woman with the dog was just some passer-by in the park who felt bad for the group and decided to participate in their Reddit meetup (despite not even knowing what Reddit is)

It is, it's the fatty in the back with the V is for Vendetta mask.

I wish I was like you, Obese girls are the only ones who will talk to me.

Anyone who wasn't there.

>fuck niggers
>fuck women
>sure stacy, i'll cover your shift to take care of this nigger

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Is that Ashley Tisdale?

that /d/ chick is absolutely gorgeous

I refuse to believe that there's this many women on Yea Forums at any given time

Which one? Is she the thicc one with the horns?

>Taking shitposts and memes seriously
Loosen up and have fun, don't take everything so seriously!


Yea Forums used to be majority girls.

Yea Forums should have a get together like this.

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>get called out
>"i was only pretending to be retarded"

yeah with the green hair. there is way more pics to that set. /d/ is so thick. the outdoor pics show her better.

top kek

pls share

Krager is a shared trip for shitposting

>I'm putting a team together

I'm saving that picture this time, it does wonders for my self esteem

gonna second this, i need the full set my man

I know for a fact there are at least like 10 of you fuckers in Milwaukee, and inevitably boatloads more in Chicago.

because those boards are unironicaly the reddit/tumblr go to boards

>"Call-out" shitposters and memers
>They respond they were shitposting and memeing every time
Really makes you think. Learn to have fun senpai

There is always one normal looking woman in every one of these freakshow pictures. I always wonder how they got there, or why they stay?

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anyone in Wilmington NC? we can sperg out on the beach

>being the hottest shit in the whole family
Like you wouldn't stay in that situation, user.

creepythinman from aintitcool.

Me in the pink long sleeved shirt

Too lazy to find them all

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Literally every single meetup are travesties. No. You have to be new to even entertain the idea. Even when r*ddit, the normalfag central, has meetups they turn out like pic related. The only people who actually go to them are the ones who shouldn't be on the site in the first place.

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/his/ boys out cheaaa

for me its /e/

he wants to be the little girl
Boxxy still bestgirl, I don't regret orbiting her on Yea Forums all those years ago

>Literally every single meetup are travesties
I fucked up

They're all in jail for child molestation

>not /fa/
>not /fit/

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190cm master race
Creepy thinman

probably 14 counting RLM

wtf was boxxy forgoten?

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I want to go to a Yea Forums meet up but am also afraid people will post my picture and make fun of my deformed face

>the fattest also has the nigger daughter

I mean, you weren't wrong the first time

it's a short-sleeved shirt

The Castizo future/mutt supremacy fag might as well be a tripfag with how indistinguishable all his posts are. Seriously, that guy always seems active on this board no matter the time of day.

We wouldn't make fun of you fren.

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Somehow worse than what I pictured reddit users to look like

I don't remember his name. Never will. But he does make occasionally based posts.

I never cared for her. She was so fucking annoying.


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Only thing good in Wilmington is the copper penny

>even the dog is fat

This seems like an appropriate thread for reminiscing and off-topic meta.

I really wish we could have more threads about CWC. The only proper place would be Yea Forums but that's a shithole. I just want to talk about the old sagas again. His entire life is such an incredible story. Maybe the anticipated biopic or (authentic) documentary will be made one day.

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It took me way too long to realize that the middle left girl was fake

Reddit isn't normal

how does someone's life get to the point where they don't give a single fuck anymore, and don't die from the shame / embarrassment of parading around this weird stuffed fuck toy that you carry around with you and meet with other guys who also create their own stuffed fuck toy thing?

Mental illness, unironically. Like when you think some guy is punching way above his weight until you realize she's a fucking psycho

CWC is still an ongoing story amazingly. Think it will somehow reach a new low once his mom passes.

Me in the back

there's a youtube documentary with 13 eps and more to come
it's seriously depressing to watch but also kino

Most people in this thread are on that path user. Maybe not that specific one but similarly pathetic.


I wish there was a non shit board to discuss CWC so I could keep up with it. I feel like so much good shit has happened since I was last following it (Like I missed all the tranny stuff)

>sharing a doll


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>Yea Forums reporting

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>not "genericwhitemale"
apply yourself

I'm sympathetic to everyone involved rather than some of the more hateful followers, so I feel guilty saying this but I'm kind of looking forward to new developments. Besides, his mother seems completely insane now (of course she was earlier but nothing like how she appears in the recent vids) so maybe it wouldn't even necessarily be tragic.

Yeah I've seen it, I hope he continues soon.

I feel the same way.



Based Yea Forumsros are the ultimate chads.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers that pedo scumbag.

I really doubt it

Krager. I genuinely don't know if he still posts

that dyel

Maybe things have changed. I know I'm at the risk of completely losing it, but I've been here 10 years.

>I le remember boxxy i am such le oldfig!!!
hello 2010 tourist

what happened to annatap?
were they a gay crossdresser?

We were going to have an authentic documentary this year but the director let the kiwifags push him around. No one owns Chris, but they act like they do. Anyway, here's the trailer on the cancelled KS. We could've seen an interview with Megan, and possibly a reunion with her and Chris.

Thanks user, I laughed. Don't worry, I still feel like a newfag.

Holy fucking shit that would have been amazing, I'm sorry to hear it didn't get funded.

>you will never have secret chat sessions with annatap again

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Maybe it's because he isn't fat? Which I know doesn't equal fit.

/fa/ Sydney last week wasn't bad

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Haven't really kept up with it, last I heard he showed her on a video really fast to prove she wasn't dead. Was interesting back in the day seeing what crazy shit would happen next. Only other thing that came close was dragonlord aka the German chris chan

Old Boy is the greatest movie because it has Thanos and Scarlet Witch having sex.

/fa/ doesn't count, they all a bunch of fags anyway

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I completely fucking regret what we did to GoGaia that inevitably caused Boxy to come to Yea Forums from a counter raid.

they're probably all /pol/ now



is that big tits venti over there with the blue hat on

Now imagine the roleplay these guys go through while pretending their doll is crippled and explains why she can't move and you have to do everything for her.

how do you know that was the user who you originally responded to?

That one on the right is really fucking ugly, who would buy that?

Quentin wasn't Yea Forums you cock spangler.

>tfw /x/ has the best boardtan
It never really recovered after 2012.

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3/4 I'm half right

Don't do it. It will happen. Just look at the /fa/ meeting.

Creepy Thin Man was born on AICN, you have no claim to fame

I would definitely make fun of you, daily, or at least every time the ban was lifted

What is fashionable about these people? I never understand /fa/. They just wear regular shit and pretend it's haute couture.

>/k/ doesnt have a real gun
>/d/ isnt there tied up in bondage while having their face and vagina positions swapped
>Yea Forums isn't just a trap getting railed by black dudes
>/diy/ is a woman

Yea Forums, /cgl/ and Yea Forums are spot on, especially those socks and sandles

I can't remember the last time I saw Costanza

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There's a documentary on all this that explains it all. But to answer your questions ... Real Dolls (the plastic "realistic" ones) were still new at this time and are rather expensive like 5-9k. While the clothe dolls are cheaper $200-300 and some guys often make their own. A lot of the guys own multiple dolls and variations like the clothe and latex ones. The ones you see are their "wives" or main lovers, but yeah a number of these guys have doll harems. often the clothe ones are the ones you sleep with aka a full body pillow/stuffed animal. One of the guys has so many dolls and different types if he ran out of places to store them so after the doll room was filled he started just putting them where ever he could find a place like closets, the garage, etc.

This is the documentary ... Btw, Davecat is an user.
Best part of this is the guy who repairs these dolls admitted to fucking some of his clients dolls.

Ah yes, one of the general fags that ruined the once great trek threads on Yea Forums.
Burn in fucking hell.

No doubt in my mind that the guy in the middle is God.

thats Yea Forums

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Fuck should have just linked to 8:25, this is how a number of them feel. While some fall in love with one and stick to her.

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I laughed, the imagery is perfect
>go to heaven
>see the omnipotent burly feller in black round glasses
>in a russian accent says: "Greetings my friend"

Enjoy it at least once. No man should go through life without man-handling a large woman. It's fun as fuck dude. It's like wrestling with a living bean bag chair that you can fuck and will suck your dick like she was extracting the creme filling from a twinkie without ever taking a bite.

I've never thought about it before but because it's the medical field do you get overtime? I know that sounds stupid but not all jobs offer overtime.

>these girls are now forcing SJW/feminist trash on 4channel and calling everyone incel
Allowing girls in here was a mistake

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I'd go. But I'm in NM. So, maybe some medical marijuana and exploring Carl's Bad?

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normal people find you incels repulsive/hideous

Wait. Wtf ... do you have anymore of DIY? She looks remarkably close to someone I know.

lol that faggot is annoying

>Yea Forums meet up
The only shitlords who would attend are the attention whores everyone despises.
Or you could end up like /k/ which is smaller board but end up eating cookies that someone blew their load in the batter who posts evidence of it acts the meetup.

its mostly discord tranny group and sometimes 4+Yea Forums

do Yea Forums and /his/ have anything to do with their boards?

Anyone that displays action figures, movie/comic/anime memorabilia, statues from anime/movies/comics, etc. are already there. Outside the echo chamber the "real world" does not see these people as any different. But it's hard for these people to understand because OMG EVERYONE IS SEEING THE MOVIES!!! SO IM GONNA BE COOL FOR HAVING A CAP HITTING THANOS TAT!!!

Hell. I've watched people get tats of "pop-culture" bullshit and watched the looks on people's faces in the shop.


Yea Forums couldn't afford the handivan to take them to the hotel.

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i don't think that's actually you

>these fucking assholes who actually pay attention to tripfags
Literally worse than the tripfags themselves

Valleyforge shits up every /trek/ thread

Normal people aren't obsessed with incels or even care about therm.

What did they say? what happened?

Yea Forums meetup from a week or two ago.

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Nobody really cares about them except girls

what kind of person wants to put themselves out there as the face of a board?

/tg/ is spot on

I wish there was tv meetup so I could finally punch you capeshitters and sneeders right in your weak pudgy faces.

Guys dressed as trekkies, or wearing supernatural t shirts, or bowling shirts with see through black socks will be exempt from an ass kicking.

It's as if they don't know why the name section is allowed on an image board intended for anonymous.

Remember, Common Sense Is So Rare It Is A Super Power.

Dude. You understand WE ALL HAVE THE INTERNET ... Right?

That my Spider-Man is black faggot has some terrible opinions and he isn't even trolling.

>working yourself into a shoot reverse image search

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The kind of person who believes this bullshit


I can't believe there are grrrls there

>mfw being so new you think reverse image is needed

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I like how /ck/ made what looks to be burnt muffins.

Are you a Real Doll Chad or a Blow Up Doll Incel?

She hit the wall

Why can’t we ever have a meetup, you guys suck this sounds fun.

It's a redditor doing funny pictures to post on reddit for karma

But I agree

It would probably look like some sort of weird combination of trekkies, (ex) star wars nerds, and middle age soccer moms that sperg about GoT/capeshit on Facebook.

Yerah it sounds fun every time until it happens. Next thing you know you're obliviously wolfing down cum filled brownies.

How about a Yea Forums meetup where we go to a drive-in?

You know there are several people who use multiple connections to post, right? if not. I'll ask. You've seriously never posted or seen posts completely ignored that were relevant to the thread while there is a back patting back n fourth going on instead?

When your club is so shameful you have to meet at an abandoned industrial site

Thank you Yea Forums this has made me feel better about myself. I look WAY better than these clowns.

That said these clowns look WAY better than the reddit meat blobs.

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You don't need mutliple connections to samefag. I don't understand what you mean to say to the other user unless you're conspiring that all of Yea Forums except him/you/me is one other person.

>Thank you Yea Forums this has made me feel better about myself. I look WAY better than these clowns.

You're on a website made by a geek for geeks. Was you expecting the average chantard to look like some cheesy jock stereotype?

Damn, still seething this hard. I give this post minus 5 stars. That'll be $11.99

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I mean I do.

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Based, him and Abatap.