Why did the Balrog attack them?

Why did the Balrog attack them?
I don't think Pippin making a noise would cause it to come all that way and I imagine the orcs move around all the time. Was it after the ring? Did it sense Gandalf, who is basically his cousin? Was it lonely?

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it was pippin though
they'd have excaped if it wasnt for that FOOL OF A TOOOOK

that bucket smacked him right in the face

The noise from Pippin woke up the orcs/gobs who then went looking for a meal. The prolonged battle around Balin's grave and noisy army of orcs moving around made even more noise, which is what disturbed the sleeping balrog.
He was just territorial and grumpy, I don't think the ring or Gandalf (at least until they were face to face) had anything to do with it

It was something to do, to ease the boredom.

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If I was Gandalf I would slapped the shit out of those two cunts Pippin and Merry.

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the four of them in the front look like a 90's hobbit boy band

To make a legendarily badass epic scene.

if the balrog got the ring, would he be Sauron 2 or even more powerful? Sauron and the Balrogs are fallen Maia after all

Orlando Bloom was a ridiculously pretty man.

Why Luciano Pavarotti is there?

Balrogs are Maiar, that is, assistants to the Valar, who are themselves Ainur who chose to exist physically on Arda, in Eä. As such, Balrogs are on the same level as Sauron when he began existing. Balrogs are considered "demons of terror" and were used by Melkor to fuck shit up and terrify the children of Ilùvatar.

It probably sensed Gandalf, who knows.

He was trying to build meter for a super move.


my bet would be all the noise made during the battle in king balin's tomb and their escape afterwards

Most likely Sauron 2. He was very powerful for a maia (or so i think)

everyone knows. shut up

Just read that shit today, let me show my newly gained knowledge of the lore, asshole!

Not like I will brag about that shit to anyone out there.

play the lotr pinball machine. Fight the balrog.
don't do it for me. Do it for the pinball industry

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Imagine how fucking boring it has to be to dick around for ~7000 years in total darkness, completely alone.

Tolkien is a hack and only dicklet virgins think otherwise.

It was already awoken by the miners because they went too deep. It was probably just chilling around, when all of a sudden a manlet and his friends were screaming and shouting about trolls'n'shiet..

How would you have reacted?

Probably spent most of it asleep.

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He's a creature of pure malice, he's been sitting in anger for that long.


Won't the ring just screw it over eventually to get itself back to Sauron?

> be ultrachad giganigga of Morgoth
> spent your career pushing the shit in of every elf and man that looks at you cross-eyed
> retire to nice quiet mountain in the deep south
> after a few thousand years a bunch of fucking greedy dwarves start digging up your house
> you push their shit in so hard they avoid you like the plague going "Why do he persecute us so?!"
> then a bunch of goddamn goblins move in creating a racket driving out the dwarves and shitting up property values
> you let them know who's boss and they keep the place quieter than the fucking dwarves did
> then one day they all start hooting and screaming, some domestic dispute going on
> "Time to get these goblins off my fucking lawn!"
> you drive all those faggots out
> one Istari gets in your face like he's hot shit
> your old but you can take this little shit
> the fight takes longer than expected, you throw your back out and he gets in a lucky shot
> lil wizard got fucked up good though

Not necessarily, powerful beings can master the ring and otherthrow Sauron, theoretically.
But no one knows if power alone is enough, I think there's some part in the book chapter should be the last debate where Gandalf talks about Sauron fearing that someone masters the ring and becomes the next dark lord.
Not sure if a Balrog is smart enough to figure out how the ring really works though.

>Doing nothing except literally FUMING for thousands of years

manlets are literally another race

did balrog speak Infernal or Abyssal ??

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We are not gonna see the east right? I always wanted to see the far eastern reaches of middle earth since I read about Aragorn's travels. Culvenien still exists in the 3rd age right?

I think that's the reason why Gandalf (well one of them atleast) refused the Ring from Frodo. Like he said, through him the ring would gain a terrible and incredible power, even if he tried to use it for good causes. Same with Galadriel and her test, she was part of the House of Finwe if my memory serves me well so she is literally part of the Chadest and most magical of all elven houses let alone being a Noldor, the boss niggers of elves

probably an early version of Black Speech

>there's monsters in the deep darkness that even the Balrog had to flee from

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Objectively wrong.

Abyssal obviously, devils speak infernal

Man that thing needs its own movie. Has any movie captured the essence of a demon quite so much? Seriously I love shit like this hit me with some demonkino

He’d be sauron2lite

Sauron was melkor’s chief lieutenant, tho chiefly because he was an intelligent, conniving asshole. In a straight up fight balrog would probably win but of course that would never happen.

Objectively a dicklet. Have sex

He could still be corrupted to be Sauron's servant, which he would probably willingly do, since Sauron was Morgoth's favorite bitch.
Those with strong will, like Aragorn, could use the ring's power to defeat Sauron though. That's why Sauron was scared and focused his attention on Gondor, never expecting someone would destroy the ring.

I believe it sensed the ring or even gandalf. Or else why wouldn't it have attacked the orcs or the dwarves before that?

It actually wasn’t awoken by Pippin.

It heard Gimli’s cry of despair at finding Balins tomb, and raced there straight away figuring there was some covetous dwarf sneaking to claim Moria without paying beneficiary tax.

It's a good theory but there's still an entire army down there with giant trolls. They have to be moving around making noise. My only explanation is they inhabited a section that was far from the sleeping beast.

*balls, actually.

The Balrog might have been more active than it had been in previous years because Sauron was finally coming out in full force. In The Hobbit he was still more rumor than anything else, so other evil forces were also probably somewhat subdued.

made me laugh more than it should have

No. He was chilling down there with them for thousands of years and Gandalf says that he knew the tunnels. The balrog fled Gandalf not the nameless things.

>no, the story flat out says a mortal could never master a ring of power let alone the ruling ring. In one of Tolkien’s letters he even says that only Gandalf or Saruman were powerful enough and that Elrond or Galadriel were not.

So when the Balrog is asleep, is it not on fire?

That’s when he’s most on fire to keep himself comfy and warm in the cold caves

I went to a bar that had that one, because it said it had that one, and I got there and it was broken and off. I Ree'd internally and then played the other 9 games they had.

>this foe is beyond any of you
>any of you
>implying not him
Gandalf is a cocky sob


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>he asked calmly

the balrog are small time.

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Where the hell were these monsters at?

but Balrog was lawful evil...not chaotic


>implying dragon fire can hurt primordial fire spirits

Probably just make the balrog stronger desu

Right? Quintessential demonkino,

>blocks your path

sorry draggo not this time

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these are all first or second age monster from when Morgoth was leader

How in the fuck did they kill a dragon the size of Everest?

with a flying boat and god-magic
war of the rings is boring mode compared to the larger happenings of the legendarium

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Wasn't it the asshole mountain that awoke the Balrog? The same thing that drove the fellowship into the mines in the first place?

What are those clothes


you are a FOOL of a TOOK
...and you are a TOOL of a FOOK
...and you are a FOOF of a TOOT
...and you are a KOOK

Lord of the 90s.

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Gothmog would fuck all those niggas up though

KINO videos


Proud feet!

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I always like how it roared. No vocalization, but the heat blasting out like furnace.

They hadn't paid their taxes, it was a metaphor

>that bassy roar that shook your bones in the theater



No one in the Fellowship sans Gandalf had the power to fight against the Balrog, now if they had Glorfindel The Chad...

Tom Bombadil could easily sing a song and make a tea party with the balrog. Gandalf is needlessly aggressive

SRSLY tho how tall are the halflings IRL?

>tfw I watched all three films in the cinema which served alcohol

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>the dwarf is actually the tallest

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Wasn't there a part of Silmarillion where an army of balrogs rides into battle on dragons? That would be metal as fuck

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Balroggy killed Durin VI and witnessed the defeat of the orcs by the dwarves after Thror's murder. So there were occasional episodes of activity.

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dumb fanfiction

The balrogs may be powerful but they don't have free will like the wizards do

How fucking big is the atmosphere on that planet that a dragon would be able to use wings that large? It looks like it could jump too high and accidentally float off into space.

Literally "it's magic i ain't gotta explain shit"

Gothmog got his shit pushed in by Ecthelion, so much for the Lord of Balrogs

It's not Earth, it's a galaxy far far away.

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yeah, either during Dagor Bragollach or on the War of Wrath, if anything the First Age was metal as fuck in it's entirety. Everything was too fucking OP

Modest kek

so do you think fordo and sam slayed a bunch of elvish pussy in the undying lands or just each other buttholes

what’s this ?

tfw I will never impregnate Eowyn.

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LOTR threads are comfy. Should I read the books bros? I loved the movies as a kid and even liked shadow of Mordor which was alright

Keeping pinball machines working is hard. It is truly an eclectic pastime. Hope you had fun anyway!

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read them or just listen to the audio books

It's well worth the time if you can handle some dry writing. Getting out of the Shire is a slog but if it's not unbearable you'll probably love the rest of it.

I'm not sure where this image is from but I never read anything in the Legendarium about Ancalagon being that size.

The ring definitely had something to do with it. Same goes for the sea monster outside.

>I never read anything in the Legendarium about Ancalagon being that size.

It's true, he's larger than the image portrays.

he is just the size of a mountain doesnt really give a height but id say anywhere from 10,000-25,000 feet tale so still pretty massive

Based Pinball poster

the books are the definition of comfy
but especially the first book and the events surrounding the Shire.

The orcs probably move around alot yes but they certainly dont fight large scale set piece action sequences involving large trolls a lot.
I would think the ring or sensing Gandalf being somewhere nearby is a factor but also its probably just acting territorial.

What the fuck happens to orcs when they die? Do their souls still go to the Halls of Mandos? They're technically still elves

but they are corrupted so its doubtful they do

the books are comfy as hell, read them. Sure the first half of FotR is kinda a slog, but a comfy slog nonetheless, after Rivendell Tolkien kicks it up to 11, another option is to get the unabridged audiobooks

well when Earendil killed him he toppled the peaks of Thangorodrim with his fall, and those mountains were massive as hell


they probably get sent to beyond The Door of Night to hangout with Melkor until Dagor Dagorath

>for a maia
for you.

>this meme again
He isnt that fucking big. There's no evidence other than that he crushed a base that was built into a mountain when he fell onto it. Doesnt mean he's the size of the fucking mountain, it was a hollow cave networhe doesmt have to be xbox hueg to do that.

First of all, they were Goblins, not orcs. Secondly, the Balrog is foundationally an avatar of darkness and flame, and as is true in most fantasy his personality is therefore going to represent whatever he is composed of. He is darkness, so he is evil, he is fire, so he is aggressive. He's aggressively evil. Basically he just sits around all day, on fire, wanting to murder something, but no one ever comes to visit him, and he's tired of murdering Goblins. So then, when it was apparent that something other than Goblins was afoot, he wanted to go check it out, and then kick it's ass.

>He isnt that fucking big.

For you.

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>Why did the Balrog attack them?

it was drawn to the one ring (and, to a lesser extent, narya). even if they were totally silent and hadn't disturbed the orcses, durin's bane would have found them

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What did he eat to sustain that build?

Honestly the main thing that annoys me about this is that Glaurung is way too big. He was killed by Turin stabbing him in the gut as he crawled over a ravine after all.

gonna have to say at least three scoops, possibly goign so far as four scoops


"Toppling the peaks" can be interpreted many ways. If you're not autistic then the one that makes sense is that he caused an avalanche/slide when he hit the fortress. Not that he was a gorillion miles tall and physically knocked the peak off.


tuna and chocolate milk

Shapeshifted into a larger man to intimidate Tom.

I would rather bang the Annette character than present-day Alia Shakat.

I didnt know british royals had access to ki manipulation. Impressive

a ravine ?

do those have cheeto fingers ?

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it’s called shape shifting user.

And reminder her offspring was beaten by a fucking hobbit

shouldn't something that big be crushed under its own weight or at least immobile like those 700+lb fatties

with the help of the light of earendil

Most kino book moments?

>ungoliant and Melkor running like madmen and corrupting everything whilst ungoliant drinks the trees and becomes insatiable to the point where Melkor was scared

>And Morgoth came

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Do they even have souls? They are born from an elven template, but the process is anything but natural.

Guy's gotta set of marbles on him.

Durin's Bane was a wanted fugitive to the Valar and had spent his years in hiding since the War of Wrath. No doubt when he discovered an actual Maiar showed up at his hideout, he realized he had to imprison or defeat Gandalf before the wizard could report back.
If he killed Gandalf, then Gandalf's soul could still report him, but it would give the Balrog time to run deeper and further. And Gandalf's fea might not report back, having failed in its mission.

his hammer was called grond right? was it the same grond as in the ram?

No just named Grond out of respect

His hammer was called Grond yeah. The battering ram is a different object, but was also named Grond after Morgoth's hammer as a tribute of sorts.

I like this interpretation best. The concept of this fearsome fallen angel freaking out when he realizes one of his kin is nearby and coming to take him out to buy time to escape - scaring the shit out of the fellowship and an entire army of goblins pretty much by coincidence - is intriguing

then what happened to the hammer grond? i guess under the sea or something

Glorfindel and Ecthelion defending Gondolin and the KINOEST of moments, Fingolfin calling out Morgoth and fighting him to the death


probably destroyed with Beleriand, since it was without a doubt sitting in a vault. Remember Fingolfin made Morgoth a cripple during their duel

It isn't specified, so either that or Eonwe or someone either destroyed it or took it for safekeeping, they I doubt they'd want to bring an object of such great evil into Valinor. I suppose they could have always tossed it through the Door of Night or something


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Probably chucked it into deep space like morgoth

The part wth an army of Balrogs riding dragons ages to the 1910's/1920's, AKA the first drafts of the Gondolin story, way before the other legendarium was conceived. In more contemporary sources, there could not be an "army of Balrogs" – in the 1950's, Tolkien envisioned that there were perhaps no more than seven Balrogs to begin with. It is a shame that Christopher had to add the parts with elves killing Balrogs by the dozens to the Silmarillion, even if that doesn't in any way represent what Tolkien had in mind later on in his work. The Balrog in LOTR doesn't compare in any way to the earlier Gondolin–Beleriand Balrogs of the 1920's/1930's, when it wasn't even established that they were maiar.

didnt they literally cut off his feet when they captured him again anyway

new head canon. thanks.

I chuckled


Why would they throw him in his prison cell with his weapon? That makes no sense.

How is this suddenly a Tolkein thread?

Let me remind you that GRRM thinks Tolkien was simplistic. After all, what was Aragorn's tax policy? If two lords had a dispute, how did he settle it? Did he enact a policy of genocide on all remaining orcs? Even the baby orcs, in their little orc cradles? youtu.be/5K3H-FjEhkw

Yeah, it's stuff like that, that he left a muddled mess. I don't think he'd decided what balrogs were by the time he wrote LOTR, because Gandalf talks about never having experienced anything like he'd sensed, when he stayed behind when they ran out of Balin's tomb, and he collapsed the roof and door on them. He talked like he was literally shitting his pants at what he'd sensed - but if it was a fallen maiar, he'd know what it was. It was the same as him, just corrupt.

>First of all, they were Goblins, not orcs.
In the movie, yes. But Tolkien used "goblin" and "orc" for the same race of creatures.

the Balrog is foundationally an avatar of darkness and flame

Laughably wrong, that's just your neckbeard head canon. The movie makes no attempt to explain what it was, and the books say specifically that they are Maiar, like Gandalf, who were corrupted by Morgoth, and are sentient beings. They are not 'avatars" of anything, that word has literally never been used to describe balrogs in any official version of the story ever published or filmed.

>it was drawn to the one ring (and, to a lesser extent, narya). even if they were totally silent and hadn't disturbed the orcses, durin's bane would have found them
AFAIK no one can sense the One Ring unless it's being worn, and if they could that causes multiple plot holes. The movie confuses this in many scenes, on top of makes the Ring almost a living being, in particular with the Ring Wraiths. In the book, Aragorn says the ring draws them, but he's likely speaking poetically, because a wraith speaks to Sam's father, which is Bilbo's gardener, and never senses the ring.
Gandalf speculates the Watcher in the Water was after the ring, but it is just speculation. He doesn't know what it is, and the narration gives us no hint how it fits into the LoTR cosmology, not even in the Silmarillion. It's an intentional mystery.
The One Ring is an unassuming ring unless it's worn, and many of its functions are a mystery, even to Sauron. He had no idea he would be bodiless forever if it was destroyed. He didn't even know the Ring still existed until Gollum was captured.

GRRM can suck my dick. He is a fucking idiot that crams so much shit in his books that he doesn't know how to end them

Ecthelion threw himself into Gothmog so that they both fell into Gondolin's Fountain and drowned in it. The water killed Gothmog, not Ecthelion.

quite seriously

what could amazon be focusing on the second age?

im just happy its not young aragon and they are actually exploring

Well here's the major history of the second age.

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Earths atmosphere extends pretty high up man. A dragon as tall as the Burj Khalifa could probably still fly well and create tornadoes with every wing beat.

Oh man they got a lot of action from elf milfs into shotas for sure

His name was bud and he was there to fuck.
But in all seriousness, I think it was at part it protecting its territory, at part the ring calling it.

Some stupid head canon no doubt – why is there a "Khand" in the second age? Why doesn't Lindon have two major ports, one on each side of the Lhune? Why is Numenore so small and so south?

Why does it jump over the fire. Couldn't it just walk right through?

Imagine an 8 foot tall mega muscle man he could survive pretty well if he slept a lot.

because dagor dagorath must still come

Sounds comfy desu.

based LOTR only channel


looks great

The movie takes a lot of liberties with the wraiths. For instance, it makes it look like the wraiths homed in on Weathertop.
But in the book they had set up a trap at the Weathertop because days (or weeks, can't remember) before they had fought Gandalf there. The wraiths assumed, rightly, that Weathertop was the appointed meeting place for the ringbearer.

Morgoth getting thrown out of Arda is not really canon in my opinion. In his latest draft, Tolkien wrote that Mandos and Manwe executed Melkor. Dagor Dagorath is even older mythology that doesn't really fit into Tolkien's later canon.

no homo but sean astin has some gorgeous eyes

You can tell from their body language that all hate Gimli for his frequent far right rants on set

turin will return and destroy morgoth when dagor comes, tolkien hath spoken and he never took it back

Because its a demon you fucking mong

who controls them?

I think one thing the movie never portrays is the 17 year time passing. The movie makes it seem like a few weeks.

at the time of the war of the ring? no-one, even back during the war of wrath no-one really did maybe morgoth, but really gothmog, after ecthelion blw him the fuck out then no-one thats the whole problem with the balrogs and why one was chilling in moria

Their job is to subvert british democracy by any means necessary.

There was no real need for the massive time gap except Tolkien wanted to show 50 totally isn't that old guys

3 days. Gandalf got to Weathertop (I think it's implied that the Captain of the Nazgul was hiding there, and Gandalf went to confront them) and was ambushed that night, fought them all night, and ran for Rivendell at dawn, to lure them away, because Strider was supposed to bring them there (Rivendell). Aragorn stopped at Weathertop, with no clue what had happened there 3 days before.

Strider saw lights in the sky 3 days before they reached Weathertop - he didn't know it was Gandalf fighting the riders.

“As Frodo lay, tired but unable to close his eyes, it seemed to him that far away there came a light in the eastern sky: it flashed and faded many times. It was not the dawn, for that was still some hours off.
‘What is the light?’ he said to Strider, who had risen, and was standing, gazing ahead into the night.
‘I do not know,’ Strider answered. ‘It is too distant to make out. It is like lightning that leaps up from the hill-tops.’
Frodo lay down again, but for a long while he could still see the white flashes, and against them the tall dark figure of Strider, standing silent and watchful. At last he passed into uneasy sleep.”

I don't remember what Jackson changed in the story for that sequence - the entire first half of Fellowship is all chopped up.

The movies are just adaptations. The real story is the books. That's why I don't hate the movies, I didn't expect complete accuracy, and they're better than they'd have come out if they made them now.

It's both. His body was executed and his spirit was cast outside Arda.
From History of Middle-earth Volume X: Morgoth's Ring, 'Myths Transformed', Text VII:
>The war was successful, and ruin was limited to the small (if beautiful) region of Beleriand. Morgoth was thus actually made captive in physical form, and in that form taken as a mere criminal to Aman and delivered to Namo Mandos as judge - and executioner. He was judged, and eventually taken out of the Blessed Realm and executed: that is killed like one of the Incarnates. It was then made plain (though it must have been understood before by Manwe and Namo) that, though he had 'disseminated' his power (his evil and possessive and rebellious will) far and wide into the matter of Arda, he had lost direct control of this, and all that 'he', as a surviving remnant of integral being, retained as 'himself' and under control was the terribly shrunken and reduced spirit that inhabited his self-imposed (but now beloved) body. When that body was destroyed he was weak and utterly 'houseless', and for that time at a loss and 'unanchored' as it were. We read that he was then thrust out into the Void. That should mean that he was put outside Time and Space, outside Ea altogether; but if that were so this would imply a direct intervention of Eru (with or without supplication of the Valar). It may however refer inaccurately to the extrusion or flight of his spirit from Arda.

>The movies are just adaptations. The real story is the books. That's why I don't hate the movies, I didn't expect complete accuracy, and they're better than they'd have come out if they made them now.
Very true, and some of the changes were great ideas. Even though it changes a ton from the book, the opening intro was unironic kino, and Isildur inside Mount Doom has meme energy,


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True that, thank you for the correction. It's been a while since I read the history books – I just get annoyed when I see people referring to everything in the published SIlmarillion as canon even though canon in the Tolkien legendarium is a really complicated concept.

He was drawn to the ring, like pretty much everyone/everything else

>you will never again be a young teenager in the early 2000s, taking your gf and your two best buddies to see this masterpiece of a movie in the theaters
>Never again will you sit still in your seat, eyes wide open as you hear Gandalf say his line as he fights the Balrog
>"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor..."
>"You shall not pass!!" as he send shivers down your whole body
>the cinematography
>the soundtrack
>the feels

the hype was indescribable. The fact that high fantasy MMORPGs and videogames in general were at their peak at the time made the timing even more perfect.

Zoomers reading this will literally never understand

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They've clearly got them standing on an incline, probably to simulate the visual of them being hobbits.

>taking your gf
You lost everyone on this site right there

Except for me, I lost my virginity at 15

Geekzone and Philosophergames is better. There was abit of drama of him not knowing the lore well and copying wiki articles for his videos

He sensed Gandalf, they most likely fought against one another in the past, in the First Age and in the War of the Wrath.

it was a different time user. Everyone wasn't as superficial. Girls, and people in general, didn't care about what brand clothes you wear. Social media wasn't a thing to turn every girl into an ethot or a deranged "feminist" so you could find a vast majority of girls that were much more down to earth than they'd be in todays age.
I dont expect you to understand, it really was a different time.

Why Tolkien wizards cant cast magic? Whats the point? A d&d or warcraft type of wizard is way cooler than this Gayandalf stuff.

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I've been watching this film for the better part of 17 years and I have only noticed that he does jump over the flames. I've always thought the flames spat him out like he was being conjured by it.

This is the peak female body. Prove me wrong.

but they can and they do?

besides the big toe fingernails

>just sleep it off lmao

More like what are the nameless things that created the tunnels deep inside Earth? It's mentioned once and never brought up again.



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new headcanon that balrog is a boomer

jej LOTR needs a parody asap

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lotr is so comfy

literally been watching LOTR lore videos all day

Picture needs a human with 6'2" after Ancalagon.

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That CGI is almost 20 years old and still looks great

weta took their time with it and made it look great unlike what they did with the hobbit movies cgi

Only because he gave her a lot of his power and he also had imbued creation with his malice. Despite her new power and size the chadrogs scared her off.

Melkor wouldn’t have died even if they hadn’t shown up. He’d just make a new body like Sauron after the fall of numenor or after his defeat by isildur.

sadly there is some really janky cg mainly the fight vs the troll in moira

Not canon.


Imagine the smellzz

Someone post the anime legolas webm

I hate feet.