Five words or less on this picture.
Five words or less on this picture
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Stop, we are not friends
Don Cheadle is gay. He obviously wouldn't like to be touched by a woman.
protect transkids white men bad
Don’t touch me , coal burner
he likes tranny boipucci instead
i hate being touched like she touched them both
Breddy gud
don't fuckin touch me, bitch.
its very obvious
Brie feigns comfort around blacks
>footfungel: I like blacks
>doncheeto: fuck off
Breddy gud
OPs cuckold fantasy
>What's up fellow kids
Brie Larson has Asperger’s syndrome.
Once you keep this in mind it becomes very obvious she’s on the spectrum. The weird monotonous voice, the inability to understand jokes or metaphor, the inability to understand social cues and just her general rudeness, either relentlessly talking over others or being unable to get a word in edgewise, the stiffness, the smugness mixed with low confidence, the nintendo and childhood cartoon obsession, the strange quirky beliefs, the love of Ayn Rand, the ostensible lack of friends and dislike by coworkers, everything
It's honestly really annoying when people fucking nudge you like that. Even worse because she actually has a horrible personality.
She was doing a sarcastic nudge very lightly, what's up with the autistic reaction?
And he says "I told you not to..." as if they've had this convo before. Hollywood actors are so fucking weird
She's just like me
>monotonous voice
>inability to understand jokes
>general rudeness
>talking over others
>low confidence
>strange beliefs
>love of Ayn Rand
>lack of friends
>dislike by coworkers
user, you just described every feminist ever.
that's more than five words
or shes just subhuman iq who read atlas shrugged and thought it was the smartest thing ever so shes based her life around randian principles
You are a big girl
nope, she's just a mediocre rich white woman who's been indulged all her life
For Wii U
He's fucking around. I'll admit that they're trying way too hard in their banter but that's all it is. Friendly bants
It's scripted. I really hope you're all just being ironic
I'm surprised she likes Ayn Rand, or maybe just a particular character idk weird
I honestly don't blame him for not wanting a fucking white person to touch him
I don't think Larson and Rand have much in common. I mean, I don't like either of their politics, but they are both polar opposites on the political spectrum
I bet he´s handy if you´re in a Tesla.
Dude... you just described me perfectly
Do you think Larson knows that Rand said she would never vote for a woman president because only men should have that much leadership?
imagine if she were your autistic gf
Nigga moment 101
There are a fair amount of these 'woke' celebs that are actually Randians. In another thread I've argued that Hollywood people really aren't woke at all, they're extremely career and self-obsessed, and the culture of southern California is all about status and looks. These people constantly talk about how they hate the ugly and poor, you should hear LA people. Then they go on twitter and pretend to have sympathy because it's good optics.
Another good example is Amber Heard, who says woke things as a career move but is actually a huge Ayn Rand fan and completely about herself. Beyonce too. I read Angelina Jolie that way as well.
H-ha wouldnt suck to live like ha
she should marry ryan gosling
>Lets outbreed the Hemsworths.
Good theory, but you don't think it's maybe because they only like the "selfishness is virtuous" aspect of Randians? Maybe they just like that part of Rand, but completely miss (either by accident or purpose) all of the libertarian (for lack of a better word, I know Rand was more complicated) ideals that she has? I mean, Rand said she would never vote for a woman for president, believed in gender roles, hated the government and censorship.
Brie Larson and some nigger
Zach Snyder is a fan of Ayn Rand too.
does autstralia even get any fucking snow?
Not at all
wait that's ME
oh no
no but they get this
There's hope yet lads
>keep your paws off me
faggots are so cringey
bring me your supervisor
>user who has never noticed how all other promotional interviews except Brie's are dull and safe
wtf i love brielarson now
Has she ever read Ayn Rand kek Larson would hate Rand, if she were alive today
Tasmania does. Sometimes Melbourne as well, maybe even the southern part of WA, the rest is either hot or rainy for the most part.
Or she went on like every other normie
Which sounds more believable?
If you climb a mountain yeah. No idea what that other faggot is on about saying parts get snow all the time.
Why would she look up Ayn Rand quotes?
probably not reading a whole books, just wow a well known female writer better make my instagram caption of her quote.
TRUMP 2020
she didn't. She just saw the quote and used it because she liked it
She also listens to fucking black metal.
Reminds me of James Rolfe in that picture. I think it's the derpy half closed discreet pseudo-rabbit teeth mouth thing.
God, I don't like her but I wanna fuck her real bad.
Why didn't he just target a woman then? ffs
How is that a term for left now? I thought it was used by conspiracy theorists. Wake up sheeple and all that.
I think most celebrities just list off famous authors to sound smart, pretty sure Hilary Clinton claimed the Brothers Karamazov as her favourite novel for example
Slightly unrelated, but as a non-American, nothing sounds as cringe worthy as hearing some foreign sounding name spoken in English. Karamazov, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, all that jazz.
It's literally painful to the ear.
>Brie Larson has Asperger’s syndrome.
This slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat!!!FACT!!!
>God, I don't like her but I wanna fuck her real bad.
Fucking this. It's the same feel I got from Paris off of the Gilmore Girls
>Another good example is Amber Heard, who says woke things as a career move but is actually a huge Ayn Rand fan and completely about herself. Beyonce too. I read Angelina Jolie that way as well.
A "philosophy" that extolls the virtues of greed and selfishness appeals to narcissistic egomaniacs. News at 11!!!FACT!!!
>Rand said she would never vote for a woman for president, believed in gender roles, hated the government and censorship.
Rand also collected social assistance!!!FACT!!!
I agree about the selfishness is virtous part, but do they ignore Rand's other positions? Rand hated feminism, advocated for gender roles, disliked liberalism, disliked censorship, and said she would never vote for a female president. Rand did take social assistance, which you could argue it was hypocritical, but I think Rand thought it was making up for all the money they had stolen from her. The point, aside from the selfish thing, I don't see how Larson or some of these women in Hollywood could like Rand
I lived through this in victoria 6 years ago
it was hell and ptsd
I had spiders in my collar and my shoes were spider silk coated and white
so what you're saying is that she is /ourgirl/
literally me haha I really am diagnosed assburgers
Is ok fren u have me
get the fuck off me
I fucking hate niggers so god damn much bros. Seriously, if you're a nigger reading this, fuck you
how do I cure this crushing loneliness?
she'll never be number 1 autismfu tho
What the fuck
Footfungus is BASED
More so than the 80 IQ failed normalfags that flooded Yea Forums recently.
the first step to recovering from internet addiction is admitting that you have a problem
Stop using this word until you learn what it means
stop being mean to brie
Who doesn't like boipucci?
>give up my massive porn collection
>give up my memes
I'd rather die desu
I know that I have a problem user but every time I try to socialize and be normal I go full autismpie and never get over it
U aint my nigga! faggot plain and simple
>rich spoiled cunt
>ayn rand
hahahahahahahahaha wtf
He really doesn't like her you can tell when she chimes in on how she's more powerful than thor cheadle just gives her a side look and goes okay as if to say god your full of yourself if anyone is autistic its brie.
My STANDO would be burzum, it would stab Brie 23 times in self-defense
i cant find the interview where hemsworth says the big dog from neverending story was his hero. is google censoring it?
>stop being that way, Don Cheadle!
>I'm you're white ally!
I'm surprised anyone likes Ayn Rand
objectivism is one thing, but she is an absolutely awful author through and through
I quit about 150 pages into Atlas Shrugged
sometimes people like the idea of the author rather than the content itself
You could be onto something a lot of people within Silicon Valley like Rand.
based and timmypilled're right
Why do you think we keep saying to nuke LA? It's not just the insane liberal bullshit they spew and spread, but the sheer hypocrisy they live by.
>Diversity in YOUR area, not mine
The BBC incel
>black incels
I can't think of anything more dangerous
peak performance
WTF? Ayn Rand can write? Why was I not told of this?
They want to admire it from a distance as if it's some triumph of their own beliefs and ideology, but god forbid if it gets too close because then they would have to see the ugly imperfections in their ideas that make them terrible wishful thinking.
yup she's a fucking asspie
Wow! Alien life form photoed.
All the boys are to old for my daughter, all the girls are to young for me.
What’s the point.
Yeah, he comes off as a faggot
stay mad, fat neckbearded manbabies
Who is she? Her face is familiar but I don't remember the name
Did they really need to add the "JOKE" text?
because of the bigger dicks and mucles? those things arent important bro, you can make it
The Ayn Rand thing is because she's a FEMALE philosopher. That's all. The substance of what she wrote is unimportant.
Wouldn't the sound be exactly the same? Or do you mean in an American accent
Stop you didn't protect that trans kids brie! THE TRANS KIDS!
>look a Reddit upboat contest
Bitch tryna steal my upvotes
did you really need to ask that?
>>love of Ayn Rand
>user, you just described every feminist ever
WTF? Feminists hate Ayn Rand and Rand hated them back. If you don't believe me, just ask any socialist bitch college professor.
>lot of people within Silicon Valley like Rand
Rand was so radical capitalist that she makes Trump look like Bernie Sanders. Now you are telling me that the antifa democrats of Silicon Valley like Rand. Does that make any sense to you?
Here we have the prototypical dilemma for SJWs. Do they side with the woman or the black man?
hmm it makes sense.
but it might jsut be a non existent sense of self awareness
>attributing the faults of individuals to their entire race
And I suppose you hate all hapas because of Elliott Rodger?
>Nevermind the fact that niggers are disproportionately prone to violent crime and degeneracy
If she had the tism you bet your ass she'd be flaunting it. The bitch will do anything to virtue signal. So we definitely would've heard about what a strong independent autist she is if it was true.
why is don wearing a snap back.isn't he in his 40's or 50's?
No she doesn't, fucking retard. She is just all those things after years of Jewish molestation.
>Another good example is Amber Heard, who says woke things as a career move but is actually a huge Ayn Rand fan and completely about herself. Beyonce too. I read Angelina Jolie that way as well.
Angelina Jolie is a perfect example of a secretly Randian celebrity who says woke things to look good. Jolie, not that long ago, was cast to be in an adaptation of Atlas Shrugged, even.
>imagining that poor kid spinning through the air confused and screaming for help
That's so fucked up. Hope this nigger gets a very long sentence.
So I just looked up the interview this happened in and it was really easy to find the moment but it was fucking nothing. I thought he pulled away in disgust but he's just a confused old man and looked down at what was bumping him. Fuck you OP you lying faggot.
Pic related. Look he's looking at her with complete disdain. No, he's actually looking at hemsworth. Fuck you, op. I was hoping for some cringe kino but all you delivered was a fat sack of nothing. I guess now I know how your parents feel.
Evangeline Lilly
It was of disgust he hates her and he looked at Chris as if he were to say "Do you believe this bitch?" Because he hates her too. They both hate her even though they kinda want to fuck her but they know she ruined the franchise and there's nothing they can do about it except hate her for it
they even talked about not getting along, this level of cope is lol
Feminists hate Ayn Rand, dude. She's pretty much despised by every liberal on the planet.