Thor: Ragnarok

I expected this to be bad based on what you guys were saying, then I realised how off you are.

Reminder that the majority, now, of users, is composed of underage edgy teenagers, of autists, and of literal paranoid schizophrenics who constantly project their fears onto film and don't realise.

>black actor: instant /pol/tarded reactions
>gay actor: instant fall of Western civilisation reaction
>any female actor: instant muh Jewish feminism to undermine white males
>zero understanding of anything, no humor, everything is literal
>actual belief that Disney pays people to post here
>actual belief that Disney organised a conspiracy for Captain Marvel

Many of you need treatment; Ragnarok is a good way to know if you need one or not. If you genuinely think it was awful, seek help.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 butthurt janny bans me for "post content is very important to us", you fucking piece of shit

Age of Ultron is a better film.

no one cares about your opinion faggot

what a retarded post

I refuse to believe you are in earnest. Absolute incredulity. Ultron has no redeeming quality.

You cared enough to respond, genius.


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Voiced by the director.

You can't find a more likable side character.

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What redeeming qualities does Ragnarok have??

>jokes autists don't understand

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says the guy who watches capeshit.

>expect epic scale Ragnarok
>and it's quippy shitfest in space
to be honest Dark World was better than this shit

These, non-exhaustive:

>Cate Blanchett being awesome
>Hiddleston Hiddlestoning
>actual fun the likes of which no other capeshit has provided
>Jeff Goldblum as a megalomaniac lunatic
>based Hopkins
>the very clear feeling that everyone making this movie was having fun

It felt like possibly the only Marvel that treated you like an adult who didn't invest emotionally in comic book characters, which is probably why autists and manchildren hate it.

>implying you don't

I watch everything. For perspective, the movie I watched before Ragnarok was Trees Lounge, Steve Buscemi's directorial debut, because I adore Buscemi. Judge me.

>to be honest Dark World was better than this shit
That's another movie I heard crap about and ended up liking. Hiddleston does such a fun job of it, I'd watch him be Loki for hours on end.

Thor 1 was underrated, in my opinion.

>jokes that aren't quips and that autists just don't get
Subtlety was never your forte.

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>sucking off celebrities: the post

No thanks. AoU managed a bearable balance between quips and serious tone, with the benefit of feeling like a heist movie. Paved the way for the Russos with Winter Soldier and Civil War. Based Klaue made his debut and the movie introduced both Wanda and Vision (Visions build-up and intro surpass even Thanos'). It also made Hawkeye useful and interesting.

It's a more competent and well-paced film than Ragnarok.

>reminder that Ragnarok grossed 850 million
Feels great when the audience at large has good taste.

>sucking off celebrities: the post
I enjoy them because they are great actors. They are famous because they are great actors. Nobody will seriously claim that Hopkins, Blanchett, and Goldblum are not great actors.

>AoU managed a bearable balance between quips and serious tone,
It didn't. It was atrocious.

you should only use this board to shitpost
don't actually trust Yea Forums to give you any good opinions regarding movies

Looking for the outliers on Yea Forums. I know they exist.

I already knew Ragnarok pandered to Tumblrinas, thanks for confirming.

Watch it again. As a movie it had a sensible narrative and pace with a balanced script, the only thing "horrible" was people expecting the film to have a tone akin to Black Hawk Down.

>I already knew Ragnarok pandered to Tumblrinas, thanks for confirming.
Self-fulfilling prophecy. You should be above that. (I really have no idea why this particular movie should appeal to Tumblr users, though, feel free to expose your mental illness.)

>Watch it again.
Hard pass. The first time was painful enough. I don't know how anyone can withstand Whedon's awful, awful writing. It's just so horribly done, so incompetent. Ultron is probably the worst Marvel I can think of. Only DC beats it in terms of bad, with Justice League, but it's not far from it.

It appeals to Tumblrinas because of muh Jeff Goldblum and muh female power fantasy characters, as well as the movie being coloured like a gay pride parade.

You cannot criticise Whedon's writing and then turn around and praise the vapid quipfest that is Rag. Rewatch Ultron or eat shit you hypocrite.

>then I realised how off you are.

Are you one of those who watches the movie and turns off the brain?
The story is about the extinction of the Asgardians and the director and Kevin Feige resolved to make a comedy
For those who are fanatic about Thor, this is the worst movie in the trilogy.

One of the few good parts of the movie.

I'm pretty liberal and chill, and I still thought this flick was pretty mediocre/almost bad. I just felt like subpar comedy improv in front of blatant green screens, the action was the opposite of immersive and just all around I found it rather boring.

>It appeals to Tumblrinas because of muh Jeff Goldblum
I've loved Goldblum since long before Tumblr was a thing. Are you suggesting one can't love Jeff for any other reason than Tumblr? How does that even make any sense?

>muh female power fantasy characters
Are you under the impression that any female character who isn't a slave or a submissive doormat is automatically a "power fantasy"? But male characters with literal super powers are just super heroes? You have issues.

>as well as the movie being coloured like a gay pride parade.
Maybe I'm not as familiar as you are about what homos do, but Sakaar made perfect sense being designed the way it was, after its creator, exuberant and in bad taste; Thor himself comments on it. It's like you don't understand the movie.

>You cannot criticise Whedon's writing
I certainly can.

>then turn around and praise the vapid quipfest that is Rag.
You don't understand the nature of quips if you think Rag had the usual Marvel amount of quips. Quips aren't jokes, jokes aren't quips, and I honestly think the humor in Rag is so outside of the box that the average Marvel-fan will not get it.

I have no need of rewatching Ultron. I saw it a few months ago, and it was horrible. I enjoyed nothing at all in it, not even my boy Downey could save it.

>Are you one of those who watches the movie and turns off the brain?
No, but if your brain is on, you realise on what level you're supposed to experience the movie.

>The story is about the extinction of the Asgardians and the director and Kevin Feige resolved to make a comedy
Not taking itself so seriously doesn't make it a comedy. It only made it fun. I honestly don't give a shit about muh epic tragic story: it's capeshit based on comic book characters for kids. That's why I enjoyed the tone more and felt like this one treated the viewer as an actual adult and nobody was pretending to be 12 past 35.

>I'm pretty liberal and chill, and I still thought this flick was pretty mediocre/almost bad. I just felt like subpar comedy improv in front of blatant green screens, the action was the opposite of immersive and just all around I found it rather boring.
It's like we're living in parallel worlds.

Not him, but Ultron is structurally a better movie that doesn't give up its subplots. The whole Hela story? Completely an afterthought. The director only gave a shit about humor and that doesn't make a movie when you're using Ragnarok in your movie. He's a complete joke, just like the movie 2bh.

>Not taking itself so seriously doesn't make it a comedy. It only made it fun. I honestly don't give a shit about muh epic tragic story: it's capeshit based on comic book characters for kids. That's why I enjoyed the tone more and felt like this one treated the viewer as an actual adult and nobody was pretending to be 12 past 35.
It was a parody of itself. if you're going to show the destruction of a civilization, it's either make that dramatically possible or don't do it at all. It's no wonder the masses are fucking retarded when they consume this shit.

I mean... seriously.

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>I-it's not like Goldblum and Hiddleston are even Tumblr favourites
>i-it's colourful on purpose
>a literal rock-paper-scissors joke i-isn't a quip
>i-it's not like Thor wanted to be a Valkyrie and Hela isn't a Mary Sue
>Y-you need to be a genius to enjoy the cinematic works of Disney and Taika


Ragnarok is a tumblrshit flick, and Ultron is kino.

tied with winter soldier for best MCU

>Ultron is structurally a better movie that doesn't give up its subplots.

>he whole Hela story? Completely an afterthought.
I don't see why. An afterthought doesn't make your entire world collapse forever.

>The director only gave a shit about humor and that doesn't make a movie when you're using Ragnarok in your movie.
You're upset because an adult director decided to go for fun rather than tragedy. Once you get over it, usually within the first 2 minutes, when Thor clearly shows you what tone to expect, then you have fun.

>It was a parody of itself. if you're going to show the destruction of a civilization, it's either make that dramatically possible or don't do it at all. It's no wonder the masses are fucking retarded when they consume this shit.
I thought it was great fun and managed the more serious tone very well.

>Asgard is not a place, it's a people.

Can't get any more based.

What about it? I thought that was fucking kino. We need more soul-searching drunken tough bitches in capeshit.

>Dude, the movie doesn't need to be good! It's fun! And hilarious! Even though it's trash!
The absolute state of cinema

>I don't see why. An afterthought doesn't make your entire world collapse forever.
t. Doesn't know what a subplot is
Just quit embarrassing yourself, dude.

>I-it's not like Goldblum and Hiddleston are even Tumblr favourites
I don't give a shit what Tumblr likes, I don't even go on Tumblr and wouldn't know (unlike you, obviously). I've liked Goldblum since the 1980's, you underaged faggot. You're not going to tell me my taste is from Tumblr, you retarded punk.

Hiddleston I know solely from the Thor movies and nothing else.

>a literal rock-paper-scissors joke i-isn't a quip
Do you know what a quip even is? You utter moron.


Give it a try. A quip is not a joke, a joke is not a quip, you total retard.

>and Hela isn't a Mary Sue
She isn't. Are you struggling mentally? Do you know what a Mary Sue even is?

>Y-you need to be a genius to enjoy the cinematic works of Disney and Taika
No, but YOU clearly need more IQ points to understand basics. You keep using terms you don't even understand.

Are you blind or just simply film illiterate? Plot and especially political context plays no part in this.

It is good, it's great. I'd rewatch it over any other Marvel. Nobody said it didn't need to be good. I never said it was trash either, it's not. It's extremely well put together, perfectly written, fun, enjoyable, stellar acting. And to top it off: it makes incels seethe, what more could I ask for?

>It's extremely well put together, perfectly written

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Made no sense, reread your original post. You said the Hela stuff was an afterthought, I told you afterthoughts don't make a world collapse. The definition of subplots is neither here nor there.

movie goes downhill after the good theater scene

it could have been either in the tone of the intro or a good wes anderson esque comedy about weird norse shit (blanchett + goldblum) and the weird family (Hela being Loki's daughter, Loki's horse son etc) but it's standard quips in front of green screens and american 'improv' comedy where the camera is still

For instance, who the fuck was caught off guard and found funny when Banner falls on the bridge ("wow i actually thought he'd become hulk in this comedy movie telegraphing its own joke")

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>Are you blind or just simply film illiterate? Plot and especially political context plays no part in this.
What are you even responding to? Keep in mind I don't share your mental illness and whatever projection you do on this is not automatically shared by me.

Hela is the subplot, you autist. What are you even spazing about? Do you even know what you're talking about?

t. thinks Whedon is a good screenwriter and director

Safe to say you wouldn't know a good script if it fucked you in the ass.

You need to keep in mind of your subplots when you're writing, user. You can't just toss it to the side when "loll xD Hulk and Thor sooooo funny! xDD"

That's just shit writing.

>For instance, who the fuck was caught off guard and found funny when Banner falls on the bridge
I did. Now what? Ragnarok is kino if you aren't a pretentious manchild who wishes his capeshit was serious business for real adults.

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>Hela is the subplot, you autist.
OK, and then? You said it was an afterthought all the same, and I said it wasn't. So defining it as a subplot changes nothing.

>subplot literally gives the movie its name
OK, champ. Wasn't going to challenge your neurones on this, but I hope you'll survive the aneurism.

The guy wrote and sold two screenplays, back to back, in the early 90s for $1 million a piece. So, yeah, he's pretty good at what he does, user.

Thor was always most shitty part of MCU because it introduced alien civilizations. Without Thor they could go full "Dark Knight Way" and keep it grounded in reality, like Iron Man or Hulk movies.

I think you're structurally confused. There's nothing wrong with the writing in Ragna, it's perfect on every level.

then you're a retard laughing at funny man falling in a telegraphed joke

You seem to think the financial value of a script is based on quality, when everyone knows it's based on the name. That's why Whedon gets his name tacked on the scripts of others, to add value and attract producers. Whedon is awful. He's a TV screenwriter and his directorial skills show exactly that. Will you defend Justice League? Go ahead.

He's a terrible writer and it's telling that you have no argument to defend him.

>OK, and then? You said it was an afterthought all the same, and I said it wasn't. So defining it as a subplot changes nothing.
I don't think you understand what an "afterthought" is. Like said, it's lazy shit writing. Just get rid of Hela if you're ultimate goal is to jerk off to Hulk and Thor the entire time, which the movie ultimately does. Hela serves no purpose, even though she is the subplot, and villain, of the movie.

To be honest, I laughed because:

1. it was so expected that I didn't expect it for that reason (a level of humor that autists can't get, and therefore can't find funny

2. I laughed because I imagined people like you reacting to it, and how it wasn't "good enough" for your sort

>He's so awful because I just hate him!
How is this even an argument? I can't rebuttal your feelings, you dickweed.

Whedon had no name in the early 90s. You don't know what a subplot is either.

Dude, your ignorance is off the charts.

>its funny because its anti-humor
thanks for thinking of me when watching a movie, retard

>I don't think you understand what an "afterthought" is. Like said, it's lazy shit writing.
How is the main villain an afterthought? You make no sense. She's at the beginning and end of it all, and throughout the movie as well. She uncovers Odin's real past and everything. I don't see how any of this is an afterthought.

>if you're ultimate goal is to jerk off to Hulk and Thor the entire time,
How long ago did you watch this kino?

>Hela serves no purpose, even though she is the subplot, and villain, of the movie.
She serves no purpose?

>ends your world
>is prophesied to
>reveals the truth to you
>serves no purpose
>is a subplot
Nigga, you are a nutter.

I agree. Every level of shit.

>>the very clear feeling that everyone making this movie was having fun

This sold the movie to me.

>How is this even an argument? I can't rebuttal your feelings, you dickweed.
I don't hate him, I don't know him, I just find his writing atrocious and incredibly stupid.

>Ripley clone sees another clone who asks to be terminated by her, to end her suffering
>Ripley clone obliges and cries because of it, for reasons everyone with a brain understands
>"Must be a chick thing," says a character
Shit writing like this is painful to witness.

Ignore the contrarians, Thor Ragnarok is a genuinely enjoyable film.

>You don't know what a subplot is either.
When faggots keep saying this instead of revealing their secret knowledge, you know who's bullshitting who.

>Dude, your ignorance is off the charts.
I've sold more scripts than you have.

Astounding imbecility.

>zero understanding of anything, no humor, everything is literal
This is the biggest problem. The majority here are braindead retarded and literally have trouble understand cartoons or children's films.

its a movie for faggots

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>In fiction, a subplot is a secondary strand of the plot that is a supporting side story for any story or the main plot. Subplots may connect to main plots, in either time and place or in thematic significance. Subplots often involve supporting characters, those besides the protagonist

>thinking the apocalypse is a subplot in a movie called Ragnarok, where the main villain is present at the beginning, throughout the film, and is the final confrontation (act 3) as well

Some serious imbeciles ITT. Fucking lol.

Glad we are in agreement. Worst yet, they think they understand terms used by others, and don't.

>16 postesr

what part are 'autists' taking it literally?


>have the ability to enact this pure kino on screen
>deliberately ape it's visuals
>cut off the ending with the visual equivalent of a quip
Fuck this movie.

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>underage edgy teenagers, of autists, and of literal paranoid schizophrenics
so people who watch capeshit?

He should've been fired instead of being allowed to have his hair cut.