Is Yea Forums ready for the greatest debate of our time?
Zizek vs Peterson
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What time is it?
how much is the PPV? good undercard?
he may be from Canada but it seems like he leans right desu
Confirmed, Peterson has Charlie Chad Hunman in his corner tonight.
7:30 pm et
jew vs jew
Stream link?
>*sniff* and so on and so on
>roughly speaking
there's a stream link in the OP you literal retard
Not the real stream
Its happening!
uhhh yes it is.
Lol but Zizek is actually an academic. Petersen understands that he is just an alt-right Youtube celeb right? Isn't he punching a bit above his weight bringing his arguments again anyone that's not a blue haired 19 year old girl on twitter?
I can't wait for lobster daddy to wipe the floor with this commie scum
He is charging people $14.99 to watch the livestream win or lose, he's kosher.
You sound scared.
here, with sound:
>oprah for incels vs. a rambling hobo
I can't wait
Oh shiiet boiiii here we go
lmaoing at the autist uncomfortable with applause
yeah, this debate is going to be a cringefest of americlaps
Blow your nose bucko
>30 minutes each opening statement
wtf I aint watching this shit
i am right wing but i hate peterson, i think he's a faggot
i hate what he says and the sound of his voice
>sound of his voice
how could you hate kermit?
sounds like an argument to authority to me.
Being an academic does not grant you all seeing wisdom. Many academics have been BTFO by the layman before.
This. I'll watch it later on 1.75x speed.
Peterson is an academic too. Also this
>The people who laugh might do it that way
Say what you will about Zizek, but he's spot on about Laibach, arguably champions of the Yea Forums perspective on things well before Yea Forums was a thing.
I've listened to peterson plenty of times before, but he seems like he's all over the place and rambling.
kinda hard to follow desu
Listened to peterson's Q&A last night.
He said he was very nervous about this and it shows.
Bread piling in process
did this dude have a stroke or what
No he's just Slovenian
Peterson is just going to recycle the same 5 talking points that he brings up every interview/lecture he does